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“Don’t think I don’t know why you took this mission, Bokuden,” Satomi stated in a clearly annoyed tone.

“To protect the honest and noble citizens of Kumogakure, of course,” Bokuden replied in a slightly sarcastic manner, “This thief is a menace and must be brought to justice for her actions.”

“And this has nothing to do with the rumors, you’re telling me,” Satomi inquired, less than convinced by Bokuden’s answer.

“Rumors?” Bokuden dramatically scoffed at the notion in order to try and sell his ruse, “I am a warrior, not a gossip. What is said in whispers and rumors neither involves nor concerns me. My only objective is to capture this cat burglar and squeeze the location of the stolen goods out of her.”

“Yes, I’m sure that the location of the stolen goods is the only thing she has that you are interested in squeezing,” Satomi answered while rolling her eyes.

Bokuden did not respond to Satomi’s remark, but instead stopped dead in his tracks and motioned with his arm for Satomi to freeze. “It looks like we found our thief,” Bokuden whispered and pointed over to a window on the second floor of a building across from the rooftop they were standing on. As Satomi looked over in the direction he was pointing she saw a woman dressed in an all black cat suit climbing out of the window with a duffle bag full of something slung over her shoulder and onto the roof.

“Somehow I’m not convinced that the contents of her bag are all her property. We should introduce ourselves,” Satomi said with a tinge of amusement in her voice. Without another word or moment’s hesitation the duo leaped forward across the rooftops and onto the same building as their suspect.

“It’s a bit late to be going shopping, don’t you think?” Bokuden remarked sarcastically in order to get the attention of the mystery woman.

“Oh my, it appears I have company,” the woman said holding her hands up in the air as if to pretend she was being arrested. “Am I under arrest? I’ve got to warn you now, I’m pretty dangerous. I think you are going to have to frisk me first,” the woman continued in a voice half way between speaking and moaning as she slightly arched her back to stick her ass out in Bokuden’s direction. All of the sudden Bokuden was less interested in bringing her to justice, who would have thought? It was strange, Bokuden has always had a weakness for women, but he was never completely stunned as he was then.

Based on the police reports pertaining to this cat burglar, Satomi was expecting something like this to happen to Bokuden and knew that if she didn’t intervene then their suspect would easily slip away. “It’s a genjutsu,” Satomi exclaimed in her own mind. She hadn’t paid attention to it before, but this woman’s utility belt possessed on oddly reflective surface, one that could be used to trigger genjutsu no doubt. When she arched her back to tease Bokuden, she had really used the moonlight off of the reflective surface of her belt in order to trap him. Satomi was having none of this nonsense and bit down hard on Bokuden’s ankle, using the pain to hopefully break the illusion.

Bokuden yelled out in pain from the bite and looked down to see Satomi mauling his ankle. “What the hell Satomi?”

“She trapped you in a genjutsu, I just saved your ass. Don’t be so careless, maybe if you were thinking with your brain instead of your penis, I wouldn’t have to come to your rescue,” Satomi growled.

“Eh, I’m pretty sure she can manipulate the flow of energy to that too if she really wanted. I certainly wouldn’t put up much of a fight,” Bokuden answered with a grin.

“I hate you so much,” Satomi replied, exhaling a deep sigh.

“Well handsome, I’d love to stick around and chat, but it’s getting late,” The woman said before taking off across the rooftops.

Bokuden and Satomi immediately followed, but were outrun by the cat burglar after she used a smoke bomb to cover her escape. Most of the time that likely would have ended the burglar’s pursuers, but Satomi had already picked up her scent. It wasn’t long before they came upon her again, climbing out of the window of another house. This time however, Bokuden and Satomi got the jump on the thief. Bokuden and Satomi jumped down from the roof above in an attempt to get a hold on her and limit her movement, but the thief was quite nimble and managed to slip out of the ambush. Bokuden did however, manage to pull off her hood and goggles revealing her face and knocked out the stolen contents of her bag . In addition to her hourglass shaped body she was also beautiful, Bokuden just couldn’t catch a break that night. A loud growl from Satomi right next to him quickly got Bokuden’s mind back on the task at hand.

The thief then reached down into her cleavage and pulled out some manner of rod. She immediately extended it to its full length creating a bo staff which she flowed ration chakra through and charged at Bokuden. Bokuden activated his Current Perception: Close Combat Range and drew his katana which he himself infused with ration chakra in order to counteract her staff. She was more skilled in close combat than Bokuden expected and was capable of standing her ground against him, at least until Satomigot behind her and tripped her while she clashed with Bokuden. Wasting no time Bokuden grabbed the handcuffs that were hanging from her belt and placed them on her.

“I guess you should go get the village authorities to come and arrest her properly,” Bokuden said to Satomi.

“There is no way in hell I’m leaving you alone with her so she can seduce you into letting her escape,” Satomi replied.

“You have that little faith in my self-control?” Bokuden responded.

“Yes,” Satomi answered bluntly. While they were bickering however, a cloud of smoke engulfed the rooftop that sent them both into a coughing fit. When the smoke cleared and the coughing stopped the thief was gone leaving behind only a sheet of paper in her place. The paper read: “Had fun with you my little kitten. As a reward for showing me a good time I've written the location of the things I've stolen. Let's play this game again XOXO ;)”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Bokuden said to himself.

“Looking forward to what?” Satomi
inquired, suspicious of the note Bokuden had read.

“Oh nothing,”

Word Count: 1145/1000

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