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1missing pets [mission, D-rank] Empty missing pets [mission, D-rank] Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:05 am

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu


After the quite dull and first and foremost painfully embaressing task of painting the Hokage building's walls, something she would rather forget as soon as possible, Risu was tasked to find all five of Lady Kitaro's precious siamese cats.

She didn't really hate or like cats in particular, but in her opinion having so many cats would never be a good thing, not for the animals themselves and not for the owner, though she hold down her thoughts, because she also knew about the Nekomata clan and their immense number of cats.

Though she was glad to be doing something more exciting than a mere chore, the young kunoichi did grit her teeth when she heard how much she would be paid for doing that task, with Lady Kitaro being a familymember of the Fire Lord, she really hoped to be earning something more than a mere sixty ryo, but still, it was better than doing it for free, which Risu knew that cheapskate lady would've bargained for if she could.

All the pondering aside, Risu was quite shocked, when she had nearly stumbled over the first of the five cats while she was walking to the ramen shop to buy herself some lunch.

"So this little one is Miki, sweet," Risu chuckled softly, glad that it seemed her luck was quite good that day, just like she had felt, as she found one of her missing hairpins back that early morning.

Looking at the report she was carrying, she found the description of each cat and their names: Miki, Doto, Dita, Mita and Moko

Putting the cat she had identified as Miki in the designated box, Risu walked to Lady Kitaro's place to drop of the cat, yet when she was taking a shortcut through the playground near the Academy, she noticed that a slender siamese cat was running towards her at high speed.

Smiling widely, she grabbed the cat in mid air as it jumped at her, only to see that a rather large and fearsome looking dog had been chasing the cat, which resulted in the dog now chasing the young woman almost all the way to Lady Kitaro's place.

Slightly flustered, she dropped off the two cats, Miki and apparently Doto, getting agitated over the fact that the lady did not even thank her for the initial two cats and just told her to "hurry and find her three other cats"

With the third cat, she seemed to have regained her luck, as it was sitting on top of the roof of Lady Kitaro's house, which was caught after a short ten-second chase and even though it was scratching and miawing at her, she quickly handed it over to the old lady, who exclaimed that it was Mita. After that Risu quickly got out again, so she could find those two other, remaining cats before it turned dark outside.

The fourth cat, which she had identified as Dita, had been stuck in a tree in the park, which forced Risu to climb the tree, lose her footing halfway and almost fall down at least twenty feet when she finally managed to catch that cat.

Ending her lucky streak was an extremely lucky moment, as she was walking back from Lady Kitaro's after dropping off that fourth cat she was eating some terriyaki to strengthen herself, only to be ending up feeding a cat that tried to steal her food and happened to be the last cat she was looking for: Moko.

After dropping off that cat at Lady Kitaro's, she was glad to have had so much luck that day.


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