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Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi woke up at around noon and began to get dressed for his day. Takumi had been in kumogakure for around a week and a half now and was rather enjoying his stay. He had meet many interesting people along the way. But today he was going to go out on a hike to the top of sky point for some exercise. He had been slacking on his training and needed to get his body loosened up a bit. He yawned as he stood from his bed, His long jet black hair flowing around his shoulders. He walked to his bathroom in nothing but boxer shorts and began to get ready. Once in there he stripped his shorts off and began to take a hot shower and get some relaxation in before his day of training begins.

When his shower had finished he stepped out and grabbed a pair of cotton boxers and pulled them up before exiting the bathroom. He stretched to alleviate his tightened muscles and began to pull on a short sleeved shirt and a pair of black silk pants. After he was done he grabbed his jacket and walked out the door and began his hike to sky point.

As he walked through the village he stared at the vendors as they sold random items to other tourists and local villagers. He stopped and spoke to a vendor and bought a green apple and then began to continue his journey to sky peak with a smile.

As he arrived he began to walk to the top, which for takumi who had been training to climb mountains since he was 12 hardly even felt anything as he walked up the large mountain. As he arrived at the top he walked to the edge as he always did and smiled as he looked over the village and said "Ahh such a nice view". Then he turned to sit under a tree and eat his apple before doing anything else.



Hamthrax just so happens to be near Sky Point getting various plants for a prank. He wants to get a large amount of branches, bushes and plants to glue on someone while they sleep. He does not know who the target will be but he will hopefully find a good one. Hamthrax has been searching for a good portion of the day looking for what he thinks are the best plants to use. No one, not even him, knows what are the best plants to use.

Hamthrax is about done gathering his supplies when he sees a strange person walking up to Sky Point. He thinks that this person might be a good one to glue all this stuff to. Hamthrax then trails the stanger. Guessing where he was going Hamthrax headed a different route to Sky Point hoping to beat the stranger and then be able to observe him.

Hamthrax hides a little out of the way from the summit and waits. His guess was right, the stranger reached the summit. As the person turns and says his inaudible words, Hamthrax sneezes. The sneeze is so loud that birds flee and is clearly heard from a sizeable distance away.

Hamthrax groans from the pain and suddenly realizes that he might of just blown his cover. He stands up and and looks directly at him with a face of "oops".

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi was only mid-way through his apple went he heard the very audible sneeze coming from above him. He looked up and said "Hello there nice day isn't it". Unaware of why the young man was there Takumi simply stood and stretched his back and continued to eat his apple quietly. As he finished a bite he turned and said "*Swallow* I Take it you are a local by your clothing". Takumi did not know if he was or not but he was just wanting to strike up a conversation.

OOC: Sorry it's so short been busy lately



After the stranger talked to Hamthrax, he decided not to prank. The main reason for that is because his cover is blown. The other reason is that the stranger talked to him.

Hamthrax decides to walk up slowly to the stranger. He is slightly on edge because he is wearing a foreign garb that he did not recognize. He suddenly realized that maybe he has gotten into something he could not handle.

Hamthrax says in a slightly shaky voice, "Uhhh... hi, I am Hamthrax and yes I do live in Kumo. Kumo is my home town. Uhh... where are you from? And what is your name? Also please don't hurt me."

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi stifled a laugh as the boy asked him not to hurt him, Takumi as a Jounin could probably do damage should he want to but this person had done him no wrong and he had to remember to keep his calm since he is in a foreign place and must adhere to there laws. Takumi simply turned and said "Don't worry i don't have any plans to hurt you, And as for your questions my name is takumi and i am from the Land of Stones and the village of Iwagakure". Takumi had been having fun on his vacation but he was missing his home ever so slightly. Who knows that may be the reason he decided to climb this mountain, To get a taste of the old feeling he would get scaling Iwa's peaks and just meditating for hours.

Takumi smiled and said "So if you don't care might i ask why you are on this mountain on this fine day". Taku knew why he was there...well sort of but the fact that another person would be there at the same time both intrigued in and exited him. He was not going to be pushy over it but it was a simple question with probably a simple answer.



Hamthrax sighs at "Don't worry i don't have any plans to hurt you..." and relaxes completely. He then starts to warm up and starts to smile. He completely relaxes and decides to start a conversation with Takumi. Maybe Takumi could be Hamthrax's first friend from a different place. Hamthrax thinks it is super cool that Takumi is from Iwagakure, another ninja village.

Hamthrax responds to Takumi's question with, "Welllllllllllllll, I was planning a prank and thought that you might have been a perfect target. After my sneeze I realized that my cover was blown and decided to not mess with you. I will not prank you I promise. Now my turn for questions. Why are you here and what are you doing up on this mountain, if you don not mind me asking?

Hamthrax then turns to look at the view but not diverting his attention from Takumi. He realizes how beautiful the view is from up here. He actually had never reached the top of this mountain and know wishes that he has gone up here more often. Now he will have to come up to Sky Point more often.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Taku chuckled at the comment about the prank "Well i am all for pranks, i was a bit of a prankster growing up myself....geez i am making myself sound old". He said with a smile and when Hamthrax asked his follow up questions takumi smiled and said "My reason for being in kumo is i am on "Vacation" from active duty and i heard how beautiful and peaceful kumo was so i thought i would spend my time here relaxing, And as for my reason being HERE i am not really sure it could have something to do with the view and being able to see over the village and all the people. Or even a way to cope with being away from home." Realizing that last part may not have made much sense he began to explain "In Iwa we are surrounded by large mountains so growing up my sensei would always take me and my squad mates to the top of a mountain to train and bond so it is where i am most comfortable." He turned with a smile and waited for the boys reaction before saying anything else.



How old are? I am twelve myself. I think Kumo is super beautiful, and this place is really beautiful. Is Kumo actually that peaceful? So how big are the mountains in Iwa? Are they bigger than these or smaller? I have never been to Iwa so I have no idea what it is like. Is it as cool as Kumo or does it just suck?

Hamthrax rattles off the questions without much thought. He realized that his last question could come off as rude. He had no intention of being rude. He still waits for Takumi's responce with a hopeful face.

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