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1Terumi Clan [WIP] Empty Terumi Clan [WIP] Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:53 am

Katari Fantomusodo

Katari Fantomusodo

Symbol: Terumi Clan [WIP] Jedior10

Clan: Terumi Clan

Kekkei Genkai: Boil Release (Vapor Style), Lava Release

Elements: Fire, Water, Earth

Specialization: Ninjutsu, (Any other specialization is fine, but Ninjutsu must be primary)

Location: Kirigakaru

Clan History: (What is your clan's history?)

Kekkei Genkai Description:
Boil Release:

Drawbacks: (What is your clan bad at?)

Members: (Members of the clan can be updated here)

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu: ( What jutsu is unique to your clan? There can be a max of four.)

2Terumi Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Terumi Clan [WIP] Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:20 am



There are two separate clans for Boil and Lava Release, the Osada and Kanetsu clans, respectively.

3Terumi Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Terumi Clan [WIP] Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:46 am

Katari Fantomusodo

Katari Fantomusodo

Sorry...I based it off of a canon character, Mai Terumi. Does any clan already have Dark Release or Swift Release?

4Terumi Clan [WIP] Empty Re: Terumi Clan [WIP] Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:05 am



Both dark release and swift release are currently banned.

Swift may get unbanned, dark will not.

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