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Julian sighed; it seemed that the missions as a genin would be far more boring than the missions he had previously become acquainted to. Granted he could not complain as this was a giant step up from eliminating people for a greedy man. Today was a warm and sunny day, leaves were on their trees, children were playing, and the call of shops selling their wares all spread together in the warm and cheery atmosphere of Konoha. Julian was wearing a white undershirt and a black pair of slacks, on this day he decided not to wear any sort of headgear or footwear aside from his black headband that was pulled down over his right eye. It was too warm for his normal overcoat and the mission he was going on was one where he would simply have to run so no ninja tools of any sort were required. The goal of this mission was to deliver an item of the utmost importance to an officer who was running war games just outside the village limits. The item in question was of course, ice cream. Yes, the utmost importance was placed on giving a treat to an officer. It was a giant waste of resources in the eyes of Julian but it was not his place to decide that and thus he held his tongue as he accepted the mission, he needed the money and status anyways.

This was how Julian found himself at the Administrative building picking up a satchel from one of the aides to the Hokage. Bowing he waited for the aid to finish his speech before leaving.
Now remember this has to be done quickly, time is of the essence. Which reminds me of a time when I was a young genin like you, I too was tasked with these sorts of things you see…
After that Julian nodded and waited for the man to peter out before nodding again and taking off without a second thought, the blow hard of a man had already wasted some time but from the temperature of the box he held, Julian knew the ice cream had not melted. Jumping on rooftops Julian had decided to avoid the streets in order to cut down on time. While it would normally be faster to just use the streets, at this time of day they were clogged with humanity and so Julian deduced it would be much faster to travel higher up.

Julian was proven right as he arrived at the gates with the box still emanating a coolness which had made his fingers quite cold. However the ninja was used to much more pain than that so he did not even stop to adjust his hold on the box and tore out of the gates like a bat out of hell. Kicking up dust behind him with his bare feet, he soon cut into the forest and made his way towards where he was told the operation was occurring. The young genin wished he could have been training with them instead of playing gopher but it was not yet his time. That time could not come soon enough for him, but he was focused on finding the officer at this point in time. Setting down the box he pulled up a piece of paper with a picture of the officer, luckily for Julian a man who matched the picture was not any more than forty meters in front of him. Making a beeline for the man Julian jumped over kunai, slide underneath a fireball jutsu and made it to the man presenting the box he had previously picked back up.

Upon opening it up the officer smiled, and thanked Julian. He even offered the boy some ice cream, but Julian declined and simply left with a smile and a lazy salute heading back to the Administrative office to pick up his reward.


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