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1Stop the Vandal! [Konoha - D] Empty Stop the Vandal! [Konoha - D] Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:08 am



Fuyuki found himself several dozen feet off the ground.

An old man had contracted a mission to catch a few kids who had been vandalising his house. Said children lived in the buildings next to his, but he never could get enough proof to pin the dirt on them, and speaking to their parents has apparently never worked before, if their protectiveness of their children was anything to go by.

The old man's apartment was located on the fourth floor, and was the one at the far end of the corridor, such that one side was exposed to the sunlight during the day. This made the job somewhat easier for Fuyuki, who had accepted the mission. Fuyuki would stakeout the area at night, which was the time the children were most likely to carry out their activities, perched on the side of the house, squatting on the vertical surface and securing himself to it by channeling chakra through the soles of his shoes.

But Fuyuki had been at this for quite a while now. Every once in a while, he got up from his squat and walked around the wall of the building, as weird as that sounded, to get a good stretch. The kids usually worked every night painting over the previous graffiti, and replacing it with one of even uglier proportions, but tonight seemed to be their off night, if the lack of activity the past two hours was anything to go by.

Just then, Fuyuki heard several pairs of footsteps and excited giggles approaching, as well as what seemed like the shaking of spray cans. He peered over the side to get a better look, and saw the group of children already busy adding a new batch of graffiti to the poor, disfigured wall.

Jumping out from his hiding spot, Fuyuki managed to grab two kids by their collars, surprising them deeply. He held both children up to stop them from running away, and also to get a better look at their faces. He was somewhat surprised when the faces that looked back at him were no older than nine or ten.

The remaining member of the gang attempted to tackle Fuyuki, only for the ninja to sidestep said tackle, causing the boy to fall down and drop on the floor. The boy glared at Fuyuki from his position on the floor, only for his eyes to widen when Fuyuki dropped the two boys onto him in a heap. In their struggle and hurry to get free, they tangled themselves up and only got into a messier heap.

“Oi, let us out of here, mister!” one of the boy's shouted.

“Quiet, people are sleeping,” Fuyuki hissed. “And if you don't, I'll show you just what ninja can do.”

The boy visibly gulped and smartly remained quiet after that. His companions, hearing the threat as well, clamped their lips shut, hoping this man was only after them for their various pranks.

Fuyuki then went to pick up and look over the cylindrical spray cans they had brought. Apparently, there was a lot. Someone must've had big plans for that night, since they had brought two baskets of spray cans. Fortunately, though, Fuyuki found what he was looking for.

He held up three spray cans and tossed them to the children. “Spray the old man's wall back to gray. If you do, I won't have a special session with you three.”

He grinned, but said grin only struck more fear into the kids as they jumped at a spray can each and began to recolour the old man's walls gray. While not the exact gray it was, it was still better than having a variety of colours all mixed up in one batch with every graffiti painting they put on the wall.

Word Count: 641

Chakra 150/150:

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