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Go went through most of the Iron Falls Mercenary Corp's formalities when he arrived. He was many weeks later than the group had thought he was going to be so they were ill prepared to receive him, but they gave him a tour around the place, had him sign a contract, and told him the basics more or less. He had never really gotten to be a part of a big group like this, and he seemed to silently enjoy the atmosphere. After a bit of time attempting to explain his vocal predicament he headed off to the mission section to grab an information gathering mission. He found a nice space and left most of his stuff there. Not being especially fond of heavily manufactured items Go insisted on passing on the jacket for now until he had the time and resources to get one of his own. Leather was a nice material, but Go was extremely picky when it came to little things like that. After politely taking his  He didn't especially need anything from their anyways and he wanted to go a little incognito, he left everything behind taking only the clothes on his back, his scarf, geta, and a hat that now had the Iron Falls sigil of three arrows underneath a sword. With his hair tightly tucked within his hat, Go sprinted off for one of Kiri's many large bodies of water.

He noticed many things during his run towards one of the training grounds, most importantly to him that the sun wasn't out and it seemed that Kiri was one of those places where apparently that was not unusual. Kiri's architecture wasn't as nice as Suna's either. Most curious of all though was that there were noticeably fewer older ninja in this village than in either of the villages that he had visited before this moment. He knew not of the struggle that was soon two occur between two of the continents powerhouses, but even his unknowing eyes could tell that there was something up. Almost wishing that he could create words so that he could stop and ask someone without too much hassle, he slows down momentarily before shaking the curiosities out of his head and continuing to the Lake. Every where he looked the people seemed to be focused as if they had a task to complete that could shake the very foundations of of their trade. Their passion and their focus drove Go to push himself even harder as he headed to the Great Lake training grounds, and when he arrived he bent over as his lungs struggled to fill themselves with air. After taking the few seconds he needed to regain his composure his head snapped up and his body righted itself as he laid eyes on the immense expansive Lake of Kiri. Awe filled his mind as he took his first steps on the sublime body of water. Each step created a small ripple that would slowly travel a disturb hundreds of meters of other wise perfectly calm waters.

Not fully paying attention Go to another step, then two more, then three more, then five more until eventually he was hundreds of meters into the lake. He could feel the water like never before. He could feel the relentless forces that pressured down the mountains carving their path with generations of hard work and perseverance, yet at the same time he could feel the stead fast serenity that came from a community of people that held tight and supported each other. He stood there in the lake perfectly still the water flat as a mirror reflecting and amplifying the calm focus that Go felt in his lungs with each exhale, and the quite power that filled them with each inhale. Go's feet rose and fell as he stood on the very Chi of the water itself, exerting little to none of his own on it. Instead it was more like the chakra like substance flowing through the water beneath him traveled up his body one one side and then poured out on the other side. Go almost felt like this mighty and powerful Lake was replacing and transmuting all of the Chi in his body into its own, and he let it. He let himself become like water. His body began to slowly move, but at a rate so slow it was difficult to notice at a glance. Ten minutes passed and he had executed a side block. The palm of his right hand faced upwards and guided an imaginary blow away from his core. Twenty minutes later he had continued the motion and had almost completely turned three hundred and sixty degrees clockwise while rotating ever so slowly on his left foot. Thirty minutes after that his left hand closed into a fist and struck his imaginary foe in the solar plexus.

His moves became slower and slower as he continued to strike down invisible foes until hours passed and a mild gale began to pick up lifting the waves a few feet into the air then pushing them back down just as far. The ninja training to be like water began to speed up slightly as the waves began to pick up. This was why he came, he had been waiting and preparing for this storm. A mixture of mist condensing on his form and sweat beading down his body had soaked his body in the four hours since his arrival, but he didn't bother to dry of since a rainstorm was predicted to come through. He only continued filled with the passion that he had seen before, his footwork becoming tighter, his blocks becoming firmer, and his counters crisper. He danced on the waves like wind through a chime while the water moved under him like a snake through the sand. Every time the surface he stood on dropped down dramatically he stayed with it blocking low and then countering high. Every attempt it made to launch him in the was met with him maintaining contact, blocking high, and the again striking at the Lake's imaginary opening below. He continued to dance as the Lake grew more and more ferocious and as rain began to pierce through its surface. Thoughts of the Corp and of the village began to grow far away from his mind as his training intensified.

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