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1Kiri Home Maintenance [D-Rank Mission] Empty Kiri Home Maintenance [D-Rank Mission] Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:35 am



Mission Briefing:

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy”, Eishi was really excited about the small letter which was currently being clutched in his bandaged hand. The paper was shabby and a few coincidental rends near its corners were showing remarkable proof of the message’s careless and rather exalted overuse. “4000 ryo!”, exclaimed the genin and grinned widely. “They are really appreciating my talent! After my first mission’s stunning success, the Mizukage and the other high ups are probably amazed by my unnatural abilities, so they are sending me to help a feudal lord or a very prosperous patron. Who else is going to offer such a sum for some manual labor? And to hire a shinobi instead of simple workmen…they probably have something really special in store for me. What could that be? Should I act as a spy to find a dangerous saboteur disguised as a foreign maid? Or perhaps they are building a secret escape route and I am to guard the passage with my very life. Oh, I simply can’t wait! The house should be around the corner, but perhaps it’s best to ask somebody for directions - just to keep it on the safe side. Hey, grandpa! I am a ninja and I’ve been sent here on a commision (he-he, you better watch out if you are an enemy, he-he). Do you know where my client lives? He goes by the name of Enzori Estro.
No response. The old man, completely oblivious to his surroundings, was crafting something out of wood on a large steel table in his lawn.
Hey, old man!”, Eishi yelled harder. “I am looking for Enzori Estro. Do you know where he lives?
Wha-“, the pensioner dropped his chisel. “Who does wha-?
Wha- sniff?
Oh, forget it...”, the genin sighed and added in a low voice, “I can find Enzori Estro on my own.
Ah, so you are looking for Enzori Estro!”, the old man shouted in response. "Why didn't you say so earlier?"
How did you…”, blinked Eishi.
It’s a me! Come, come. I’ve been waiting for you, son…”.

WC: 368

2Kiri Home Maintenance [D-Rank Mission] Empty Re: Kiri Home Maintenance [D-Rank Mission] Thu Feb 08, 2018 10:13 am



"So... can you do it or not, sonny", the old man asked. "Are you good for something or are you a sucker?"
I... am... trying, pops. I... am... trying! Really doing my best here. It must be the tubes – how old is this house anyway?"
"Huh? What did ya say, sonny?"
"I said, how old is this... oh, forget it. You are not going to hear me anyway."
"Hey! I heard that!"
Eishi sighed.
At this point the Kirigakure genin couldn't help but wonder why this mission was so well paid for. 40 000 ryo was not a shy sum for fixing an old man's kitchen pipes. Could the pops really be someone THAT important? Or was it all but a ruse? Perhaps he was an undercover jounin or something – who cares. Eishi certainly didn't as long as he kept dreaming of the cash. And he was doing that... constantly.
"Oh, boy, gonna buy myself a new staff with 'em sweeties. And then I'm gonna spend the rest on candy for keepin' 'em swags. Heh-heh. Just one more push and..."
Something rang out. Then a second of silence followed, dislodged by a heavy sense of uneasiness.
"Do you hear that, sonny? I think you..."
... broke something.
A rusty torrent of stinky water gashed straight into Eishi's mouth mere seconds before the boy cried out for help. It was an awful experience – a sensation yet unseized by the dreadful pens of scholars around the globe. No dictionary could collect the words to describe the levels of pain and disgust the genin had to went through to survive this task. Yet it all ended soon after.


"Oh, boy, you sure messed everything around 'ere, alright?"
The grandpa seemed dissatisfied with Eishi's work as he was accompanying the genin towards the front door; his grey brows furrowed, the previously lofty expression now stern as wood. Yet even beneath this spectacular mask of bitterness one could still see the mingling flicker of compassion preserved for this here lad. After all, Eishi did manage to patch the pipe even though he almost drowned in canal mud beforehand.
"Listen, kid, it's not entirely your fault, aight? You did your best and... I knew that 40 ryo wouldn't bring me the best and brightest, so... we've work with what we've got, ye? Wait, what's wrong? Are you gonna puke again? Just don't do it on my floor, you little..."
"What are you blabbin' about? ... hey, kid! Are you alright? Should I call you an ambulance? Kid! Kid!!! Talk to me, kiddo!"

WC: 442
TWC: 810


810 - 750 = 60 words left (D-rank mission completed)

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