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1Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:07 am



Hira sat atop of a building, dangling his feet off and looking down at the street below wondered to himself "So the chunin exams are soon, i dont know if i should be nervous or excited." He looked up at the sky and there were just a few dark clouds. "Looks like it might rain." he spoke to himself. He stood up and jumped down from the roof, he landed in front of a girl almost knocking her down. He scratched his head saying "Sorry i should watch where im landing huh?"

2Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:49 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

It was a rather nice day. There were a few dark clouds in the sky, but so far there was no rain. Even so Saya hurried just to be on the safe side. She had decided to spend the morning at the library, and her father had asked her to bring some books home for him. She hadn't brought an umbrella, she usually enjoyed the rain and she rarely needed one. She had quite a stack of books in her arms however, and if it started to rain they could be ruined. Suddenly someone jumped down from a nearby roof, landing right in front of her! She barely managed to avoid being knocked down, but she dropped her books in her avoidal attempt. Groaning she squatted down and started picking them up.

"Sorry, I should watch where I'm landing, huh?" The person said. Looking up at him she realised he had to be of the Kisame clan. His appearance was quite striking, and out of all Kisame she'd seen he was definetely one of the good-looking ones. Not that she had seen many. He was definetely older than her. Around fifteen, she guessed. She recalled that there would be a Kisame in her squad. She couldn't help but wonder if this was him, even though there were probably many to pick from.
"Ah, no problem really. I wasn't paying attention either." She answered him with a smile. No point in getting angry over a mistake, even if he had scared her good.

3Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:44 am



Hira walked over and picked up a book, still wanting to help a little as he did feel a little bad, plus he is always quick to help a pretty girl with anything and something about this one intrigued him. He handed it to her saying "I havent seen you around before, at least i dont think i have." He brushed himself off and then turned his gaze back to her. "So, uh... anyway i guess i could introduce myself im Hiragana kisame, of the kisame clan, but most just call me Hira." He smiled as he talked as he was quite proud to be part of the kisame clan.

4Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Thu Aug 23, 2012 5:05 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Saya nodded a thank you as she recieved the book. She thought about his statement for a moment. No, she was pretty sure she'd never seen him before either. She would most likely remember such a striking appearance. He stood out, even for a Kisame.

"Nice to meet you, Hir-" She started, but came to a halt as she realised something. "Wait, did you say Hiragana? Hiragana Kisame?" She couldn't believe it. It actually was Hiragana, her squadmate. What were the odds? "I'm Hozuki Saya. I'm your new squadmate!" She said excitedly, reaching out her hand to shake even though she almost dropped her books again. She wondered how he would take it though. She knew that she was a replacement member, but she had no idea what the other person had meant to her new squadmates, neither did she know how it would affect their views on her.

5Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Sat Aug 25, 2012 12:02 am



Hiram's smile turned to a surprised face. "Your my new squadmate?" He asked. He then noticed her outstretched hand. He shook it then added "its awesome that I get to meet my new squadmate. Welcome to the team." He smiled then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pretty blue and purple flower. "Here its a waterwisp flower for you."

6Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:33 am

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Sayas smile shone brighter as Hiragana welcomed her. He seemed like such a nice sport. She couldn't wait to have their first training together as a squad. This guy seemed strong. He had to be if he was trained by the mizukage, right?
She gasped at the flower he gave her. She carefully took it from him. It seemed so fragile. "Thank you. It's beautiful." She whispered. She wasn't used to recieving flowers, or other gifta for that matter, and felt rather uncomfortable thanking him. "Do you always carry flowers in your clothes?"


[Ooc: Sorry for the late reply, I've been very busy]

7Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:01 pm



He smiled as she took the flower, though he could tell she felt a little uneasy. He thought about her question for a moment before saying "Acually no, but i do have a lot of those flowers." He closed his eyes for a moment, he then asked "so what made you become a shinobi? what motivates you?"

8Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:19 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Saya took her eyes off the flower to smile at Hiraganas comment. A guy who liked flowers? This was rare as far as she knew. All the boys at the academy had given little to no care for flowers, apart from the occasional picking just to throw at others.

The question after took her off guard. What motivated her? She couldn't say for sure, to be fair. She was trying to prove to her father that she was just as good as the son he always had wanted, but she'd never say that. "Well, my family have been shinobi, all of them. It's a little of a tradition, I guess." She said with a shrug. "I want to make them proud, and I guess I want to prove useful." It wasn't a very direct answer. Alot of shinobi would probably answer the same way. Not very personal, was it?
"How about you? Why'd you walk the path of the shinobi?"

9Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Empty Re: Meeting with saya (hozuki saya) Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:23 pm



He looked at her and smiled then grabbed his blue katana from its sheathe and showed her the engraving on the blade. "It says struggle on, my dad did that. I never have met either of my parents but i still want to make them prowd. However, the reason i became a shinobi is... He took a deep breathe before cotinueing "To protect those that matter most and to protect my clans heritage.

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