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1Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Wed Aug 03, 2016 3:52 pm



Sunadokei walked along the winding streets of Konohagakure no Sato, the hour was beginning to grow late and the sun was getting low in the sky. Long shadows being cast from the rooftops as the buxom kunoichi took quick silent steps. She unfurled her mission scroll, rereading it for what would be the half dozenth time in under an hour. Sunadokei had been tasked with finding and retrieving a missing child, a boy no older than ten. Last seen wearing a dark blue tunic and wearing a pair of light grey shorts. The reward was generous and she hoped the mission wouldn’t take longer than several hours. Any longer than that and the child would be left alone to suffer the cold night out on the streets. Sunadokei didn’t want to think what fate would befall him if she allowed that to happen, the criminal elements of the village were most active during the evening. Even with regular nightly patrols from eager genin squads, it was difficult totally eliminating crime from the village streets.

The Akimichi woman was dressed in her favored violet kimono, loose fitting about her curvaceous figure. A sash belt tied tight around her waist and a cloth wrap covering a healthy portion of her exposed cleavage. It was cold in the evenings, and as much fun as it was for her to walk around flaunting her considerable endowments, she’d rather that her bosom remain toasty and warm. Her open toed shoes patted across the stone streets in swift footsteps, near silent as Sunadokei made her way down winding paths in her search. For this mission she’d enlisted the help of a friend, Kuramitsu Nara, to help her find the child. He’d hopefully be arriving shortly, Sunadokei severely hoped the lazy genin hadn’t simply fallen asleep somewhere or been too lazy to attend. If she found out he slept through another deadline… Sunadokei didn’t actually know what she’d do, but the point was she’d be mad as hell at her friend if he showed up late. Kura wasn’t known for his timeliness, and the Nara ninja tended to move through life at his own pace.

Arriving at a central plaza on the western fringes of the village, Sunadokei leapt up onto a banister, then to a balcony, coming to rest on top of a rooftop. Surveying the area she spotted no more than a few hundred villagers mulling about. Most seemed to heading home and the market crowds from earlier in the day were beginning to heavily thin out. At this point she was just as much looking for her friend as she was the missing boy. It was unlikely the missing child would simply be wandering about in the streets. He’d probably end up in the least convenient place Sunadokei could think of, like a graveyard or a dark alleyway. Children seemed to have a knack for ending up where they shouldn’t be. The curvaceous Kunoichi slumped down next a chimney, resting her back against the warm stone. Sitting and waiting for Kuramitsu to arrive and reveal himself. It could be a while she thought, folding her arms across her expansive chest and letting out a long sigh. Sunadokei sorely hoped that this mission wouldn’t be too tough.

Word Count: 555

2Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:47 pm



White fluffy clouds floated through the bright blue sky as the young Nara rested peacefully on a grassy incline at one of the many parks within the village which was situated only a few blocks away from the central plaza. At the current time, Kuramitsu didn't seem to have a care in the world and only wished he could join the white candyfloss like clouds in the sky if only to be as carefree as they where. He let out a content sigh as he rested his right hand on the front of his black tank top. Even though he felt at peace something was nagging at the back of his mind but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Something was missing and it wasn't his pants or sandals... His eyes locked on a single cloud which seemed to have the silhouette of a certain curvy Konoha ninja he always seemed to keep close to..."Suna!" He blurted out as his eyes went wide with shock. "Suna... Mission... Crap!" The puzzle pieces quickly fell into place.

In one swift movement, Kuramitsu flicked his body up and on to his feet as he tried to recall the place of meeting and what on earth the mission entailed. "Think, think, think..." He said to himself gaining some strange looks from passerby's as if suspecting him of being a loony. The young Nara's eyes gazed to a the small arrow like sign which directed him to the central plaza. The small visual cue sparked his memory and urged him to get a move on. He was not one for running but he had seen Suna angry before and whatever she planned to do if he didn't make good time on this deadline, the many possibilities where frightening.

Minutes passed as he thrust himself around the village's many corners until finally he slid to a halt at the central plaza's fountain. He straightened his clothes out and ran a hand through the over hanging jet black bob which hung over his right eye. While he wasn't one to brag, his perception skills where quite good and he managed to spot his curvy comrade in a matter of seconds.

Noticing that she hadn't seen him just yet caused him to smile as it meant he could surprise her. He silently made his way to the back of the building and darted up the side of the wall before gently setting down on the same roof as his friend. With silent movements he slinked up behind the chimney that the curvy female rested against. Kura leaped up on top of the of the chimney with the agility of a cat and looked down at her between his legs from a seated position. "You didn't wait to long did you?" He asked with a warm smile before dropping down at her side and wrapping his arms around the small of her back, squeezing her close into his chest with a gentleness that she knew all to well. It was a gesture of greeting but at the same time it meant a lot more. As they broke away he stared into her beautiful emerald eyes and spoke with a caring tone "Right then squad leader... What's on the mission agenda today... Seeing as I forgot everything but the meeting spot" He said sheepishly and stuck his hands in his jacket pockets for an answer.

Word Count: 608

3Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:55 pm



The curvaceous kunoichi let out a small "Eep!" as her her friend snuck up on her from behind. She'd been so focused on scanning the plaza below, Sunadokei hadn't even thought that Kuramitsu might come from the rooftops just as she had. As she was pulled close to his chest, the woman couldn't help but let out a sigh. Sunadokei hugged backed tightly, enjoying the embrace if only for a moment. She snuggled her plump form close to her friend, before pulling away as she gazed back into his deep brown eyes. She cracked a wry smile, blushing slightly at the display. Though Sunadokei soon lifted her hand to playfully smack the Nara ninja right in the face. "That, Kura, is for startling me!" The Akimichi woman said in a faux authoritative tone. Then she leaned in close for the briefest of kisses. A light peck on the man's right check, just enough to feel the warmth of her lips on the sight of the slap. "And that is for showing up mostly on time. I'm glad you could help, it's been too long since we did a mission together."

Sunadokei stepped back and let out a sigh, Kura was great at reminding her what a scatter brain he could be at times. She half suspected he'd lose his head if it wasn't attached to his body, though odds are the man's shadow would keep it glued on. It wasn't atypical for Kuramitsu to forget vital details about a mission, the worst part is Sunadokei knew he was far smarter than that. The exact details were in his thick skull... somewhere, though he only seemed to remember them when it was a pressing matter. Sunadokei reached into her vast cleavage and pulled out the mission scroll from its snug storage place, unrolling it to show to her friend. "Kura, I can't believe you forgot the mission details already. This is why I always get to carry the scroll, I'm afraid you'll lose it and we'll look like idiots." With an annoyed sigh the buxom beauty spun the scroll around for her friend to read. It clearly listed the requesting persons, the details of the mission, and the expected pay, along with the applicant and Hokage's signatures at the bottom.

"We're looking for a lost boy." Sunadokei said sternly, face in a slight scowl as she glared at her friend. "He's just over ten years old, and he's got short black hair. Last seen wearing a pair of grey shorts and a blue tunic." There was an attached picture of the child inside the scroll, a school photo taken earlier that year. "We just need to find him and bring him back to his parents. Hopefully it's not too difficult, seeing as he's only been missing a few hours and couldn't have gotten too far." Sunadokei passed the scroll to her friend to better inspect before going about some stretches. Thrusting our her chest dangerously close to his face as she arched her back and help her hands raised high over her head. "I wanna get this done fast too. I'm already missing dinner, so the sooner I can get paid and get back home, the better. Maybe there's a twenty four hour ramen shop we can stop out during our search..." Sunadokei paused, considering her own words. She knew well enough food should never come before a mission. But she hadn't eaten in almost eight hours, the wait was killing her. "...If we have time." She added, patting her churning stomach as it gurgled for sustenance.

Word Count: 620
Total Word Count: 1,175

4Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:06 pm



The young Nara chuckled at the sound of Suna frightened peep, it was cute, and reminded him of the sound tiny little mouse makes when given a fright. Without hesitation he went on to embrace her. Her arms squeezed him closer, causing her voluptuous frame to smoosh against his chest. Upon hearing her sigh, Kura smiled happily as they broke away. He stared down into her bright emerald eyes for a few moments as saw her cheeks go red. The pink in her cheeks made her angelic face that much more beautiful. Unfortunately for Kura, his little show of frightening her would lead to a stinging sensation on his cheek. His eyes went wide as the slap echoed into the air above but before he could protest for his own sake, Suna followed with a gentle kiss to the hand print cast on his cheek. It was he who was blushing now as he felt the warmth of her soft lips sooth the sting. "I guess I deserved the slap... But to tell you you the truth it really doesn't sting as much anymore..." His expression faded back to that of his neutral sleepy yet caring self.

Before setting out on there mission, Kura failed to recall what they where going to be doing in the first place. While he was quite intelligent, laziness got the better of him, thus when it came to minute details he would be selective on the things he actually heard. It had always been this way and was the main reason as to why he was never chosen to keep hold of the missions scrolls, that remained Suna's department. He scratched at his head as she gave him a lecture on his absent mindedness. "Hey it was one time that I lost the scroll. You're gonna hold that against me for the rest of my life, aren't you." He said with a sigh as he took his place at her side and scanned over the mission statement after she had unraveled the scroll and listened intently to her verbal relaying of the information.

"Ah, now it's coming back to me."
He nodded in a sage like manner, glancing over the over the image in the process. "If he's only been missing for a few hours, he couldn't get very far." he said in response as his eyes narrowed with an unbridled focus that had ignited in them... Then again it could have been because his curvy companion had thrust her bust almost directly into his face, not that he would complain. Still he managed to keep his composure and his focus, or at least he tried to make it look that way as his cheeks once again burned a soft shade of pink. "Don't worry Suna. After this, lunch will be on me... So long as I get to be on you afterwards..." He said, completely oblivious to what it really sounded like he was insinuating.

"Right then. The sooner we find this kid the sooner you get food and I get to be comfortable." with that said he raised his left hand to rest beneath his chin while his free hand began to perform a slight twitch where his thumb would continuously tap each of the other four fingers in a rhythm as if he was playing piano. Suna would know right off the bat that this was how his intellect would shine through with a heightened instinct and sense of perception. "Young minds tends to favor a place of comfort. A favorite park, a lookout point where parents would take them when they where small..." he paused and looked to Sunadokei with eyes that showed enthusiasm. It was rare but the curvy ninja had seen it enough times to know that when he showed such a want to complete something, it wouldn't take long.  

"Our best bet for now is to form a few clones and send them out to the nearest parks and to the river side while you and I go search the Hokage heads view point. Of all the places in the village that is one of the places that stuck with me as a kid. What do you think?"
He questioned with a smile as his twitch stopped and he performed the hand signs to form clones. Six puffs of smoke caused the doppelgangers to emerge and stand in various poses awaiting the go ahead.  

Word Count: 786
Total Word Count: 1,294

5Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:03 pm



Sunadokei maintained her glare for a moment, before breaking back into smile. "Yes, I guess you did. I'm glad it doesn't hurt, I'd feel just terrible. Then you might have needed more than one kiss to feel better." She said with a teasing intent, a warm look returning to her fair face. It didn't stop her from rolling her eyes though as Kura returned to his usual sleep deprived looking self. Sunadokei swore the man could end up in a coma and complain he didn't get enough sleep when he woke up. It'd be comical if it wasn't sometimes annoying. At least when the chips were down he was as seriously as any ninja... the problem was all the other times. As Kura complained about Sunadokei's demeaning behavior to him she could only respond by giving him the stick eye.

"Yes, I am, or at least... I might. That was so embarrassing Kura, don't you remember? It was our first mission. We lost the mission scroll on our first mission, and we had to go back and get another copy. The proctor looked like he wanted to ring our necks for it too." Sunadokei did not like thinking about that particular bout of embarrassment, and since that day she'd opted to carrying the scrolls herself in the most secure place she knew of, whenever prudent that is. Once in a blue moon Kura would have the initiative or be pestered by his parents to take up a mission himself, and carry the scroll with him in his long coat somewhere. "Duh, of course it's coming back you goof. You're reading it yourself!" Sunadokei was slightly flabbergasted by her friend's behavior, though it was somewhat hilarious how he could just shrug off negative comments like that.

The buxom beauty listened as Kura repeated the prudent information of their mission, snatching the scroll from him once he'd finished. She rolled it back up, pulling her cloth wrap out a bit and gently tucking the item back down into the depths of her cleavage. Nice and snug, you couldn't even tell it was there, smothered between copious amounts of bosom. Sunadokei looked to Kura and nodded in agreement, he was write for once, it was scary how often that occurred. She ignored his comments on when he could nap again, though, Kura complained out it so much it was white nose in the back of Sunadokei's ear. "Hmm... Well, we can check all the typical spots as well. Schools, ice cream shops, candy stores, playgrounds, theaters, whatever's around here. Failing that we may need to widen our search."

Sunadokei formed the hand signs and poofed into half a dozen clouds of smoke. In her place were six identical doppelgangers. The clones appeared in sensuous positions, posing like models before smiling and embracing one another. Groping each other like lovers in the bedroom, hands running over curves as the original gave a teasing smile. "I couldn't help myself, I'm too much fun to leave alone, even for me." Soon enough the clones ceased their affections as they formed a disciplined rank. "Your clones get the parks, mine get the streets, and the two of us check out Hokage Mountain. Seems easy enough." Sunadokei turned to her clones, giving them a commanding look as they stood at attention. "Did you all understand that?" She asked her creations. "Yes Ma'am." They all replied seemingly in unison. Immediately the group of clones lept off to begin their search, darting across rooftops and fanning out as several moved their search to the streets and alleys below them.

Word Count: 620
Total Word Count: 1,795

6Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:04 am



Hearing Suna tease at the possibility of him almost receiving more than one kiss caused him to kick himself mentally for speaking to soon, even so, seeing her gentle feature assured him that her teasing had a much stronger side to it. "Is it to late to say I'm in crippling pain?" He smirked at her as he rubbed at the hand print on his cheek, realizing how silly he actually sounded before having his absent mindedness recalled. There was a reason he got piercing glares and disappointed shakes of heads whenever he stepped into the mission application building and it was for the very same reason that he was rarely allowed to hold on to the mission scroll. He hadn't done it since then but there had been a few times after where the young Nara would have to backtrack during solo missions as he would set the scroll down somehow forget he had done so.

"Of course I remember... Those guys stare daggers at me every time I walk into the building. Come on I've gotten better since then, at least I didn't completely loose it since that indecent..."
Somehow his protest didn't seem to make it sound any better. He opened his mouth to try and help his protests but caught himself halfway knowing full well that Suna was not very keen on that sort of embarrassment. "I'm sorry..." Kura offered as he hung his head and and strolled on besides her.

Thankfully their attention could be set on more pressing matters, like the actual mission objectives. The Nara muttered that the details where slowly coming back to him. Considering that he was actually reading the scroll before him it seemed like he was just trying to act as if he had some sort of prior knowledge. "Hey now, my brain just needed a little refreshing, is all" His response garnered him a completely confused expression from the curvy konichi. Setting his silly responses aside, Kura slowly began to slip into a more focused and enthusiastic set of mind as he relayed the information aloud, to himself. His mind went into overdrive as he thought up all logical possible points of interest for the boy to have wondered off too. After coming up with his hypothesis, Suna added on with other viable options.

The pair of shinobi's went through their hand signs and each formed a half a dozen clones making up a small army to scout the decided area's. Something which caused Kura and all of his clones to stare on with wide eyes was how Suna's own clones would form in poses which could cause just about any pervert to have a nosebleed. When the show continued on to all of them complementing one another and fondling with a squeezing fondle, Kura blushed and looked away to hide his own embarrassment, his doppelgangers following his exact movements. "Your clones are really rowdy, aren't they? Sure they can keep their minds set on the task and not start..." He cut himself off with a soft chuckle as he glanced over to Suna who barked out orders and set her clones to work, the young Nara quickly did the same and like a team after hearing a game plan, they broke off in every direction leaving the two original's, Kuramitsu and Sunadokei on the roof.

"Guess we should get on our way then. If the rest can't seem to find anything or do, we'll be alerted after their dispersal."
He gazed up to the Hokage Mountain and smiled. "It's probably been years since I last did this... for old time sake... and since I need to focus on building some sort of strength" He placed himself before her and knelled down with his back facing her. "No protests just hop on..." He knew full well this was gonna be stressful on his body especially considering the fact that he planned to scale the the vertical mountain face with the use of his Chakra training. .

Word Count: 722
Total Word Count: 2,106

7Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:35 am



Sunadokei rolled her eyes and let out a long sigh as Kuramitsu cracked a joke about crippling pain. "Yes Kura, it might be too late. Also, I'd know if you were in really hurt, because I'd feel terrible." The woman teased, watching her friend rub at his sore cheek with a free hand. The truth of the matter was Sunadokei really would have felt terrible had she truly hurt him, and Kuramitsu wasn't nearly as durable as she was. The Akimichi woman was hardy by nature, far stronger and more durable than her more agile friend. She could take a beating much better than he could, and dish it back twice as fierce. Not that she wanted to harm her friend, quite the opposite actually, she wanted to keep him safe. A little love tap now and then would help keep Kura focused during one of his denser moments.

The curvaceous kunoichi couldn't help but sigh as she listened to her friend's weak argument in favor of his responsibility. He wasn't doing a very good job of convincing anyone, certainly not himself by the look of it. Once Kura hung his head in shame Sunadokei was right there to give him a big squishy hug from the side. Pressing her friend tight against the side of her curves, not minding much that she felt his face keenly smoosh against the side of a massive breast. Not that she minded much, that kind of thing tended to be unavoidable with her. "There, hope you feel better. You'll always by my scatter brained Kuramitsu." Sometimes she wondered if maybe Kura's brain was simply as lazy as the rest of him was, it made more sense than any other of her theories.

She chuckled slightly once Kura watched the actions of the Sunadokei Sexy Squad, her clones were every bit in love with her body as she herself was. Kura and his duplicates could only hide their respective faces in shame, blushing all the while as they did. "Hey!" One of the clones called at Kuramitsu's remark. "We're not rowdy, we just know a fun time when we see one." The rest nodded and another spoke up. "Don't you Kura's know a good time when you see one?" A third came forward and wrapped an arm around the second, squeezing her bust as she did. "Yeah, you boys are welcome to join us." The rest shot sultry glances and teasing stares. Sunadokei whipped them into order and quickly had them scatter throughout the city streets. Turning back to Kura she spoke in teasing words of her own. "They're no rowdier than me, they just know they can get away with it cause they're fakes." It wasn't far from the truth, and the duplicate Sunadokei's had all the personality of the original, with half the mental restraint to hold their tongues.

Once the clones had been properly dispatched to the four winds Sunadokei turned back to the real  Kuramitsu, he had an idea in mind she hadn't much expected. "Been years since you...? Kura you're gonna scale the Hokage Mountain? Alright fine, I'm surprised you used the world training in a sentence at all." Sunadokei looked at her friend as he knelt down, and she hopped onto his back, wrapping her thick thighs around his waist. Her soft belly pressed to his back like a cushion, and her two gigantic bosoms against the back of Kuramitsu's head like a set of warm fleshy airbags. "Just so you know, I'm not nearly as skinny as the last time we did this, but you are way taller... so that probably cancels out. If you lose your grip I'll be able to recover for us, but you'll owe me ice cream." Sunadokei said teasingly, tightening her grab as her slender arms wrapped under her expansive bust, coiled around Kura's broad shoulders. No one could say he wasn't bold, that much was for sure.

Meanwhile far below on the city streets the Sunadokei clones spread out to cover six blocks, each one taking a different streets. Some moved across rooftops, leaping from landing to landing as they listened closely for anything that sounded important. The other three kept to street level, checking alleyways and combing for hiding spots. They'd occasionally stop to switch up roles, and every few clones would stop to ask one of the store keepers or patrons if she'd seen the missing child. With their duplicate scrolls it made sharing his image with people easy, though sadly none of the clones had any real hints yet. They continued their search, mouths watering each time they passed a restaurant or noodle shop, sorely wishing that eating actually mattered to the doppelgangers. Pushing their way deeper towards the western edge of the village, where they'd rally to discuss their information before doubling back to sweep through the area again.

Word Count: 840
Total Word Count: 2,635

8Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Sun Aug 07, 2016 6:03 am



As Kura tried his best to make things sound better on his part, realization was quick that most of what he had said did nothing for his case. He apologized with shame of his stupidity thankfully Suna was always right there to lift his spirits with a loving hug. His face smooshed into the side of her bust as he wrapped a arm around her side and pressed her closer. "You always know exactly what to do to lift my spirits. Thanks.." he smiled as the embrace was broken. He the honest truth and Suna would know this as she was the only person he had found that even when he felt down she would be there to squeeze him close and mention a perfect few words. The caring moment would have to take a back seat though as both ninja's set their minds to the mission at hand.

Of course it wouldn't be straight to business though since there was a rather sexy show being put on by Suna's clones. Kura and his own doppelgangers went a shade of pink and looked away when his curvy comrade's clones offered on joining in, the squadron of Kura's face palmed in unison. All where astonished at how little their female counterparts where so open on the raunchy embraces and ideas. Thankfully it would pass as their host and most reasonable thinking Suna would whip them into order and send them on their way. After the young Nara sent off his own troops, he turned to Sunadokei and snickered "You seem to know when to draw a line... I don't have you constantly squeezing at m.... oh wait... Yeah, okay it makes more sense" he said with a stroke at his chin and a smirk.

After sending the clone squads off to their respective areas Kura thought of an idea he hadn't brought up in years. The Nara crouched down before the curvaceous goddess and stared back at her with a smile. "I guess it's a good idea to test myself- I just said test and training in one day- and I just said it again... What is going on with me?" he stared off with wide eyes as if he feared the thought of what he was saying but shook it from his mind as he felt Suna's plump thighs wrap around his waist. His hands slowly stroked down them before he tightly hooked his arms beneath her knees. He blushed faintly as he rose to his feet, glad that her soft mounds provided cushioning for his back as he could feel the strain slowly start to move over his legs and back. "Hey I still get cushioning on my back and I get to have you as close to me as possible, that's possibly the best motivation I've ever have" He smirked back at her when her arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. "Good to know that I do have some back up should I mess this up.."

He bent his legs slightly before pushing forward with amazing speed, leaping and sprinting from building to building until finally reaching the mountain face. "All right" he said with a huff. "Now the tough part... Hold on tight" His arms squeezed her thighs closer into his sides as he went for a running launch. His foot placement started off rather rough as he made his ascent on the 90 degree wall, with teeth grit he pushed himself faster, being sure to hold his passenger as close as possible to not allow her to fall. After reaching the second third of the wall, his feet began to push straight into the rocks, labeling his unstable chakra flow to the soles of his feet. "Suna, grip." Was the only word he had to say to grasp her understanding. Years of teamwork left them with certain cues which only relied on a single word. Sometimes words weren't even needed. With one final push, he leaped up and leaned forward so she could grab on to the top ledge.

As his eyes averted to the ground hundreds of feet bellow he could spot a few of his own clones still moving about over the horizon.

Word Count: 751
Total Word Count: 2,857

9Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:09 am



Smirking the entirely time as her friend spoke, Sunadokei folded her arms across her expansive chest, raising an eyebrow and resting most of her weight on one foot. "Mmmmhmmm... Yup. If there's one thing I'm good at it's drawing the line." She let out a soft giggle, watching as Kura stroked his chin and contemplated what he just said. Sunadokei took her position piggybacking off her friend, hugging him tight in her grip and pressing her body close against his own. "Maybe you're just finally getting over being so lax Kura. Maybe I finally broke you like a trained dog, and you'll start taking training seriously from now on? Hmmm?" Sunadokei said, half serious, half teasing as her friend went through his mild revelation. His hands went to her thighs, and if it were anyone else she might have said something, but this was Kuramitsu she was talking about. She'd already jumped onto his back, intimate touching was pretty much guaranteed at this point.

Giggling as he commented on cushioning, Sunadokei squeezed Kura tighter in her embrace. "Oh yeah, you get plenty of cushioning. I just hope you don't need to use it, I'm not exactly your personal airbag here. I'm glad I'm your motivation Kura, that's very sweet." Leaning in close the buxom beauty managed to plant a quick kiss on the back of Kura's head, though his long jet black ponytail was more or less right in the way. "If you messed up I'd catch you, promise. Pretty easy when I can make my hand's the side of a sofa, don't you think?" Sunadokei hugged tight and snuggled against her friend's back, resting her chin in his shoulder. "You'll always back back up as long as I'm around. There's no Kurasuna without your Suna." She whispered sweetly, snuggling in for the ride.

As Kuramitsu climbed the face of the Hokage Mountain, Sunadokei rested contently holding tight to his back. Far below her clones had searched a huge swath of the western village themselves. Making their way to the western gates of the village the convened to share information, none of them having anything of particular note. It seemed the child wasn't anywhere nearby, and the clones decided to double back and recheck the area before dispersing themselves. Shuffling their arrangement they began to move back through the village the way they came, overtaking rooftops and running down streets as the sun grew low in the afternoon sky. Soon it'd be night and if the missing child wasn't found, things would get very ugly very fast. Meanwhile, back with the originals, Kura continued climbing as Sunadokei silently craned her head, studying the ground far below. Using the height of their position to scan for any signs of the missing child.

Her focus snapped back to the present as Kura shouted grip. Without a word Sunadokei outstretched a hand, reaching it up high above her head. It stretched out, growing longer than the two of them were tall, her hand increasing in size until it was the size of her whole body. It gripped tight into the earth, pulling them up like a winch. Once they'd reached the top Sunadokei's arm retracted back and shrank down to normal size in a moment. She grinned and pecked the side of Kura's neck. "This is why we never arm wrestle." She teased before hopping free from his back and giving herself a quick stretch. Sunadokei stood there looking out over the ledge of the mountain, whistling to herself as she did. "You forget just how high it is until you climb up to the top. Really puts it ll in perspective doesn't it?" Her words trailed off as the buxom beauty turned back to her friend, giving him a quick hug. "Well we made it, the search continues. Where to next Kura? Or was climbing up here just your version of sneaking me off on a date?" Her words came out dipped in sarcasm, and she shot the fellow genin a teasing glance, batting long eyelashes.

Word Count: 700
Total Word Count: 3,335

10Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:10 pm



Feeling Suna tightly grip his body from behind caused Kura to smile though the words Suna responded with caused him to feel slightly out of tune with his lazy ways. "That a terrible thought..." he spoke with a tinge of fear. "Naps are a necessity...if I get active who's gonna make up on the laziness side that the village needs?" He questioned as if it actually mattered. "As for the training... Meh, I think I can start putting my mind to it, so long as you're there to keep me going... deal? Just not to much..." He snickered as his hands intimately stroked over her thighs and cradled her legs. Had Kura been Damu Koji; also know as the most perverted kid in the academy at there time; Suna would have crushed him into the ground. But Kura and Suna had many intimate moments and yet still had yet to reflect those feelings through words.

What remained strange was how nonchalant they would speak to one another in such a way that others would find embarrassing in society. Yet there constant being around one another negated all fears of what people though. Case in point, Suna giggled at Kura's cushioning remark and pressed her bust even further against his back causing a shiver to run down his spine it grew even more intense as he felt her luscious lips pecked the back of his head. "As always you have my back and I'll have yours...or in this case your front," A promise kept through the ages of Kurasuna. Hearing her whisper in his ear made him blush slightly during a leap to another building. "My Suna..." He said in a whisper which she could only have heard if she truly listened. He smiled warmly as he turned his head to face her and lightly pecked her on the cheek. His lips pressed to the side of her angelic face for a second before he tucked his head down and uttered the words of her holding tight for her safety.

The vertical challenge began and a constant concentration was kept on chakra flow but just as he neared the top, Kura found his concentration broken from physical strain. Realizing he wouldn't make it, Suna took control. Extending her arm to the size of her own body, latching on to the ledge with ease and pulling both of them up with just as much ease. "We don't arm wrestle cause ten to one odds are slim and never in my favor." He snickered but was glad to finally be on stable ground. With a few huffs of air, Kura found his energy rejuvenated by the sensation of his curvy companions lips pecking at his neck while setting her down.

As he looked down the side of the mountain he too was surprised at how high up it actually was. "Yeah... Glad you where with me... Falling would have been a real drag." He rubbed the back of his neck as he watched the clones dart from place to place over the sun kissed horizon. "Ah, you figured out my master plan..." He retorted half joking but slightly serious as it had been one of the places in mind for when he should take her on a date. "You have to admit it... There is something about being way up here, seeing everything down below that make you feel, alive." he paused for a moment as a sniffle sounded from behind them, a young voice spoke "It also helps you remember..." Kura turned to the source of the voice and spotted a small boy, seated in the middle of a bench with tears in his eyes, hugging his knees as he stared out to the horizon.

Kura immediately recognized the child as the one they had been searching for and turned back to Suna "Told you..." He said softly as he took a seat besides the kid. The boy glanced from one shinobi to the other. "You're here to take me back home aren't you? Well I'm not going back... Mama said that brother wasn't going to ever come home and that was two days after he went out on a mission. I'm not stupid, I know what that means! He's never coming back... And neither am I." He tucked his face down and hid his eyes from the pair. The young Nara sighed as he nudged his head to the boy while staring at Suna, almost as if he was having a mental conversation with his curvy counterpart. She was definitely the one who knew how to handle a situation like this and her hugs cured just about anyone's of sadness.

"Listen kid, I'm no expert when it comes to... Things like this but what I do know is that even if your brother is gone, he wouldn't want you to run away and be sad... Don't you think they're hurting just as much as you right now? If they've lost one son already and now you run off, it must be tearing them apart... We all have people where willing to fight for." Kura looked up to Suna then down at the kid ruffling his hair. "Don't you think you should fight for your brother? Live your life and become a great shinobi in memory of him?" he paused once more as he chose his words carefully. "Cherish old memories of him but know that your mom and dad need you to be strong for them too."

Word Count: 1,017
Total Word Count: 3,874

11Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Sun Aug 07, 2016 3:18 pm



Sunadokei tried to stifle a giggle at Kuramitsu's worry, listening to his slightly panicked tone at what he was contemplating. "Oh fine, be like that Kura. You know you nap too damn much as is, For the record they certainly aren't a necessity. You could do just fine without them, you just need to go to bed at a reasonable hour and get plenty of sleep." She sighed at his joke, shaking her head slightly in mild annoyance. "Ideally the village doesn't need a laziness side. If everyone were more diligent and less lazy, we'd get a lot more done around here." Kura's ruthless sense of laziness was his worst feature, Sunadokei mused. It was rather endearing, but she thought he had so much more potential he was failing to life up to. He could be outright brilliant at times, but usually he was so inclined to take the easy way out of things that Kura never seemed to hit his stride.

"Good. I like the sound of that." Sunadokei said with a sage like quality to her voice, nodding despite the fact Kuramitsu couldn't see it as she clung to his back. "I'm gonna hold you to those words, and really start focusing on our training. Got it? No more Mr. Lazy Nara... well, unless I'm full, or stuffed, or sleepy myself. Then we can nap, but only if it's someplace comfy and warm." The curvaceous kunoichi herself was also somewhat predisposed to laziness, though her greater sin tended to be gluttony, not sloth. Still, sleep came naturally after a full belly, especially when she was known to gorge herself to the point it diminished her agility somewhat. There was no better feeling that sleeping off a full round belly under the shade of a nice big tree.

As the duo arrived at the top Sunadokei hopped down from her friend, giving him a light punch on the shoulder. "Ten to one odds huh? You're getting really ambitious aren't you Kura." She knew well enough he was doomed against her in any contest of pure physical ability. The Akimichi woman was far more durable, and possessed significantly more physical strength in spite of appearances. She could be rather deceptive, few people would expect a woman with breasts far larger than her own head to punch harder than a man rippling with muscle. Sometimes Sunadokei amazed even herself, though it wasn't often. "We'll always have each other's backs Kura. That's just who we are, and you're my shadow after all." A warm smiled followed the statement, and Sunadokei looked tenderly into her friend's deep brown eyes, or rather, the squints in his face where his eyes lie hidden. He never seemed to have his eyes wide open unless he was surprised or in pain, usually both at once.

Sunadokei moved beside Kura and joined him in looking out over the edge of the Hokage Mountain, letting out a long exhale of air as she watched the city below. Their clones could be seen darting throughout the streets far below, hers more so than his. Kura's agile clones had his black hair, black long coat, and dark grey tunic. They basically blended right in with the rooftops themselves. Sunadokei's however, were clad in her purple kimono and showing a lot of skin. It was... significantly easier to pick out her alabaster skin against the purple fabric wrapped snug around her bosoms. She looked a bit like a very curvy grape from above, topped in a stem of blue hair. The thought made her blush slightly to herself for once. She grinned at Kura's joke, a slight smile crossing her fair heart shaped face. "Even for you, I gotta admit it was clever. And you're right, there is something about being up here. Looking out over the village, and the forests beyond. It makes you feel like part of something so much bigger than just yourself..."

The woman's speech was cut off by words from a child, his voice soft and feeble, like he'd just got done crying to himself. Two words exited Kura's lips, and Sunadokei nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you did. I suppose I won't be needing these anymore then." She said, forming a hand sign and releasing her clones. Instantly her mind was flooded with everything they'd experienced in their time away from her. From the crunch of leaves beneath their feet, to the smell of fresh cooked ramen wafting down a lonely city street. She'd crack a joke on low market prices on second street, but now wasn't the time for that. Sunadokei's mood became more somber upon hearing the boy's words. Kura spoke first, which gave the Akimichi woman much needed time to think. These were sensitive matters, best handled delicately. The last thing she wanted was to make the boy feel worse, he'd already run away from home after all.

Stepping closer Sunadokei extended her arms, a motherly look in her eye as she pulled the boy close into a tender hug. Smothering against her bust she held him close. "Honey, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how hard that is for you." The boy stammered, not expecting the warm embrace. "Miss..." He said simply, squirming against Sunadokei's affectionate grip. "SSsshhh. It's ok." She replied simply, and the child seemed to calm down slightly. "What's your name sweety?" Came her next question, as she cradled the boy's head against her shoulder. "Kanashimi... Miss." Sunadokei sighed a brief sigh, "Kanashimi. That's a lovely name. Kana this is Kuramitsu Nara, and I'm Sunadokei Akimichi. Kura is right though, your parents are worried sick Kana. They put out a Mission for your safe return, they must really miss you, since they paid a C-Rank price. Usually a lost child is only a D-Rank, if even that."

Kanashimi looked up into the buxom genin's eyes, tears welling in his own. "Really? Mom and Dad did that?" Sunadokei nodded knowingly, squeezing him lovingly. "They did. They miss you Kana, and they want to see their little boy safe and home in their arms. I can't tell you how to deal with loss, but I'm sure your older brother was a great man. You need to be strong for him, and help your parents get through his loss. You owe him that much, and he wouldn't want you to hurt your parents even more by running away." Kanashimi's eyes began to heavily water. Sunadokei's own began to tear up a bit. "Kana, do you wanna go home?" The boy tried to reply, but his lip only succeeded in trembling as he began to speak. Immediately the boy began to cry loudly, tears streaming down his face as he clutched Sunadokei tight against him, squeezing his arms into the flesh of her massive bust like a pair of huge comforting pillows, his face buried against them. Sunadokei rubbed his back, patting it tenderly and rising slowly to stand, cradling the boy close against her as he cried. "It's ok Kana. Let it all out, we'll get you home." Turning to face Kuramitsu, she blinked away her own tears, her soft gaze becoming steely and focused. "Come on Kura, let's get him home."

Word Count: 1,250
Total Word Count: 4,585

12Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:54 am



The day felt like it was moving at a much quicker rate as Suna took place besides the Young Nara. She too seemed to understand what he meant by how large life seemed to be when gazing out over the massive lad before them. For a moment it was as though they could strike up deep philosophical discussion while they enjoyed the sight but now as not the time as there mission and doing something like that would have to wait for another time. Yet even so it was difficult to stray ones eyes away from the rather magnificent display. Buildings after buildings went on and laid out after them unraveled into large green fauna in all directions. Which made the name of their village rather self explanatory. "The village hidden in the leaves" Of course that was the last thing going on the minds of the clones which darted from one section of the village to the other. They seemed focused on their tasks and went about it with their own style. Kura's own moving like agile rabbits between areas while Suna's own where much easier to recognize on the horizon bearing the bright violet kimono and leaping from place to place with a trained eye on their surroundings.

Kuramitsu let out a sigh when a young voice echoed from behind. The child the pair had been searching for was found and was quite easily recognized. As the pair of shinobi took their places besides the boy on the bench, they went on to listen to the tragic event the poor boy had recently gone through. Kura said his piece but knew that no matter what he said he had no experience in dealing with something such as death in the family. Everyone in his immediate family was healthy as could be but that was possibly thanks to the fact that they where a clan that specialized in the medical field. With his part said and done, Suna took the lead and spoke in her caring motherly tone. Not only did she manage to make animals such as cats and dogs feel at peace but her gentle aura when dealing with children was something of a gift.

The young Nara's hand moved over the back of the bench and gently set on Suna's opposite shoulder as he looked down to the boy who cradled his head against Suna's closer shoulder. It took no time at all for the loving Akimichi to gather the boys name and talk him down from the idea of running away from home. The Nara watched over the two in complete silence noting how the boy came to the realization that his parents had offered more than the average amount for missing person mission. As Suna finally helped the child figure out what he truly wanted, she rose to her feet and Kura slowly pushed up from his seating position.

Kura gave his curvy companion a warm hearted smile and he placed his hands on the back of his head for a stretch while starting their journey down the mountain path. Small sobs escaped the young Kana as they walked. "Seems a little familiar doesn't it, Suna. Last time it was me carrying you down hear when you scraped your knees...Man that was years ago. Yet you protested that you where completely fine." He said in a soft tone so as to not pester the child as he wept. Kura looked down at his feet and playfully tapped a pebble off to the side. "Guess we can already say this day was a success... " he said in the same soft volume as before. Kura neared Sunadokei's and wrapped his arm around her side, pressing her and her small passenger closer to himself in a protective manner. Perhaps he did it on spur of the moment or it was something he felt that he should do to allow Kana to have some reassurance that both shinobis where there for him. No doubt it was partly for the same reason he had piggybacked Suna up the mountain, to simply be close to her.

Word Count: 710
Total Word Count: 4,584

13Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:48 pm



The two shinobi moved slowly along the heads of the Hokage Mountain, moving away from the towering landmark towards the nearest street. It was going to be a long way back to Kana's home, especially since Sunadokei had no desire to scale back down the mountain with him in tow. Not that she couldn't, but the poor boy had suffered enough stress for one day. Watching the genin duo walking along the face of the mountain with their chakra would only remind him of his late brother. Instead Sunadokei merely cradled the boy in her arms, holding him close against her in her warm embrace. Motherly emotions had overtaken the Akimichi, and she had no desire to let anything bad happen to this child. Not while he was in her care, wrapped in her arms close against her bust. She would keep him safe.

"It is all too familiar... now that you mention it Kura." Sunadokei said, thinking back to the past. It all seemed so long ago, when they had been young. Not even into their first year at the Academy, they didn't know the first thing about the shinobi ways, mostly just beginner courses on history and chakra. The two had been playing tag on top of the mountain, when Sunadokei had wiped out. She was more plump then, rotund instead of curvaceous. Her body had done a marvelous job migrating fat from her belly into her bust and rear when she experienced puberty. These days she also carried ample excess weight on her hips and thighs, leaving her midsection as flat as it was ever going to get. It was still a soft curve, though vastly eclipsed by her other curves. She'd yet to meet anyone who said she didn't look much better this way. But, the younger Sunadokei had been less coordinated, more awkward and slow. After taking a nasty fall she'd tore a nice chunk of skin off her knee, and it bled heavily. She was tougher than that though, and was fully ready to walk home when Kura offered to carry her instead. She'd swallowed her pride, accepting her friend's help and hugging him tight while he carried her back to her house.

It was all so funny, thinking back to that day as she walked. How far they had come and how much they had grown. Sunadokei wasn't even sure if a fall like that could skin her knee these days, and even if it did, Kuramitsu had gotten extremely adept at medical ninjutsu. There was little in the way of common injuries he could not simply heal with the application of chakra. "Yeah..." She said softly, cradling Kana close against her as he sobbed. "I was fine, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate your help. I still do Kura, every day. I'm glad you're here, I'm always happy when I can spend time with you." She spoke with a sigh, turning her attention back to their charge as they walked slowly along. "It's ok Kana, just let it all out. It's ok honey. I know how much it must hurt." She spoke soothingly, rubbing the boys back as he buried his face between the huge pillows of the woman's bust, sobbing loud enough they could hear it even in spite of the cushioning. Hearing him weep at the loss of his brother broke Sunadokei's heart. But that was how their village had operated for hundreds of years. Every shinobi put their life on the line. Their sacrifice was what made the village remain prosperous and safe. It didn't make it easier when the person you lost was someone close to you. She hugged the boy tighter, feeling Kuramitsu's arm wrap reassuringly around her side.

And so they walked, slowly and steadily as the sun drew low in the evening sky. A faint sliver of orange, bathing the village in a soft pink and orange light. It would be beautiful, it the day weren't such a side one. Eventually the trio worked their way past the mountain, disappearing into the winding streets beyond, the sun fading behind the horizon and the sky shifting to hues of violet and blue as the stars above become faintly visible. The moon hung high and nearly full above them, bathing the village in pale light. It was somewhat relaxing, the air cooling and silence descending upon the streets as the villagers made their way home after a long bustling day. The two genin still had a long ways to go before they returned to the Academy. They'd need to report the safe retrieval of the boy to the mission Proctor, as well as collect their part of the reward. Sunadokei debated leaving Kanashimi with the Academy until his parents arrived to get him, or taking him to his parents directly. She turned to her friend, soft green eyes gazing into his deep brown. "Kura, send one of your clones to Kana's parents, and another back to the Academy to tell them we'll be arriving soon. I don't feel like going any faster than we already are. Kana needs someone to grieve with right now, I have to stay here with him."

Word Count: 890
Total Word Count: 5,475

14Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Wed Aug 10, 2016 4:17 pm



As the two shinobi's spoke, little Kana sobbed into Suna's pillow like bust. The pain he had to face at such a young age was a terrible thing and by the signs of things it looked as though his bigger brother was one of the big family members whom he looked up to. Kura realized just how hard it must be as he couldn't imagine losing his mother, father or even his annoying sister. Losing a loved one was something no one would want to think of but death was a rule of nature in the world and nothing could take that powerful force away. The difference of death in the present time was that in many occasions, death by natural causes was far and few. The shinobis of every village faced hundreds of dangers every day and that is the very reason why taking up such a job is one that really needs to be thought through.

As Suna and himself reminisced of the old days, thoughts of how their ranks had barely scrapped the surface of the difficulty in missions arose in his mind. If anything it provided a wake up call that in Kura's current state, he wouldn't be able to keep his companion safe should they ever progress to that of chunin or even jonin. His facial expression and wandering gaze showed how he had slipped into a deep thought but it was quickly pulled back into the grips of reality by Suna's words. She truly did appreciate his company and it was more than obvious that he felt the same way. He squeezed her closer as they walked side by side. While the small boy sobbed, Suna showed her nurturing way in a motherly fashion, speaking to the heartbroken child with a soothing and loving tone. She would make a great mother, that was a no brainer and Kura could tell through the years of growing up.

Kuramitsu quickly realized that the sun had dropped down on to the horizon, indication of that was the temperature dropping quite a bit and while Suna was a walking pillar of warmth, Kura felt he should somehow help keep the boy from getting a cold. He slung his arms out from the black coat which he had on and gently set it over Kana's shoulders like a blanket. There was very little Kura could do in terms of comforting in comparison to Sunadokei but but he wanted Kana to know that he too was there right at his side. It was then that Sunadokei requested Kura send a clone to give word to their superiors to reveal the task had been successful and that they where on their way to return Kana to his parents. "Already sent my group of clones back to the mission headquarters when we where on the mountain. I had a feeling that we'd need to take things slow for the little guy." he said in a whisper as he stared back down into Suna's gem like emerald eyes.

Word Count: 524
Total Word Count: 5,108

15Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:19 pm



Sunadokei gazed back into her friend's own deep brown eyes, so dark they seemed almost black in the evening light. She blinked, averting her gaze and looking up to the moon hanging high above them in the dark blue skies above. "Thanks Kura, that was good foresight on your part." The woman leaned against her companion as best she could. The closest thing Sunadokei could accomplish short of a hug while she held young Kana in her arms. The cloth wrap she wore beneath her kimono was fast getting soaked in snot and tears, although as gross as it was the Akimichi woman didn't much mind. She could wash up first thing when she got home, change her clothes and do her best to put this all behind her. She felt for poor Kana, he was so young and to have lost so much. It was hard to imagine the grief he was going through right now, or how long it would take him to finish grieving. Some people never truly did.

The two made their ways down long mostly empty streets. A few people crossed their paths, most hurrying about on their own way. Sunadokei and Kuranitsu must have looked like a married couple carrying their son home, although in that case Kana would definitely have taken after his father over his mother. The boy shared almost none of Sunadokei's features, though he at least matched Kura's black hair. The streets themselves were dimly lit, mostly by street lamps though a few lanterns burned bright in the entrances of store fronts or people's homes. The trio had been walking for almost half an hour when Kana finally stopped sobbing, now simply clinging tight to Sunadokei's massive chest. His face was beat red, caked in tears and snot, which he made no hesitation to wipe away with his hands or using his carrier's clothes. Sunadokei could simply sigh, snuggling him close and running a hand softly through the boy's short black hair. "Do you feel better now Kana?" She asked sweetly, eyes looking down at the boy as she cradled him in her arms.

Kanashimi looked up, snorting as he sucked a thick trail of snot back up into his nose. He nodded simply, before adjusting Kura's long coat against his slim shoulders. "Yeah... a little..." He spoke meekly, his voice slightly hoarse from so much crying. It made tears well up in Sunadokei's eyes and she hugged the boy tighter. "I know it's hard Kana. Grieving is the first step, dealing with loss is always difficult. You just have to keep taking it day by day." She relaxed her hug, kissing the boy softly on the forehead. "I promise you it will get easier with every day, even if it'll never be easy." The boy nodded in acknowledgement, looking up with his big sad blue eyes, now puffy and red from tears. "I know... But I still miss my brother." Sunadokei nodded as well, once more hugging the boy tight. "I know Kana, I know." Kana rested his chin against her shoulder, wrapping his arms tenderly around her neck. "I miss my mommy too, and my daddy. I shouldn't have run away." The Akimichi woman just nodded understandingly, one hand slowly massaging Kana's back tenderly, moving in slow rhythmic circles, no more words needed be said between the two. Kanashimi felt bad enough about what he had done already, he didn't need to be reminded.

Eventually the towering spires of the Academy came into sight in the distance. The enormous structure of the building was a welcome relief, it meant this ordeal would soon be over and they could return Kana to his family. It had been an emotional night for everyone involved, one that Sunadokei certainly hadn't signed up for when she first took the mission request. As they approached the Academy the level of activity began to increase considerably, genin could be seen walking along near the structure even in the early evening. An occasional shinobi or pair of shinobi would dart across the rooftops or leap to another building. No doubt other teams collecting late night missions or returning mission contracts of their own. Sunadokei made her way to the main doors, considered bumping them open with her hips, but decided against it. Instead waiting for Kuramitsu to open the doors and allow them in. Hopefully his clones had reached their appropriate destination in time.

Word Count: 755
Total Word Count: 6,230

16Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:50 am



Stars slowly began to pierce the dark night sky and twinkle about as if they where dancing to some sort of rhythm which the universe was in control of. The brightest of the lights which lit up the shinobi's path was the large celestial orb which hung in the air. Back down on the earth, small glowing lamps where scattered on either sides of the street, from homes of those settling down for the evening to a few stalls which kept there doors open in hopes of one last sale for the day, it all seemed so peaceful and in a way provided an extra warmth to the small child held in Sunadokei's arms.

Two things which Konoha prized itself in was that its population thrived on willpower and housed a warmth of heart to all villagers. If something where to go wrong in one family a neighbor would always be there to help them through just as the two shinobi where being strong for the small child who had lost a large piece in his life. Word had already been sent of the boys retrieval by Kura's clones and now all that was left was a slow walk back to the Academy. "No thanks needed..." Kura said softly as a gentle embrace was received from his companion.

The scene which took place between Kana and Suna only emphasized how caring and motherly Suna could be. Not even the grossness of snot and tears on her kimono would deter her from holding the poor child close. Kura wished he could do more for the child but Suna was doing fine by herself and managed to calm Kana down. As Sunadokei spoke to the boy about grief, the massive building that was the academy came into sight. Ninja's of all sizes and ages darted overhead taking and sending in last minute mission statements. While the Academy was usually open till quite late in the evening it was not a twenty four hour job, even the admins needed time off work for their family lives.

As they reached the door, Kuramitsu opened it polity so Suna could walk through with the now exhausted Kana still hugging her close for fear of being left alone. Once they reached the front desk, a single Kura doppelganger smiled upon seeing the trio enter the building. Kana's mother and father; Mr and Mrs Hāto; where standing right beside the clone. Tears welled up in the mothers eyes as she saw her child. Kana's father breathed a sigh of relief and smiled as they walked up. "Thank you for bringing back my Kana." The Mrs Hāto said , trying desperately to fight back her tears as she gently took Kana from Suna's arm. The small boy slowly began to sob once more. "Don't ever do that again Kana... you had me and your father so worried. I don't know what we would do without you..." she said choking on her words. Mr Hāto rubbed Kana's back soothingly and lightly pecked his son on the head. "I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know how we could go on if we...lost you too." He seemed to be fighting back his own tears before squeezing both his son and wife close then turning to Suna and Kuramitsu.

"Thank you so much for finding our boy. You don't know how grateful we are." Mrs Hāto said tearfully, her husband gave a nod in agreement with her words. "Thank you."

Kura held Suna closer as they watched the family reunite. It was very special to watch and while he couldn't he couldn't say he did much to deserve the praise, he was happy that the family was back together. "Don't mention it" the young Nara said with a soft smile before looking down to his curvy comrade.  

Word Count: 697
Total Word Count: 5,805

[Thread Exit]

C-Rank Mission 1,000/1,000
Words Remaining - 4,805

Medical Ninjutsu
C ~> B 2,000/2,000
Shadow Element:
C~> B 2,000/ 2,000
D ~> D-2 725/ 725 and 75 Ryo
Word's Remaining: 5,805-1000-2000-2000-725= 80

Last edited by Kuramitsu on Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

17Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Empty Re: Runaway (Mission | Invite | No Kill) Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:53 pm



Sunadokei couldn't help but smile as Kana's mother scooped him from her arms. The young boy was home, he was safe. That was all that mattered to her now, and she stood there simply as the parents embraced their missing child and fought back tears of their own. It was such an emotional display, the Akimichi woman couldn't help but tear up herself, holding herself tight against Kuramitsu. As the parents turned to speak with them, Kura spoke his peace softly, and Sunadokei had faint tears rolling down her cheeks. "We were honored to help, it's out duty as shinobi." She could hardly maintain a straight face, and her voice cracked slightly from the exchange. Giving a short bow, Sunadokei handed her companion back his long coat, before turning to head deeper into the Academy towards the administrative offices.

With Kura in tow Sunadokei walked slowly down the winding halls, all the while thinking of the young boy Kana in her mind. He had such a long road to travel, dealing with the loss of his older brother. But at least he was reunited with his family. At least he was safe with them. She knew he'd be loved, cared for, and that was all that mattered to her. In that way Sunadokei cared more for completing the mission for the sake of the child than for for her own reward. All the same though there was that matter to attend to, papers to fill out and rewards to collect. Their payment was waiting down the hall and to the right, in the mission proctor's offices. At least the line would be short, it was getting late after all. Still, a shinobi never sleeps, at least as the saying went. "I'm glad we did this Kura. We did good today." She said softly to her friend, leaning her head to rest on her companion's broad shoulder. "Although... I can't wait until I can get home and change. Cook myself some dinner and take a nice long nap." As she spoke Sunadokei pushed open the doors to the proctor's offices, and away the two genin went off to finish out the rest of their evening together.

(Thread Exit)
Word Count: 375
Total Word Count: 6,605

Word Count: 6,605
C-Rank Mission: 1,000/1,000
Taijutsu from S to SS: 5,605/9,000

Remaining Word Count: 6,605-1,000-5,605/9,000=0

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