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1Hirano Clan Empty Hirano Clan Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:55 pm

Hirano Arumi

Symbol: Hirano Clan 8iWSztM

Clan: Hirano

Kekkei Genkai: Tainted Chakra

Elements: None required. In fact, they're not good at any of them.

Specialization: (What specializations does your clan require?)

Location: Iwagakure

Clan History: For most of their history, the Hirano clan was just a minor clan in Iwagakure no Sato. Without anything to set their bloodline apart, they were just more cannon fodder in the background. In hopes of finding something to set them apart, they began to look for other sources of power. About a century ago, one of their elders made contact with some very unpleasant forces. These beings offered them power in return for worship, and most of the Hirano Clan thought that was a pretty good bargain. Those who didn't- well, it was said that they left in protest, but nobody saw them go. The Hirano all agree that it's best not to overthink it.

Once the troublemakers had left, the remaining Hirano set about gathering their clan into an almost cultish compound. At the center of this compound, deep underground, they built a sacred place they call the Temple Obscura, a room so infused with the power of their master that there's some debate over whether it's a gateway to their world. Hirano go there to meditate from a very young age, with each one seeing a different place from all the others. The power of the Temple infects them, weakening and distorting normal ninjutsu while giving them their own terrible powers. The Hirano embraced their role as the brutes of Iwagakure, dressing to match a barbarian stereotype and taking to using large, crude weapons in place of the more elegant ninja arsenal. The Hirano have since become one of Iwagakure's oddities, a bunch of self-proclaimed barbaric monsters who are incredibly devout in a religion they refuse to tell anyone about.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Hirano can use their tainted chakra to mutate their bodies, turning themselves into living weapons. This isn't exactly healthy for them, as the mutations may become permanent, warping their bodies and minds.

Drawbacks: Every time a Hirano mutates, there's a chance it will become permanent. Any permanent mutation can be overridden by a higher-ranking mutation, but once that transformation ends it will revert to the permanent mutation. Unless, of course, the new mutation becomes permanent. D-ranked jutsu have a 1 in 100 chance of a permanent mutation every time they transform. For C-rank it's 1 in 75, 1 in 50 for B, 1 in 25 for A, and guaranteed for S-rank. At that point, they've channeled too much tainted power to keep a handle on it. This also carries some mental risks. The more permanent mutations they get, the less human they are mentally. They lose empathy, and become far more prone to other mental illnesses. The transformation itself is also difficult, requiring the user to stand still for a turn while their body reshapes itself. During this time they will be completely unaware of their surroundings, too overwhelmed by pain to notice anything else. If the justu is not permanent, it will last until combat is over or the Hirano reverses the transformation. Then there's the added fun of their elemental aversion. Due to the unnatural source of their power, nature itself wants nothing to do with them. They get -1 to all elemental jutsu, and cannot learn anything that depends on nature chakra. They also cannot use medical ninjutsu, the risk of their tainted chakra harming the patient is just too great. The Hirano also have some issues with transformation jutsu. They cannot hide any permanent mutations with a henge, and their clan tattoo, The Sigil Obscura, Also cannot be changed by the transformation. Since the tattoo covers their entire back, this can make it hard for them to blend in.


  • Arumi Hirano

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Listener
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-B
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Until canceled, if it can be canceled. May become permanent.
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: Improves the user's hearing, with the ears either stretching to long points or becoming  large and floppy. If the transformation becomes permanent, the user will become more feral in behavior. At rank D, this just makes it easier for them to detect those around them. At C, it can pick up heartbeats or breathing in a quiet area. At B, it can pinpoint those subtle signs even through background noise. This jutsu also makes the user more vulnerable to sound-based attacks and unexpected loud noises, so use with caution.

Name: Bloodhound
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Until canceled, possibly permanent.
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: Improves the sense of smell, allowing the user to track targets by scent. It can come in two varieties.  One is the nose, which flattens into just a pair of nostrils on the surface of their face. The other is a long, snakelike tongue that lets them taste the air, and gives their voice a hissing quality. The tongue is long enough to reach their own forehead. If this becomes permanent, it can lead to some erratic and feral behavior down the line as they rely more and more on their sense of smell.

Name: Lesser Talons
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Until canceled, unless it becomes permanent
Cooldown: (What is the cooldown of your jutsu?)
Description: Grows a set of curved claws in place of fingernails and toenails. The claws are usually 1-2 inches long, and can be used for climbing or combat. They are very sharp, capable of easily tearing through flesh or wood, and even able to dig into brick or soft stone. If one is broken or damaged, it will be restored the next time this transformation is used. In the event of a permanent transformation, they regrow at the normal rate for fingernails. If it becomes permanent, the user will steadily become more hostile and violent.

Name: Lesser Maw
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: Self
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Duration: Until canceled, unless it becomes permanent
Cooldown: 4 posts
Description: Gains razor-sharp teeth, usually similar to a shark or an alligator. Their mouth widens, opening across the entire jawline. This makes the speech somewhat slurred, but gives a powerful close-ranged bite attack. Of course it needs very close contact to pull off, but it can easily tear through flesh. If it becomes permanent, the user will steadily become more hostile and violent.

2Hirano Clan Empty Re: Hirano Clan Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:36 pm


There is already a clan similar to this one, Jugo, might want to take a look at it.

3Hirano Clan Empty Re: Hirano Clan Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:03 pm

Hirano Arumi

Jugo wouldn't work with the character idea, I'm going with a completely different concept.

4Hirano Clan Empty Re: Hirano Clan Sat Mar 08, 2014 1:52 pm


Element:: Specify where they have required elements, or if they can choose their own, or if they can't use any elements at all.
Specialization:: What do they specialize in? Specify if the specialization is required or not.
KG Description:: Need to go into more detail regarding this “Tainted Chakra” expand how it's came about, what it can do, etc.
Drawbacks:: Remove everything regarding the 1 of X chance of permanent mutation – the system isn't used on here. Instead give a set number of mutations per member rank that will cause permanent mutation. Mental illness is vague, got more in-depth into that. Are they more susceptible to genjutsu?

Listener:: Add a +1 to the cool down. Specify the distance noise can be picked up when the jutsus is active.

Bloodhound:: Add a +1 to the cool down. Specify the distance they can smell.

Lesser Talons:: The 'specify' would be Taijutsu/Medical. Needs a cool down. Specify the damage that can be done – at most being 1 – 2 inches at the given rank.

Lesser Maw:: The “specify” would be Taijutsu/Medical. Add a +1 to the cool down. At the given rank the bite wouldn't be able to tear through flesh easily. At most the bite can cause 1 – 2 inch piercing and major bruising.

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