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{ Private / Training Strength Stat = E-0 to D-1 }

The physical force of a human being, only into greatened heights.

{ It was time to get stronger, all-around for a lightning archetype. }

The Land of Clouds, home of the Hidden Cloud. It was within these lands that the village was hidden on top of floating clouds in the sky. A range of rather tall and dangerous mountains surfaced around the village, the natural world around it acting like natural barriers to keep the unwanted away, with a series of clouds that hid the village appearance.  It was within this village that a gaze of interest was set, a lone male walking the streets before making his way inside a bar that resided within the village as a means of providing alcohol to the masses in their off time after a hard day.

Stepping inside, Jiongami moved over to the bar itself and grabbed a stool before glancing over at some loud hoopla. Apparently there was some skeptical taking place and caused him to shift off of his stool and go take a look. It was about of arm wrestling, the 'manly' display of testing one’s strength against another. It triggered in his mind that he was slowly interested and kept watching as he saw two men struggle. Eventually the larger man won, as he slammed the others against the table. Cheers erupted and the winner called for another challenger. Jiongami smiled a small smile as he pushed through the crowd and took a seat, the cheers turning to snickers and quiet laughter.

The larger man said he didn't wanna hurt such a small and fragile thing, but Jiongami merely put his arm in position. Shrugging, the other man did the same as he locked hands with him. Both of their grips tightening down until both of their knuckles had turned white. A third man, the judge of these matches, placed his hand over theirs briefly before shouting for them to 'go' and pulled his hand away. Jiongami and his opponent both started pushing against the other as hard as they could. The male Wanderer could feel the muscles in his arm clench tightly as he pushed against the other man, even some muscles along his shoulder and down his back were starting to tighten up as he strained against him.

The contest was back and forth for a while as she pushed him one way then he did the same. It looked like an even match before he started to push him further and further back. In due time, his hand was slammed against the table and mixed reactions went through the onlookers. Claiming if he was weak from all the other matches, he stated he let Jiongami won which prompted him to tell him to move so the next person can sit down. The large man did so as another took his place, promising not to go easy on him as he clasped hands with him and they were about to begin. Like before, Jion's white knuckle grip pushed against the other mans as they kept a pretty even match going. Eventually Jiongami started to pour on the pressure as he pushed harder and harder, eventually slamming him into the table like before.

This time a chorus of cheers went up as some people started placing bets and the like. Jiongami didn't care about the money changing hands however, he had gotten more into the arm wrestling matches themselves. He saw them as a good way to test his own strength against others and see if his dominant arm (left arm) was still up to the task. When his next opponent sat down he offered his left hand instead of the right and Jiongami swapped out which was on the table. People started switching their bets around as they figured the male wandering gēnin wouldn't win, but as they clasped hands, he gave him a smirk like he had already won.

The referee placed his hand on this again, taking a moment to make sure both parties had their other hands in a place that wouldn't let them cheat before shouting for them to begin. Jiongami began pushing with all his might again, and to everyone's surprise, he managed to beat the lefty man much faster than he had the others. The left handed man got up with a frown on his face as he went to grab a beer while someone else took his place. These arm wrestling matches went on and on for a good while before the doors opened and Jiongami saw someone he did not recognize, but was interested in for a challenge. It was a man he’d never seen before, but his physique and posture was that of muscular brute thinking that he can win anything with brute strength. To much of Jiongami’s surprise, { This is going to be very exciting!  }

Walking over, the large many took the empty seat across from Jiongami as he placed his hand up on the table. Jiongami grasped his hand which seemed to wrap entirely around her own, but a small smile came upon his face that no one had seen. People had already started betting everything they'd won on the big guy with only a few remaining on Jiongami's side as he felt his grip tighten. He was stronger than him, it was quite clear by his grip. But he wasn't about to back down without a proper test of his own physical strength.

The ref placed his hand on the large man’s hand, shouting for them to begin before yanking his hand away. The large man didn't hesitate to start putting everything he had against Jiongami as he strained to keep himself from getting slammed into the table from the very beginning. He felt his arm straining to keep up as he pushed against his toughest opponent yet. The muscles in his shoulder and back spasmed a little as he gritted his teeth and pushed with all his might, trying desperately to win the match.

The match lasted for quite some time as Jiongami refused to back down, slowly pushing him back up until they were on even 'footing' of  sorts. His hand pushed against his with all its might as he slowly started to lower him down. Both of their hands were straining so hard, they started shaking the two opposing forces pushing against each other. In several moments, Jiongami finally placed his hand against the table as the crowd around them lost it. People swore, people cheered, but Jiongami felt his arm go numb as it collapsed against the table. The wandering male was drenched in hard sweat as he stood up. Heading to the door, he was not really the drinking type and decided to leave, knowing that his arm was gonna be sore, but stronger in the next few days.

“All in a day’s hard work if you ask me…”

{ WordCount: 1165 / 1075 }



{ Training Speed Stat = E-0 to D-0 }

Two Hours Later

Strength had been trained recently, one for power in order to get stronger then those around him. Jiongami  did not wish to train his chakra control, so he chose speed, as it would compliment his newly gained strength well. How would he train it was the main question. Who better to ask than his mother? She was in Kumogakure to visit her older brother and resided in an hotel and to he saw his mother walked to her room and called to her, and she ran to him and cried, seeing as though she hasn’t seen her son since he left Konohagakure, and showered his tiny face with smothering kisses. She was one of the most remarkable and agile shinobi in her time and Jiongami looked up to her because of so. His mother  always loved when he asked for help, especially with physical training to become a stronger ninja. They often raced each other home, but his mother was just taking it easy on him, as if he actually tried, there would be no way he could catch up.

Cora, Jiongami's mother, suggested that Jiongami do fireman carries as he jump from tree to tree and then repeat the process  as fast as he can. Jiongami had no question with this so they traveled to the nearest forest. To much of Jiongami’s surprise, Cora invited her older brother, Coda, to join them. His uncle was a relatively fast Jōnin himself, as Jiongami now noticed that most relatives from his mother’s side of the family were speed-oriented.  As he scaled his first tree, he was mentally prepared. He knew he would not be quicker or stronger than his mother, or uncle, but he did not wish to get left behind at this far of a distance or fail. Jiongami was up, placing his mother across his shoulders, hoping that his new found strength would not drop her. Slowly, he stood up straight, bearding the full weight of his light, but fairly heavy mother, since she was muscular because of being a retired kunoichi. He then jumped from tree to tree until his legs trembled from fatigue. His mother did not participate in this training as Jiongami's small body weight would not benefit her agility. The next event was jumping from tree to tree as quickly as they could.

When Cora said go, Jiongami  leaped to the next tree. His uncle was just warming up and he made it to the tree twice as quickly as Jiongami did. The next tree was even worse, four times Jiongami's speed. He noticed that his uncle was increasing his speed from tree to tree, as he had a slight chuckle going on. Jiongami had to push himself harder if he wished to keep up. He then formed the Ram hand seal and focused a large amount of chakra into his quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and hip flexors. A quick explosion in speed placed Jiongami next to his uncle. Coda looked over with a face full of awe and decided it was really time to step it up a notch, to which surprised Cora as well.

In a swift motion, Coda  was about five trees away from Jiongami. Jiongami then focused an even larger amount of chakra into each of his leg muscles, maybe more than he should have. He closed the distance slightly but not quite enough, as Coda was still leading by about three trees. This race between trees was creeping on about an hour and a half when warning signs began to appear. Jiongami began to slow down significantly due to his chakra being low, his body being exhausted and traveling at fast speeds for long periods of time. Slowly but surely, his vision began to fail and his speed became much slower. His chakra ceased flowing to his leg muscles and his eyes closed. He had lost consciousness due to over exertion of his body and chakra supply. Cora saw this, as she swiftly jumped down and focused chakra on her feet, running up the tree, grabbing her exhausted and fatigued son and took him to the ground. Coda, her older brother, caught sight of this and followed his little sister.

He awoke about 30 minutes later, on the ground, peering up at the trees with his mother and uncle looking at him as his mother kissed him on the forehead. Coda could have easily caught him but this must have been a lesson he wished to pass on to Jiongami, yet his mother caught him instead. Unlike much of their other training, this would have to put it off until another day. If Jiongami was to continue training so quickly after depleting his chakra and physical abilities, he would surely fall into a coma or cease to exist.

Contrary to his mother and uncle's advice, he stood up and attempted to walk towards the trees. Placing his hands upon the tree he tried to scale it, back up to one of it's high limbs. Before he could make it to a dangerous height, he slid down the tree and fell upon his back once again. This weakness angered Jiongami greatly which made him vow to never let this happen again. He would train very hard, no matter what the consequences. When he stood again, he took a few steps, but again fell to his back. Coda advised that he take it easy and allow him to carry him back home, to which Jiongami noticed his mother had left already. Jiongami agreed and his uncle threw him over his shoulders. In what seemed like a flash, they had arrived at the hotel and Jiongami was in his mother’s bed. After a long day's work, he decided it was definitely time to sleep.

{ Exit Thread }

{ WordCount: 975 / 750 }

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