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1Tensei Clan Empty Tensei Clan Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:32 pm

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

Tensei Clan 63776a9b-ffaf-48a4-8bd6-3e9c50766b81_zps192492c4
Clan: Tensei Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Kekkyuugan

Elements: None

Specialization: Taijutsu and/or Bukijutsu and/or Ijutsu

Location: Scattered

Clan History: As far back as the Tensei's roots can be traced, the clan has always been scattered. Their numbers are small, only about a dozen residing in each village and an estimated two dozen more belonging to minor villages or living on their own as missing nin. The ninja they produce have gone on to become accomplished medical nin and taijutsu experts, yet the clan has yet to truly make a name for themselves. Not to say the clan is shrouded in mystery. Rather they understand that a shinobi operates best from the shadows.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Kekkei Genkai of the Tensei clan is of the highly coveted Doujutsu category. Known as the Kekkyuugan, the Doujutsu aids the shinobi in both the fields of Taijutsu as well as Ijujutsu. Using the Kekkyuugan drains 5 chakra per post active.

Tensei Clan Doujutsu_by_Shiftyboy13

  • At stage one (left), the pressure points of whomever they look at are highlighted in bright red. Weak spots such as wounds and bruises are highlighted as well, allowing the clan member to utilize these to gain the upper hand or quickly aid allies. This stage is typically unlocked by the time the clan member hits puberty.
  • Stage two (center) takes things a step further. The skeletal structure of the target is highlighted as well now. This is typically used to aid in the breaking of specific bones or joints, but this can also reveal fractures, breaks, or weakened areas in the target's skeleton. This stage also grants a +1 to their reaction time. Unlocking this stage requires at least Chuunin rank and a 1,500 word training topic.
  • Stage three (right) is the pinnacle of the Kekkyuugan's power. Atop highlighting pressure points, weaknesses, and the skeletal structure, the user can now see their target's blood vessels, nervous system, and even vital organs. As before, weaknesses within these areas are shown as well (such as torn muscles, organ failure, ect), allowing the user to either exploit these or heal allies more efficiently. This stage also adds a +1 to their reaction time (on top of the +1 boost granted by stage two. This stage is unlocked by obtaining at least Special Jounin rank and a 2,500 word training topic.

They take their training passionately and grasp concepts easily. While they may spend a bit more time on a subject than most (+10% word count to specialization training), they do so only to ensure they understand what it is they're learning. As such, they can bring their quartary specialization to S-rank.

Drawbacks: While the Tensei clan members are highly skilled in their chosen fields, they are born with what was once considered a birth defect that keeps their chakra from ever taking even a single elemental nature. All clan members must take this special characteristic. This trait cannot be negated with the use of a positive trait.

[b]Name:[/b] Underdeveloped Chakra
[b]Type:[/b] Negative
[b]Description:[/b] A rare birth defect found most commonly in the Tensei clan, the user's chakra holds no elemental natures. Ninjutsu and other chakra-based techniques are no more difficult to them than any other shinobi, but they can only learn jutsu which require no elemental releases.

Members: Riku Tensei

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Name: Pressure Jab
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C-rank
Type: Offensive
Element: None
Range: Melee range
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: 2 posts
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: The simplest and most basic of the Tensei clan's jutsu and one that has become as infamous as their doujutsu. Utilizing their Kekkyuugan and their Taijutsu prowess, the user will make a quick and unexpectedly strong jab with their index and middle finger at one of their target's pressure points. This causes a great deal of pain to the target and leaves the affected limb unusable.

Strikes at pressure points not on a limb (such as the temples) will only cause intense pain in the affected area.

Name: Acupuncture
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: D-rank
Type: Offense
Element: None
Range: 0-20m
Specialty: Ijutsu
Duration: 3 posts
Cooldown: 3 posts
Description: The user will choose a pressure point on their desired target. Utilizing a senbon, they will either jab it into the point (if in melee range) or throw it. This will cause intense pain to the victim and decrease motor function in the affected area temporarily, decreasing effectiveness of the area by 50%.

Name: Counter and Disable
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: B-rank
Type: Offense/Defense
Element: None
Range: Melee range
Specialty: Taijutsu
Duration: Indefinite
Cooldown: 5 posts
Description: Utilizing stage two of the Kekkyuugan, the user will wait for their opponent to strike. When they do so, the user will make a quick but subtle dodge, grab their opponent's arm or leg (whichever they use to attack), and deliver a forceful blow to their elbow/knee, injuring their opponent who will require medical attention to restore proper function into the affected limb.

Last edited by Riku Tensei on Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:01 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:36 pm

Strafe Aisu

Strafe Aisu


3Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:23 am

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

Had this moved back to revamp. I'll post again when I've finished.

4Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:32 am

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

Alright, I have finished the revamp for this. For reference, the clan originally had no Kekkei Genkai nor jutsu. As you can see, I've added both.

5Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:57 am

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei


6Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:16 pm



You mention highlighted 'weaknesses'...

To me this sounds like an excuse to metagame knowing all your opponent's weak points, which I don't like. Could you clarify that portion to begin with? It's souring the whole thing


7Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:44 pm

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

I don't mean it as in literal weaknesses, such as "Oh I know what element defeats yours" or "Oh I know how to stop your ultimate technique". It just points out any wounds, cuts, bruises, broken/fractured bones, or in the case of organs, any of them that aren't working at proper capacity. Again in the case of organs, this is more for the Ijutsu portion of the clan where as the wounds and broken bones could be used either way."

Arguably, wounds and broken bones could be deduced without the use of the Kekkyuugan by an observant person and skilled RPer. Wounds are obviously noticeable as they'd bleed where as for bones, the opponent would notice a decreased use of the affected limb or something similar. This is just to make it a bit simpler for the clan member so that they don't have to waste valuable time incapacitating a foe or saving an injured ally.

8Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 18, 2014 9:46 pm


This Kekkei Genkai's final stage infringes upon the Zetsumei Clan's Chi no Mei. It sees arteries and tendons.

9Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:55 pm

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

Muscular structure =/= tendons
Arteries =/= all of the blood vessels in your body

10Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:16 pm

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei


11Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:15 am

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

Bumping again

12Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:36 am

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

Bumping every day until people start looking at this.

13Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:15 am


Side Note: There's no need to bump threads for there's a request board.

  • Give me a max distance in which the eyes can see weak points, bruises, etc.
  • Because of the simple potency of the doujutsu up the word count train by at least 500 words.
  • All stages need some form of chakra cost for being activated.
  • Even if there's a 10% increase in word count, I'm kind of iffy with them being able to get their 4th spec to S – rank. I would be fine with it being A – rank.
  • State that “Underdeveloped Chakra” can't be balanced with a positive trait.

Pressure Jab

  • Change duration to instant.
  • How long is the limb affected?


  • Specialty should be “Medical”, senbons are usually seen as a medical tool anyway.
  • Change duration to instant
  • How fast does the senbon target?
  • Detail the damage the senbon does?
  • Explain what “decrease” motor function implies and how long it effect the area.  

Counter and Disable

  • Either change this to instant or add a maintenance cost with a max. duration.
  • Detail the damage done with the blow.

14Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:57 pm

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

  • The max distance would be regular eye sight. If an opponent is far enough away where you can't make out details, then it wouldn't work.
  • Word count increased.
  • It says 5 chakra per post already.
  • The complete loss of all elements and the 10% increase were supposed to balance out having your fourth spec at S-rank. That was my intention.
  • Not stepping on anyone's toes here, but it should just be a given that negative traits cannot be negated/balanced with positive ones. That literally defeats the purpose of the system and is redundant to have each app specifically point that out. It should just be a rule. Just saying. Edited in though, to avoid argument.

Pressure Jab
  • The duration I have (2 posts) is how long it affects people. Is duration supposed to be casting time? Because those terms are not inter-changable.

  • Personally I think that's a Bukijutsu still, as you're not really applying medical techniques. But I'm not here to argue the specifics of Naruto styles, so I'll change it. Works better for my character anyways lol
  • Again with the issue of durations. Is duration supposed to mean casting time?
  • At the speed of a regular senbon. I thought things like this would be implied if not specified. It doesn't say the throw is chakra-enhanced or anything.
  • The damage is that it leaves a hole the size of a senbon and decreases motor function.
  • Decreases effectiveness of the affected limb by 50%. I'll add it in. Also, see my issue with duration, as that's how long this jutsu affects the target.

Counter and Disable
  • Again, I assumed duration would detail how long the effects lasted.
  • Not trying to cause an argument, but does the damage need to be spoon-fed on every jutsu? I'm applying force to the elbow/knee in the opposite direction that it is meant to bend and I wrote that you require medical attention afterwards. How is this not enough?

15Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:21 am

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei


I think it makes more sense to bump than for me to post in the request thread over and over for the same thread.

16Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:39 pm

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

Ok cool. Good to know staff is on the ball about doing their jobs. You've just turned off a new member from joining. Good going guys. See ya.

17Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:07 am

Riku Tensei

Riku Tensei

So let's give this one last try because I really want to RP Naruto. I don't mean to be an asshole and I understand everyone has lives but this has been here for a month since I revamped it. Responses were few and far between and, when someone brought up an issue and I countered it or asked a question, I was given no second response. Again, I don't mean to be an ass or even tell you how to run a site but you guys have a good amount of staff members. It should not take this long to process an app. It looks unprofessional, especially when it takes a new member over a month to even get a character going.

I'm giving it another week. I really want to RP Naruto and this site looks promising otherwise.

18Tensei Clan Empty Re: Tensei Clan Thu Mar 13, 2014 1:05 pm


Increase the chakra consumption of the 2nd and 3rd level by +5( 2nd will cost -10 chakra per post & 3rd will cost -15 per post). Specify an amount of ryo that must be paid to unlock the next level(keep the word count, just add the ryo. . .). You will also need to explain further on these 'weak spots', are past wounds highlighted or just ones inflicted in the thread? Again the final stages infringes on the Zetsumei clan – as mentioned by Hodaka.

No, to being able to rank up their quartary specialization to S – rank.

Increase the amount of drawbacks this clan have, for one isn't entirely enough for what the clan gets.

Increase the cool down of “Pressure Jab” by 1.

Increase the cool down of “Acupuncture” by 2 or decrease the how long the effect last. Again detail how fast the senbon is thrown along with the damage dealt(there's a damage guide in the jutsu rules).

Duration for “Counter and Disable” should be “Instant”. Again detail the amount of damage done to the area.

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