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Danzig was walking around Konohagakure near the mission board hoping to find a mission to do. He wanted one that would play to his unique skills in Medical Ninjutsu. While he was walking around he hear Doctor Hui, and asked if he had anything to do.
"Why yes, I do, but do you know Medical Ninjutsu? The hospital is severely understaffed and we need help." said Doctor Hui
"Great, when do I start?" replied Danzig
"Come to the hospital at 5:00 AM tomorrow morning and go to the receptionist."
"Will due!" said Danzig.

With that Danzig went back to his house, ate dinner, which for him was just canned beans, as he doesn't really have any money with which to buy real food, but he hopes he will get payed for this mission. He decided to go to sleep early that night as he has to wake up early, and he needs to be well rested if he is to help heal patients.

The next day finally arrived and Danzig touched his clock, realizing that it was already 4:45 AM.
"Damn, did I really sleep in that much?" he asked himself.
He had little time to ponder what he had done wrong, and well he was getting ready he though he must have just been nervous, leaving the house with minutes to spare he ran to the hospital to make it on time. When he got there he waited for the receptionist, who themselves was late, and he felt annoyed by this, but a few minutes later they showed up.
"You must be here to help Doctor Hui? He told me you would be here." said the receptionist.
Danzig followed the receptionist into Doctor Hui's office where he could see the dire situation of things. When Danzig walked in he heard the Doctor snoring loud and clear, and the receptionist had to wake him up. Doctor Hui woke up with a start, at first suprised, but then settled down.
"Ah, you actually came? Good, good. Follow me, I will show you what you need to do on a few patients, then leave you to treat some." said Doctor Hui
Danzig followed him and then they walked into a room which smelled awful.
"What is that smell?" said Danzig
"Oh that is the patients, some of them have been sitting here for weeks." replied Doctor Hui
Danzig plugged his nose and followed the doctor.
"This first patience has a small wound on their arm, you won't need to use chakra to fix that, just take a bandage and cover it. Try not to use your chakra too much, you might need it for more advanced injuries."
Danzig picked up the bandage and felt the wound, after which he disinfected it and then put on a bandage.
"Good, good. There are about 3 patients here that need basic treatment like that, if you can get them all I would more than appreciate it!"
The next patient Danzig had was similarly incapacitated, but this one would not cooperate with Danzig and constantly complained, commonly telling him about how much it stung, and how he wasn't sure that the bandage was applied properly. Danzig attempted to ignore him, and eventually stuck on the bandage and made him leave so he could treat the next patient, this one had a minor burn on their arm.
"How did you get that?" asked Danzig
"Oh, I was cooking and the hot water got on it." replied the patient
Danzig had thought the injuries he would be treated would be more interesting, but these were all basic injuries, textbook examples of them, as a matter-of-fact, and so Danzig begin to feel his tasks become mundane, but he pressed on. After telling the lady what to do to cure the burn and giving her some medicine he sent them on their way, but then Doctor Hui came to Danzig.
"Danzig I have used all my chakra, but there is one last patient who is going to die if we don't help him, are you ready?"
Danzig followed the doctor down to the bottom floor of the hospital where the patient was.
"He is right in here." said Doctor Hui
Danzig walked up to the patient and began to touch his wound, it was deep, very, very deep. Danzig agreed with the doctor in the fact that they would need to use Medical Ninjutsu to fix it, and thus Danzig began to focus his chakra in one of the more advanced medical techniques he had learned so far. After a long while, and depleting a majority of his chakra, Doctor Hui told him that the patient was no longer bleeding, and that the 1 inch wound was healed.
Thanking Danzig, Doctor Hui told him that he had one more patient, and then he could go home and rest, and that his mission was over.
Danzig walked back up the stairs, and got his last patient. This one had a large amount of small cuts all over their body, when Danzig asked what had happened they said that they were stung by a swarm of bees. Danzig asked if they had any allergic reactions to it, and when he found they were feeling well, he patched up the severe ones that caused bleeding and sent the last patient on their way.

Danzig walked home, remarking that this was his first mission, and the fist time he exerted his chakra this much. All his previous experience was on minor injuries, and was quite impressed with how he managed to heal the large wound. Danzig walked home and found that he fell to sleep almost instantly, barely getting a chance to eat before he went to sleep. Before he fell to sleep, he began to think about how much fun he had, even on this simple mission, perhaps he had made the correct choice in becoming a shinobi. Felling fulfilled with his day, he decided tomorrow he would treat himself to some real food.

WC: 1001

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