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1Oh Father, Who Art Thou? (Sero/Invite/NK) Empty Oh Father, Who Art Thou? (Sero/Invite/NK) Thu Aug 17, 2017 12:01 am



The cave that the female spider had chosen as her favourite haven was cool and damp, precisely the way she preferred. The only thing that it was lacking was a fresh supply of food. Being that she was a spider roughly the size of domestic dog, from what she had seen, it was no surprise that most sources of nourishment had seen fit to make themselves scarce. Her eight eyes scanned the dimness of the cave, or what she supposed was probably dimness, for when she had first arrived here small mammals had attempted to hide in the further away places. To no avail of course, her eyes were well adjusted to such low light and it made no difference at all to her, but sadly there were no mice or rats or snakes for her to feast on. She knew that there was no reason that she could not merely go up to the mansion and eat something while there. But she had plans which she was not keen to have any prying eyes observing her potential failure of, so here she would stay. Without food it would seem.

She had spent a good deal of time in the mansion studying the people there, for the most part unseen or at least she supposed so. There had been a time or two when she had lingered too long and she thought perhaps someone had caught sight of her, but she had not been approached so it had passed from her mind. For the most part she had spent her time observing and learning about the person she understood to be her father, Sero Osada. In a very small part of her mind she felt as though the more she pushed to be part of the human world she was betraying her arachnid heritage, but she was constantly frustrated by the lack of common ground with her brothers and sisters. The thrill of hunting and killing was nothing to be scoffed at, however it grew tiresome and mundane when it was all there was day after day. As the sun rose and set and she had ventured further and further into the mansion she had discovered within herself a deep seated longing to be part of the world that belonged to her father.

She had learned how to look like them, humans. Well that was the theory anyway. She knew approximately how it was done, but was not entirely sure that she could do it. Hence her being in a cave alone rather than in front of anyone else the first time she tried it. Drawing her focus inwards for a brief moment, she would concentrate on what she wanted to appear like as a human. She imagined that in order to be taken seriously as the daughter of Sero Osada she would have to appear to look somewhat like him and at least half as noble as he did. So she crafted in her mind’s eye long straight white hair and eyes the colour of the water surrounding Kirigakure, with an elegant dark dress likened to one she had seen in a book while skittering about in the mansion library. As she focused her chakra and felt the transformation begin to take place she gasped, something she had not ever had occasion or the possibility of doing before. Standing very still in the dim light of the cave she held her hands, human hands, out in front of her and stared at them for a long time. She felt off balance, small and vulnerable and at the same time whole and complete. She realized with irritation that she had make an error in her planning, she had not brought any mirror or amount of water large enough to view her reflection and thus had no way of knowing whether the transformation was complete. Breaking herself from her entrancement with her new hands she took the feeble appendages and ran them through her hair, enjoying the sensation of her fingertips for the first time. At least she hadn’t failed on the hair. Moving her hands over her face she was pleased to discover she had all of the pieces of a human face she was expecting, except one tiny detail. When the tips of her fingers ran over her lips she felt the tiniest twinge of pain as something sharp grazed her and drew blood, evidently she still had her fangs. She laughed prettily as licked at the blood the was welling up on her finger and then spoke out loud in a soft voice. “Well now Miyu, I can think of worse things. This way at least you can still tear into your prey.”




Sero had spent some time contemplating within his library as of late. He had proof for himself now at least that he was perhaps the most capable swords master in the world. He could wield any weapon placed in his hands as effectively as the last and he had been given the title reserved for the highest ranking master of weapons that he knew of. He was at the peak of the field and thus it was time to turn his attention to other matters. Chakra control was never his foremost ability. It responded more to his urges than his commands. Spreading like a living thing as he felt it outwards from himself. Shadows creeping on the wall and trembling when held back. Like long fingers straining to reach something they were restrained from. Often the life force of the things around him. He had read of meditation and sensory deprivation. How man relied far to much on their eyes and not what was within. So he had sealed the library doors for hours at a time and sealed away all light leaving himself sitting in the middle of a pitch black room. His patience knowing little to no bounds as he would settle himself there and simply focus on feeling out. At times it was nearly maddening. Something within him loving the darkness and feeling right at home. The seclusion making him require light simply to believe the world outside still remained. Darkness was his ally but only out of a whim.

Still by the third day having refused to use sage mode and make sensory easy he had begun to feel his surroundings more profoundly. At first it was just a ripple. As if a small pebble had disturbed the surface of his chakra. For a time he concentrated on that until once more another ripple was felt. He could feel chakra around him in all things. A flow and ebb to it as if it were all a connected river of energy. For a time he simply took it in until he was able to begin to separate it. A spider here, on the wall above him watching. A prisoner below, suffering in fear and intoxicating Sero with the anxiety building there. Something else stirred ever so slightly within the manor though. As if he were distantly else where and yet not him. He had felt it once before in the young girl Hanta he had allowed to escape him. Another like her? Another like him that wandered the manor? Momma had not as of yet confirmed such a thing possible and yet he felt it now. There was another with his chakra and molded to be like her own. Her? Had he managed a gender with the chakra flavor? Was that the right word? had a distinct taste he supposed. For a time, hours turned to days he felt out for it. Reaching out here and there in his day to day to feel for it. So often it was in the manor. Waiting to be discovered.

Over time it had matured and now he could sense it stalking the manor whenever it was near. He could tell which direction it was strongest in and his curiosity was drawn. Dressed in dark robes he would follow it as it tugged away from the manor. Curious as to where it went when it wasn't near him. Was it absorbing some part of him? Becoming like him? How promising this species must be. Yet it didn't move towards the village. Instead it moved further into the island. Barren tree's breaking way to swamps and creatures that shifted too and fro as they watched his passing. His feet always finding solid ground despite the mist blanketing the area. He could feel her this way. Heading for a location it took him a moment to realize the source of. Many would think it a simple cave. As the entrance was hidden to appear as. Yet this was more. His fathers tomb. No body within of course but it had been named "The tomb of the martyr." There was the villages official grave but this one was far more personal. Had this thing been drawn here? How interesting that it would find solstice here. He approached the cave as he carefully held his aura at bay. Keeping the feel he inhibited over the entire island of a monster nearby as just that. The same as the entire island. The tiny smell of blood like a flare to him from within as he approached. Long silver hair flowing behind him as the one within spoke to herself. A soft voice. One he did not know. Still his shadow loomed in the cave entrance. A thing of darkness swallowing the light as it seemed to swim with misery. His words filling the cave as the eyes of the grave looked within to seek out the source.

"MIyu, is that what you call yourself?"




Like an oncoming storm Miyu could feel the wave of dread approach from somewhere behind her on the island, much too late to do anything but feel the twist of fear in her newly human insides. It was exhilarating and nauseating, her two legs nearly betraying her into running but her want to know what it was that was there to destroy her held her fast in place. When she heard the male’s voice resound off the cave walls, seeming to fill the place with nothing but that one question, her heart leapt and she would turn slowly to face the man that she knew to be her father. She would know that voice anywhere, she had heard it many times before in her wanderings throughout the mansion. It was a voice both commanding and comforting though she imagined many would not find it so, and she would smile demurely as she finally faced the silver haired man. She was still struggling to keep from trembling in fear under his gaze, as she found the oppressive feeling of being hunted was ever present.

Gathering her gown in the palms of both her hands Miyu would, as gracefully as she could manage given her new anatomy, bend her right knee and drop into a curtsy as she had observed some of the servants do in the mansion. She would not rise until given leave to do so, however with her soft voice she did answer his question.

“Yes father, I have decided to call myself Miyu. I was hoping to have this form perfected before I showed it to you, I do pray that it does not disappoint you. My intention had been to greet you properly at the mansion, though I am honoured that have arrived here. This is my favourite haven for when I hunt. Do you require anything of me, a place to sit perhaps? Or food, I have not gone to hunt yet, but I certainly can if you wish it.”

She waited anxiously for Sero’s reply her head lowered respectfully as she attempted to maintain her balance. When she had imagined their first meeting as father and daughter this was not precisely what she had pictured, though this was pleasant enough. Her favourite resting place, misty and dank and thankfully alone without lesser beings to interfere. She deeply regretted not having more time to prepare a gift for her father, and she made a mental note to repair her shortcoming in the future. She trusted that there would be the opportunity to make amends for the error, as her glorious mother had told her of her father’s nobility, and she had no doubt of it. What she had seen of him in her time watching was nothing short of regal, and while she would not go so far as to say he was compassionate he was just and lawful and fair. A more wonderful father she could never have asked for, and now that she had the good fortune to speak with him, Miyu was elated. This man was more glorious in person than he had been from afar and she was awestruck, her only concern now was whether she would be accepted by him or cast aside.




Sero would let his eyes search the dim lit cave. The grey orbs quickly falling upon a young lady within. The eyes of the grave studying her and her dark attire a moment. She was already looking in his direction when he spoke. His aura no doubt alerting her to the oncoming storm heading her direction. He had attempted to lower it to the point the entire island felt but it hadn't been enough. Her intuition of his arrival was impressive at least though her reason for being within had best be on par with it. However unknown she was to him this place was not. Was she drawn here? Connected to it perhaps? Still it wasn't a flight or fight response he received. He expected it these days from all he came across including those he protected. A calm mind was not an average one with him around. So he could appreciate her mind set remaining intact. Still the curtsy was something odd both in the given situation and how she preformed it. As if she were just now getting accustomed to the mannerism. Still he would tilt his head as she spoke. Noting her fangs as she moved her lips.

“Yes father, I have decided to call myself Miyu. I was hoping to have this form perfected before I showed it to you, I do pray that it does not disappoint you. My intention had been to greet you properly at the mansion, though I am honoured that have arrived here. This is my favourite haven for when I hunt. Do you require anything of me, a place to sit perhaps? Or food, I have not gone to hunt yet, but I certainly can if you wish it.”

How odd it was that she would call him something like father. He had never had one of his own to speak of having only fought an illusion of him as his grand test to become a swordsman. Having made captain due to the results. However the logic was missing from there. He had never mated with another and even if he had it would of been far to recent to produce someone of that age appearance. Something was truly off about the whole situation. It had a decided need for further investigation. Still he would nod his head to her and slowly enter the cave further. His right hand shifting to simply indicate for her to rise from her uncomfortable position. If she had intentions to fight him she had not indicated as much as of yet. Her words indicated she had named herself and what was more, she said something about her current form. He was slowly piecing things together but was still missing information. His steps carefully taking him along the wall of the cave as his hands trailed along the stone. His words would exit his pale thin lips like a dull sound as he seemed to be studying the wall for something else. Still his words were meant for her even if his attention wasn't. Though perhaps his form not blocking the entrance was too tempting a solution to her current predicament. Would she run from him was the test.

"I have been called many things in my time. Monster, devil, Spawn of the unholy. Father is certainly a new name I am not sure of the source. I have never chosen to procreate. I do not need a seat for comfort or food for nourishment. Young Miyu what I desire above these things is information. We will start with two simple questions. First and most obvious, why call me father? The second is an inquiry of what draws you here of all places?"




Miyu was relieved as Sero motioned for her to rise, had he wished it she would have stayed bowed indefinitely, though now that she could stand again her muscles protested from the discomfort she had just subjected them to. She would stand cautiously, backing herself against the far wall of the cave, not out of any sense of fear, but out of sheer necessity as her legs trembled with their newness and apparent overuse. And as her father stepped into the cave with her, his hand idly trailing across the stone wall, she searched her heart and found that her earlier assessment was inaccurate, there was also fear. She felt utterly helpless and vulnerable in this human form, and now mildly irritated for she knew she should have nothing to fear at all from her father. The sensation of fear was incongruent with what she knew of him, and with what she had experienced so far in her true form. Miyu would glance at the opening to the cave that was now completely clear, Sero having moved further inside and for a moment she was struck with the idea of wanting to run out. And then just as quickly she would return her gaze back to the graceful dark robed man, a sly grin on her face for this was her cave, and she was a hunter. Whether that was what he was trying to do she could not be certain, however she had toyed with prey in this very manner only days previous. The idea of being seen as someone’s prey gave her courage where before she had none, and she would step away from the wall towards her father.

"I have been called many things in my time. Monster, devil, Spawn of the unholy. Father is certainly a new name I am not sure of the source. I have never chosen to procreate. I do not need a seat for comfort or food for nourishment. Young Miyu what I desire above these things is information. We will start with two simple questions. First and most obvious, why call me father? The second is an inquiry of what draws you here of all places?"

Miyu would tilt her head and clasp her hands gently together as she considered her answers. The first question required a deeper explanation, but the second one she found quite puzzling and could not fathom it’s importance.

“Father, I will answer the second question first since I do not have an answer for it that is likely of any use to you. I simply enjoy it here. It is out of the way, no one comes here to bother me and I can hunt and eat in peace. As for the first question, that requires a lengthier explanation. My beautiful mother, I believe you call her Momma, birthed me just two years ago. And she has told me that I exist because of you, that you gave her some piece of yourself, your chakra, so that she could bear children. So while I am not borne of you physically of course, my chakra is from you, hence I was given to call you father. I have spent much of my time wandering the mansion and learning about you and other humans since I was born. I wished very much to interact with you before now, though I did not know whether you would accept me in my true form.”




Sero would note that she did not run when the opportunity presented itself. She was not intending to be prey which interested him further. He wondered when he was a child what his reaction would have been given the circumstances. He had been presented with a similar situation actually shortly after visiting the academy and being granted his head band. A patrol along the lake had landed him in the path of perhaps the largest clan member he had ever seen. A small little boy at the time himself but armed to the teeth. To anyone looking the fight should have been one sided with the giant dominating that child in a close hand to hand fight. Sero had been confronted but it wasn't in his nature to back down. Along with that he had been underestimated and put the giant in the hospital. He wondered a moment if he was underestimating this one. This girl who smiled and crossed her hands in front of herself. Her polite demeanor was dangerous as a response to fear. If he attacked her she likely intended to fight back. He was impressed with her nature so much like his own. He doubted even he would leave that without blood drawn. For a moment he listened as she spoke. Eyes watching her.

“Father, I will answer the second question first since I do not have an answer for it that is likely of any use to you. I simply enjoy it here. It is out of the way, no one comes here to bother me and I can hunt and eat in peace. As for the first question, that requires a lengthier explanation. My beautiful mother, I believe you call her Momma, birthed me just two years ago. And she has told me that I exist because of you, that you gave her some piece of yourself, your chakra, so that she could bear children. So while I am not borne of you physically of course, my chakra is from you, hence I was given to call you father. I have spent much of my time wandering the mansion and learning about you and other humans since I was born. I wished very much to interact with you before now, though I did not know whether you would accept me in my true form.”

He would listen and observe the words. Keeping in mind that she had revealed to him something kept secret from him until now. The spider that had granted him his sage powers had said there would be three things he would give in return. The first had been a space in his home for her comfort. She occupied the bell tower where no bell ever rang. Where no bell sat. She stood at the peak of the manor and ruled her children from there in the darkness and was brought her food. A queen in her own right that no longer had to hunt due to her price paid. The second had been a temporary price. A way of mastering his sage mode. His soul had been separated from him for a time only to return if he mastered the form. As he had done only recently and it had given his sage mode a much more terrifying presence. One spoken of as king of beasts. A crown of mist upon his head as his three red eyes saw all and his words demanded response. The third was a cost she had said he would learn of in time. He supposed this was that cost. She had created a whole new clan with his power. Impressive for a spider. Still he would speak in response. His hand pausing on the wall.

"I see, that does explain what I sense in you. There are those who are born as prey and those as predators. I was born the latter and I feel myself within you. Your true form or not means little to me. I care for what is capable and useful in my world. Understand though if you refer to me as father in the outside world, there will be confusion. Simply tell them to ask me if there is concern. As for you being drawn here, I suspect my chakra has influenced that greater than you realize. You see, you are in the tomb of an ancestor. My father."

His hand would press on the stone he was holding it against as it would grate with the force of the press. Not meant to be a simple feat to open. The resistance the wall held was palpable in the sound alone. She would be able to hear a great counter weight being moved from his strength. He had designed the entrance so only the mighty and the observant could enter. The round wall at the back of the cave shifted as dust fell away and it rolled with a great noise rumbling through the cave. Once it rolled to the side she would see a pearl white marble room. Rounded ceilings with no windows and yet lit like sunlight had entered from above. The marble floor was one large solid slab and in the center was a single marble casket sealed entirely all around. Depictions of a city burned at the bottom before reaching the middle where a group of people gathered around one man holding a scroll and at the top was a carved depiction of the modern village. A depiction of the mans accomplishment of rebuilding the village after it burned and its citizens scattered.




Miyu’s eyebrow would raise ever so slightly as Sero spoke, saying he could sense something in her. While she was not aware of all that he was capable of, it made her curious now, and in retrospect helped to answer the question she had not thought to ask earlier. Which was how he had managed to find her in this spot in the first place, being that she had not announced her presence, and did not make a habit of leaving a trail along the ground for anyone to find. She quickly reviewed her path to her haven in her mind’s eye to ensure that she hadn’t left any webbing or broken any tree branches that may have left clues as to her direction, but she had travelled this way so many times that it was difficult for her to recall if today's journey was uniquely different from yesterday's. In the end she had no real way of knowing whether it was some truly mystical ability on the part of her father, or some monumental error on the part of herself, or more likely some combination of the two.

As he continued and explained that he was born a predator and then in the barest way possible brought that comparison to her, she felt an immense surge of pride, which was closely followed by a small predatory grin. It was also with much relief that she heard him dismiss her concerns over her chosen form, and a comforting warmth filled her. It was likely the incorrect response to his comments, however she took to heart his words. Useful and capable. Those she could be. If that was all it took to gain his attention, she would become the most useful and capable daughter a father could ever wish for.

It had not escaped her notice that he had, without directly saying so, accepted her as his daughter. And now she was fairly vibrating with excitement, what had started as an experiment to attempt a transformation in the hopes of gaining her father’s favour had ended in not only a private audience but his acceptance of her as his daughter. The day was going perfectly and what’s more she had yet to do anything that would cause embarrassment, for which she was incredibly grateful, despite feeling her stomach groan quietly beneath her folded hands as she stood patiently. I knew I should have hunted before I started. Miyu thought angrily as her mouth watered and she tried desperately to think of anything but sinking her fangs into the still writhing flesh of a living creature. Her anguish was interrupted as Sero enlightened her as to the mysterious nature of her haven. And she would look up at him puzzled, chewing on her bottom lip as she pushed her hunger back.

“Your father’s tomb.” She would say slowly as she watched what he was doing with the rock. “So then he must be. . . my grandfather I would-” Her words were cut off as she gasped when the stone depressed and rolled back revealing a beautiful and bright white room. The painful craving for nourishment forgotten Miyu would step up towards the opening as though entranced and peer into the room, shielding her eyes from the dazzling brilliance of it. She much preferred the darkness but there was no denying that it was beautiful to behold. Leaning against the cave wall she would turn to her father and speak gently.

“I did not realize, I apologize father. I had no intention of disturbing his rest, and I wouldn’t have had I known. This place is exquisite. But I must ask father, why is it hidden?”




The tomb would open and he would cast his glance within. It had been some time since he visited this place. He hadn't trusted another with its location so he had been forced to craft it with his own hands. Carving out the marble and placing it himself day after day. Perhaps it had been wrong of him to trust no one. A doton user could of done as much in a single days work. However this place was holy ground to him. He hadn't really thought of his reasoning before now but he truly realized he thought the people of the village, of the world as something different from him. Such fragile humans living just to live day to day. When was it he wondered that he had stopped considering himself human? What would he classify himself as now? He supposed if he went the novelist route he might select some sort of word like demon or devil. Was he a devil? Regardless of his classification he was not among them. They were lesser weaker beings. As such they had no right to step on such holy ground. Yet this girl was of his chakra if not of his blood. Nor was she human. Perhaps in his mind she simply inherited the right.

Still she would come closer to him so much as to peak around him and stare in wonder into the tomb. Truly he had taken his time with the craftsmanship. Failing time and time again until there was not a marred section of wall in sight. Endless hours spent perfecting the room as if in tribute to something he had never known. She mentioned him being her grandfather and Sero nearly scoffed. She was getting ahead of herself with the family idea. It was fine if she claimed kinship to him since she was made of him. However to go so far was unsettling. He would speak to her as she asked questions. His words carrying across the cavern as it echoed with harmonics. Yet another thing he had learned to master during his time practicing. The high rounded ceiling bouncing his voice back and forth.

"I would not go so far as to call him Grandfather. He was my father by blood only. Many didn't even know of my birth for years or assumed me dead. The man himself being defeated in battle before I ever came to be. His great works made him like a father to the village but never has he truly been a father to me. Though we had crossed paths once recently, a story for another time."

Sero would shift passed her and enter into the tomb. His feet barely making a sound even on marble of all things. Slow and reverent steps carried him within. A dark mark on a white surface. Almost as if his presence within the room darkened it considerably. His chakra marking the area and fading as soon as it did. Still his grey eyes would cast down over the tomb and specifically the casket. Sealed for more ritualistic nature than to actually protect anything. Still his hand would shift down to run along the top of the tomb. As if in respond to his touch fire would run in streams along the top of the casket naming it as the resting place of Sero Osada the first. His hand would lift before returning into his cloak as he turned to look to the girl.

"His official resting place is in the village. Since he led the village through its rebuild many pay their respects there but its far to public. The truth of the matter is there was never a body recovered. Reports state he was actually consumed by an opponent after wounding them a great deal. His body isn't here either but his most personal collections are sealed within. His first headband and some other items. This tomb is holy ground only his descendants may ever know of, It is forbidden to commoners.:"




Miyu listened intently as Sero admonished her for her choice of words. It seemed to her that she had struck a nerve in calling the deceased man ‘grandfather’, and in turn she found her own temperature rise as he explained that the man was his father by blood only. She would stare with great interest at the sealed tomb in the center of the pearlescent white room as she attempted to regain control over her emotions. It would not do any good to unleash whatever it was she was feeling onto her father, not now that the situation appeared to be going so well. She was aware that it was most likely envy that she was trying to suppress, until now never having felt it and only having seen it in others or heard of it; it was a fascinating experience. Not one that she was eager to repeat in the very near future, but interesting all the same. Miyu adored her mother, and would not trade her arachnid heritage for anything in the world, however to hear that her blood separated her from something in her father’s world made her quite angry, unreasonably so. She longed to be fully part of both worlds; spider and human. She saw now that it would take considerable effort to do so, if she ever could at all, if her blood was something that would truly hold her back. With a small feminine sigh she would push the thought to the back of her mind for further consideration at a more appropriate time, as this was clearly not it, and she turned her gaze back upon the tall silver haired man standing near her.

As Sero moved past her into the room proper she noted that he moved near soundlessly, his footsteps not echoing off the walls as they should given the small arched space. Miyu wondered how many poor hapless creatures had been caught unawares by those soundless footfalls. He moved with grace and reverence, a dark and ominous figure in a pristine sea of pale glistening stone. Miyu would tentatively place one bare foot on the cool stone to follow behind him, it felt smooth and soft against the pad of her foot unlike the rough stone of the cave she was currently standing in. It was pleasant and she would let out a tiny gasp of appreciation at the sensation, looking up briefly at her father with wide eyes and a smile. If she received no indication that she was not to enter the room she would step in lightly, moving with as much elegance as she could manage towards where her father stood. If not she would remain in the entryway and observe him, hands clasped demurely in front of her.

Her eyes grew all the wider as Sero’s hand moved across the surface of the elaborately carved tomb and flames leapt and danced across the top of it seemingly through the command of his mere presence. Reaching her hand out towards tomb but without quite touching it Miyu would listen to her father’s story of how his father came to have two graves, one hidden here. She was insanely curious about whether or not the flames would hurt if she touched them, and also wanted to touch all of the delicate carvings along the tomb. It was a marvelous work of art and she could spend hours possibly days here studying it, and with her true eyes it would likely prove to be even more magnificent. As he spoke of holy ground and forbidden however her head would snap up and she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck rise, and her muscles tighten. She did not like either of those concepts, the idea of those two extremes were known to her of course, but somewhat foreign in their integral importance insofar as what humans thought of them. She understood that humans valued certain things above all others, and those things became holy which was all well and good. However as soon as one started adding the words forbidden that is when people died. Needlessly. And that altogether was not a terrible thing, however it cause her some concern as far her place here currently. She had just been told that she was not related by blood to her father, and then now. . .

“His items must be very precious to be contained in such a manner. I am sorry to hear of your father’s passing. To be consumed. . . “ She did not finish her sentence. In truth she ate her enemies and had no kind words to offer. She would have done it herself. “However am I to understand that this place,” she would gesture about the room with one hand before continuing, “is not meant for my eyes? I am grateful that you have shown it to me, it is breathtaking and the stone is so smooth I wonder if. . . Whoever built it put a great deal of care into its construction. If I have sullied its holiness in some way please forgive me and allow me to make amends father. I would also hear more of you, and how you came to be so strong and powerful, not known to be alive or thought dead. It is no small thing and I am curious beyond words.”  




Sero would imagine for a moment that he could feel the stone beneath his fingers. Imagine its smooth touch beneath the fingertips and the slight warmth of the fire not hot enough to burn. Imagine he felt something at the truth this represented to him. He had fought his father toe to toe at full strength before. He could say all he wanted but he knew the man was a hero in the darkest times when light had faded. When man feared shadows the man rose and even powered by the darkness he forced life back into a country. This tomb was more than just a holy burial place for his direct family. A reminder that even the greatest of men could fall in battle. The village records was all he had to go on the man but he could accept them as fact. No one debated them and never had he heard a poor word spoken of his father that didn't leave his own lips. With all of that combined though there was something else there. So much of him hated an icon. Hated the man the world had loved. For one purpose and one purpose only. The man the world loved had almost never shown him love in return.

Not aside from the time they fought. Words had stung at him when his mind had proven fragile during his introduction. He had been in the challenge within the mind and he had taken on the appearance of a weak child. His father scolding him as their first real interaction as a piece of his soul had actually come forth into the realm created by sage chakra. Harsh word after harsh word had rained down upon his son and yet in the end Sero jr. had overcome him. Sheer force of will and matching him for power making the difference. His father had only accepted him once he overcame him. It wasn't something he was fond of but it had touched him enough to build this. Still he would keep it safe and remember the lesson well. It had driven him to be the man he was today and for that it deserved some reverence. He might not like the man but he was his creator. He was the blacksmith behind the greatest weapon in the world. For that at least Sero could respect him. And as a weapon born of darkness he could protect the light his father had restored. If not build upon it.

Still the sound of her voice would carry to him as he looked to his side and there she stood. Smaller than him and shorter. His expression did not show anything of approval or disdain. It was as blank as it was always famous for being. Dull grey eyes staring into her soul and seeing even what one might attempt to hide from him. Nothing could flee even to the darkest recesses of a persons heart. Still she spoke her mind. She felt he had meant his words to hurt her. He could see that much in her now. So he would turn and begin moving towards the exit. Beckoning her to follow. Once they were both out of the room he would press some chakra into the stone wall and allow it to seal the tomb once more. The rock rolling into place and the cave seeming to be just another dark, dank place. He would stop there and look to her before speaking in his usual tone. His voice making the darkest shadows in the cave nearly shiver in reaction.

"I did not mean to imply as much. Blood merely means you are the source of my creation. However my Chakra did much the same for you so since I am the source of your creation you are as much technical family as he was mine. Merely compare it to Momma's bell tower. We wouldn't let just anyone up there. Return to the manor when you like and we can discuss this more there. If it is a father you seek, than you must seek a father who is such because he is there when you grow. Not because he is your creator."
With that he would nod to her. His grey eyes studying her once more. This form of hers, he didn't sense any chakra upkeep in it. She had developed an almost natural transformation technique. Within it the appearance resembled him a great deal. However as likely as she was to be a great warrior due to being of his lineage directly, he didn't doubt there was a great deal to learn before he allowed her off the island. The human world was a harsh place for a spider. Still it was a thought for another day. Instead his body dispersed into mist as he seemed to simply burst into nothing and was gone. His terrifying presence felt retreating rapidly towards the manor at a pace no one below Jounin could dream of matching.

Exit thread
Reaction time S - S-2 3750/3750
150 remaining



As her father beckoned her to follow him out of the tomb and back into the cave she did so, though with some reluctance. She would have much rather stayed here for longer and looked at the carvings and heard stories, and tried to climb the smooth stone walls. She was decidedly curious if she even could, it would be much like climbing a wall made of ice she imagined, and it was a challenge she wanted to attempt but she felt more inclined to obey the wishes of her father than the desires of her childish nature. Once he had sealed the doorway closed again with a stone he turned and spoke and his words damned the flame of jealousy off of her that had been stoked by her previous misunderstanding.

"I did not mean to imply as much. Blood merely means you are the source of my creation. However my Chakra did much the same for you so since I am the source of your creation you are as much technical family as he was mine. Merely compare it to Momma's bell tower. We wouldn't let just anyone up there. Return to the manor when you like and we can discuss this more there. If it is a father you seek, than you must seek a father who is such because he is there when you grow. Not because he is your creator."

It was with no small amount of effort that Miyu managed to IInot rush up and embrace her father. She was not certain how well that would go over, he did not seem to be the affectionate type in the first place, and she would rather observe longer to asses whether it would be something he would find appropriate. Still she would smile and nod her head at Sero before speaking her mind once more.

“Thank you father. The comparison does make it more clear, we certainly wouldn’t let just anyone up there, unless they were to be eaten of course. And even then maybe not just anyone. I will come and seek you out at the manor soon father.”

She was startled as Sero dissipated into mist and sped away in the direction of the manor. Once he was gone from sight and sensation, the feeling of threat removed from her immediate vicinity she relaxed somewhat and walked slowly out of the cave into the fresh air. The ground was damp and sharp and unpleasant on her bare feet, not like the stone from inside the cave and she immediately regretted her decision to form herself without any sort of foot wear. Next time perhaps I will consider it, for now though I shall enjoy a short walk on only two legs. What a fascinating concept only having two it is no wonder that humans are so slow moving and frightened. She chuckled to herself as she ambled her way towards the manor taking in the sights as she went. She was excited at the invitation, though she had already been living there for two years now, to have a formal invitation from her father meant a good deal to her. A sharp crack off to her left as she walked reminded her that although she had meant to, she had still not eaten and looking over she spied a rabbit sitting as still as it could, nose twitching anxiously. A wicked grin passed over her human features as she leapt into the air and focused her chakra back into her true form, feeling her eight glorious limbs spring forth as she landed atop her prey who so carelessly made noise. The stones and dampness no longer unpleasant on her feet as she ripped the hapless creature to pieces.

{Exit Thread}


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