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1The girl in the mist [Open] Empty The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:41 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

The mist was heavy today, Saya noted. It didn't matter to her though. In fact, it was probably better if no one saw her. She would be training by herself again, but she didn't even have a decent sword to train with. Her father thought she should deserve her blade by buying it herself, but she couldn't waste time until she got one. She still needed training, so a small stick would serve fine until she could get that Shinobigatana she had been looking at in that one weapon shop. How long could it take to save up for it anyhow?

She stopped in the middle of a field. There were a few trees scattered around her. She picked one out to use as a training dummy and struck a pose. Holding the stick in a backhand grib behind her waist she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, after which she swung the stick against the tree. A satisfying clonk echoed in the empty fields, then another, and another. The heavy mist had however made the stick moist, and it slid out of her fingers and flew away. "Aw, you've got to be kidding me!" She yelled in frustration. The tall grass made the stick hard to find, and the mist made it no easier. She muttered to herself as she crawled around on all fours, oblivious to anything else.

2The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:10 pm




The mist was thick, a giant haze of a silver atmosphere, masking over all of Kirigakure; the wind breeze was fairly light as small clouds overshadowed the sky. Birds were singing songs of melody to the ears of everyone listening as messenger birds took over the skies to deliver messages from other villages. It was early in the afternoon, hence why the mist's powerful fog defeated the sky; something so very common in Kirigakure. It was a lavishing aroma in the sky, topping it off with the scent of food along the way. Citizens were out minding their own business, a busy crowd in Kirigakure nowadays.

Jurou was among the crowd, walking around, usually during his afternoon strolls around the village. He held his wakizashi inside its sheath horizontally on his lower backside as it was hanged by a rope, wearing the traditional Kirigakure jonin flak jacket. He decided to just walk around and whoever he sees that is unordinary to the village, he just simply pass by with no words to say. Nothing was unordinary in Kirigakure to say the least. Just only new citizens coming from different backgrounds. Jurou ignored it all, indicating the fact that today was a dull day with little to no excitement.

He spotted a young girl, a girl in her young age of at least Fourteen/Fifteen. Long hair with huge pigtails, standing at least a height of 4'7", short individual. Wondering around with no guidance, he was unaware of her surroundings to the point where he tilts his head in a strange manner. Walking to her, he noticed the little girl was training, using a stick as her weapon.

Seeing her on the ground looking for the stick was futile to the Special Jonin, but he wanted to help out nonetheless. "...Hey kid," His voice was quiet, but his tone was loud for the little one to hear him, "Use my sword." Sheathing his wakizashi at a fast rate, he held the handle in a normal-hand grip, the blade positioning itself upward in front of him. He walked to the girl and held out his sword to her so she can practice a little bit more.

Last edited by Jurou on Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

3The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:49 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Saya almost jumped out of her shoes at the sound of a young man. She looked up and saw a young boy, hair as white as snow. As she slowly rose to her feet she noted, to her surprise, that the boy was slightly shorter than her. At first glance she thought him for a kid, but there were some facial features suggesting otherwise, such as his defined jaw. Besides, it'd be odd for a kid to wear a sword, and he did even call -her- a kid. Even so, she couldn't pin-point an age. Could be anything between twelve to nineteen, she guessed.

She looked at the sword, hesitating. Why would he let her use his sword? Was he trying to mock her? Or were he just really nice? She looked around for any possible group of people. That was usually a sign of someone trying to make a fool of her. She couldn't see anyone, not in the mist anyways. She looked back at the sword and started to move her hand to grab it, but pulled back. "Are you sure? What if I break it?" She asked, not really confident about her skill with a sword. She had no idea how durable one was either.

Last edited by Hozuki Saya on Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

4The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:57 pm




Innocent words came from the girl's mouth and entered inside Jurou's left ear. Judging by the looks of how she was startled, she would've suspected someone much "taller" then Jurou's usual height. But that was of no importance to him at the moment. What was important is this girl wanting to train with an actual weapon and not with some stick. Guess what gave away his appearance was his facial structure. Having the appearance of a kid with a manly type of face is somewhat difficult to pinpoint when it came to age.

Lending his sword to her so that she can in the arts of Kenjutsu was the least that the S. Jounin can do for her, otherwise he would've left on sight. As he saw her hand getting ready to grab the sword, she pulled back hesitantly, as if she did not want it. Then her question hit his ears with a soft pinch. He crept a small smile and looked her, still holding out his sword to her,

"Do not worry. My sword is in good condition. The handle is soft with a green and black cord wrapped so wielding it will be as if you are wielding foam. I am sure." He used his tone of kindness to ease the girl of her nerves and take the sword to help her train in Kenjutsu. Jurou had only two kunai stored in his pouch; if she needed a training partner, he would assist her.

Last edited by Jurou on Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:33 pm; edited 3 times in total

5The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:03 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

A smile. A small one, but she saw it. This person was probably just trying to help. That was what a village was about in a way, wasn't it? Uniting and helping each other? She accepted the sword and felt its weight. It really did feel like foam. It was heavier than she thought, but still light enough for her to be able to use it decently, she figured.

She took a glance at the sword, then looked back at the boys face and smiled. "I'll admit, I'm just a beginner. Would it be too much to ask you to show me? Like how to hold it properly?" She asked, not sure how far he was willing to go to help her, but there were no better way to find out than to ask.
She suddenly realised that she had no idea who this boy was, and it was probably the same for him. "I'm Saya, by the way. Hozuki Saya."

6The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:30 am




As she accepted the sword, the Special Jounin still kept the same small smile on his face, indicating his facial expression as happy. Which was good because he would not usually feel this way. He saw how she held his sword as the weight caught on to her arms. She know it was heavy, but light at the same time because it was a wakizashi and not a nodachi or a regular katana. Jurou heard her greeting, thinking it would be nice to answer back, "Osada. Jurou Osada."

Her words entered his left ear, and fortunately, did not leave the other. Practice does make perfect in his book. He nodded his head, looking at his sword. At the same time, while doing so, he reached into his sheath positioned the same as his wakizashi sheath and drew his dagger, Aaasra Barshun. "I hold my weapons in two styles: Normal hand grip and reverse hand girp." He showed her what he meant; holding the dagger in a normal hand grip as the blade of the dagger faced upward in front of him, and holding it in a reverse hand grip as the blade of the dagger faced backwards, using it as a blocking motion.

7The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:30 pm



Behind a tree in Kirigakure's Training Grounds, Several sounds of twigs cracking in half echoed across the fields that was masked in a giant haze of thick mist. Another cracking sound echoed again as a young boy stepped over another twig in the forest covered with a dirt-like surface. The young boy pressed his back against the tree, while tilting his head outwards, and towards his right to eavesdrop on the two shinobi in the Training Grounds. He'd rest his chin on his right shoulder while moving his eyes more further to the right, attempting to get a better line of sight on the shinobi.

The odd shinobi eavesdropping on the other shinobi was Hozuki Takeo of the village Hidden in the Mist. He wore his casual plaid white T-Shirt with the shirt halfway unbuttoned, showing his small, sweaty and scrawny chest. His Kirigakure headband hung from his scrawny chest, and several black ink tattoos were also visible. On Takeo's bottom was his tight fitting dark blue pants with his ordinary choice of a pair of blue shinobi sandals. Takeo didn't bring his weapon holsters or his ninja pouch, that was usually attached to a strap on his waist. The explanation for Takeo being such a weird person today was because of his small crush for Hozuki Saya ever since his years in the academy. He had been following her around the village to find the right moment to speak to her.

"Man that girl is...Beautiful. What does a guy like me have to do to just get one moment alone with her? " Takeo whispered as he inhaled and exhaled the air around the area, interrupting his sentence. He'd keep his eyes locked on the two shinobi while still keeping most of his focus on Hozuki Saya. Takeo dragged his attention over towards the white haired shinobi, who looked more older than he did. "Hope it's not her boy friend. I hear alot of girls today are in to boys taller than them. But why would this boy just come out here to show his weapon to the girl. Must be more than that!" Takeo shouted. His eyes widened, and both of his hands were now toppled over his mouth after he finished his sentence. The urge to often be loud, may had caused him to give away his position.

8The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:10 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Saya became more and more secure about this person as she watched him show her his grip of the dagger. She tried to mimic it best she could. Not perfect, but definetely good. There was a huge difference in holding the sword like this rather than the way she did before. She moved her hand in the same blocking motion. "Like thi-" Her sentence was cut off as she yelped at the sound of another boy. She didn't quite hear him, but what she made out was something along the lines of there's no way he'd just show his weapon to this girl. There must be something more than that. Was it someone from her old class? Maybe they were here to tease her again? She looked around for the source of the sound, but found nothing. Maybe she hadn't heard it after all?
"Did you hear that?" Saya asked, feeling her body tense up. If there was one thing she hated more than bullies, it was bullies who didn't dare to face their victims. That was the lowest.

9The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:41 pm




Jurou's right ear tingled at the sound of another voice, and from the tone, it was a male voice. Oh yeah, Jurou heard the voice alright. And the tone was loud for some strange reason. Teaching Saya how to hold the sword properly was one thing, but being interrupted by a corner voice was another. And that was disturbing the girl's practice. Jurou need not to pay attention; but something that the boy said triggered his sensitive hearing.

No, no way this boy just come out here to show his weapon to the girl. Must be more than that! That sentence triggered his hearing, but that word, "boy" made it all worse. The one thing Jurou hated was being called a boy, like he was a genin age. A Special Jounin at the age of 19 would be normal, but his size in both height/weight made it all different. Should he take action? "I don't think so."

Thinking to himself at the moment, throwing a kunai would be the best option. But that would lead to violence, and violence would not be the answer. Jurou paid the voice no attention and continued what he was doing. "...I heard. Someone is watching us." He couldn't shake the feeling; that someone was literally watching the two.

10The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:47 am



Takeo gasped as he kept his pale hands toppled over his mouth while his eyes were still in shock of them finding him. He'd exhale his hot breath into the center of his palm. The boy had felt embarrassed that his clumsiness had caused the shinobi to find out his location, but he was also a bit afraid to be humiliated or named "A creep" in front of the attracting Hozuki Saya. Was it best for Takeo to stay behind the tree? or Was it pointless to even hide anymore? Since his location was already given away. Several thoughts wandered through Takeo's head about what decision he would make.

After several minutes of heavy breathing, Takeo's heart beats slowed down to a lower pace and his breathing rate also slowed down. He had calmed himself, running the thought through his head that this wasn't actually a life or death situation. Besides, his spiky white hair that gave him his attractiveness would make up for his lack of intellect. This was one of the perks of the white haired shinobi, but Hozuki Saya seemed to be the only girl who would resist him. She was more different than his fan girls.

The boy peered his white haired head out further than before while still keeping his body rested on the tree. He'd take a glance left and right to confirm that there were no fan girls or other genins around the area. Phew.. Takeo came out of hiding, removing his body from the tree, and stepping onto the green lush surface of the Training Grounds. He turned his attention back to the two shinobi in the distance, and begun to casually stroll over towards them.

"Hope none of my fan girls or Genin of the village notice me creeping around these two shinobi. I would lose so much reputation as a praised Hozuki of my league of Genins."

In the distance, Takeo had noticed that one of the shinobi were Kenjutsu users by observing the blade he carried. Kenjutsu was one of the most things an Hozuki excelled at because of the Hydrification technique, and Takeo loved it because of the astounding abilities on the blade. It would be nice to get a chance to observe a older shinobi's blade for the first time. Blades in the shinobi world were always having some awkward ability or size on them which was what made every blade unique and interesting.

11The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:12 am



Sero Quietly let his long legs carry him along blindly.. the Mist hung heavy today but it didn't matter entirely to him. He looks down at himself with a sigh and shakes his head. He was wearing his usual outfit. the thin orange sweater underneath the knee length gray coat which he left closed with a high collar. Honestly he looked older then he was but his demeanor was different. His eyes diverted from making direct eye contact with anyone as he walked his unattractive gray hair hanging about his face hiding it.

Still it comes as a bit of a shock to him to find himself out and about the training grounds. He raises his head to look about the area spotting two white haired heads and another... pink he supposed. he tugs at the headband around his neck and swallows... three people where here today. Boy he hoped they where friendly.

Sero moves forward his very appearance blending with the gray of the mist as he walked. A poor choice in clothing color perhaps. He nibbles his lip and approaches the two before realizing the other boy was doing the same.. oh they must be friends... best not to intrude amongst friends. he turns and moves away standing just a ways away so as not to intrude before he begins to stretch. always stretch before practice.

He brings his hands up in a defensive grapple stance but his hands remain close to him as his feet spread out. The wet tree in front of him his focus now as he begins a Series of kicks. A low kick to throw your opponent of his footing, shift to the side on the downward step to gain momentum, spin into the momentum and place hands on ground then using the spin he throws his legs up. his left foot connecting for a mid hit but missing the high kick. Clicking his teeth he rights himself before looking to the group, once more contemplating joining them.

12The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:38 am

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka


13The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:00 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Jurou had confirmed her fears. He had heard something as well, which could only mean that someone -was- watching them. It made her uncomfortable at best. She stood still for a short while, until a person finally showed himself. Was that..? She sighed. It was that loud Hozuki from the academy. Takeo, if she didn't remember incorrectly. He was probably here to tease her or something.

She was about to ask him what he was doing as she was distracted by another person in the mist. She could barely see him at first, he was melting into the mist quite effectively. He didn't seem to be any part of whatever Takeo was up to, but started training by himself. She was certain she had picked a field that was used less frequently, but she must have been wrong. Sighing, she shrugged. They had as much right to be here as herself, after all. "Are you two here to train as well?" She shouted, so the gray haired ninja could hear her as well. Might as well be nice.

14The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:23 pm




Eyes were narrowed at the two ninja recently, the loud mouth one and the gray-haired ninja was solo training. He wouldn't be the one calling them out to train with Saya, but the more people the better; or so he thought. Feeling the mist cleansing the atmosphere and piercing through his body made Jurou feel good, feeling refreshed for some reason. Maybe it was because of his Kekkai Genkai, Boil Release and that it utilizes a mist of its own also. Whichever the case, the mist felt good to him, both spiritual and physical feeling.

Standing up slowly and straightening his position, he sheathed his dagger, holding his hand out for Saya to retrieve him of his sword unless she wanted to train with it some more. For Saya to speak to the both of them at the same time; asking them are they here to train, did not peek interest to Jurou. He was B-rank Special Jounin of high rank, so teaching 3 Genins would be a good start. Otherwise, he would constantly train by himself during his spare time away from missions. What joy.

"..." A thought was running inside his head about the gray-haired one. Where did he see him before? Nevermind; that was unimportant. Back to Saya. She was an Hozuki, the clan that utilizes themselves into water, but needing to drink water every now and then. "We are going to train your Ninjutsu abilities. A few kunai/blade sparring lessons as well." A touch of soft tone and bliss trying to make the genin more comfortable in her training.

15The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:30 pm



When the Hozuki approached the two shinobi, he looked towards Hozuki Saya. At last, this was another chance for him to attempt to make his "move." It wasn't often he was close to Hozuki Saya except for the Ninja Academy and spying on her several times, but most of that didn't count. Takeo tugged the headband on his neck using his right hand while scratching a bug bite on his skin with his left hand. The itching must had been caused from him placing his bare chest on the tree, he was previously hiding behind. The boy might had deserved it for invading someone's privacy.

"Remind me to never wear a unbuttoned shirt with my skin exposed again." said Takeo, smirking at the shinobi and removing his hands from the bug bite. He'd place his hands to his side, ignoring the swelling of the bug bite. A barrage of kicks and punches, smashing into some sort of object was heard nearby Takeo. Takeo shifted himself towards the area of where the source of ruckus was coming from. To the side of him was a gray haired freak, wearing an attire that consisted of poor clothing and was also made of poor material.

Takeo turned back around towards the two shinobi in front of him. Sighing at the same time the girl did, he would shrug. Signaling that he didn't know who the gray haired boy was. "Yeah. I've came to work on my skills since you never know when the Chuunin Exams will be announced. Also, I was hoping for a spar with someone since you never get any action as a Genin in the village." said Takeo, responding to the shinobi with a obvious lie. His real reason to come here was to adore Hozuki Saya, and maybe get her to notice him more. Who wouldn't notice his astounding white hair? or his dream girl face?

The older shinobi of the group of ninja began to speak. He had spoke of training Ninjutsu abilities, and a few Kunai/blade sparring lessons. A surge of adrenaline raced through Takeo's body as he heard the word "sparing." At last some action would take place today. The boy hadn't seen someone spar in the past 2 years. During that time, he had been learning the basics of being a shinobi, etc.

Boring. That's the word he would describe his past 2 years of basic training. Nothing happened in basic training, but a bunch of Chuunin not asking questions, and just speaking dragged out sentences the whole sessions. It would be fun to finally fight. "Sparring? I want to join! Those damn Chuunin talk half of the session in the academy, and their boring too! Hozuki Saya knows how it is." Takeo began to hype up some. His tone of speech rose higher, and his eye brows would rise up. When the boy had finished his sentence, he'd go back to that usual emotionless look on his face.

16The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:49 pm




Of course. Another big shot trying to impress a female. Flashback; Isshin trying to impress Aoi. It was nothing new to Jurou, much rather annoying to say the least. Oh well. Sighing at the boy's impeccable dialogue, trying to "soothe" his way with Saya, Jurou looked up at the young boy with annoyance in his facial expression, "If I were you, I would quit the tough act. A genin with that much enthusiasm is rather off dead." A touch of cruelty and ignorance in his tone. His voice more emotionless than his facial expression. It was the same saying he told Isshin years ago. The memories; all coming back.

Onto more important matters. He wondered if Saya was ever paying attention to all of this bickering. Who knows and most certainly; who cares. Jurou was getting bored with this one already, but it would be a joyous wonder if he had him in his squad. He knew the perfect plan. Something about this genin pondered Jurou, something mysterious. He probably find out later on.

As the boy continued on with his bickering, Jurou, along the line, heard the boy said he wanted to join them in training. Jurou did not mind at all; the more, the merrier. But, hearing the boasting of the boy's voice tone as it rose to a more upper volume, Jurou wished something shut the genin up for a bit. His knowledge of Saya Hozuki was quite rare, to be honest. He spies and he observes. Name, Pervert. Jurou did not care nonetheless. "If you wish to join, fine. You can spar with Saya."

With that being said, Jurou took a couple steps backward to observe their battle. "You two will spar. I will critique on your actions. If I feel you are rusty, I will speak on it." As strict as Jurou was, this was only the basics. "Now, let's see what the both of you genin can do." If it wasn't for the boy's big mouth, Jurou would not know what rank Saya was, but by the looks of Saya; yes. She was a genin.

17The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:07 pm



Sero had paused to observe the marking where he had connected, honestly the tree looked like it did more to him then he to it. But it didn't matter for his goal was not to defeat the tree but to toughen his own flesh so that he could deal stronger blows with less of a negative effect on himself. Still the girl calling out had startled him and he paused his thoughts, his grey eyes looking out to the group of three now standing together, the Girl and the short one seemed annoyed he supposed but the loud mouth was, well he hoped he would never be paired on missions with him as stealth didn't seem likely for him. Sero approaches quietly, he was tall even for his age and lanky. His hair matted around his face naturally hiding the majority of his features. He stops and folds his arms in a casual but nervous stance within comfortable talking distance. letting them finish speaking before he chose to explain himself.

" I Apologize for intruding, I merely wished to warm up my own skills a little before I join..."

Sero reaches into one of his coat pockets and pulls out a folded letter before reading it aloud.

"squad two."

But the spar was set to start and he wished not to intrude so he takes another step back catching a better glance of Jurou....why did he look so familiar? surely they where nearly the same age....maybe?

18The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:28 am

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Saya couldn't decide if she was glad that someone wanted to spar with her or frightened that she'd be making a fool out of herself. She didn't think she was ready for a spar. Heck, she didn't even have a sword. Neither were that jutsu she'd been working on ready for field testing. She could form the water together, but any form of impact splashed it back to a pool of water. She noted Jurous hand and returned his sword. She barely knew how to hold it anyhow. Besides, using someone elses sword for a spar felt like cheating.

She could finally see the other person as well. He had a rough look. His clothes were as colorless as his hair. He gave her the creeps, Saya had to admit. He was quiet enough though. Definetely more polite than Takeo. Speaking of which, his last comment made her flinch.
"Why are you dragging me into that? Some peole need those lessons!" She said matter-of-factly, all too obvious refering to herself. Not everyone was a natural at these things. She moved her hand to her kunai pouch, broadening her stance. She was determined to beat some manners into thos guy.

19The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:18 am



Takeo stared down the older, and taller man; Jurou. He'd continuously nod at the man, keeping his emotionless look on his face. The boy would have to engage battle with the girl he had been hunting the entire day. What a surprise? Maybe the Jounin didn't know that a head-to-head fight with two Hozuki clan members without knowledge of nature techniques would last forever or was his intentions to just monitor their maneuvers, and attacks. Nonetheless. Takeo would see this Genin as any other shinobi on the village's street that he would randomly disrespect.

Before the fight would began, the creep had approached them. Takeo looked over towards the shinobi, and listened closely to his soft, and Gothic-like words. The creep had thought the three shinobi were apart of Squad Two. Squad Two was the squad known to be led by Jurou, and the Genin in the squad consisted of Sero, Takeo, and another shinobi- who hadn't made their appearance yet. How annoying would it be to have that guy in his team?

As the creep stepped away from Takeo, he'd turn his body around towards the fragile Hozuki. The boy observed the small girl, who was positioned in a elegant stance. Takeo would laugh at the shinobi before ceasing, and attempting to slide his right hand into the weapon pouch behind him at waist level. He randomly moved his hand around in the bag, searching for one of his kunais. When he felt the cold metal brush up against his finger tips, he'd remove it from his pouch and swallow his spit.

"Don't break a nail sweet heart. It would be an upset for a first date eh?" said Takeo, removing his hand from his gray kunai pouch. The boy would use his other hand to pop the small button on the strap around his neck. It would release from around his upper torso, dropping the hilts nearby Takeo's shinobi sandals. He'd grasp the equipped kunai by the handle, rising it up to his chest. The boy leaped back at least 5 meters away from Hozuki Saya. His distance from the girl would now be 10 meters away.

Takeo landed safely onto the dirt below him. The bangs of his white hair dropped into his face in the process. He would ignore them, not having enough time to think while focusing on blowing bangs out of his face continuously which was the reason their was no need too. Takeo slid his right foot through the dirt of the Training Grounds, placing it slightly behind his left foot. He'd broaden his stance in the process, only moving his left arm up towards his chest.

20The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:19 pm




Jurou sighed a deep, long sigh. Breath-taking to be exact. This shinobi's actions and perception towards the girl was mind-blowing, in an annoying type of way. Seeing the gray-haired genin step back to where he was, he paid little to no attention to the genin as he was supervising the fight. Obviously this was not his team, well Saya wasn't but the other two were. "If you want to join them, be my guest." Jurou said to the gray-haired genin as he observed both Takeo and Saya's spar. Two Water genins, possibly from the same clan; if not, different. Jurou had retrieved his wakizashi from Saya as he sheathed it in its sheath, located horizontally on his lower back. "You may begin when ready."

21The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:32 pm



Sero looks down at Jurou a moment at the comment before he shrugs and returns his gaze to the other two. He seemed quiet in his own way but still there was intelligence there. Sero observes both they're poses and actions. by appearance they both seemed to be an up front an in your face fighting type, meaning less tricks and more brutish amounts of physical power. Still he contemplates this a moment. The girl had made her stance where she stood preparing to hold her ground by the look of it. But the loud mouth had moved back giving some space to himself, an Advantage to the boy he supposed if the distance maintained a few more moments, forcing the girl to come to him allowing him to position his footing better then hers. Still his eyes go to those weapons. Caution on his part would be best. so he responds to Jurou.

"If its all the same to your sir I will simply observe for now. I am unarmed and know nothing of my would be opponents fighting ability. I feel it would be foolish to just rush in for me."

22The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Thu Aug 23, 2012 4:55 pm

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Break a nail? Really? He went for sexism now too? This guy were really starting to get on her nerves. She was about to bite back at him, but held her tongue. He had jumped backwards, standing in a similar ready position as herself, no doubt waiting for her to attack first. Add two and two together and it was very likely that he was trying to irritate her into making an attack, and most likely a mistake. She wasn't going to fall for that.

She could still make out Jurou and the other guy in the corner of her eye. So he was not joining after all. Good, that meant she had one less foe to worry about. Still, Hozuki versus Hozuki could mean a dragged out fight. She needed to choose her moves carefully.

The moment she heard Jurou say they could begin when ready she flipped up one of her two kunai from her pouch and threw it towards Takeo's torso. She dashed towards him while grabbing the second kunai, but instead of the obvious direct attack went for a gliding tackle, one leg out with the torso leaning back protected by her kunai arm. The wet grass made sliding easy, and she got quite some speed. It would be easy to lose your footing because of the grass as well, she figured.

23The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Thu Aug 23, 2012 6:31 pm



Takeo's back foot dug harder into the ground, attempting to keep his balance. His hand rested upon his kunai as the blade of the Kunai covered his upper torso. Several minutes passed before the start of the battle was announced by Jurou. Takeo slightly smiled, noticing that Saya had attacked him first; Most of the time Takeo would immediately make the first move, but because his opponent being a woman, he felt that it would be rude to assault her first.

The kunai that was launched by Saya whistled through the air as it spun and rotated towards Takeo. The slight whistle of the air through the blade's curves sounded as the knife sliced through the air, aimed at the boy's chest. Takeo grasped his kunai harder, knowing that the kunai would arrive to Takeo first before Saya would. He made no sort of movement as the kunai would easily clash against Takeo's equipped Kunai, and deflect it safely away. As the Kunai was deflected by the other kunai, the collision caused Takeo to drop his Kunai into the dirt and ankle length grass beneath him.

Takeo didn't intend on avoiding the clumsy Girl's excuse for an attack. The boy would allow the pink haired female to attach to him. As the girl jumped towards his waist line for a tackle, He'd place his hands up to his face, spreading them wide and his palm flattened and facing inward, the tips of the middle and ring fingers touching Takeo's temple and face. Being forced to the ground by Hozuki Saya, Takeo would stare down towards Hozuki Saya. A blast of blinding light in a fan shaped style, launched towards Saya. With her being attached onto him (0-5m), she'd easily be blinded by the light. (Saya would be blinded for two posts and stunned for 1 post.)

Bugs, and extraordinary plants were squashed by the impact of the two. Takeo laid on the ground, breathing slightly from wasting a short amount of Chakra. Dirt stains were scattered across his white hair as he pressed his head upon the surface. The color of his hair had changed from a clean white into a gray, dirty, and white color. "Got to say her looks make up for her lack of knowledge." said Takeo, peering his eyes down towards his feet. He'd scan for the girl, knowing that Saya had no chance of avoiding the light.

Chakra Supply; 70/80


24The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:55 am



Sero sounded off with a bored expression on his face. His eyes watching the details of the fight. The kunai and the kick in conjunction was a clever move. But the more effective way would have been reverse that.. the kick as the distraction and the Kunai as the attack. That and losing whatever few weapons you had at the very beginning could not be good for any on lasting battles. Sero quietly watched thinking all this to himself.. he doubted she had more then maybe two left. so her fighting ability was quickly diminishing in what she specialized.

As for the boy, He seemed to be able to hold his own and the clever use of the stun to punish his opponent for getting to close was , well it seemed impulsive. Reasonably the Flash Jutsu was better used on an already tired or confused opponent, leading them to a more likely chance of panic and thus a mistake. However another key mistake the boy was making that Sero observed. The boy had attempted to blind his opponent. Now that was all well and good up until the point where he remained in contact with her. Giving her the chance to hold onto something and strike at what she knew was there. Even is she was fully stunned with her opponent still relatively attached to her, then he was just as open to attack as she.

All this seemed to flicker through Sero's thoughts before he simply sat down where he was to continue to watch. In a way he was quickly learning how easy it was to make a mistake in battle, and he was calculating how each of them could benefit him in a battle if they where teamed up. The girl would have the eagerness to charge in but with a trick up her sleeve to force the opponents attention to her while the boy had a way of taunting people and overdoing his moves in such a way that even though predictable, could be fatal if one where to let themselves be distracted. either way a distraction would be allowed for a brief moment to position himself for a powerful attack of his own if timed correctly. Maybe not everyone was useless after all?

25The girl in the mist [Open] Empty Re: The girl in the mist [Open] Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:23 am

Hozuki Saya

Hozuki Saya

Sayas first thoughts were those of success as she felt her glidetackle hit her target. Her trick seemed to have worked out. However, one glance at Takeos face suggested otherwise. A blinding light hit her at point blank range. The light was overwhelmingly bright, causing a burning pain in her eyes. Moments afterwards, Takeo landed on top of her, causing her to lose her breath. She did her best not to curl up into a ball, but instead just lay still, as if unconscious. She wasn't finished just yet.


[ooc: So sorry for the late reply, I've been very busy.]

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