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1Expanding Knowledge (Training; Private) Empty Expanding Knowledge (Training; Private) Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:44 pm



Takeshii stood in the middle of his families training grounds, having recently acquired knowledge of a common but versatile jutsu. Along with a less common, but equally versatile one. The first jutsu was called Wire Manipulation, it allowed one to manipulate a length of wire using their chakra. This could be used in many ways, such as tying knots without using ones hands, untying knots the same way, manipulating weapons attached to wire, and more importantly to Takeshii, creating traps feuled by imagination. To say the least this technique could be quite a boost to his arsenal. His interest in this technique peaked, and his motivation for learning it sky rocketed by the ideas he had for its use, he now began his training. At this point Takeshii had a length of 25 feet of wire laid out in front of him.

To be short, this technique required three basic steps. One, flow chakra through the wire. Two, concentrate chakra into the wire. Three, move the wire using ones chakra. As with many things, this is easier to say than to do.

The first part sure was easy, flow chakra through the wire. Simple right, but how much? Takeshii would start from a minimal amount and work his way up until the wire began to glow blue with his chakra.

Now the second part, concentrate chakra into the wire. That is to say, condense the chakra into the wire itself. The wire and the chakra should be one. Takeshii attempted this, but when he did with so much chakra inside the wire went stiff and imaleable. This wouldn't do. So Takeshii gradually reduced the amount of chakra he used until the wire just went slack. This would be the golden amount, the most efficient quantity. Next move the wire. Takeshii tried willing the wire itself to move, but to no avail. Manipulating the position of his hand made no effect either. So Takeshii figured that up until now he had been using chakra, so why not try moving the chakra. He did and the wire swayed ever so slightly from Takeshii's hand to the other end. He had managed to move the wire, but moving and true manipulation were two different things altogether.

With the basics down pat, Takeshii tried manipulating his chakra in a few different ways, pulling the chakra closer to his hand caused the wire to coil up, manipulating it in a slightly different way caused it to coil. Pulling it closer in some places but pushing it apart in others caused the wire to loop. After about 15 minutes of this training, Takeshii decided to put the Wire Manipulation technique through his final test, before mastering the final part of wire manipulation, called wire fusing.

Takeshii went to a small wooden post and stuck his kunai into it. Taking a few steps back, he raised his hand holding his length of wire and pushed chakra through it, simultaneously condensing it and moving it. The wire coiled up, and than shot straight forward, snaking its way through the loop on Takeshii's kunai. In another flourish the wire looped and snaked its way around forming a simple knot around the loop. Takeshii felt comfortable with his technique as it was. But not it was time to learn the final part of his technique.

He took the current 25 foot length of wire, and another 25 foot length of wire. Taking the ends of both he channeled chakra into both, condensed it, and put the two ends together. They didn't stick, figuring it had to do with chakra he tried pushing the chakra from both together. Again they didn't stick. He tried pulling the chakra from one to the other, and both together. Again they didn't stick. Finally he remembered the name of this skill, Wire Fusing. Fusing, taking two peices and making them one. He did this with his chakra, combining the chakra together, and the wires sucked into eachother combining to make one 50 foot length of wire. With the kunai on one end. Takeshii yanked the kunai out of the tree and to his hand, using one more small pull of wire manipulation.

One technique down. One to go.

Wire Manipulation:

(10 chakra activation, +10 more chakra for using the technique, +5 chakra for the wire fusing = 25. 125/150)

(706/675 with Quick Learner reduction)



The second technique was much trickier. It involved throwing out a field of chakra, placing a number of weapons in that stasis field, and releasing the technique in a specific way in order to project the weapons outward. These weapons can be released all together, in groups, or seperately. Furthermore, they can be focused on a specific target or thrown in a wave wherever they face within this chakra stasis field. Takeshii stood in the training field facing the target range. There were 3 simple target dummies, set up today. Each had a bulls eye on their head and chest. Each bulls eye had a central red spot and an outer red ring with a white ring in the center. His first task would of course be to create the previously stated stasis field. An act that itself would pose an issue. As Takeshii had little idea as to how to do this. So some brain storming was in order.

He had three theories. The first was that it was litterally as simple as throwing chakra out in a field. With no other special stuff about it. The chakra would inact a force on the environment and hold the weapons in its shear volume. However this would cost a massive amount of chakra. Probably far more than Takeshii was actually capable. His second theory was that it was similar to water walking. Where you throw out a field of chakra, but sustain it by using a constant stream of chakra. However the upkeep would make it inefficient and ultimately extremely difficult to use it the way it was meant. His last theory he figured was the most likely. That it was like tree climbing. Where you project a specific amount of chakra, and focus it into a specific space. In this case, literally empty space. By doing this its posible to create a field using less chakra than simply throwing it out, but without having the chakra upkeep of the second cheaper theory. A good middle ground. This would be the first theory which Takeshii tested.

He placed his hands together and focused his chakra into his hands until he held about a D-Rank amount of chakra. He kneaded this chakra into a sticky type of chakra like the kind you use for Tree Climbing. Than he threw it into the air in front of him, placing his hands flat out in front of him as though feeling a wall. A shimmering blue force spread out from Takeshii and lingered for a moment before becoming invisible. Takeshii took two kunai from his back, held them in the air and let them go. Sure enough they simply floated there for about a second before tumbling to the ground. The theory was correct, but he would need to use more chakra. Picking the kunai up and charging more chakra, he released a C-Rank amount. This time a much larger field was created which actually surrounded Takeshii. He placed his kunai in this field, and they stuck, floating seemlessly as though lying on air. Three altogether this time.

Takeshii smiled, now to figure out to release the technique. He figured that it wasn't as simple as cancelling it, that would cause the kunai to fall to the floor. He'd probably have to 'hook' the technique onto a target some how. He had some ideas, two to be exact. The first was to create a sort of bulge in the field that wrapped around a target. When he released the technique the act of releasing it would cause the weapons in the field to be drawn to the target. However this would be inaccurate, and would force ALL weapons to attack one target. The technique was supposed to be able to release a specified amount of weapons. Even one at a time. So this couldn't be it. His second idea was to throw the weapons by concentrating chakra in the field on a specific spot. By doing this, as would happen with tree climbing, he would create a powerful inward force, like a vacuum, which would suck the weapon through and fire it. By expanding this and aiming it at a target he could gain precision accuracy, and the versatility he wass looking for. This would be the idea he tested first.

Sure enough, Takeshii focused the chakra within the field into a vortex cone in front of one of the kunai, aiming the point of the cone at the head of the central mannequin. The kunai spun in the air for a moment before it was flung from the field at average speeds, but stuck dead in the middle of the mannequins head. He created two more cones, one pointing at the left mannequins chest, the other at the right mannequins chest. The remaining kunai spun for a moment in the air before being flung out, and sticking in their respective mannequins.

He placed 5 small chakram in the field this time. And focused one big vortex in front of the chakram, they spun in the air for a moment, before they were all sucked out and flung towards the central mannequin. Sticking into the mannequins chest and stomache.

He placed two more chakra in the field, this time he wrapped wire 3 feet of wire around both. He focused them to the left and right of the left mannequins neck. When they fired they flew out just as they were meant too, wrapping the wire around the mannequins throat and sticking into the mannequins neck. He was happy with his skill now in this technique. He'd have to practice more to come up with some good tactics. He'd do that later, once he was rested up. To be honest, he was quite tired of training today.

Manipulated Weapon Technique:

(10 chakra + 15 chakra = 25 - 125 = 100/150)

(971/900 with Quick Learner reduction)

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