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Sero had been told by the Elders he was no longer allowed to go do his "god awful" training alone any more. That he was to bring two ranked individuals with him from that day forward which cut out the genin in his Squad. So he had to find a suitable replacement for today's activities. He needed some one who could survive his training. Some potentials had come up but in his mind he had decided he needed to get to know some of the people a little better. After all a Kage only a few of the soldiers know could not lead a unified people. Still he had to think on this one for a while. It was some time before he remembered some one from the return to Kiri. A man armed with hammers. Kaguza Myugan, The file on him had grown considerably from that time. Apparently he was quit the weapons expert now and his combat prowess was astonishing. Squad three was known for its heavy hitters and that's why he had given the room above the bar to them. He would have to do in a pinch. Not that he minded entirely. After all he needed some one who could do some heavy hitting to keep up with him. After what he had planned for today survival would be the name of the game. And he was itching to play. Of course the game would have victims but he needed soldiers. Not Brutes with no killing instinct.

Sero slipped into his grey robes as per usual. His clothes blending in with the fog out side. He loved it here. The fog always clung to him and hid him from the prying, Judging eye's of the people. Yes he was a hero to them who had brought back so much of what had been lost. But he was also feared as a power no one was sure they could stop. If his mind ever snapped the city would burn again. He had heard these whispers and it saddened him. They feared power while he clutched it in his claws. He would be the demon then. So they could be the people who survived. The nation who recovered until one day they could be more.

For now though he sent For Aya and Kaguza to meet him on the prison island and prepared himself as well. He strapped weights to his fore arms, Upper arms, Shoulders, Waist, thighs, Calves, ankles, Wrist and neck. All separate to allow for flexibility but about 200 pounds in total. And with that he took off from his home traveling at rapid speeds already feeling the strain from the added weights. But the burn felt good and he knew it was needed to break through his physical limitations to a new level. The run to the Prison Island was decent and he had even broken a sweat to get there. Now he waited for his accomplices. He never did like playing alone and this was so a multiplayer game.




A knock on the door to Kaguza's small shack of a home caught his attention. No one ever bothered him at home, though his recent increase of actual ninja work likely inspired the event to follow. Opening the door, he saw another ninja. He handed Kaguza a message and went on his way. "Strange, wonder what I did." Reading through the message, it was from Sero. Apparently he needed a training partner. He knew of Sero's habit of dangerous training sessions, that was his favorite part about the man. The message asked for Kaguza to come and train with him. Everyone in the village knew Sero was more of a solo kind of person, least when it came to training, so why would he ask for Kaguza to train with him? Mulling over several ideas in his head, none of which seemed legitimate, he looked over his gear and began deciding on what to take. "I'll be training with Sero. He's an intense person when it comes to training, so . . . " Though he was stating the obvious it didn't help him decide on what to take. Training with the Kiri Kage was certainly an oppurtunity, one that unless he became buddy buddy with Sero wouldn't happen again soon. The man wasn't a social butterfly, he was calculating. After coming to the realization that he was like a women choosing an outfit for a date, he chose to take the lot with him.

With a wall of weapons in front of him, he began to equip almost all of them. First were the Yawara as they were the smallest and simply went into his pocket, they were never used much but were his last resort. Second was a large harness for the bulk of his weapons, originally designed for his war hammers. The hammers themselves were then set into there respective slots. Up next was his set of War fans, there were simple in design, mostly used for defense, they found there place at the bottom of the large harness. Fifth in line was his pair of hand scythes, they hung from his belt on either side of his waist while a chain ran into the harness for storage. Sitting on a shelf, two brand new meteor hammers were then coiled, one around each of his arms, covering his forearms. Finally the less offensive of his arsenal, a sake gourd and a hand full of mouth embers, were the last of his collection. With a few embers hidden in his mouth and the gourd tied to his belt he was finally complete. The time it took to equip everything he felt like a woman preparing for a formal event, though this was a fairly important event for him, he was not a woman.

Walking around, he looked like he was ready to supply a platoon for war. Truth was he could. Kaguza held skill in an abnormally wide array of weapons. He did feel slightly disappointed, he had a couple swords that he wanted to bring but he hadn't yet mastered how to properly use them. Learning to use swords was an event for later, it was best to display his best today. Breaking out into a fast paced run, Kaguza moved just as fast as those of his rank despite the weight or drag of his numerous weapons. Quickly losing track, he had to check the note for where it was he had to meet Sero. Prison Island, with the location fresh in his mind he made short time in his travel. Upon arrival he found Sero waiting, remembering the note he wasn't late. "Morning Sero."



(Training Taijutsu B --> S)

FEAR, Solstice knew what it was, and what it meant to fear, her dreams, her nightmares. The barren ice wasteland of her dreams expanded before her, though the winds of the dagger forest no longer seemed to blow, ever since she touched the mirror, saw the image of her char black, seemingly frostbitten skin... It was like the scene from a horror movie, looking left to right she could not see any visible end of the forest. Looking around she recognised this was a dream, moving toward one of the dagger like trees, barren of life, barren of anything except for their harsh edges and coming to blade sharp tips, their leaves made of supercooled crystal which lay at the forest floor. Solstice stood in the center of the large clearing which once housed a one of her clan's demonic ice mirrors. But, was that really the meaning of this dream? Or was there something more?

Looking at her own pink, soft fleshed hands, she did not see any trace of the black skin and the ice armour which had at one point covered it. She did not see the claws, nor saw any light emanating from her eyes. This path, denying her own clan's jutsu... were these dreams trying to tell her that the path she was on was wrong? She needed to wake up, the last time she had one of these dreams she felt exhausted, and she had training later on. But as she tried, she could not seem to escape... Moving to one of the trees, it was time for an extreme measure. Planting the palm of her hand on one of the tree branch tips, she slit her palm over the razor blade like tip. Pain rushed through Solstice's hand and up her arms as the near poisonous cold of the tree caused her to recoil, blood dripping from her hand... but she did not awaken, she simply seemed to consolidate the dream. FEAR... began to take greater prominence in the world around her. Solstice was afraid, she heard the crunch of something in the distance, and a black figure began to emerge... When she saw it, her heart skipped a beat, her eyes stared deep into the blackness surrounding the man as the area around them began to get colder, and colder, and colder.

Clenching her fists Chakra began to flow through Solstice's body, there was something deathly wrong. Solstice could not bring herself to wake up... what if this was real? What if this was some form of Genjutsu!? Solstice tried to see through it, but could find no seems, if this was a Genjutsu, it was much higher rank than she was, S rank, maybe higher... But who had that kind of power? The man standing before her stood sill, silent, shadow and darkness swirling around him as he drew a blade, long and curved was the katana of the man, and one of the only things on his person that was not shrouded in blackness. The others were a single glowing blue oval, which would be considered an eye, flaring to life as he began to walk forward into the open light of the break in the glade. The man's hair, was the same colour as Solstice's, flared like blue fire refracting light from every angle as the light of his steel shone white.

Solstice bit her lip, reaching back for her equipment but found nothing, nothing except for the gloves on her hands and the chakra in her body... which limited things. Activating the Demonic ice touch, something happened. Like a key unlocking in her very soul, the demonic ice touch overwhelmed her, surrounded her, became her. Her eyes exploded outwards with Hyoton chakra as her hair took to the same look as the man who was facing her down. From her eyes and her hair, her skin began to turn black, scales and ridges of ice, frozen air particles in solid sheets began to cover her body leading down to her hands. Claws overlapped her small hands, like another set of two arms of bladed ice erupting from her elbows, hugging her own arms closely. FEAR....!

Looking straight at the man before her, he attacked! and the world went white...

Solstice opened her eyes to what was not her own house, but a blurry envisionment of the area around her, she was disoriented a little when what she saw was not the grey stone walls of her house, she did not swing her feet to the side to have them greeted by her soft, cold feet and feel the warmth of the matted wool. No, surrounded by nature and leaning up against a large stone as the light of the morning sun rose and gleamed across her mask, which deflected the heat of the rays from everything that was not her eyes themselves. Her world was white, and featureless for some time as she raised her hand to guard her eyes from the sun. At least she knew which was was east. Looking to her attire it seemed she was already wearing what she would need to for the mission which was in front of her, training with the mizukage... She'd heard a lot about him, but had only met him once, he was to be their squad leader, though she knew little about how the man actually fought, to which she was more than intrigued.

Leaning back she hit her head against the rock as she saw the land of mist around them seem to begin to give way to a clear blue sky, one of the micro islands she was on was small, and a place of peace. This island had never known war, and at no more than a few acres in size, it had a few trees, a couple of boulders which had some strange markings on them, finally a large landmark of stone which extended up a few meters, it seemed crafted, there were other small bracken pieces of similar foreign bracken landscape over the island, pieces which did not seem they came from kiri, but from some other place... long gone, long destroyed. Looking to the sky, the sunrise, something bubbled deep inside of her, reaching her hands to the heavens she winced as a sharp pain rain through her arm from her hand. Interlacing her fingers with her gloves she removed the S rank armour from her hand, looking down at something that she could not believe...

There in a line, where she had cut herself in her dream, was not a wound, but frostbite. In a pristine line as if she were cut, similar to the effect of when she lost concentration on her demonic ice corruption skill. These dreams, these dreams were not to be trifled with any more, she could only remember bits and pieces of the dream already as the specifics of the ethereal experience slipped away from her memory. But, as the sun continued to rise, she slipped her glove back on, the black skin was peeling, the effect was not too deep, and she would need to get it seen to later. But, that would have to come after training, she had an appointment with Sero, and it was time to leave this heavenly spot. So, moving to the small pier sized bridge, she launched, heading directly for the prison island with the speed of the incoming tide. the waves rolled past her as she ran, attempting to race them, and in the end winning, pushing her speed harder, and faster than ever before, she past one island on the way to her destination, running past a small village, but not slowing.

Where others sprinted to increase their own parameters through sheer speed, Solstice was building up her endurance, the test was to sprint at a speed beyond her comfort zone, at a pace far beyond her ability to maintain without incredibly strenuous forces acting on her body, and then maintain it anyway. Without slowing down until she reached her destination. Solstice was not allowed to push herself to the point of collapsing however, she still had to train with the Kage... then live to tell the tale, though by the same ideal, he was not so far away that, that eventuality would come to pass. She could see the prison rising in the distance, pushing herself harder, faster, and digging in as she bolted toward the finish line.

Her mask was on, and the black clad figure dashed past some of the guards of her OWN rank charging into the area, she needed to find Sero, as word was being sent around the place that some form of rogue ninja was invading to free some prisoner or another, she managed to grind to a halt before the Mizukage and enter a massive skid/ stage slide, falling to one knee and coming to an abrupt halt only a few meters away. Bowing and removing her mask, Solstice Ayakashi Aisu looked up, and smiled.
Aisu, Solstice Reporting for training Lord Mizukage. She spoke with respect, and form. On her back was her fine fuuma shuriken, her S rank armoured gloves already on her hands, her mask, now strapped to her belt, though it would more than likely be placed back on her face before long.

It is an honor to be invited to your training sir... I hope i can be of help. Th ninja saw she was loyal, and called in by the Mizukage, and stopped their pursuit, heading back to their posts. Solstice smiling. She was getting faster... this was good.




There was a moment of thought to himself. The feeling of all the weight just holding him in place. His flexibility cut into a third of its potential by the weight on his body. He could feel the slight strain in his muscles and bones just to lift his arms. What he had planned was indeed dangerous but he was confident in the abilities of the group. His dead grey eyes looking over the dark, towering walls of the prison. The Island itself was designed as a prison. Any attempt at escape was met with lethal response. He chuckled at the thought of what he was about to do. Still he turns and waits on the others.

First to arrive was Kaguza wearing enough weaponry to attempt this alone. Sero smiled a crooked smile at that. Getting a simple greeting as if they where close friends on a first name basis. He sighed at that but it could not be helped. For today he would be willing to skip the formalities. If only to get started with what he had intended. He looked over the impressive arsenal for a moment in silence Before finally he spoke. His voice empty of emotion.

"For what I have planned you won't want to bring all of that. Especially not the heavier things."

And with that he left that decision to Kaguza. After all the man hardly knew him and probably doubted how intense this would be. For the moment they where still waiting. It was then that the outer alarm sounded and shouting began. He closed his eyes a moment praying that Aya was not being foolish again. When he opened his eyes a woman in a mask with long hair was out running the guards. His shoulders slumped and he let out a sigh and an inaudible grumble. Once she landed she removed her mask and greeted him in an official manner. He frowned in frustration at the way she looked up at him like a puppy trying to impress it's masters with foolish actions. It was then that he spoke.

"The day some one is fast enough to catch you and stab you because you failed to identify yourself properly I will watch as you bleed out."

He threatened idly before turning waving a hand in a gesture that suggested they should follow as he explained what they where doing on this island. His grey eyes intent on the building ahead. His voice cold and deadly as he approached a bench out front of the main gate. He stopped there and indicated the weights to them. Speaking as if it was entirely reasonable what he was demanding.

"Recently it has been discovered the Warden here was very lax with the inmates. Allowing them comforts and privileges in the hopes of building his own army to over throw me. He however underestimated the fact that these inmates are some of the most dangerous and ambitious criminals in the country. They killed him and took over the fortress. We have contained the breach but we now must cull those wishing to challenge us. We will be killing everyone who stands against us and to make a point we will be doing it while wearing weights to discourage these actions in the future. And we will only be using Taijutsu. No chakra. Put on as many weights as you feel you can handle."




It was common for those of the Myugan clan to display a sense of open friendship towards others regardless of status, the Mizukage was no different. It didn't mean he had any less respect for Sero, though with such an attitude it was easier for him to be around Sero then others. The tall dark walls over the prison seemed to loom over them as Sero said his long winded piece to Kaguza. It was longer then any thing the man had ever said to him before at least. "Very well." Why did he need to take off his weapons? Clearly their task today was to be inside the prison, but what inside? Scanning the area, Kaguza looked for a safe place to keep his arsenal. Being on a prison island it quickly donned on him that no place would likely be safe. Picking out one of the guards in the area, an anbu looking out on the water, he got his attention. Kaguza didn't even ask before he began handing the man the entirety of his arsenal. With the majority of his weapons held in place by the leather harness it all went at once. The anbu seemed to be in shock after the small collection was forced into his hands. Slipping the Yawara into the anbu's small bag, all Kaguza had left were the chains wrapped around his forearms. "Keep those safe for me, wouldn't want to supply any runaways with weapons." Kaguza nudge the ninja before turning back to Sero and Aya who managed to show up while his attention was else where. "Morning Aya, how are you this morning?" It had been awhile since there last encounter together. The two managing to both achieve much higher ranks. Looking her over, he took notice of the large shuriken and armored gloves. "Nice gloves." Kaguza being an avid fan of weapons, did enjoy looking over armor or other tools. The mask even catching his eye, though it didn't appeal to him in the same way.

Turning to Sero as he gestured them to follow, he did just that. Pointing out a bench with a large amount of heavy weights, Sero finally told them why they were here. They were to fight off the entirety of the prison standing in front of them. The rumors of Sero having intense training session certainly held it's own. The idea of fighting off every convicted prisoner was exciting, his recent sparring match with Tsuneko would pale in comparison. It was quite likely that a real fighter could be held within this prison, one who could potentially best him worked as motivation. The requirement to not only wear weights but also not utilize chakra only served to increase the risk factor. Regardless however this training session would demand all of his skills and intuition. "I'm keeping the chains by the way, can't make it too easy." Kaguza referred to them by adjusting them slightly. "Will we be splitting up once inside or are we to stay together?" It was a valid question. Splitting up would likely decrease the time it would take to put down all of the rampaging criminals, though it severely increases the risk factor. If they stayed together it would certainly take longer, but the likely hood of one of them falling in battle was reduced greatly. Six to one half a dozen to the other, both plans had ups and downs, though staying together seemed like the better only after the question was posed. In the meantime, Kaguza began to don the weights, covering his; calfs, thighs, and the majority of his back. The combined weight was intense, but this wasn't supposed to be easy, it certainly was heavier then his weapons combined. His configuration and placement of weight would slow his speed down, but still allow him to fight freely, his strikes however would feel like wrecking balls.



Solstice landed, looking at the other two, and for the second time, her Kage, Kaguza was here as well, though it had been a while since she had last seem him. She hid her smile, cornering it into nothing but the upper left side of her mouth, visible only to the one it was intended for. Her smile however broadened as the Mizukage addressed her; "The day some one is fast enough to catch you and stab you because you failed to identify yourself properly I will watch as you bleed out." Solstice didn't even need to work on her reply, looking up at her lord she opened her lips spanned with a mark of glee and challenge.
Looks like I'll just have to never get caught... She chuckled before finally standing and looking to kaguza, moving to him and silently wrapping her arms around his neck in a brief hug before pulling back, her hands upon his shoulders.

It is nice to see you again Kaguza, Kaguza mentioned her gloves, and she looked down at her hands, the gold, multiple layered chakra imbued material, the gloves and the steel of them was more than just metal and steel. They were sentimental. These gloves were my fathers, he was the leader of the Aisu clan, an noble man, but he was executed as a traitor. They were made by my mother, so, they are very special to me. They can catch Jutsu you know, they're imbued with the power to catch chakra as if it were a solid object without hurting my hands. She said looking at them, though the Fine fuuma shuriken did not seem to gather his attention, she looked back to their Kage, as it seemed she had been ignoring him for a moment, listening to him when it came to taking the weights.

Looks like we're going to need each other in this fight Kaguza, well, like I said before, I have your back...

Moving over to the weights, she took one, and feeling the weight determined that she probably could not use too many of these. She placed one of them on each of her ankles as well as as three down her back. Adding two to her wrists concluding the number of weights she was going to wear in the following mission. Looking back to each of them she spread her legs to shoulder width apart and did a couple of crash squats to test the effect it had on her body. The weight would remove her ability to sustain her weight on one limb and move at incredible speed. Though her momentum was not terribly effected and the power before her strikes would be magnified. It was an interesting perspective, but she would not be able to be anywhere near as limber as she would in a normal confrontation.

I think this will do for me, it's nowhere near as many as you two are wearing, but, I think this will suit the purposes of training, without inhibiting my prospects of living past this insane endeavour. So, lets get going shall we? These people are probably gonna tear us to pieces. But, at least I get to go with a bang. Let's go.

Beginning to walk for the opening before them, she looked back over her shoulder placing her iron mask back on her face. It was time to get things started.

word count 2203:



Sero watched in silence as both of them suited up. A sufficient amount of weights for his satisfaction. Aya understandably wearing less for he smaller build. He shook his head and removed his grey robes. Underneath he was wearing black pants tightened at the waist with a weighted belt. All across his body the weights showed and his upper body was a black tank top. His body was still slim and flexible in appearance but there was no doubt he had been doing some muscle building for some time now. Even with all the weights on he barely looked uncomfortable. He was tall for his age but his body was designed by training to surpass his growing restrictions. He had gone through hell and back for the body of a martial artist and this was just another day to him. But today at least had some purpose to it. Men would be dying at his hands. Horrible, cruel men but men none the less. And some women as well. If there where any of them still alive since he doubted the prison was so separated any more. Though the people in here where all of at least some level of Shinobi class. They would of course be able to hold they're own.

He took notice to the meeting of his two companions with raised eye brows. Aya was showing more affection for the man then he had been expecting. Perhaps they where sexual partners? Oh well. If they snuck off for some prison sex he doubted he would notice. For now Aya had taken it upon her self to approach the front entrance to the prison. A heavy door held there by huge chains. He walked past aya and tilted his head observing the door. His right hand reaches up and gives it an idle shove before nodding. It must of been barred from the inside. He shook his head in frustration before moving to the side of the door. It was much to thick to break through even without the bars on the inside. But there was a flaw to most doors that existed here as well. He stands next to the hinges and enters into a stance with a wide balanced look to it. He takes in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. repeating this until his body had a rhythm feeling to it. Then he pulled both his hands back and curled his fingers in next to his chest. Before suddenly his hands shot out with sudden velocity and ferocity. A loud crack resounded as he grit his teeth. His palms where buried in where the hinges used to be. With a growl he strains his muscles and finally rips out both hinges. Tossing the heavy chunks of metal to either side of him. It had hurt to do that but he would be fine. He flexes his fingers to get feeling in them again before looking to his companions and then pointing to the Other side of the door.

"The sliding bar lock is on that side halfway up the door. Take that out and the door falls."




Kaguza was slightly surprised as Aya wrapped her arms around his neck to give me a hug as her greeting. It seemed strange to him, the two of them had one drink together, but apparently it meant significantly more to her then he would have thought. As she drew back she spoke about her gloves, they had a rather frightening ability. As Sero removed his robes, it was very clear that even he was wearing a considerable number of weights himself. Performing a quick count of the number Sero had donned, it matched the number that Kaguza had on himself, though the placement was different. Sero had them more evenly spread across his entire body, while Kaguza had weighed down his core. Matching the Kage in terms on weight capacity was a rather invigorating feeling, though what did he think of Aya hugging him? He knew that Aya was a member of Sero's personal squad, one that focused on assassination. Sero didn't seem like the kind of person to formulate opinions on others without significant information, though a hug could be taken several ways. Unless he asked it was unclear what the man would think, he only had a few prior encounters to rely on to judge how he would take it. Regardless, allowing such a thought to rattle his mind would only prove to hinder the task at hand.

Escaping from the now cluttered realm of his mind, Kaguza watched as Sero ripped out the hinges of the main prison door. The idea that a single man could just rip off the hinges to a front door seemed to scream of poor design. What if a prisoner had such training, as if this very door would hold, let alone the prison bars inside. However such a feat likely was stressful, though it only came as a challenge to Kaguza. If the Mizukage could do it, why not himself. Hearing Sero point out the placement of the lock that now stood as the only thing holding up the door, Kaguza stared at the spot for a moment. A single shot was all he needed, just a clean punch to disable the lock. Adjusting his foot, he would throw all of his weight into the strike, pulling as much force from his legs as possible. Generating a large amount of torque from his waist and shoulders, his fist began it's short lived journey. Pushing with his legs increased the amount of force generated significantly, enough to penetrate through the solid metal. He could feel amongst the now tangled metal the lock bar in his hand. Pulling his hand out of the hole, the majority of the lock was within his hand. "Well we've knocked, let's see if there good hosts."



Solstice watched Kaguza wonder the deep and intricate meaning behind her embrace. Though Aya was neither flushed, nor flustered, there was no awkward looks nor averted eye contact. It was simply the embrace of a friend which had missed another friend, glad to see that he was okay. In the village of the bloody mist, friends that you have seen, but not seen recently, it is not an odd assumption to consider them dead. To which end the Jounin strata seemed the most significant to those ends. Solstice watched as Kaguza and the Mizukage single handedly pried open the gates with nothing but their own brute strength, only imagining the sounds the fighters, the convicted criminals, murderers and killers on the other side were hearing. Hearing the low groaning of steel as it was loosened from its perch. The killers would gather in the foyer, which few ones were in the courtyard, looking to the gates, and though not heavily armed some of them managed to wield the likes of pipes, broken bars or pieces of ripped out wood fashioned into barely sharp shanks. They looked on, and listened to the sound of them being invaded, as the last bolt fell, and with it, began to fall the doors.

Though Solstice felt somewhat for the bolts, they single handedly had kept this massive iron door up for years, decades even, in a land of moisture and air, keeping Kirigakure safe from its villains. She was surprised that they had not yet been rusted through with the ages, but alas, she almost bowed her head in respect for a moment as the great bolts were finally released from their duty to the land of waves. But as the doors began to fall, Solstice would not be known for being hesitant, digging her feet into the ground she took off at a sprinting pace which would make a Sannin proud. Running what seemed to be head first for the falling iron, her mask on her face as she stepped and dug her foot into the ground once more, propelling herself up and angling her body forward as she planted her next step on the slanting iron gates, the designs upon the door to a degree acting as traction as she scaled the door in full sprint, darting past the other two like a gust of wind.

Reaching the pique of one of the falling doors she gave a mighty leap, only having a microsecond to plot her landing her skill with Taijutsu was not considered lethal, but it was almost there, bone breaking, the strength of her blows, and the damage they dealt came from the momentum of her strikes as well as their follow through. Kicking off the door she did not jump in a graceful arch, she vaulted head first toward her enemy before rolling and raising with her own Taijutsu technique, from her low position she executed the raising leg spear technique in an art that those who looked upon it would almost stare in disbelief. As from a crouching position she planted her foot with her knee tucked into her chest she rose with a kick fighting against the force of the weight, reducing power, but making up for it with more follow through. The man she impacted with was taken by surprise and met square in the solar plexus, the wind forcefully fell from his lungs as he was not propelled back, but skyward.

Snapping her leg back the man was launched only a meter. As solstice span, the other prisoners had temporarily backed off, Solstice turned her back and twisted her body, spinning three hundred and sixty degrees before leaving the ground. The man was stunned, unable to react, breathless. But it was only one man, the masked woman, as almost a ritual now, planted her foot and left the ground, the coiling of her body released. Forcing her to enter an impressive cork screw spin, extending her right leg into the most powerful kick anatomically possible by a humanoid being. Collecting the side of the man's head with expert aim, there was a snap, hurling the man rag-dolling toward the other prisoners as solstice landed in her combat ready stance.

Now that we've broken the ice...

She spoke to the others, as the prisoners looked upon the first, and probably most brash of their three executioners. She hoped Kaguza would come and help her soon, with her chakra she would be able to take all thirty of these men with her bare fists, but not without it, they looked as if they planned to rush her, and their line would need to be broken before they could simple pile on her. Of course there was always out-running them, but such was more or less a cowards way out. Solstice had drawn first blood, caused first outrage. She was not sure if the man she kicked was dead or not, But he would be permanently damaged in some way, shape or form from such a powerful blow to the head. The attackers charged her like an army, and there was very little solstice could do on her own. against a dozen men she believed she could stand victorious, but there were about thirty here, including the one she simply just dropped. Assuming someone would he covering her back soon, the best thing she could do was fight and hope that the others would be here soon, but this wave was instantly lethal.

Stepping toward it, Solstice calculated, as they were in a congesting group, evasion was impossible, running in and launching forward with a powerful kick though not to knock him or any group of people back, but to launch her over the group of people and to the other side. Landing the other's backs to her, few other than the one's in the lead having seen her jump, awaiting for the other two to collide with the criminals like a tide, Solstice awaited the chance to get her hands dirty. Today was going to be hard work, but this was justice.

3228/ 3000 for A rank /7000 for S rank:



Sero watched the gates fall with a foreboding thud. If nothing else the tips of his lips lifted almost in a slight smile as the sound echoed. It was as if he saw it all like a still frame. The group of ninja standing there with such a mixture of tasty fear and delicious hate. He could feel their desire for the freedom beyond the three Standing in the frame with the light pouring in behind them. He could tell they where willing to go so far as to sacrifice their lives for it. And so they would. But first before anyone could move there was a blur moving. Aya was the first in to enjoy the fun. He watched her launch into the room as if those dull grey eyes where following something usual for his ability. Still she was close to a match for his speed. Close. He folded his arms and watched as she landed. Her kicks where fast and sort of graceful. He watched how her feet planted into the mans chest hard enough to lift him off the ground and listened to the wheeze of the air leaving his lungs. But she was far from done apparently. As she spun and connected yet another kick. This time with the satisfying sound of a snap. The sound bringing something cold like ice into those dull eyes of his. He felt it again. The joy of the killing fields. He was bound to lose himself in the heat of it all.

Still now she was in a predicament. A quick count brought the total at the front gate up to twenty nine remaining. That seemed like bad odds for her. But surely she would retreat to a better position as tactics would demand. Her reinforcements where just a short ways behind her. But apparently she was not going to roll with tactics in mind. Instead his eye brows rose as she plunged into the enemies and separated herself from them. Something about the foolish behavior made his eye twitch. Surely she was not so over confident to be so out of control. Still with her now on her own for a moment a decision had to be made. He looked over to Kaguza. The man had managed to damage the door splendidly. So naturally he would be fine on his own. After all He suspected the man to be rather used to extravagant Ways of killing an opponent. So Sero might as well enjoy himself While the opportunity was presented. Only four where turned to fight Kaguza and himself. They even looked kind of mean. However the four only saw two men in the door way so all four rushed. Two launching into the air with make shift weapons raised above their heads and two going for low blows. Certainly difficult to defend against four attacks moving in at once. It was a decent plan he admitted and had a high probability of success. If they where fighting Chunnin.

Sero Stepped forward In a shocking and abrupt movement So he was standing in the center of all four His hands shot out like blurs as they smashed into the back of the necks of the two who went low Stunning them on the verge of unconsciousness as blood spurted out their mouths and they where thrown forward for Kaguza to enjoy. Off balance and stunned to much to think they where easy prey. Next his hand shot up grabbing the ankles of the two who went high. A sudden jerk and a drop was all they understood as he smashed them into the ground. Blood spurting from the skulls of his victims as they cracked against the floor. He let go of one of the corpses so he could grab the other from behind. He held the dead man by the ankle as he spun him. It was time to distract and separate the enemy. Sero spun twice getting some lift from the corpse before releasing the ankle at just the right moment. It was bad guy bowling! The spinning body flew through the air before the dead weight came crashing into the group Knocking about half of them to the ground. Six more turned to face Sero Hesitating. Now they where splitting off into groups. Two of them rushed Sero having not seen the others die. He waited as they came closer his hands at his sides. But a cold twisted smile was on his face now. At the last moment his hands shot up. His fingers digging in behind the wind pipes and then he was past them holding two bleeding throats in his hands. He felt his eyes roll back a little before his gaze returned to the four remaining. This was it. The terror in the eyes of his victims. His lips peeled back in a sick toothy smile as they turned to run. Only one ran at him with weapon pointed to stab in a desperate effort with a scream of desperation. It was a beautiful melody. Sero seemed to slide around the weapons the chunks of flesh dropping from his hand as one hand raised. The palm smashing into his offenders nose. The Nose impaling the brain as he fell to his knee's. Already dead. But Sero was after the other three. Running for the hope of safety in numbers. But they would never make it.

He was behind two of them in what appeared to be three simple steps. His speed was even greater then Aya's but his strength was terrifying. His hands reached up around both of the men as they ran to wrap around the chins and then Jerk them to the side with two resounding cracks. The bodies seemed to take forever to drop. But as they did he plucked a shank made of a pipe from the dead hand of the falling corpse. It was hardly a decent weapon but with a flick of his wrist if flew straight to the last of the cowards who had ran from him. The pipes sharp end smashing through the back of his targets neck and out his mouth. A lovely gurgling lullaby sounded as he dropped dying slowly.


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