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The chilling mist had fallen down onto a bridge connecting Kirigakure to an island that he was familiar with.  It wasn't much there except various wildlife that was pretty hostile especially to intruders on their territory. Perfect conditions for Jacques' training.  Jacques wasn't against training despite his overwhelming confidence in his abilities as it is.  He simply wanted to increase his abilities to an even higher ceiling so no one will ever be able to catch.  

"In this world of conflict, I will be unbeatable."  He mumbled under his breath.  "Time to sack up and get to work."  He shouted out loud as he pounded his fists together and began to roll his shoulder.  "Do I even need to stretch?" he asked as he kneeled down and pushed down on his hips.  "I won't be accepting anything less then dramatic improvements, I refuse to accept anything but the best, I owe myself at least that!" He shouted into the sky.  His motivation was at an all time high, and whenever he is hyped up this far he won't stop until his goal is achieved.  His goal was to train his body to its ultimate limits.

The body can never hit a peak, the moment the body experiences pain that means it hasn't hit its maximum strength yet.  Jacques wanted to  the point he won't even be able to experience pain anymore. He wants his body to have indeed no limits. When he no longer can feel pain, that means his weakness is truly eliminated.  Then he can truly accept the title of "The greatest"

Until then, he will put his entire soul into training for that moment.  As he walked up to the bridge, he looked at the island he would be going to.  "Let's get things started now."  He would kneel down and take a runner's stance and mentally begin a countdown. "3, 2, 1, start." he mumbled as he began to sprint forward.

The very bridge itself began to blur as he increased his speed and continue dashing forward.  Adrenaline had entered his body in a swift injection upon the commencement of his training. Each time his foot hitting the ground, the loud sound of his feet echoed into his ears making his mind go numb.  He left thoughts and worries back home, and his body only operated off of his instincts at this point. He was a machine when it came to his training, preforming only the tasks he set his mind too nothing else.

The bridge itself was one of the longer ones connecting to the village only because of the danger of the island that Jacques was advancing to. Civilians are strongly advised not to approach the island because of it's dangers.  Even shinobi are told to not go around just to avoid any trouble or potential injury or perhaps even worse.  Warnings however only excite the young shinobi.  He doesn't believe in fear, completely erasing it from his conscious claiming it is an emotion for the weak and in order to be the best you can't have fear, not even an ounce.

The weather as usual was very foggy, temperature was around 65 degrees, not half bad.  His body was used to these temperatures so it felt a little warm to him.  

He felt a drip of sweat start to descend his forehead which caused him to curse himself.  "This is nothing, a juggernaut like myself shouldn't be sweating at this!"  He shouted as he began to run even faster.  Running like an olympian chasing gold.  His own physical limits being the only thing that stops him from getting to his goal.  "I'm going to break every limit in half damn it!"

His breathing pace began to increase as his hearts beating followed. This only stressed him out even more.  "I know I can do better then this, this shouldn't phase a champion like me!"  He only pushed even harder.  The air hitting his lungs began to burn it.  His lungs began to reach out for air through his nostrils and mouth as each step he took forward was almost instantly met by his next foot.  His arms flying back and forth as if he was pushing the air in front of him backwards out of his path.

His body was on auto pilot as usual when he was in the middle of his training, however his mind was moving even faster then his body.  "You're better then this! Why can't you push any harder. This isn't all I'm capable of. I should've been there the second I thought about it.  I'm taking too long! Damn it legs work! Work! I don't need that much air, damn it! Why is my heart beating so damn fast! Damn it!"  He shouted as he saw the bridge end and he step foot onto the island itself.

He immediately began to slow down, stomping on the ground hard as his speed decreased.  As he slowed down his mouth opened to his maximum capacity as he breathed out for as much air available.  He put his hands on his hips trying to play as if the run wasn't all that special but who was he kidding, he knew it was pushing him.  He didn't mind pushing himself, only that he figure it would take much more strenuous tasks to push him to the level he is already at.  

The sweat began to accumulate on his back and it was visible from the exterior of his shirt, the color of the actual shirt began to darken from it becoming so damp.  Jacques instantly clutched it and pulled it up over his shoulders and removed it throwing it on the ground to the side of him.  "I am a warrior! A soldier! I don't feel pain. I have no weakness."  He mumbled under his breath as he pounded his chest with a clenched fist smirking as he looked on towards the island.

His lungs began to settle down as more air has settled down inside of him. "My lungs are going to burst by the time I'm through."  He flexed his average sized arms as he slapped both with the palm of the opposite hand. "My arms will be like jelly when I leave!"  He looked down and rubbed down his stomach and punched each leg as he started to run in place.  "Everything, I won't leave here until I am an absolute beast! I will take nothing but my goal!" He shouted as he took a giant step forward and began an alright sprint forward right towards the center of the island.

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