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N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

As the sun beat down through the blinds of his room, Shiyuan rolled himself over to avoid its rays. "Ugh...morning already..." he muttered groggily as he opened his sleep crusted eyes. "Guess I should get up..." he mumbled as he rolled off his bed onto the floor lazily. Struggling to gather himself, Shiyuan stood up from the floor and went to the bathroom to wash up. He splashed water on his face and brushed his teeth while still half asleep yet somehow functional. After freshening up a bit, he went back into his room to put his clothes on. He quickly threw on his normal green baggy clothes with his face mask. He grabbed his beloved 4 pointed hat and put it atop his head. He went over to the counter and grabbed his drinking gourd to fill it with a light brew he had made the day before. It was enough to give him a buzz but not enough to where he wouldn't be able to function. He strapped his gourd to his side and picked his trusty gunbai up off the floor and slipped it into the holster on his back. With a quick double check to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything, he set off out his front door towards the Administration building.

As he walked towards his destination, he grabbed his gourd and took a swig of his brew. "Ahhh that's good stuff," he pondered to himself as he placed the gourd back on his belt, "I'm going to have to make some more of this when I get back".  As the alcohol began to take its effect, Shiyuan began to sway a bit as he walked enjoying his travels a little bit more than he normally would. He continued walking throughout the city towards the admin building. Before he realized it he had reached his destination, a bit buzzed of course. He walked in and went over to the receptionist's desk and spoke. "I'm hereeee to see Lady Raiiiikagge please..." he said to the receptionist with a bit of a slur in his voice. "Are you Shiyuan?, " the woman behind the desk asked him with a bit of confusion and concern in her voice. "Yeaaaaaaa," he responded back as he stood swaying from side to side. "She will see you in a few minutes as she is currently in a meeting so please have a seat over there," she directed him. "OK.. thankkkssss," he replied as he staggered his way over to the couch where he plogged himself down and stretched out a bit to make himself comfortable. "Well since she's busy...might as well take a quick nap..." he thought to himself as he pulled his hat down over his eyes so that it wasn't nearly as obvious of his intentions. "Man...this brew is gooooooooooood..." he chuckled to himself as he began to relax a bit to allow himself to nap. His thoughts shifted towards the squad he would be apart of soon after his meeting. "Hopefully she's not to hard on her squads...that would be lame. Well even soo at least I have my brew...," he pondered to himself as he nodded off.

WC: 542

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Finishing her breakfast, Mizuki cleaned up the table. It had been a solitary breakfast, as her father's schedule had become increasingly filled with requests of all sorts, leaving little room for him to come home. With mother still being at the hospital, her health holding a stand-still as her illness fought the relentless attempts of the doctors to get rid of it, and her sister out there somewhere being an irresponsible brat, Mizuki had found herself to be alone most of the time - a feeling she had found increasingly more difficult to deal with.

Today was slightly different, however, as she had received an invitation to meet up with the Raikage. Mizuki wondered if Lin had shrugged off her duties just for this, or if she really had finished all of her work and was left some spare time because of it. The kunoichi expected the first, if Lin had any inclination to follow up the path she had walked on inauguration day. With a pout, Mizuki thought her sensei could be just as bratty as her sister sometimes. Rereading the letter, Mizuki couldn't say if this summon was Lin looking for some leisure time or if it had a more serious tone to it.

Tucking away the letter and picking up her katana, Mizuki left the house and made her way towards the Raikage's building. She hadn't really bothered to dress up for the occasion, wearing a simple black dress that left her arms bare and reached to her knees. Her long, black hair was left to cascade over her back and partially over her chest, and her equally black katana with the silver kanji marking her name rested as usual on her hip, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

It wasn't that she had intended to be so 'dark', but she couldn't exactly say she had been feeling well either. The kill during the missions still played in her mind, and the obliged solitude had made her feel uncomfortable, allowing her plenty of time to think about all that transpired in her family currently. With a sigh, she shook her head, not wanting it to distract her from the meeting that was about to happen.

A brief walk later, the Raikage's building appeared and Mizuki entered. The room exhumed an air of quiet expectation, she found, balancing between a disciplined assurance a kage called to image and the unease of intimidation brought forth by actually having to meet said kage. Mizuki almost felt at home here, perhaps because it was little different than being at the Raiu's dojo. Other than that, the room was rather sober, arranged in a similar fashion as a waiting room at the hospital - chairs, a small table and something to keep the visitors occupied while being supervised by the receptionist behind her desk.

Finding said receptionist taking note of her, Mizuki bowed as she stated her business, "Raiu Mizuki, here to see the Raikage, please." The receptionist nodded and pointed at the chairs, giving her the same reply she had given the stranger sleeping on the couch. The Raikage was currently in a meeting, so she'd have to wait until further notice.

Mizuki took place on the chairs, eyeing the sleeping stranger for a minute as she wondered why exactly he hadn't the etiquette to sit properly to begin with, but since it was quite early in the day she then assumed it had to be just that. Too tired to remain awake. She shifted her gaze askance to the receptionist, he simply shrugged and continued to take care of her own business. Mizuki guessed he wasn't just a beggar seeking a comfortable resting place, and left it at that as she waited for Lin to appear.

wc: 639



A beautiful day, as always. Henso was busying about the bar, scurrying to and fro to deliver orders of food and drink to the patrons, doing his best to keep up with the constant changes. There was little else he'd rather be doing on a day like today, than to be outside staring at the clouds, yet here he was working again to keep a roof over his head.  Henso was wearing his black dress pants offset with a white button up shirt, buttoned to the top. He'd opted not to wear his school uniform esque black jacket, but still had the string laced in the neck region of his shirt in a bow, like a makeshift bolo tie. Over his front and down to the top of his thighs he wore a white apron with a few stains on it, the logo for the sky bar emblazoned smack dab in the middle, black and gold lettering as well as a black symbol for the bar. Upon his forehead was a shiny hitai-ate, gleaming as though the sun had just peeked behind the clouds to smile upon it. In reality it was just freshly cleaned as it had been every day, the sash the metal was attached to being a dark black to match his pants. The ivory skinned male was smiling as he worked, his hair kept back with his hitai-ate's help, showing his magenta hues perfectly. The white haired boy was so busy that he barely noticed a tap on his shoulder, his boss.

"Letter for you, Watanabe. Looks important."

"Thank you sir I.. Oh no! I'm late for a meeting with my new squad! I have to go, I'll make the time up, I promise!

Henso had opened the letter to find his name in bold ink, as well as the details of a meeting that included him in the administration building. There were to be two other squad members he'd meet there as well as the Raikage herself as his sensei. He'd have to leave quickly, as he was already well behind the time frame they were supposed to meet. With a wave to his boss and the others wishing him good luck in the bar, the young man ran out the door without a second thought, dashing down the steep stairs towards the village. The sky bar was atop quite a large mountain and it wasn't exactly close to where the administration building was located, but that didn't bother the genin. He was going to get to where he needed to be as quickly as he could and hope that he wasn't too late for the introductions. Nearing the bottom of the stairs, Henso had to dodge an oncoming couple, yelling back apologies as he barreled past them, turning down the path towards the administration building. It didn't take too much longer to reach his destination. Panting and out of breath, basically exhausted, Henso opened the door to the reception area and leaned on the door frame, waving at the receptionist with a smile on his tired and sweat dripped face.

"Wa.. Watanabe, Henso. Here.. huff huff.. Did I miss the meeting?"

"Uh.. No, dear. Just sit over there with those two and wait, the lady Raikage is in a meeting and will be with you shortly."

Henso stood on his own again and bowed to the receptionist, closing the door behind him. With a deep breath in the nose and out the mouth, he regained his composure. The young ninja  walked calmly and quietly over to the chairs where one person in odd green clothing with a strange hat appeared to be taking a nap, and a young girl about his age sat incredibly proper.  Henso took a seat in between the two, about a chair away from each, leaning back against his chair. Being six feet tall, he was a good head or so taller when sitting than the girl was and didn't know about the stranger.  He had forgotten to change out of his work clothing, as he'd rushed to the administration building straight away and quietly sighed to himself for the oversight. He would probably look a fool in front of the Raikage and his peers. Placing a smile upon his face, he decided that he wouldn't worry too much about appearances. If they were to be his squad members, he was sure they would judge him on ability and personality, rather than his strange clothing choices. After all, the green clothed person sleeping next to him was probably and exemplary ninja.




A white blur burst out of the door behind the secretary, she screamed, ran out the front door and Lin burst out of the room, glaring at what seemed to be a white panther. The panther's fore paws were against the ground, as were her forelegs, and her bright blue eyes shone with mischief. "You drop that or I am going to have the genin pull your tail again!" Lin's eyes were wide with motherly anger, shining bright blue against the yellow wall paint behind her. The giant white panther, Gora, had the Raikage hat between her teeth. She wiggled her butt, Lin took a step forward and Gora bolted out of the front door.

"I know where you sleep!" Lin shouted after her, placing her hands on her hips and growling. A faint red aura about her, blood red, just for a second. Her eyes darted over the three sitting down waiting for her. Her anger permeated the room and she simmered down when Mizuki came into her view, "Oh I uh..." She looked for the secretary, who was absent now, "I assume that you are all here to see me?" Lin was dressed in the Raikage's white robes, resized for her, with a kumogakure no sato kimono, the kanji for "Katonrai" emblazoned on her left chest of the kimono. She blushed and straightened her kimono a bit, smiling at the three, "I am Katonrai, Lin...
and er... Why don't we... step into my office, I suppose?"

She hadn't gone through this but with one of her students that dropped off the face of the world, and with Mizuki. She was awkward in most situations, and more awkward when meeting new people, she waited for their answers, and if they all would affirm going into the room, would walk in, sitting behind her desk. There were papers piled high on the right hand side of her desk, and a plaque that said, "To do." was in front of them, a stack of not ten to fifteen papers sat in a lonely box labeled, "finished."

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

He was roused from his nap by the sound of someone walking in the front door. He watched through the slit between his hat and his mask as a young girl walked up to the receptionist. "Raiu Mizuki, here to see the Raikage, please."  The secretary gave he the same response she had given him when he had arrived, directing her over to the chairs where he had been napping until the recent interruption. He tracked the girl as she walked over and sat near him, quite prim and proper. "I wonder if she'll be on my team...hopefully she's not uptight. That would be...lame," Shiyuan pondered to himself as he continued to relax in his seat. A few moments passed by in relative silence which was disturbed when the door flew open drawing Shiyaun's attention, not enough to get him to sit up however.

"Wa.. Watanabe, Henso. Here.. huff huff.. Did I miss the meeting?"
"Uh.. No, dear. Just sit over there with those two and wait, the lady Raikage is in a meeting and will be with you shortly." Henso was quite tall, significantly taller than Shiyuan was. He walked over with a large smile on his face and took a seat between Shiyuan and Mizuki. "So looks like this will be my squad for me I suppose," Shiyuan contemplated to himself as he stretched a bit and returned back to his comfortable sleeping pose. He dozed off once again, waiting for Lady Raikage to emerge from the door behind the secretary to call them in. He didn't know how long it had been but a sudden scream pierced his eardrums and startled him out of his chair onto the floor. "You drop that or I am going to have the genin pull your tail again!" he heard Lady Raikage shout at what appeared to be a large white cat with blue eyes holding the Raikage's hat in its jaws. Since it appeared the large cat wasn't a threat, Shiyuan didn't even bother to get back up from the floor, rather just switching poses with his elbow on the floor and his head resting in his palm. It appeared the cat was Lady Raikage's pet as it wiggled its butt and darted out the front door. "I know where you sleep!"  Lady Raikage shouted as she put her hands on her hips and glared out the front door. She turned towards the three shinobi on the other side of the room and began to speak, ""Oh I uh...I assume that you are all here to see me? I am Katonrai, Lin...and er... Why don't we... step into my office, I suppose?"

She straightened herself up a bit from the chaos that had just ensued and headed back towards her office. Shiyuan did a bit of wind mill move to get himself back onto his feet, grabbing his gourd and taking a quick swig before landing. He reached back onto his chair and grabbed his trusty gunbai before following the Lady Raikage. She continued to walk toward her chair and took he seat as expected. He followed shortly behind and sat in the chair on the left side of the room placing his gunbai against the chairback, giving him a better vantage point to see multiple angles given the design of the room. He gazed over the stack of papers piled high on the desk in front of him, appearing to be her To-Do list items which significantly outnumbered the adjacent pile labeled "Finished". He looked over and waited for the other two to join him in the room shortly behind him.

WC: 618

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

All seemed boringly quiet while the group waited for the Raikage to appear. Time ticked by slowly, and the silence seemed to shift between quiet contemplation and the uneasy necessity to speak up. It was so quiet inside, that the ticking of the secretary's pen seemed to be the only consistent sound occasionally broken by the breathing of the people nearby. Sitting still inside a room was such a bore. If she really had to do that, Mizuki preferred to do so in a dojo or any other place that breathed discipline and training. But here... it felt more like a real test of mental strength. Luckily, this all changed when a mass of white suddenly shot into the room.

Gora. Even for an animal this imposing and intimidating, it could be adorably childish. She held something between her teeth, making Mizuki blink twice when she realised it was the Raikage's hat. And as she wanted to mention to Gora that, perhaps, this wasn't exactly a toy, the secretary stole the show by running outside almost at the same time Lin barged in behind Gora, face red and shouting. Mizuki blinked again, a worried frown crossing her face as she thought about Lin's reputation towards these strangers.
Gora wasn't to be caught though, running outside with the hat in her maw, refusing to give up her cherished treasure and having an increased sense of joy in it the more she was chased by Lin. As she scampered outside the room, Lin decided not to give in, shouting something that sounded just as much a threat to her companion. Mizuki sighed softly as she had somewhat forgotten to breathe with the whole ordeal. Her sensei, even as a kage, really wouldn't change at all, wouldn't she?

As she regained her composure, the Raikage invited them inside with such a casual tone Mizuki started to wonder if Lin even remembered she was the kage of the Village. She pursed her lip pensively, but as usual, she left the berating for what it was as she considered herself not exactly at the right position to scold the kage anyway. Instead, she bowed towards Lin much like she usually did.

"Lin-san. It's a pleasure to see you so vivid.", she quipped with a wry smile before everyone walked into her office. Naturally, Mizuki's eyes didn't miss the pile of 'To Do' papers, and even less the imbalance between that stack and the meagre stack of papers labelled 'Finished'. Stronger than herself, she gave her sensei a three second stare for her lack of administrative discipline and cleared her throat more so to remind herself she was being rude than anything else.

Snapping out of her uncontrollable desire to have everything and everyone in her immediate vicinity as disciplined as her, she looked at the two other people that had joined them in the gathering with curiosity. They looked to be around her age, causing her to wonder what rank they were. She hadn't really heard about them just yet, but then again, that didn't say much as she usually spend her time either taking care of the household or practising her bukijutsu kata in the Raiu's dojo.

Not wanting to be rude again, she left the introductions to the Raikage. "You called for us?", she asked with a hint of curiosity, quite eager to hear if there would be a mission to undertake. She'd then stand quietly listening to the words, hand resting gently on her katana as she often did. If the others were introduced, or introduced themselves for that matter, she'd bow to them in respect.

wc 620 + 639
= 1259

((Lin & Mizuki are like Tsunade & Shizune? <.<))



Henso looked over quizzically as a rather large feline creature ran out of the Raikage's office with the Raikage herself chasing after it. There was some shouting and the feline had what appeared to be the hat of the Raikage in its' mouth. Henso couldn't help but give a soft, war chuckle. It was quite the spectacle to watch for sure, and to see the Raikage act so motherly towards this large cat, well it wasn't something you would see every day.  Henso heard a noise and looked over, it seemed the sleeping stranger had fallen over due to the surprise of the moment. Henso was getting up to assist him, but to no need it would appear. There was a windmill like motion from the man and he was back up on his feet. The other of those who had gathered spoke to the Raikage directly after the feline had made its exit, speaking so informally as though the two were old friends. Henso was left there with a quizzical look as the two of them walked back into the office of the Raikage, following the one who introduced herself as Lin Katonrai. Henso, of course, took a moment to realize what was happened and made a quick speed-walk to catch up to them. His long strides closing the distance rather quickly.

Henso looked around as he stepped inside, tilting his head. He didn't know what he expected from the office of a Kage, but this was not it. He expected grandiose architecture and a neat, clean office space. Not to mention some sorts of golden trophies or something like that. He had no earthly idea that this office would much resemble his home if he were left to clean it alone. There was a bit of a mess here and there, not to mention large stacks of paperwork upon the desk that looked as though they needed sorted or done. There was a very minuscule pile in the 'finished' portion, which gave Henso another hearty chuckle. It seemed that the Raikage was just like normal people. Which was refreshing to see, since he'd always thought the Raikage were meant to be such gruff, angry people who were too uptight about life and the ninja world. To be working in the squad of someone who seemed so relaxed was a good sign. Not because he believe they would shirk in their training, but because he believed there would be more of a mother's touch to improving themselves. Maybe he was reading too much into this? Nonetheless, he quietly straightened his apron that had the sky bar's name and logo upon it and stood behind the chairs, with his hands in his pockets. He had a great view of everything from this point.




Lin blushed as she was told that she was 'vivid' in Mizuki's terms. It was a bit embarrassing to be called that in her own office, but she had burst out in a flurry and guessed that she deserved it. She walked behind the desk, opening up a drawer with each of their files in it. Opening each, she handed them to each of the ninja, "Here are your records, I want to know that everything in them is correct, your addresses, the next of kin, the specialties, known elements, and jutsu lists that you have disclosed.
She nodded, smiling to each as she handed them out.

She wasn't in true form today, and really needed to figure out what was going on with the village, especially with the foreign policy. The villagers, and especially her team, should come first though. She sighed, sitting down in her chair and folding her hands and resting her chin on them. She would let them read over their files, seeing what each of them had to change or wanted to change about their profiles before she would start. They would be training today, and she had made sure that she had a set of clothing, just a standard karategi with a belt. She wanted to make sure that each of them knew their own weaknesses, along with the ones of their groupmates before setting out on a mission. Perhaps a B ranked mission to really rattle their cages. Or she might be nice and do a C ranked mission with them. She wracked her brains as to the jobs that needed done as they would read their files. What to do... what to do...

WC: 636

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

Shortly after he sat down the remainder of the crew he had walked in with had made their way inside the Raikage's office and had taken their seats. Lady Raikage walked behind her desk and sat down to open up a file cabinet next to her. She reached inside and pulled out 3 sets of folders and handed them to each of the 3 seated in front of her. "Here are your records, I want to know that everything in them is correct, your addresses, the next of kin, the specialties, known elements, and jutsu lists that you have disclosed." Shiyuan politely took his folder and began to comb through it to see just what information the Raikage had on him. "Hmmm lets see...Medical Nin, check. Gunbai Specialist, Check. Katon and Fuuton user, Check," Shiyuan muttered to himself as he went over the document in his head. As he continued to scan over the contents of his file, he stopped once he reached the section asking about what he would like to focus on or learn under the Raikage's tutelage. He sat and thought a bit about just what he actually would want to learn and what interested him. After thinking for a few moments he began to jot down some of the things that came to mind. "Lets see....I would like to learn the art of kenjutsu, learn more advanced taijutsu techniques, and learn the senjutsu specialization," Shiyuan jotted down on his file. He looked over to his apparent new squad mates to see their progress on this process.

He continued on verifying the information within his file and fixing anything that seemed off. For the most part the file was correct and detailed just about everything about Shiyuan. Once he was satisfied with his file, he closed it back up and placed it upon the Raikage's desk. "All done Lady Raikage...seems to be rather complete. Didn't need to add too much..." Shiyuan remarked. He sat back in his chair and waited for his new peers to complete the review of their paperwork. Shiyuan would sit quietly and wait for the other two to finish and for the Raikage to tell them just what they would be doing today. He figured they would maybe start some form of training or something of the like as it would be unlikely the Raikage would bring them all here just to fill out some paperwork.

WC: 410

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

Being handed over a file about herself, Mizuki blinked, somewhat a little confused. Did Lin wanted to say she had a full record on... her? Sure, her sensei and squad leader knew quite a few things about her now, but to think she even had a file holding such information seemed... not Lin. Had these already been here, or was the Raikage in front of her more responsible than she realised? Eyeing the large staple of to-do paperwork, Mizuki wasn't quite convinced just yet though she guessed she shouldn't underestimate Lin either. It was a difficult decision to make.

Thanking Lin, she took her report and read through it. For a second time, Mizuki blinked as she read through the report, realising just how much more she knew about Mizuki. It wasn't just her abilities and specialisations, but even a full medical report about her and immediate relatives seemed to be enclosed. Thinking about, Mizuki shouldn't be too surprised to see those as Lin was, after all, an iryo-nin working at the hospital, but she couldn't help but feel more revealed than she should have been feeling. Mizuki sighed softly, feeling lucky these reports weren't in the hands of any enemies.

"Let's see...", she mused, flipping through the pages.

Name: Raiu, Mizuki
Address: Lilypad Road, 26, Central District, Kumogakure
Kin: Living parents, one elder sister.
- Raiu, Kiyoshi - Jounin, 51 year old. Kenjutsu sensei at Raiu Dojo.
- Raiu, Siri née Kaminari - Sp Jounin, 45 years old.
- Raiu, Erisu - Sp. Jounin/Missing-Nin, 24 years old.

Elements: Raiton, Suiton, Ranton
Specialities: Ninjutsu, Bukijutsu
Jutsu: ...

An almost perfectly completed list of jutsu appeared before Mizuki's eyes. It missed one suiton jutsu, but that was perfectly normal since it was one she had just recently picked up in between household duty and patrolling.

"All information is correct. The jutsu only lacks my recently learned Water Prison Technique.", she said with a smile, still impressed and even proud at the accuracy of it all. Closing the folder, she handed it back to Lin for corrections moments after Shiyuan returned his own report.

Seeing how her sensei's face turned to a more serious tone, resting her head on her hands as she sank in deep thoughts, wasn't something Mizuki wasn't familiar with either. Whatever it was, to see Lin this serious, Mizuki became almost worried. What was she up to? What exactly was so concerning it even drove the otherwise playful Lin into such a state of seriousness? Collecting her thought and mentally shaking the ominous ideas away, Mizuki cleared her head and waited until Lin spoke again.

wc 446 + 1259
= 1705



Henso quietly picked up the file from the desk and watched the other two make comments on their own file before sliding them back to the Raikage. He silently looked at the front of his file where his name was written on a small tab in black ink. With a sigh, the medical ninja opened his file and read it over. It seemed that they truly did their research upon their ninja. Everything was in there. His parents, how they met, how many children they had, and what had happened to them. There was a lot of information in the file, but at the same time there wasn't much. Sure, it had all the information on Henso that the administration would need, but it wasn't a lot of information in general since he hadn't really done much. The only thing that his file was missing was the space for his occupation. Which, should one pay attention to what he was wearing, they would be able to ascertain such a thing quite easily. With a nod and a rub of his chin, the medic smiled and closed the file, sliding it back to the Raikage.

"Everything here seems to be in order, down to my medical expertise and the fact that I haven't really done anything. The only bit you're missing is the fact that I work at the Sky Bar. Though I suppose that sort of thing really isn't all that important, no?"

With a final nod, he crossed his arms over his chest, continuing to smile softly. He observed the three of them from the place he stood, awaiting the next tidbit from their new squad leader. If this woman was as powerful as Kage seemed to be, the three of them were lucky for her to have taken them on as her team. Not only that but they would hopefully be able to go on missions together soon so that Henso could put his medical and ninja training to use in the field. It was also for the money, if anyone wanted that much honesty from him. His house wasn't the most beautiful thing to look at and most times it seemed he lived in utter squalor. he wanted to earn at least enough money to upgrade the housing he was taking part of a bit. To include better amenities and maybe even a bigger space for him to move around. All in due time he would realize these things, it's best not to get ahead of oneself and the medic sighed happily before snapping himself out of his daydreaming cycle.




"Thank you." Lin said to each in turn as she collected them, and saw what they had written down, or added the things that they told her were missing to each file. She wanted to be meticulous with her students. She wanted to make her sensei, Gin, proud, and more importantly she didn't want to mess their training up. She sighed, a facade of coolness dominating her features as she addressed them all again, "So as you know, it is my responsibility to teach you all what you would like to learn while under my tutelage, or to find you someone who knows what you would like to know to teach you. My specialties are Medical Ninjutsu,
Senjutsu, and Ninjutsu. I am really a one trick pony, and I can't do much in the way of Bukijutsu, Taijutsu, or anything like that. I am probably considered the weakest of the Kage's and I am also probably considered one of the younger ones."
Best to lay it out on the table. All of it.

"So. What I am going to do is we are going to go outside when you are more prepared for our session, if you're in nice clothing, you can put on these clothes I have prepared for you, and we are going to be sparring, and practicing with training dummies. We will also practice some basic combinations that I think will be useful to our mission. Oh... did I forget to mention,
your first mission with me... I think we'll do a B rank mission."
She nodded and placed her hands, folded, in front of her. She looked to each in turn to see what their reaction to the new information was.

WC: 935

N'Jobu Aburame

N'Jobu Aburame

Shiyuan watched as the other two scanned over their respective files in the manner that he had just done. Mizuki finished first, noting that most of the information in the file was correct and that the only thing it was lacking is her recently learned water prison technique. "Hmmm a Suiton user..."  Shiyuan thought to himself. She handed her file back to Lady Raikage and then Henso appeared to have finished his review as well. He noted that his file was relatively complete with information other than the fact it omitted his employment at the Sky Bar. "I wonder if he can get me drinks from the bar...Hmmmmm this could be useful,"  Shiyuan thought to himself as he smirked under his veil. Lady Raikage thanked the three for reviewing their files and began to tell them about what they were in for. She talked about her specializations and her expertise in almost brutal honesty, admitted her weaknesses and where she felt her standing was among the other kage. "That's respectable..."  Shiyuan pondered to himself, "I doubt the other kage would be as open with their students" . One thing that stuck out to him however was that Lady Raikage noted she was particularly talented in the art of Senjutsu. Senjutsu had always been something of interest to him and it seemed he had an almost perfect pairing with his sensei. Unfortunately however, she was lacking in some other areas of which he intended to learn and grow with such as Bukijutsu and Taijutsu. "Maybe one of the other two is well versed in them....I guess I'll find out soon enough I suppose,"  Shiyuan pondered in his chair.

"So. What I am going to do is we are going to go outside when you are more prepared for our session, if you're in nice clothing, you can put on these clothes I have prepared for you, and we are going to be sparring, and practicing with training dummies. We will also practice some basic combinations that I think will be useful to our mission. Oh... did I forget to mention,
your first mission with me... I think we'll do a B rank mission."

"I'm ready whenever you are Lady Raikage. I don't need to change and I have my trusty Gunbai here with me as you can tell. Where will we be going for training?"  Shiyuan asked inquisitively. He waited for a few moments for Lady Raikage to respond to him while he sat back in his chair awaiting her response. "I guess today is going to be a bit busier than I thought it would be. Good thing I didn't drink all my brew yet..."  He sat back in his chair and awaited what was to come.

WC: 465

OOC: Maybe end this thread next post guys?

OOC EDIT: My next post will be exit so everyone exit next round of posts or now if you want.

Last edited by Shiyuan on Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki

As everyone handed in their files, Lin proceeded to state the reason for their summon. Squad training and a ... Hearing Lin mention they'd do a B rank mission, Mizuki suddenly paled to a point where snow might actually get jealous of her colour. The memory of the previous mission not too long ago played in her mind. The way she had, for duty's sake, ended a man's life with her own katana, with full consciousness, still didn't sit well with her. Even her meditation after that had ended in a failure in where the confrontation of her actions had completely turned her guilt upside down.

She really had to get over this memory, as her father would request her to join him in the performance of executions one day as well. Since she had been summoned by the Raikage herself for this mission, there was little point in refusing. She had a duty to do, and the only thing she could do was hope that by taking on another mission of this rank again, perhaps she'd come to understand and accept that not every high rank mission would end up in killing.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, her pallid face regained some of its colour as she nodded at Lin, attempting to accept the faith of a shinobi that would inevitably become part of her life. She'd have to trust Lin on this, and so requested the prepared clothes Lin had offered. It wasn't that her black dress wouldn't do, but part of her simply wanted to get dressed as a sign of respect towards her mentor - much like it was at the dojo where she bore the dojo's emblem on her training gi.

"H-hai, Lin-san.", she said with faint voice. "I'd like to request the prepared clothes and ah...", she briefly eyed the two guys around her. "A place to prepare myself, if that's okay."

As soon as both were offered, Mizuki would move to the allocated room to get herself in Lin's prepared clothes, readying herself for the mission that was to come.

[OOC: I can edit this post to exit if need be.]

Total: 2066



OOC: The post was just made today, give me some time guys, sheesh.



((I was told you were gone? Yay you're here!))



OOC: We can end it here if needed. Sorry I work so much.

Henso quietly took in the replies of the others to what the Raikage had told them. They seemed rather eager to begin, and Henso could not say that he himself wasn't excited. The only problem he could see so far was that she wanted to take three genin out on a B-Rank mission! Was she mad? He didn't comment on this, but looked down at his apron for a moment, thinking to himself. He didn't really have any nice clothing, so that wasn't the issue.  The only issue he actually saw in going to train right now was that he didn't want to  get the apron for his employment scuffed up and ripped or destroyed. It cost him three hundred ryo to replace it last time and his food budget was taking enough hits as it was for ninja tools. He would rather do everything he could to make sure that he needn't replace anything that was not his own property. With a chuckle at the thought of the apron being covered in mud, or singed, or blasted by lightning, the young medic raised his hand and waved.

"I'll actually need to run back to work and give them my apron if that's not too much of a hassle. I can't be getting company property destroyed you know? Won't take me long, I promise!"

With that, the medic ran out of the room, untying the knots that kept his apron upon his form. He'd need to be quick so that he wouldn't miss the training exercises and mission with his new squad.  Henso nearly tripped running out of the administration building on his trek towards the mountain range. Sky bar was not that far from his current location but it would definitely be a hassle climbing to the top of the small mountain again. He only hoped that his team mates and sensei would understand a few minutes of tardiness.



Raiu Mizuki

Raiu Mizuki


Closing thread due to inactivity.

WC: 2066


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