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1Stop the Vandal: D-Rank COMPLETE Empty Stop the Vandal: D-Rank COMPLETE Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:50 pm



Chesuke recognizes the name on one of the posters tagged to the mission board. It may only be a D-Rank, but I owe him for all the trouble I've caused him. He thought to himself, claiming the mission as his own. After all, I was among the first to start tagging his house. But that was when his wife was still alive. I wonder what's become of him since then?

Heading to old man Kareru's house, Chesuke feels a pang of guilt for having started this years ago. At least now I get to put a stop to this for good. His sence of determination shoves aside the guilt he feels as he rounds the final bend. And I know just how ill handle this. A mischievous grin spreads across his face from under the hood.

Night comes. Chesuke waits for Akane to show up from a nearby tree. He'd already spoken with the old man, warning him not to exit the house regardless of what he hears.

Finally, Akane appears, sneaking out a window, propping it open to avoid being locked out. Perfect. Just what I'd expected. Chesuke thought, trying to ignore the pride in the young vandal's cleverness. Chesuke drops the the ground behind the boy without making a sound, tying some black thread to the rod supporting the window. I'd better not tear my clothes, or I'll have nothing to wear for a week" he laughs silently at the thought as he follows Akane silently as the paints are gathered from their hiding place, and the lad makes his way to the freshly-painted house.

Chesuke watches the young man work for a few minutes before silently activating his transformation technique.

As Akane reaches for the next can if paint, a dark figure grabs the satchel of paints, and dashes around the corner, laughing.

"Hey! Come back here! Those are mine!" Akane calls out, chasing the figure to the back of the house. Rounding the corner, he skids to a halt at what he sees. He stands there speechless at the sight of himself defacing the back of the building, laughing and signing 'his' artwork.

Forming a handseal, Akane calls out "Kai!" Then blinks rapidly as the vision fails to fade.

"Why are you just standing there, dummy?" The other Akane yells. Tossing a can of paint at the original, he continues "c'mon and help me, dummy. We gave a lot of work ahead of us."

The tossed can hits Akane in the chest, and falls to the ground as he tries to process what he's seeing.

The other version of him returns to his 'artistry' cackling to himself as he continues his work. "This'll show old man Kareru. This is what he gets. Always yelling at me and calling me names. His wife was the nice one, always giving me sweets. He's just a cranky old man, who deserves his house to look as bad as his personality."

"No! That's not true!" Akane yells at his evil clone.

"Of course it is, dummy. Don't act like you haven't thought it yourself." The evil Akane replied, setting aside the paints. "I'd know, I'm a part of you."

Akane looks down at himself a moment before calling out to his doppelgänger, "that's a lie! You're not a part of me! You're NOT!"

"We'll, I'm not anymore, dummy. You used me so much, I got made real. Now I can do what I want.” He grabs the paints, and continues to side three, laughing to himself.

Akane charges after him. "No you can't. You have to be good, or mom'll yell at us."

"'Us'?" Evil Akane asks. "She can only yell at one of us. Which one do you think it'll be, dummy?" Evil Akane picks up another can, ready to start on his third mural of the night.

"I don't care!" Akane yells, no longer caring about stealth. He smacks the can from his evil self's hand.

Evil Akane watches it roll across the lawn, slowing to a stop several feet away. He shrugs after watching it stop, bending to pick up the next can from the bag.

Akane thinks fast, grabbing the bag and throwing it behind himself so he can guard it. "No. You need to stop" his voice losing its panic, and turning serious.

"Why? He deserves this for being mean to us"

"Maybe... Maybe he's mean to us because we.. Because I keep ruining his house."

"So, what? You're going to start cleaning his house for him? You really are a dummy, dummy." Evil Akane tries to step past the original. "Now let me get back to my fun."

Akane moves to block his path. "No. You're stopping. And I will clean his house. Even if other kids start messing it"

Evil Akane laughs. "Yeah right. Get out of my way, dummy"

"I said you're done. You were once a part of me, so that makes me the boss. So stop it."

"Once. Was. No longer." Evil Akane taunts. " you're not in charge anymore. You'll have to start your cleaning with cleaning up after me." He makes another move to get around the real Akane.

Akane shoves him back a step. "Then I will, I swear. But you're not going to mess his house any more!"

Shock at being shoved crosses evil Akane’s face. "And you're going to stop me? That's a laugh." He says, laughing for added effect.

Akane pauses a moment before his face clearly shows the decision made. "Yes" he says clearly, all signs of wavering absent from his inflection.

“don't make me laugh” Evil Akane tries to push past once more.

“I’m SERIOUS!” Akane screams furiously, taking a swing at the evil standing in front of him. the punch lands square on the jaw of the imposter, who is knocked dramatically back, flying much further than he should have before rolling to a stop and vanishing without a trace.

“What is going on here?!” a female voice comes rounding the corner. “what’s all this racket?”

As his mom rounds the corner, Akane dives into her arms, trying to explain what had happened, apologizing, and promising to apologize to Kareru in the morning before cleaning up the paint on the building.
Chesuke smiled from his hiding spot in the tree, proud of his skills in teaching the young boy a lesson.

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