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The sun perched in the sky when Sanosuke awoken from his slumber in his apartment. For some reason Sanosuke decided that now was not the time to be talking to girls and flirt nonstop with them for the hopes of getting lucky. The air seemed more somber and more serious so instead of goofing off and getting drunk with easily seduced kunoichi at the bar, he decided the night before to stand up on the roof of the apartment and meditate like his master Pathik told him to do when he wants to find his center and focus primarily on finding some sort of inner peace. That night the wind’s pierced through Sanosuke’s skin as he tried to find his center. He remembered how the thoughts of just returning to his bed sounded like more of a smart decision rather than to just stand in the freezing cold and just sit there until he reached some sort of spiritual ease so he can finally go back to being his regular self and just enjoy life. But no such miracle happened. All sorts of feelings were bubbling in his stomach; anxiety, fear, satisfaction, disappointment, sorrow, guilt, alert, all these feelings were bashing against Sanosuke’s cranium in an attempt to show on Sanosuke’s facial expression. But he didn’t let them take any control of his body, and he did so by simply allowing his body to rest and reflect.

Chakra point number 264, chakra point number 19, chakra point number 78, chakra point number 314, chakra point number 61, and chakra point number 5. Of the body when in times of stress, each of those chakra points seemed to be spiked significantly more than the others in the soul. War was a stressor that any shinobi would face. Hell after all of the missions Sanosuke completed for the village hidden in the mist, those points should be at their boiling point. He had to relax, these chakra points were a representation of his soul; if they were peaking then it was surely signs of unrest and uneasiness that caused for those chakra points to be so unruly. They showed that Sanosuke was still on nerves because he was pushing his body to the limit but what could those feelings mean? And what was the reason why? It was obvious the war was the reason for him feeling this way, but Sanosuke honestly believed that he was fine and the war wasn’t affecting his psyche at all. After spending about 3 hours on the roof of his apartment in lotus meditation sitting position in the cold, brisk Kiri hair Sanosuke decided that he would just have to sleep on this issue.

After waking up, Sanosuke decided that he might as well get himself ready for more combat. After all that was most of his days were like; he would get up from his bed, put on his normal shinobi attire on, get his weapons properly equipped onto his person, wake up Navi, and finally start on his mission should the messenger that would send him some sort of letter for him that gave him his next set of instructions to fulfill in the name of the Kirigakure alliance. Just more and more killing he would have to be sent to do in the name of peace. If only people understood each other and didn’t have to fight it out to get other people to force them into seeing the world how they see it. When finished equipping himself with his hand and a half blade on his back, putting on his gauntlets, tightening the chains around his pants, and tying his headband on his left bicep Sanosuke whistled loudly to wake up his still sleeping partner from her slumber so they can get started on their duties for Kiri. Walking down the halls and through the bar where their temporary apartment was located, Sanosuke went to the bartender and asked for a glass of water and bread with meat. His meal was prepared for him after about 10 to 20 minutes of simply waiting. Sanosuke made sure that he ate every bite of food he was given, and even had an apple with the meal he was eating before leaving. There was a tiny bite taken out of Sanosuke’s apple that was because Navi was also hungry too. Unlikely as it is these has to eat as well despite the tiny stomach she has in her. When they were finished with their breakfast the two of them paid their bill and made off to the administration building of Kirgakure where all the specialized missions of dealing blows to Seven Bells’ military power or protecting significantly important advantages that Kiri has were given out to either a group of shinobi of just a single shinobi that were seen with enough skill and prowess that just one shinobi of their prowess was needed to complete it. Sanosuke was one of those shinobi, and just not including Navi the two of them could complete the most difficult missions without any trouble whatsoever to themselves.

When they entered the board room of the administration building, an officer from the village hidden in the mist approached Sanosuke holding a scroll that had the details of his next assignment that he must accomplish to fight against the forces of Seven Bells. Sanosuke knew that he was to do the mission alone. Breaking the seal that was placed on the scroll, Sanosuke opened up the thin piece of parchment to read its contents for more details related on his mission that he was given to inflict damage on Seven Bells’ forces. Something's wrong with the Daimyo's forces, though the Diamyo himself has been retrieved, he has intel on his family which were also captured and under threat of execution of they act in thie battle. Find the Daimyo's family and ensure their safety so they can join the fight!” Snaosuke read to himself in his head. After reading the contents of the scroll, he used a tiny spark of raiton in his gauntlets to burn the scroll into ashes. He looked at his commanding officer for more details on the task he was to complete. He told him that he most likely will have to break through the front lines through wind and fire to locate the enemy prison ship. From his superior’s description it seemed to be a ship made out of iron and wooden bits with a purple jolly roger with the symbol of Seven Bells written on it. Nodding his head, Sanosuke bowed and took off from the window and began to wonder how he should handle the situation. He had to be quiet and silent in order for the mission to be any success, after all there were still some battles between ships. So if Sanosuke ran around the ocean shouting out a battle cry, then he would have to fight a battle cruiser by himself; of which Sanosuke didn’t know he had the power to defeat such a large ship and at the same time rescue the Damiyo’s family. So stealth was once again the key to success, after locating the ship then Snaosuke would be able to board the ship and wreak as much havoc to his heart’s content before finding the Daimyo’s family and bringing them to safety.



Night descended on Kirigakure fast as Sanosuke ran through the forest in hopes of trying to avoid detection. There would be a naval fight most likely between Kiri forces and Seven Bells as a distraction for Sanosuke to sneak past the fighting and board the ship that held the very important prisoners and rescue them; by that means he would have to fight against their captor as well. Jeez, freeing someone from captivity. Now that was something that was very familiar to Sanosuke as though he’s done it before. A vision of a certain annoying big mouth blonde hair shinobi with an attitude problem filled his vision when Sanosuke thought about why this mission was so familiar to him. Well at least he would have some experience in how to handle the situation. Waiting on the shoreline in enemy territory, Sanosuke made sure to mask his presence from any enemy shinobi that would stumble on him. Now was not the time to fight an unnecessary fight when it could might as well blow his cover for the mission he was to be going on.

This was the worst part of the mission; just simply waiting on what could possibly happen. He had ot wait though; the point of his plan was to sprint as fast as he could on water using the basic academy skill that every shinobi knew called, Supernatural Walking Jutsu. With his fast speeds, then Sanosuke was certain that he would be able to find the prisoner ship based on the description. Most likely the enemy ships would be so engaged with the Kiri naval fleet that the battle will mask his presence when he did enter the haul of the ship and proceed with entering the prisoner ship to rescue the Daimyo’s family from the clutches of Seven Bells. His speed will be his greatest tool; running to slow would risk detection and thus all the cannons on the enemy ships will be trained on him instead of the Kirigakure ships momentarily to take down the easier target. If he wanted to save the Daimyo’s family then the time for dragging his feet would have to wait when he brings home yet another girl to his place and try to seduce her. But for now….

The sound of a large cannon went off from the distances. It made Sanosuke snap out of his daze and look outwards at what that could possibly be. He didn’t need to strain his eyes too much to see that there was a giant fire from the horizon of the ocean. Sanosuke smirked as he realized that it was time to act now. That was his call. Thunder in the form of hot lead crashing down on the haul of an enemy Seven Bells vessel was not only his whistle to begin his mission, but also the whistle for the enemy to unleash a counterattack. In just a few second; a manufactured thunderstorm of hot lead could be heard all the way from the shoreline letting ocean around the fighting be enveloped in a sea of flames. Not those intense and erratic motion of the fires were his signal to take off like a rocket to save the captors. With nothing holding him back, and a tiny ball of light following his insane speeds, Sanosuke ran outwards at the ships that were ahead of them. The fact that they were on fire didn’t bother the shinobi at all, they were just fires that would motivate him to move on and ignore his pains that would most likely bother him when he’s trying to run this fast. Sanosuke let his mind become focused on the passage right before him; he told his mind to block out everything else. Doubts, passive fears of death that any shinobi would have, fear of failure, everything that could be seen as a possible crutch was let go from the Kumogakure shinobi as each step he took was getting himself closer and closer into the inferno that was brought on by the ships fighting against one another. No matter what Sanosuke had to make damn sure that his footsteps would not falter, he would not get off task, he would focus on running onward towards the heart of the fire to locate the prisoner ship. His hands were to his sides as he ran at speeds that would even rival a sannin’s, there wasn’t a single jounin that held the abilities that Snaosuke had. He was someone whom would show the shinobi world that jounin from Kumogakure were something to fear; and Seven Bells would surely learn this lesson the hard way.
2000/3500 -->Mission WC



When he touched down on the ship, Sanosuke clapped his hands and summoned his twin swords immediately in a flash of lightning to get himself ready for any amount of foes that would attack him from the sides. He was ready for anything coming at him, so they might as well show themselves. But there wasn’t that many people at all. It seemed as though all of the men manning the ship were all killed by the fighting that was going all around them. All around him, there were bodies littered around the deck of the ship. Blood streaked the deck and were in the form of puddles from as far as his eyes could see. Limbs blown off, entire halves of people were scattered as well. It looked as though the cannons were tearing into the people themselves instead of the ship. It was grotesque but Sanosuke wasn’t about to complain, that just meant that there were that less many people that Snaosuke had to kill himself. Besides just in vision right before him on the forefront of the ship there was a cage that held prisoners that, from the description he was given back in the administration building, was the Daimyo’s kidnapped family. It looked simply enough, just go over to the ship and rescue them; mission complete. But that didn’t mean Sanosuke should go in like an idiot, he would keep his weapons in his arms just in case.

Walking over to the caged of frightened nobles, Sanosuke made sure that he was looking around to be sure that nobody would surprise him. The family were trying to tell him something but they were so far away that he couldn’t make out their words. When he got close, Sanosuke read the words ‘watch out.’ Just like that, Sanosuke saw something coming out of his peripheral vision. Raising his swords, Sanosuke swiped at the incoming projectiles that had the mission of trying to find their way into Sanosuke’s body. What was pelted at Sanosuke were 4 bone spears that broke when they made contact with the jounin’s sword. He could have easily dodged out of the way, but based on the trajectory it would have most likely pierced the noble family of the Daimyo. There were something off about the bones that were thrown at him, despite the fact they were sharpened bones, they felt as though they were lined with senjutsu chakra. So there was another sage here on this ship?

”Show yourself!” Sanosuke called out.

He got his wish when out of the corner of his eye, there was a large shadow that was making a bullet dash right at Sanosuke. With the skills and swiftness that could only be used by a master sage of senjutsu, Sanosuke activated sage mode to react accordingly to whom was coming at him. Twin swords glowing with blue chakra met with the sharp senjutsu powered claws of some sort of creature. Just like that he was met face to face with the something that looked truly grotesque. It was a man with the palest skin and snake like eyes. He had bones that were sprouting from his back as though they would make wings and his hands were claws made out of bones as well. But the one thing that had Sanosuke baffled was that he had no nose. Then the thought hit him; this shinobi was the one whom killed all those who were aboard. Their wounds weren’t done in by a cannon, but by claws. That meant that he was the jailor of the prisoners, and that was the only person whom stood in front of his mission; Sanosuke would be sure to deal with him.

Breaking out of deadlock with kage like speeds, Sanosuke dashed backwards and let one of his swords disappear in the site of lightning from his right gauntlet. While moving backwards, Sanosuke got one kunai from his holster and chucked it at the creature. With swiftness, the creature dodged it with ease and proceeded to charge right at Sanosuke. That was good, at least now the creature’s attention was focused primarily on Sanosuke.

Summoning his sword again so he can properly fight the monster, Sanosuke looked at the creature as it charged Sanosuke. ”Navi! Get them out of here! I’ll hold him off” Sanosuke ordered before dashing at the creature in a streak of blue light and afterimages following his steps. When the two sages met, there was an explosion of senjutsu chakra. Though they were simply bones, it was as though Sanosuke was trying to cut metal. No doubt that senjutsu chakra was used to reinforce the bone’s properties. But still for someone to use senjutsu chakra to this extent was something that was rarely seen. Getting his swords out to slash outwards at the man, Sanosuke tried to cut the creature’s arms clean off. It rose its claws and prevented such an action from occurring. But the thing his, the wasp sennin’s blade sunk deeply in the creature’s arms to the point where his armor was like that of string cheese. And yet it still kept coming.

What the hell is with this thing? Sanosuke thought to himself as he realized that he was still in battle. Dodging quickly to avoid the creature’s other claw from slicing his jugular, Sanosuke ducked low and retracted his blade from its arm. The creature jumped to the side and cradled its arm as a diamond appeared on its forehead. The wound was closing. High speed regeneration, nice trick but that meant little to Sanosuke. He would keep slashing until that thing could never regenerate again. Dashing again, Sanosuke spun around tightly in circles to gain more momentum in his swing. When he reached the period of his swinging power, Sanosuke slashed outwards at the creature. ”Reverse Crescent Slash!” Sanosuke called out. This time his blade sunk past the claw of the creature that it used to defend itself and went for the head. In one swift motion, Sanosuke landed back on the deck of the ship skidding on the blood of the former crew of the creature. When he stopped skidding, Sanosuke heard the satisfying plop of a head falling on the ground. Looking at his work, Sanosuke smirked and dropped a tag bomb on the ship.

”Well there’s that.” Sanosuke smirked as he powered down sage mode and saw that there was a ship nearby about 2 meters away from the ship he was on. On the ship was a floating ball of light that he knew very well floating beside the Daimyo’s family. So this was a nearby ship that was in the area to save Sanosuke and his precious cargo by chance. Lucky him. Jumping backwards to land on the ship, Sanosuke did one hand seal and watched as the ship he was on exploded before his eyes. The shock wave of the explosion rocked the boat from side to side slightly before readjusting themselves. The shinobi aboard welcomed Sanosuke and took it to themselves to make sure the Daimyo’s family were in the captain quarters of the ship where they would be able to rest while the shinobi continued to fight. After all, there was still much to do.....
3906/3500 Mission WC Completed

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