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1Scaredy-cat [mission-D] Empty Scaredy-cat [mission-D] Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:46 pm



Well, this was it: Shibirin’s first mission in Iwagakure. ”Ahh, where to start” Shibirin spoke to himself, staring at the mission card he had been given by the kage’s secretary. ”It says here, that i have to find the tree the old lady’s cat is in, then safely bring it back to its owner. Now, i should probably start looking at the old lady’s house, where ever that is”. Shibirin was new to Iwagakure. He wasn’t given any type of tour around the village, so he had to make his way around the village looking in every direction. It wasn’t like Sunagakure: Shibirin knew every street, every corner and every district of Sunagakure. He could give directions to a deaf person and be able to lead him to any place in Sunagakure he wanted to go. Shibirin decided to head on over to the lady’s house. The address was written on the mission card: the secretary must’ve done it to help Shibirin find the lady’s house. Luckily, there were signs around the village and it didn’t take Shibirin long to find the street the lady lived in, now he had to find the house.

Whilst he walked through the street, he couldn’t help but notice that the building designs of Iwagakure were different to those of Suna’s. He was coming towards the end of this street, when he heard a cat meow. He stopped where he was and paid attention to the meow. The noise sounded like it was coming from a tree, so Shibirin thought it may be the cat he was looking for. The cat noise stopped for a while, so Shibirin continued walking, this time slower than before. He hadn’t walked for more than 5 steps, when the noise started again and this time it was louder than before. Shibirin again stopped and listened. He looked over to his right, but the house there didn’t have any trees. He then looked over to the left and indeed, he saw a tree. He walked over to the tree and when he looked up to one of the tree branches, he saw the cat he was looking for. He quickly shoved the mission card back in his pocket and began to think of the different ways he could safely retrieve the cat without harming it. ’Well, what if i scare it out of the tree? No, that won’t work. I know, i could cut the tree down with my katana, but then i’d have to explain the broken tree’ thought Shibirin. He was just about to climb the tree, when an idea hit him. ’Hey, i took a mission back in Suna, similar to this one. All i need to do is use one of my earth pillars to lift me up to the cat, grab the cat and then use the pillar to bring myself back down’ he thought, as he let go of the tree trunk and took a step back. He then performed a few hand signs, before chanting out, ”Earth style: Earth changing terrain” and within seconds, a 5m tall pillar emerged from Shibirin’s feet and lifted him up 5m off the ground. He was now high enough to grab the cat, but when he reached over to grab it, it made a hissing sound and attempted to claw at his hand. ”I should’ve brought some cat food or a cat toy to bribe the cat down” he spoke to himself, as he decided to just grab the cat and get it over with.

He took a deep breath, reached over to the cat and wrapped it in his arms. It scratched him a few times on the arm and once on his face, just under his left eye in a Z pattern. Shibirin immediately closed his left eye and submerged the pillar back underground, bringing him and the cat back down to the ground. Shibirin couldn’t say he had retrieved the cat safely: it had been safe for the cat but not safe for him. He made nothing of the cut, for his mission was far more important than his well being. He made his way towards the entrance to that house and knocked on the door. Soon after, a lady no older than 40 opened the door and cried with joy when she saw her cat in Shibirin’s hands. She rushed ahead and took her cat into her hands, not noticing the scar the cat had made under Shibirin’s eye. ”Oh thank you so much” she said to him, before making her way back inside and shutting the door behind her. Shibirin was shocked: was she really that shallow? Shibirin made nothing of the matter, as he went back to the Kage’s secretary’s office to report on the mission.

{Wordcount: 796/600}

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