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1whac a mole c rank  Empty whac a mole c rank Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:14 pm

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth woke to his mother ripping the sheets off his bed. "It's time to get up, you have a mission today" she exclaimed as she put a plate full of steaming rice in front of Seth. “Let me sleep some more” Seth replied attempting to grab back the sheets that had been taken off the bed. “Oh no you don’t” Seth’s mother said pulling the sheets out of his reach. “Today is a very important day for you. This is you first mission you can’t afford to be late to your first day on the job.” Seth gave up on reclaiming the sheets and resolved to eat his rice as quickly as he could manage to shove it down. “Where am I supposed to go again?” Seth asked between mouthfuls of rice. Seth’s mother sighed before answering “What am I going to do with you. You are supposed to go to Old man Roku’s farm at the edge of the village, and take care of the moles that are ruining the crops” Seth jumped out of bed grabbing his gear and opened the window. “Alright mom got it, I will be back tonight wish me luck” he replied as he jumped out of the window in the direction of the farm. It did not take long for Seth to reach the outskirts of the town were Old man Roku’s farm was. He and his wife had already vacated the premise for the day so not to interfere with Seth completing the job. Seth served the field taking in all he could see. He could easily see evidence of the damage from the moles. About every ten square feet of farm land had a hole that the moles had dug and the plants around these holes had all been torn down or eaten. Then he saw one. A mole was in the middle of eating some of the produce. “This is a perfect chance to get one of them now” Seth said to himself under his breath, slowly getting closer to the animal. Once he was about three meters from it Seth leapt with his arms out to catch it. “Got ya now!” he exclaimed clamping his hands together around were the critter was, however when he opened his hands he came up empty handed. “Were did it go?” Seth said shocked to see he did not catch the mole. He scoured the area around him looking for were the creature could of escaped to. He looked in all directions and saw nothing. Then it donned on him, the mole had escaped into its hole. Seth stuck his arm into the hole to see if he could reach the mole to no avail. Then he saw it, a mole coming out of one of the other holes about 20 feet away. “I got you this time” Seth said making another jump for the animal. This time he made sure to keep an eye out for the mole to move. Time seemed to slow down his hands came closer and closer to the animal then at the very last second it dashed back into its hole. Seth hit the ground with a lot of force kicking up dirt and scraping up his hands. That is when he heard the strangest sound he ever heard. He looked up to see six moles all looking at him and appeared to be laughing at his pain. ”Dam, moles, I will show you” Seth yelled sending the moles back into their holes. “Come on out and let me kill you” he said his anger getting to his head. He waited for about twenty minutes and none of the moles came out.  Seth knew he had to cool his head and come up with a way to draw out the moles. Sitting down and taking long deep breaths, Seth contemplated what to do. He knew now that there were six of these moles down in their tunnels, which were apparently all woven together. Filling in the holes with them inside would not work; they would just dig new holes causing even more damage to the field.  He could flood the holes, but without water style jutsu that would also prove difficult. Damaging the holes is out of the option so I will have to get them to come back out. Seth wracked his brain for an answer coming up with plan after plan just to toss them to the side. I just need a way to smoke them out. Then it hit him that is exactly what he needed to do. He remembered when his house got rats what his mother did to get rid of them. After finding were the rats were living she gathered a lot of easy burned objects and fanned the smoke into the rats living area. The smell of the smoke forced the rats to escape from their home running out into the open were Seth’s mother was waiting in wait. The rats disoriented from the smoke burning their eyes and filling their noses they did not see the shuriken flying at them until it was too late. It was perfect Seth would do the same thing his mother did to take care of the rats. First he would have to gather up some stuff to burn. This did not take long picking up some of the already ruined produce he gathered quite a pile of things to burn. Next he would need something to fan it with. Seth decided to look in the garden shed for something he could use. Seth grabbed a hand rake and a few rags and made himself a makeshift fan. Heading back over to his pile of things to burn he prepared for his trap. Seth started the flame and started fanning the smoke into the hole. It did not take long before the first mole showed itself. Seth waited, until he could see all six moles before he stopped fanning the flames.   “Chakra shuriken jutsu” Seth yelled sending four shuriken at the at the moles taken down four of them. Seth then followed up with Shuriken Return no jutsu throwing one of the shuriken again along with his fuma shuriken killing the last two. Finally he had completed the mission. It just took an entire  day to take care of six moles.        

Jutsus used :

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