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1Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Coax [Alwen/NK] Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:32 pm



A dense fog curled around the island, obscuring the light of the full moon, leaving only wisps of shine that hastily fled the tendrils of smoke. A substantial drop in temperature flew in as the warmth of summer faded, leaving grayed out skies and thunderous clouds. The air was heavy, seemingly able to crush a weaker man's lung from the ominous glow of millions upon millions skittering beading eyes that watched the land with a sharp eye. The tide has risen over the pass from several days of rain, flooding parts of the land and the debris it has collected made the murky water appears as if bottomless pools of darkness that no matter how powerful the light, it would only be absorbed into the dimness. And all while it remained as devoid of life, the pips of bubbles arising to the surface and the occasional glance at something massive lurked in its depths. No sane person would dare to cross it, and hoped to take the bridge instead however recent peculiarities had forced the immediate termination of the crossing leaving instead a ferry as the only means of crossing to and fro the island and mainland that seemed to pull on itself with a chain...and nobody dared to try to find out why. The manor stood tall and dominating in all its glory having been repaired recently after the storm giving it an ominous but powerful feeling.

Around this time it were 20 past 10:00, and the sun has long since fled on this night, having better things to do than to watch the den. Yasuo was close to finishing up preparing tea, cake and various other things in anticipation for their guest's arrival, Sangotatsu Alwen. She was young girl Yasuo had the pleasure of having in their team for a recent mission and were highly impressed by her attitude and skill. Such traits sparked their interest and after some conversation with Mama, she seemed to be valuable for more than a simple tea outing but rather a position in the manor. Yasuo knew that despite what they did, and the help they received from Mama's children, they could not manage the entirely of the manor alone. The rest of staff drifted away and never returned leaving the work resting almost entirely on the kurohebi's shoulder and as much as Yasuo loved to make their delectable master Sero happy, they had other things to do besides play house whether it be training, missions, or their experiments. And lord knows Yasuo needed to talk with people aside from the twins who came and went. Besides, Sero trusted Yasuo enough to hire more staff anyway right? If anything happened...well certain arrangements could have been easily made...

So they sent a raven to give the girl an message, an invitation if you will, to meet Yasuo at the Osada Manor for tea once they tracked down her home. In the letter it gave the time and directions on how to find the ferry and directions to the manor as well as advisement to be careful due to wayward anarchid's though according to her track record she knew how to handle them...somewhat.


2Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:46 am

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

It was around 1930, or 7.30PM when the sea witch received a rather curious letter. At the time, Alwen was simply cleaning her mother’s room, something that was sort of a common task for the girl. Still, while a common task, it was almost sort of meaningless. She’d gotten good enough with her Suiton that, without damaging her mother’s precious memories and trinkets, she could have the room clean in a few minutes. After all, she knew where everything was, so all she had to do was use the Sangotatsu hydrokinesis skills. Simple stuff, really, it was. So, taking a moments pause from her duties, Alwen dismissed the raven to return to whomever its owner was, taking care to read the letter it had delivered. It seemed the letter was requesting a meeting at the… Osada manor? That name seemed familiar, but Alwen couldn’t put her finger on why… Ah, was that the location where she accidentally accepted someone else’s mission? It was quite an embarrassing mistake, but thinking about it, mistakes happen. Still, it was apparent that this request for a meeting was likely serious. After all, it was sent via raven. Alwen never got anything sent by raven. Perhaps what was most curious about the letter though, was who had signed the bottom. Yasuo. The mysterious individual whom Alwen had recently performed a mission alongside. They were efficient, at least Alwen concluded that much. Although Alwen had no idea if they were a male, a female, or another identity. Besides, it’s best to not assume these things.

With a sigh, Alwen turned, writing a quick note out on a piece of paper. A note to inform her mother that she’d be gone for a while. It was late, but if she made a start now, she could make it on time. Fortunately, the invitation had included rough directions to the ferry. Alwen supposed that they didn’t know exactly where she lived, as the instructions were rough, not in detail and weren’t specific. Still, the guide combined with Alwen’s rough knowledge already, allowed her to know enough about where she was going to begin her way. So, clad in her grey, practical equipment, Kirikagure forehead protector over her right shoulder, Alwen took off in a run, note in hand. She didn’t want to be late after all.

At roughly 2230, or 10.30PM, Alwen arrived at the location of the ferry, living in quite a remote part of Kirigakure, so taking a longer time to arrive. A rather uninspiring vessel clearly designed more for practicality than aesthetic. While along the water, separating the mainland and what Alwen assumed was the island, was a long chain that seemed to disappear in the mists of the not so distant distance. Carefully stepping on to the raft, Alwen allowed the float to seemingly automatically get pulled along, the chain rattling, as if something was there, pulling at the chains devoid of will, or perhaps of a will of its own. She couldn’t know, and honestly, couldn’t be bothered to ask.

Continuing to follow the, now more precise, guidelines of the directions to the manor, Alwen approached the great door that she assumed was the entrance, at least it was according to the guide. Alwen paused for a moment, taking a moment to take in the sight of the manor building itself, as well as the style of the door and other intricate details, before knocking, rapping at the door. “Sangotatsu Alwen, reporting in!” she declared, hoping her declaring her location might alleviate any potential tension. Last time she was here, there were dead bodies. So, it’d only make sense that the residents were a bit tense, no?


3Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:56 pm



One of the various spiders crawled up Yasuo's sleeve nudging  their check gently. Their eyes turned, appraising the anarchid before getting the silent message. It appears their guest had finally arrived. Thanking the young spiderlings Yasuo took the tea and cakes down to the parlor room. Yasuo had prepared various sandwich, cakes, and cookies along with a ''meat'' and cheese platter with crackers and an herb blend. The tea was jasmine tea with hints of honey and lemon in it. Once prepared for her arrival Yasuo heard her knocking and went to greet her as they wouldn't dare to leave her out in the cold granted Yasuo fared better than normal people in frigid temperatures so they wore very little today. All they had was an unzipped crimson red sweater and black tank top along with short shorts and matching thigh highs. They left their fuzzy black slippers on and wore their glasses today since their eyes were hurting. Adjusting their spectacles, Yasuo opened the door smiling at Alwen "Ah Miss Sangotatsu! How wonderful for you to arrive. Please do not be so formal with I. I wish for you to be comfortable. If you would follow me please" Yasuo closed the door behind Alwen should she follow, and head for the grand parlor room where all the snacks were and sat down on one of the couches though not before clicking their tongue seeing one of the spiders, a rather large one that was up to Yasuo's knees take a sandwhich. Yasuo scolded them saying that was not polite and if they were so hungry they could go hunting inside. Once the spider left Yasuo sighed and pinched the bridge of their nose "I apologize that you had to witness that. Children sometimes honestly..."


4Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:31 am

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

With a grin, Alwen listened to Yasuo as he spoke. It seemed Alwen had misunderstood the intentions of this meeting, whoops! As the host of her little reason for being here, Alwen stepped into the building with intention of following Yasuo, listening with curiosity on her mind as the door creaked shut, Yasuo closing it behind her. It was a brief moment between Yasuo shutting the door and Alwen entering that her host began to move, and so, Alwen followed like sheep with a shepherd. Although once more, sheer curiosity made her look around. To what she could tell, the place was large, old, and recently barren. While probably to a group of people, it could be seen almost like a haunted house, as if any moment something could jump out at an unsuspecting person, to Alwen it just seemed nifty. She was, after all, a dumb kid. Still, as they entered the parlour room and Yasuo sat down, something immediately caught Alwen’s eye and caused her to stumble a bit.

A large spider, about the size of a fully grown dog. Now, to those who didn’t know, Alwen had slight arachnophobia. The reason? They just seemed a bit unnerving and she always thought that spiders, if bigger, would try to kill her. Yet here was one. Trying to… Steal a sandwich? It took Alwen blinking a couple of times before she really registered what was going on, the tension at the sight of the spider dropping like lead. To her, it was an odd sight, like someone painting silly comics and jokes over the concept of nightmares. To make it weirder, Yasuo seemed to scold the spider, just as if it were a dog. So, the horned girl watched as, having been reprimanded, the spider-dog, as she thought it, walked off. Or would it be scurried?

As Yasuo spoke and apologised, an expression of frustration spread across his face, Alwen simply laughed and shook her head. An almost out of place laugh, considering her startled shock a moment ago, but a genuine laugh. Maybe this meant giant spiders doing their own thing was normal here? Still, she didn’t want to leave the host as the only one speaking, so in response as she sat down on a couch not too far from the one Yasuo was seated in, wanting to seat near but not too near, she had some modicum of manners after all. “Hey, it’s fine aha! Although just as a question, are the spiders here usually that big? The ones I’m used to are about… This big.” She said, holding her fingers in a motion that was almost like a pinch, emphasising the smallness of creatures the sea witch was used to. Regardless of his answer, Alwen would take a more comfortable posture, allowing her recently tense shoulders to drop loosely, and crossing her left leg over her right one. Subtlety of relaxation at its finest.

489 + 614 = 1103

5Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:39 pm



Seeing the sea witch's reaction prompted a chuckle of them. Despite how quirky and odd the little siren could be, they had forgotten that such sights were odd to behold. Yasuo was a bit perturbed too when they started working here but now having Sero walk around with three eyes and seeing spiders larger than themselves, not much surprised them around here. "Yes, I suppose that is a valid assumption" It was a normal reaction for normal folks like Alwen, no matter how hard she denied to being normal whether through her dress or mannerisms. Still it was a nice change of pace. No one around her was exactly normal and something was always off with their head. Taking a pot of tea and pouring a glass from themselves and Alwen, Yasuo set it aside thinkig a comparison as they rather enjoyed teasing her"And they are usually around that height yes though I have seen a few larger than an myself lurking somewhere. Their mother surely is even grander and could eat a few horses if they so wished"

"Why don't you have some tea and a snack"
Yasuo offered, whilst taking a cup themselves and zipping it, sniffing its aroma whilst watching Alwen. Should she take a snack and sip her tea or not, Yasuo would put their cup down onto the tap on a coaster to their right before putting their hands together and resting their chin on its palm. "You see Ms. Sangotatsu, I didn't call you here only for tea but rather something else"

"When you look around here what do you see?"

"I see history, prestige, age, restoration. I see possibility, several fates, of which success is unprecedented. Although it might be trifling and perhaps ill fated at times. But more importantly I see emptiness"

"You know, young dragon, my master and I experienced an interest in someone with your capabilities. It is not often we find a subject worthy of our attention. We may not be the most well liked or receptive people but we have good intentions. The really, for Kirigakure"

"What I am asking is, would you like to be a member of Osada Manor?"


6Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Mon Oct 10, 2016 2:54 pm

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen’s expression went to a semi-bewildered one, albeit this dropped nearly instantly as she sort of got over it, as she tended to do with things. Spiders aside, this conversation was interesting, although the dragon child couldn’t put her finger on why spiders were that large, or how. A spider large enough to eat several horses? Alwen hadn’t personally seen horses before, but, since they carried people, they were surely large, right? That’s pretty impressive… And if they were all as tame, or at least nearly as tame, as the one just then… Oh, the image of Yasuo, in their current garb, riding a spider to battle gave her a little giggle out of nowhere.

It was the conversation hosts next topic that got Alwen’s attention back to reality. That topic? Tea and snacks. While she didn’t particularly want to go for a snack right now, since Alwen wasn’t the type for snacks. Full blown meals out of the typical order of eating at a day? Without a doubt. Snacks? Not particularly, as she found that such a thing usually made her hungrier than she would have been otherwise. So, taking the tea, Alwen studied it for a moment, taking some nearby sugar and placing an almost absurd amount of it into the tea, deciding to be both lazy, and put too much effort, into stirring her tea. How would one go about stirring their tea differently? Hydrokinesis for no reason is how. Just kind of watching her tea as it seemingly stirred itself, Alwen smiled, bringing the cup to her lips and sipping it rather happily. Weirdly stirred tea, with far too much sugar to still taste like tea, was great. Masa Yasuo’s next words, however, confused Alwen for a moment, her expression showing so, in between sips of tea flavoured sugar.

As Alwen listened to what Yasuo said next, she thought for a moment, looking around the room they were in, not entirely sure of what they meant by the question. Speaking her two pence on the topic, Alwen declared rather blatantly. “I see a couple of cobwebs, some peeling paint, some floor that could probably use replacing, a couple of broken windows…” Her voice trailed off as Yasuo spoke back up, giving a much more philosophical answer. So, they weren’t just asking about the appearance of the place, for appearance tips or the like. So, her initial preconceptions of what Yasuo was implying out the window, Alwen leant forward, listening intently to the person as they spoke. She didn’t really get a lot of what they were saying, about interest, capabilities, or the like, although she had to admit being called a dragon was semi-amusing. But, if there was anything that really caught her attention, it was the end of that sentence.

For the good of Kirigakure?

A grin spread across her face as she listened to Yasuo continue. Pausing for a moment as their words sunk in, Alwen allowed herself a moment to think up what to say next. Her face returning to as neutral of an expression as Alwen could make, which of course still had a hint of a smile, the sea loving shinobi spoke up once more. “This place is the Osada manor?” she asked with a rhetoric to the question, not pausing for an answer as she continued on. “If this location, this group, is for the better of Kirigakure, then I don’t give a fish’s rotten scale how negatively it is perceived. The village of mist is my home. If working for this place protects my home, I don’t care how I’m perceived for doing it.” With a sigh, catching her breath and finishing off her sugary tea, Alwen resumed and finished her sentence rather simply, no subtlety in her voice.

Count me in.

633 + 1103 = 1736

Chakra: 140/150 (-10 for D rank Hydrokinesis)

Jutsu used:

7Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Sat Oct 22, 2016 10:14 am



Yasuo watched in amusement as the young sea dragon stirred her tea with incomprehensible control. The tea water seemingly stirred itself, mixing its contents with the massive amounts of sugar. She had much more skill than they had in the department of water manipulation and it was such skill that made her valuable. She was young and impressionable, something that could be molded into something fearsome. Of course they have heard that unfortunately the young yuzu ren has appeared to have taken an interest in her but the kurohebi hoped that perhaps the young master and themselves could persuade her otherwise. She had a semblance of skill in medical ninjutsu but she was apt in ninjutsu, making her a viable student for Yasuo although something inside them told them that she were not as suited for medical inquiries than that of weaponry. They would need to spar her in order to make an accurate assessment. But before anything true battles of strength could commence, they would need to work on her wit. She needed to see past the exterior of the place and see things for what they were underneath. The rest of the manor was pretty much renovated and in top condition leaving only a few rooms such as the parlor left and the exterior needed to be repaired after a particular issue had arisen sending back into decay the past week. All was left were a few repairs, small ones, larges one, they were all the same. Yasuo's nimble hands would break them down and build them up again, better and stronger than before.

The quirky girl thought about it for a moment, about Yasuo's offer. Her face attempted to be as neutral as possible but it still had a teen smile in it. She asked a rhetorical question about the very manor they were in before giving an interesting answer to which Yasuo took to delightfully. They clapped their hands once and tilted their head, resting her cheek on the top of their hands happily "Wonderful" they chirped. "The master would be most pleased. And so am I" They paused, looking elsewhere before they realized they were about to forget something. They grinned almost bashfully covering their lower mouth with their hand "My dearest apologies. Before we get everything situated, I need to tell you a few rules. Simple ones really. First you are never allowed to use the elevator in the kitchen nor access to the fourth floor. Only the young master Sero-sama and I may do so. Second, do not harm any of the spiders within the manor's perimeter under no circumstances. They mean you no harm and will only cause a bit of mischief once in awhile. Of course we cannot speak for those much farther than the manor's influence can reach as you know very well with that spider horde that attacked you and some of the construction crew. You have my thanks for that. I am glad no one got hurt on that little expedition"

Yasuo took a sip of their tea and popped a treat into their mouth, chewing slowly before contiuing "Any member of the manor has access to the library and armory however you must throw anything out nor damage any of the contents. If you do there will be a punishment. Finally, you may choose any available room as your quarters for your liking but stay out of a few certain ones. I have the bedroom on the left side of the master's on the second floor as well as a laboratory in the second hall in the same floor. The master's room is something you must not be caught in nor the laboratory. I do not wish something undesirable to happen to you. Especially in my lab. I work with harmful chemicals often that could very easily kill someone if they were not careful. I may be a medic, but I cannot save everyone."

"There is someone to watch out for however and that is the master's cousin Mitsu Osada. She has only come to live in the manor awhile ago but has not warmed up to the place. Do not enter her room nor bother her should you see her. She seems to enjoy her privacy and we must respect it. Do you understand?"

"Now then, as part of the Osada Manor, aside from protecting Kirigakure from any threats from within and outwards, or even making sure the Manor stays on its feet, you must earn your keep as a member of staff. We are in need of a gardener and I am sure you can handle that position correct?"
If she had no issues with her assignment Yasuo would nod "You will receive pay as per usual if you do your job in a timely manner. You need not worry about food or clothes. I am the head of staff as well as the chef and tailor here. If there is anything you desire to eat or wear within reason, I will do my best to accommodate you"

"Now then, do you have any questions? I answer them to the best of my ability"


OOC: Apologies for the wait

8Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Sat Oct 22, 2016 8:27 pm

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen watched, still keeping her attempt at a serious expression as they began grinning, giving a clap of the hands before resting their cheek on their hands. An odd way to respond, but why would Alwen question it? So, as Yasuo began explaining the rules and the situation about the manor, Alwen simply listened intensely, sipping tea on occasion. It was upon the host’s mention of Alwen’s little encounter with the giant spiders previously that she perhaps shouldn’t have taken a sip, coughing and finding herself hitting herself in the chest to prevent herself from suffocating. Damn it! So, the manor knew about that uhh, blunder? Well… That was embarrassing, and caused the little sea witch to fluster a little. After it’s not like she was very professional in her way of approaching that particular task.

As Yasuo continued their speech and explanation of the building and rules, Alwen made a mental note of it. Firstly, to perhaps ask if she could have a copy of a map with the layout of the building, or at the very least the layout of where she could safely go. Especially so with the library, as perhaps there would be some interesting books in there. Yes, hyper active fish lady likes to read. Don’t question it. The next bit was a warning about a particular person. Not the lord of the manor, nor a warning about the spiders. But a warning about the lord’s cousin, Mitsu Osada. Alwen couldn’t say she recognised the name, but she made note to remember to avoid that particular person. Speaking of the master, his name was Sero, correct? She made a note to remember that as well. So, when Yasuo asked if Alwen understood, the girl simply nodded.

Something Alwen really didn’t expect was the next part to come with working at the manor. A normal-esque job. It without a doubt didn’t look the sort of place where that’d make sense. But perhaps appearances were deceptive. When Yasuo inquired if being a gardener was okay, Alwen nodded with a smile. “Can do!” she declared enthusiastically, falling quiet again to let the person continue. The last bit of course, was if Alwen had any questions. So, the two major ones were best to say now. “Two questions!” she announced rather blatantly. “Firstly! Would there be any maps anywhere with the layouts that I could look at to know the routes I can and cannot safely traverse? And secondly, yet perhaps most importantly…” the young dragon child sighed, about to give what is surely to be the most insightful question of all time. “I noticed there are some dying woodlands… Would I be able to stay in a tree?” Wait. That’s your big question? Really? “Oh! Actually! Third question! Third question! I can still go back to mainland right? I have to look after my mother, so…” glad to see you can count Alwen. Three is in fact, more than two questions. Good job.

495 + 1736 = 2231

9Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:43 pm



Yasuo popped one of the small sandwiches into their mouth and chewed slowly before sipping their tea, leading back in their seat and crossing one leg over the other as they placed their lips in a thin line of concentration. "A map....yes I could draft you one. The maps we have are not so current since I renovated majority of the manor recently and had to take down and change a few things. I will send it over once it is done"

Yasuo blinked, caught a little off guard by the sea witch's question, her supposed big one, about the dying forest on the island and if she could stay in a tree. Yasuo was wondering where that line of thought came from since the manor was large, spacious, and luxurious. Not to mention warm and safe. If anything she could have been staying in a giant fish tank with that condition of hers but a tree? Seems to align with a monkey more than a fish. But who were they to judge. "A....tree? There are plenty of trees close to the manor so I suppose you could reside in one. Would you want some help in building the tree house? I know my way around tools. As long as it is close to the manor but not obtrusively so that our enemies could find us right away"

Then Alwen asked another question, more than two now three. This time about where or not she could leave and take care of her mother. Yasuo could not take them from her mother as they understood the connection to them so with a soft smile they nodded and waved off their concerns."Ah yes yes, my bad. Whilst I would highly recommend you live inside the manor in one of our various rooms or at the very least stay close by, you are allowed to leave and return as you wish to the mainland. I would not want to separate you from your mother by any means. You just need to be prepared to leave and answer the call of duty should it come"


10Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Sun Oct 30, 2016 11:10 am

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

Grinning at the host’s reply to her first question, Alwen nodded once again, giving a rather silly thumbs up. Now at least she could not get lost, as getting lost in a place that can be dangerous… May not be the best plan. All in all, her gestures were rather repetitive, but, well, what else could she do in non-verbal response? Probably a lot, but such details were not important at the moment, Alwen continuing to listen as her questions were answered. As Yasuo answered the second question, seemingly surprised by the wish for a tree, Alwen just kind of giggled a bit. Their response was rather normal, something the girl found amusing. It’d be best to give a bit of an idea of how she’d live in a tree, wouldn’t it? “Hum… If you could make a hole near the base of one of the trees, I could probably hollow it out with jutsu, then buy some basic supplies to pretty it on the inside!” a rather childish plan, but, well, this was Alwen.

As for Yasuo’s answer to her third question, Alwen’s expression returned to neutral in an instant, the glee of her childish idea gone from her mind for a brief moment. The deal seemed fair to her. Move back and forth from home, still look after her mother, and if out and about, just return when needed. Taking a sip of her sugar tea once more before replying, coughing once as if to clear her throat and be clear. “Sounds like a good plan to me.” She replied, voice trying really, really hard to be serious. Of course, it wasn’t completely serious, but well, this was Alwen. What could be expected? In short, nothing and everything. Because that’s how the fish witch do.

Alwen placed the cup of tea against her lips once more, waiting in silence before answering the quiet with a rather simple question. “Is there anything else?” Simple, to the point, maybe a bit rude sounding. In her mind, there wasn’t a lot left to go over, nor any other directions to take conversation. Tipping the cup up, she finished off her liquid leaf sugar, sighing contentedly. “Thank you for the tea, by the way. It was pleasant.

375 + 2231 = 2606

11Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:30 pm



"Hmm....alright that seems good enough. I know of a few trees out back that are unnaturally large and thick with age who have yet to wither and decay in the midst of any storm's horrendous rage. Also are you planning to live inside the tree trunk itself or become a hobbit and fashion your own house underneath it? I think you will find it more accommodating underneath it if you desire quality space besides a one room multilevel home"

"Do understand that to be of the manor is a commitment, one that should not be taken lightly. Of course we have had our fair share of drifters who share no particular passion and have departed before their journey had began but if you chose to stay with us long enough, I know that you will not regret it. Because above all we desire loyalty and strength. You are but a unbosomed fruit, a budding flower, but we can see the strength of your root, the power behind your will" Yasuo meant every word and it were not just for flavor. They were the first member of Sero's staff and will likely be the last. They have not been with him forever but long enough to care for the young master. He had been through many tiring times, and needed a place to call home, a place to return to where he was care for and had a sense of stability, a place more than a den where they slept, ate, bathe, and shit. Of course this is all from Yasuo's own speculation but they felt this had done good, for the both of them. Sero could come back to a warm inviting home, with food prepared and their fateful servant who catered to their every whim, fashioning them the best of clothes, gourmet food, a spotless home that was well protected and skillful hands that patched up any of his wounds. Perhaps it was too presumptuous to assume they had any sort of bond beyond master and servant, but the kurohebi would like to believe they were actually close in some sort of way and had the start of something more. Yasuo always had plans beyond this but it does not mean they could not enjoy the ride.

Alwen sipped her tea and waited a moment before asking a rather simple question, short and much more to the point than her previous ones. Yasuo chuckled, letting their chest and shoulders vibrate as covered their snide smile that crept its way onto their mouth before nodding, drinking the last of their tea and setting the tea cup down on the saucer."No no all is fine. If you wish you could stay for dinner or go look around the manor for any rooms. Anything occupied with have a label on the door except bathroom and such, those will have something hanging on the handle turned either occupied or free. Otherwise you are free to leave and even take home these snacks for your mother." Yasuo leaned in a bit, looking to the side and Alwen, as they spoke in a hushed whisper with their back hand on their cheek to create a little buffer "I have yet to hear complaints with my cooking"

"Thank you for your time Miss. Sangotatsu and for entertaining me. I look forward to working with you in the future as more than a fellow mist nin. Welcome to Osada Manor"

Dark Arts: Ruptured (1500/1500)
Dark Arts: Smother (1500/1500)

3wc left over


12Coax [Alwen/NK] Empty Re: Coax [Alwen/NK] Thu Nov 03, 2016 6:02 am

Alwen Sangotatsu

Alwen Sangotatsu

At Yasuo’s querying, Alwen shrugged. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. But really she rarely does. After all, thinking far ahead was boring… And boring wasn’t fun. Perhaps the space of a hobbit hole could be quite fun. Indeed, it would come with its perks. Including extra meals. Such as second breakfast. Or an in-between-snack snack. So, with a chipper tone in her voice, Alwen replied simply. “Hobbit style!” after all, it means she could go on an adventure! Well, maybe not literally. But at least she could brag about living in a tree.

At Yasuo’s next point, she listened intently once more, taking in every point the host made. Loyalty was something the sea witch could provide. Strength, well, only time would tell, growth not being something that occurs in a day. Perhaps the dragon child would one day grow to be strong, a fearsome weapon or shield for Kirigakure. But now, she was just Alwen. At the answer to her final, basic question, Alwen nodded, picking up a couple of the snacky sandwiches and just kind of, holding them. Rather casually, she rose to her feet, bowing respectfully to Masa Yasuo, as both thanks and farewell. “I will take some snacks, thank you for the offer. As for the offer to stay and look for a while, I should probably go back to continue caring for my mother for now.” She shrugged, deeming it just another thing to do. Family and all of that.

Thank you kindly for inviting me, and I look forward to working with you in the coming times.” With a curtsy, the girl walked to the door from which she came, opening it carefully. One step. Two step. After precisely three steps outside she turned and nodded to Yasuo, adding rather playfully. “Oh, and please. Call me Alwen, we’re not on a mission after all.” And with a grin, she was gone, disappearing into the foggy sky in the blink of an eye. Where she went, or what she went to do, was a mystery. Furthermore, whether or not she kept the sandwiches, or whether they were lost in the forgettableness of time. Most likely, she fed them to her fish, seeing the snacks as not green enough for her tastes. But all of this is just speculation, as the fourth wall breaking person writing simply builds up words to no end.

398 + 2606 = 3004


Chakra: 130/150 (-10 for Body flicker)

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