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1Catching A prankster (D-ranked) Solo Empty Catching A prankster (D-ranked) Solo Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:50 am




After Akirs normal workout routine in the early morning, he was requested to visit the Hokages office. At first, he thought maybe he was going to have an actual meeting with the Hokage! This was a sad hope, as he arrived at the front desk and was handed a piece of paper. He was ordered a new mission. After just completing the capture of a store theif, who actually tried to slice his throat open, Akir thought he might get some time off..turns out he was wrong. This one was yet another chase of a criminal. This time, to find and capture a kid who has been spray painting the village
Oh did that bring back memories. When Akir was younger, maybe 9 or 10, he was into graffiti. It wasnt just some lame obscene writing, he actually put his art into it. Of course, being 9 years old it still sucked anyway. But maybe he could talk to the kid. IF he was into it for the art and not just some punk.. But Akir would find out. He decided to check in the place Akir grew up. The lower end of Konohagakure. This was where the higher crime rate was located. The poverty filled area. He began with looking for any new graffiti marks, anything that looked either fresh or something a little kid did. He knew of a couple places he could get some information. He checked by the local small park in the area. Hoodlums were always around that area, fighitng, smoking, and cussing. Akir was once one of these kids. So hed probably know a few. And sure enough.
Well if it isnt Hatake Akir! What the **** are you doin my dud!? shouted an older teen. maybe 19. dirty and gross. Obviously no care for hygene. His name was Rikanamaru. He was an old friend of Akir. Kinda.
Actually, im on a mission maybe you can help, for old times sake
He replied. He didnt actually remember a specific time that he and Rikanamaru had hung out..just that he knew him. so this might not work
ehh..i dont wanna be a snitch man..but ill listen anyway
Akir almost snapped at his remark, but remembered to stay calm. Well, ya investigating a young academy kid whos been tagging all over the village..recently and alot..ya know anything?
Akir could only hope he would get something positive back
Awe, i hate that little punk!! His name is Akamaru , he hangs out with some other younger kids about two blocks south.

Well..that turned out way easier than expected...Akir followed the instructions, and came upon an abandon buidling with graffiti all over it. And could hear young voices from inside. Akir approached quietly and investigated. He wasnt going to approach the kid around his friends. So he decided to wait it out. The kids stayed for a good couple hours. Once the sun started resting, the kids came out. All saying their departure as it was most of their bed times. When Akamaru got clear of his friends. Akir hopped beside him. And asked about the graffiti. Akamaru noticed he was shinobi, and did the first thing a criminal does. Run.
ahhh ****..
Muttered Akir as he bolted after him. The kid was athletic. pretty good at getting around things. But was surprised Akir is when he took the chase to the roof tops. Akir followed with grace, but it surprised him that the kid was this good. Giving him much more of a challenge than the grown criminal he captured just a week earlier. From roof to roof Akir chased him. He didnt want to harm he decided to run him out of breath. Akirs stamina had to be 4-1 on the kid. And sure enough. about 30 minutes into the chase, The kid caved. Hardly able to breath, collapsed. He tied the kid up, and took him to the police station.

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