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1Training Body and Mind [Invite Only / NK] Empty Training Body and Mind [Invite Only / NK] Sat May 21, 2016 12:44 pm



Genbu set off to train in the swampy area of the training ground. He figured it would be the perfect place to train up both his body and his mind. As he made his way through the wetland, he made it a point to observe every bit of flora and fauna on his path. He watched the turtles skitter slowly through the muddy water, seemingly both graceful and a bit clumsy at the same time. He stood amazed at the carnivorous plants, tricking insects into their "mouths", and devouring them with ease. He felt the cool, cloudy water through his boots and the uneven muddy ground seemed to anchor him to the earth below. He moved further and further into the swampy marsh, keeping his head on the swivel to look for anything and everything he could. Suddenly, he felt something slither across his right leg.

Genbu looked down to find something quite terrifying slithering by his nether regions. It was a snake with a dark thick body with a blocky shaped head and pits on its face, the tell tale signs of a venomous species. He knew that he was in a less than ideal situation and must handle it with precision and speed. Genbu realized the snake had recognized him as thread but he knew it could easily turn on him at any moment. He began to slowly back away from the snake, hoping not to disturb it. The snake quickly turned toward him, seemingly agitated. Genbu knew this could end poorly for him but he readied himself for the snake's attempt to strike him.

The snake flung itself forward in an attempt to strike Genbu on his right thigh. Genbu analyzed the snake's trajectory and realized the only way he could avoid being bitten was to move slightly to the right and catch the snake behind its head. Without hesitation, he dashed slightly to the right and caught the snake mid bite. "Well that was close," he thought to himself. With one quick tug, he pulled the snake's head clear off of it body. He took the now severed head and tossed it off to the side. He figured he may as well keep the body and cook it for dinner later that evening after he went home. He knew he would be starving after his training.

WC: 393



After he packed away his meal for the night, he continued on through the marsh to find a spot to continue his training. He felt his movement beginning to be slowed by the abundant aquatic plant life of the swamp. He thought to himself, now would be a good time to work on my speed and strength. He set up a make shift lanes using trees and sticks so that he could practice sprinting through the swamp. He finished setting up his lanes and began to sprint back and forth between his two makeshift end lines.

During each sprint, he tried to identify each stick, plant, or animal around him. He thought to himself, "Moving fast is pointless if you don't notice anything around you". He tracked each sprint, trying to beat his time on every subsequent path. As he exerted more and more energy, he found himself shattering his previous sprint times but becoming increasingly more fatigued. He decided to give himself a short break after the next sprint. He figured he would go all out on this last sprint, then head over to the clearing to his left to take a short break before he moved on to some different training. As he began his final sprint, he heard something disheartening. A low growl rang through the air, and he felt a shift in the water he was moving through. He took a glimpse behind him to see pair of unwelcoming eyes staring at him. Genbu knew this wouldn't be as easy as his last encounter. Those eyes belonged to something much more ferocious.

As he crossed the end line, the beast charged at him. Its armored body moved effortlessly through the marsh, seemingly unimpeded at all like Genbu was. He knew the situation was bad, but he had to keep his wits about him if he was to make it out of this situation with all his limbs still attached. He quickly picked up a large branch and began to poke at the beast in an attempt to slow it down. The beast chomped down on the branch and crushed it with ease. The beast yanked the branch away from Genbu and began to roll violently through the water with it. Genbu took this as his opportunity to escape while the beast was preoccupied. Genbu sprinted toward the clearing to hide himself behind the large tree that stood tall in the middle of it. Genbu stood behind the tree, out of breath and exhausted, but with all his limbs intact. "That could have ended poorly," he thought to himself as he slunk down to sit at the foot of the tree. He poked his heard around the trunk of the tree to keep tabs on the beast. It seemed to have lost intrest in having Genbu as meal as it slunk away through the marsh. "Looks like I'm in the clear", he said to himself as he sat back down to take a short break.

WC: 501



As he sat beneath the tree, he reflected on the events of his day so far. "Well I could have died twice today, but i'm still here so I've got that going for me I suppose," he thought to himself in his stoic inner voice. At that moment, he heard a familiar growl coming for the other side of the tree. He knew his new "friend" had returned for seconds. "Great...", he said in an annoyed tone. "Looks like i'll actually have to deal with it this time," as he let out a sigh of frustration. He stood back up and prepared himself to fight with the beast. He backed away from the tree to give him some time to react. At that moment, he saw the beast emrged slowly from the behind the tree; this time with a more menacing growl. At that moment, he heard yet another growl behind him. "Looks like you brought a friend to the party," he said to the beast. He knew the situation was getting worse by the second, so he quickly evaluated the situation for what it was and made a plan to use the two against each other. He took a quick glance behind him to noticed the beast's friend was actually quite larger than he had anticipated from it's growl.


As he studied the beasts, noticed their only seeming weak point was their eyes. From his previous encounter, he realized the beasts would just attack the first thing that could bite down on. As both beasts crept closer and closer, he kept himself directly between them hoping that his plan would work. A second too soon or second to late would mean he wouldn't be leaving this confrontation with all his limbs, if he even got out of it at all. He prepared himself for what he had to do. He shifted his weight to his right leg so that he could move swiftly when he needed to. The movement triggered to two beasts to charge straight towards him with deadly intent. He took a deep breath, gathered all the strength he could muster, and dashed to his right just at the last second.


The two beasts struck each other with a ferocity Genbu couldn't fathom. The larger beast easily overpower it's smaller bretheren. It wrapped its powerful jaws around the head of the smaller one and clamped down on it. It began to roll violently back towards the water dragging its seemingly new found meal with it. Genbu knew this time he had to get as far away from beasts as he could this time. He decided to head east and find a new spot to train. This time hopefully without "friends" that wanted to eat him.

As he headed east, Genbu found a path free from the murky water he had been traversing previously. He figured this path would be a bit safer as he could actually see what he was stepping through and any welcomed critters that may be hoping to have him for lunch. He continued on the path until he saw a break in the treeline ahead of him. He had never ventured this far into the training grounds. He pressed on until he reached the tree line to discover a clearing with a single tree at the top of a small hill. "Perfect," he thought to himself. He made his way to the top of the hill and slunk himself down at the foot of the tree.

"What a day...."

WC: 596



With his eyes closed and his fingers laced behind his head, supporting it with the help of the branch. The young Hattori had a few days to relax before he was going to back on his missions. Certainly, the young shinobi had earned some time off due to all of his training and the work that he did in Kumogakure. As relaxed as he was, he could not help but keep a sly smirk on his face as he was happy to be back home. The salt from the seas drifted into the winds and carried into his nostrils. Oh, the days, the nostalgia, how much he had missed this place. Yet, in Kumogakure, he only hesitated to think of Kirigakure; he was more occupied with his current surroundings in Kumogakure that he never thought that he would miss the homeland this much. Really, at this point, thee were not many places Seito would have rather been. Seito camped out on the tree on top of a small hill, overlooking a strong majority of the training grounds. The Hattori begun to remember the first days he started to use this tree as his camp after trainings and sometimes, just to get away. He also had to fight off a couple of animals in the area to earn that spot. Luckily for him, this time no predator was around.

His eyes could not help but open as he begun to survey the area. His eyebrow raised as he observed a young lad in between two beasts. These beasts often lurked in the training grounds. Seito always understood the principal behind the animals because they were as foreign shinobi in the outside world. Often seeking fights when one was fatigued or unaware of the situation was a tactic familiar to both these beast and some outside shinobi, particularly rouge ninja. The boy watched with little emotional connection, or even any realization of how the outcome could have been. Perhaps, Seito had too much confident in Kirigakure genin then he actually should. Seito knew he was a shinobi due to the way he was moving, let alone the all black headband wrapped around the forehead of this boy. His eyes then went to his own headband that was wrapped around his left bicep. His mind wandered and made several connections, but quickly went back to observe the boy and watch the fight. A grin appeared on the face of the young man sitting in the tree as the two beast clashed into each other and the bigger one chomping down on his friend. Seito was unaware that these beasts would prey on each other, but apparently, he learned something new today.

Then, the young lad begun to walk towards Seito. Towards the tree. 'He better not be coming for my tree.' Seito thought in his head and his fingers begun to flinch. A smile came over his face as he watched the boy come closer and closer. Surely, Seito was a rogue ninja for adopting the tactic of attacking shinobi unaware of his presence. As the young shinobi perched himself onto the tree. Seito fluttered his hands into seals, preparing the innocent genjutsu. "Have faith in your training." Seito shouted so that every word could be clearly heard from the tree. After doing so, he quickly dropped down from the tree besides the boy. " I am Hattori Seito. Do you need help with your training?" The young man said with a surely smile.

[580 WC]
[140 CP]



As he sat at the foot of the tree, Genbu heard a strange voice ring out from above him. Genbu sprang to his feet, looked up,  and prepared himself for the unknown. "Have faith in your training," the voice cried. At that moment a mysterious shinobi dropped from a branch high above in the tree. The shinobi who stood before him was of a moderate build with a Kiri headband wrapped tightly around his left bicep. The shinobi spoke to Genbu,  "I am Hattori Seito. Do you need help with your training?".

Genbu, quite tired from his previous escapades of the day, stood motionless before Seito. He quickly analyzed Seito from head to toe, making note of each pouch and pocket he could make out. This would be useful information in the event he would have to fight this shinobi. Seito looked at him with a smile, seemingly friendly. Genbu cautiously responded to him, "Sure. Name is Genbu by the way," in his raspy monotone voice. "I plan to train some taijutsu if you would like to join me," he said to Seito. Genbu shuffled himself towards the tree with the intend to use it as a wooden dummy. As he moved he kept his new friend in view, as Genbu didn't want to leave himself too vulnerable. He knew the life of a shinobi was a dangerous one and at any moment a friend could become an enemy. He faced himself towards the tree and entered his fighting stance. He used a high, narrow stance with the elbows kept close to the body positioned across the vitals of the center line. This stance made him emulate a piece of bamboo, firm but flexible, rooted but yielding.

He began to punch the tree, pretending he was targeting his opponents center line. His style didn't focus on pure strength, but rather strength in numbers. He threw a flurry of quick punches, each landing precisely where he wanted the to, chipping away at the bark of the tree. He kept Seito in his peripheral vision, and began to wonder if Seito was going to join him in his training. Genbu pondered just how Seito planned to help given that the two had just met moments earlier. As he continued to punch, he observed Seito and tried to figure out what his abilities were. His build would imply he wasn't a taijutsu specialist but Genbu couldn't know for sure unless he tested him. "Why don't we have a sparring match," Genbu said calmly to Seito. "I could use the practice against a human opponent today"

WC: 439



Genbu may have not yet realized this, but Seito had already begun his training regiment. Many times shinobi will prefer physical strength and damage over illusions and other tactics that Seito uses, but hopefully this training will increase the awareness for genjutsu. Seito's perceptive eye caught Genbu analyzing him up and down, something that most shinobi did anyways. Ocular patdowns were often used to discover and asset abilities and traits of different shinobi. From what Seito could gather about Genbu, it was clear that the lying shinobi had prowess in taijutsu but other than that, Seito could not make any definite conclusions. 'Genbu.' Seito made the note in his mind to keep the name fresh, so that we may recall it if needed but he also noted that Genbu neglected to provide a clan name. This could have been for a few reasons, but all these reasons would be based off assumptions or speculation.

Taking a step back, he allowed Genbu to stand up and face the tree. The young Hattori then placed his body against the side of the same trunk that Genbu would be using to strike. Seito was no taijutsu master but with the evidence presented before him, his claim about Genbu's use of taijutsu was accurate. The stance that Genbu was using was not a basic stance that one learned early in age, at least it was not a traditional stance or one that he had ever seen before. The experienced genin connected by the tree was rather casual with a smile as he noticed his new training partner had skeptical glances at him, which was fair. Seito had gotten much stronger since his travels from Kumo, learning new jutsu and some not yet mastered enough to even try in a spar. Seito had an uncanny prowess in genjutsu and used it strategically to defeat his enemies with minimal effort.

Over Seito's left shoulder was a tanto with a white handle, one that could be used to cause some damage to skin and certainly could be an issue for enemy fighters. There were a few punches coming from Genbu that shook the tree enough for Seito to notice and to break some bark. "One would certainly want to stay away from those punches." Seito said with an encouraging voice, even though his own strength was greater than Genbus. "Ahh...a spar you say?" Seito said with an affirming smile and then leaping back to create a safe distance over 10 meters between the two. His right hand swung over his chest to pull out his tanto and held it firmly in front of him. Seito wanted to make sure that he was standing in eyesight at all times of Genbu. He knew that the genjutsu should be kicking in sometime soon and he wondered what type of effect it would have and how Genbu would react. With a smirk Seito spoke, "Perhaps there are other things you should be more concerned about. Maybe we should focus more on your training." Certainly, this would be a least a little confusing. What training is he talking about? Genbu would soon find out.

[527 WC]
[140 CP]





As he continued to punch the tree, Seito watched him closely. It appeared his training partner was evaluating him as well. Genbu landed several hard blows on the trunk of the tree, shaking it and breaking off pieces of bark where each strike had landed. "One would certainly want to stay away from those punches," Seito said in a seemingly encouraging voice. Genbu thought to himself "He seems encouraging, but he probably has a trick of his sleeve. I'll need to keep an eye on him." He continued to punch the trunk of the tree keeping his vision on Seito. "Ahh...a spar you say?" Seito said with a smile on his face. Seito leaped back approximately 10m away from Genbu, most likely to create a safe zone between the two. Genbu stopped punching the trunk and swiveled in his stance to face Seito. Seito reached over his left shoulder to and unsheathed his Tanto. It was a decent quality blade, wrapped in white at the handle with a clan emblem on either side of its blade. As he studied the blade, he realized it was clearly not from Kirigakure. Being well versed in Bukijutsu, he noted the craftsmanship was befitting of the blacksmiths of Kumogakure. Genbu noted the way Seito held his blade and the fact he had no other weapon. From this he concluded Seito was most likely not a Bukijutsu specialist either. "At that distance, he's most likely either preparing to use ninjutsu, genjutsu, or some form of Kuchiyose. Medical ninjutsu is unlikely as is Seijutsu. Can't be sure just yet," Genbu thought to himself.

The smile on Seito's face changed to a smirk as he said "Perhaps there are other things you should be more concerned about. Maybe we should focus more on your training." Genbu focused his eyes intently on Seito. At that moment, he felt a sharp stabbing pain in his lower back. He hadn't felt a pain like this since the Yuurei experiments. Luckily Genbu knew how to deal with pain. Pain was almost second nature to him. He was molded by it during the experiments. Seito would never have known what Genbu had been through, so this pain was nothing to him. He almost thrived off it. Genbu stood stoic and silent with his gaze focused intently on Seito. He would not give Seito anything to use against him. Genbu thought about how he could have been hit so quickly. He replayed every moment from the time he had met Seito to know to establish when his attack occurred in his mind. He thought back on every moment, baffled by how he could have been hit. His guard was up the entire time. There was no way he could have been hit by that tanto, or at least not in any way he could conceive. He quickly reached to feel the wound with his right hand, keeping a close eye on Seito. The wound was fresh, it felt consistent with what he anticipated that tanto would do. As he brought his arm back into his stance, he glanced down at his hand to check the blood that should be there. "Where is the blood!?" Genbu thought to himself.

After glancing at his hand, his next clue was to look at the blade. There would most likely be some blood on it if Seito had truly hit him with it. Genbu quickly inspected the blade to find it was completely clean. Genbu was baffled, but he knew he had to figure out Seito's game before he struck again. Genbu racked his mind trying to figure out what had happened. He had narrowed his options down to two possibilities. Seito had either performed some long range highly precise medical ninjutsu to slice open his back and stop the bleeding in one motion or he had put Genbu under some form of genjutsu. The first choice while possible, would take an immense amount of skill to pull off without Genbu seeing it. The second choice was more likely, but Genbu wonder just what would have triggered him to fall under a genjutsu. Both options were valid, but he had to eliminate one to and pray that he was correct. He then remembered something that would make his decision slightly easier. Her remembered after returning home, he had to go to the hospital for them to see to his wounds during his escape. The medical staff there had a particularly difficult time with him due to the effects of the Yuurei serum that had been injected into to his body. He eliminated the possibility of medical ninjutsu as the root cause of his wound. That only left genjutsu as the viable answer.

Genbu thought "How could he have put me under a genjutsu. I had my eyes on him the whole time". At that moment, it came to him. "I had my eyes on him the whole time, but he had my ears before I knew he was there," Genbu rationalized in his mind. "He got me before he even jumped out of that damn tree". Genbu remained stoic and stout as he faced Seito. "You are certainly crafty Seito. I will admit that. Have faith in your training was your genjutsu trigger wasn't it? Quite clever, " he said in his matter of fact tone. He debated dissipating the genjutsu, but that would almost be a waste of chakra. After all it was just pain; pain is quite a convincing motivator.

WC: 922



The perceptive eye of Seito knew the exact moment of when the genjutsu had infiltrated the nervous system and penetrated the back of Genbu due Genbu's reaction. Although there was not much of a reaction, Seito could see that the genjutsu had been cast. Despite this, the genjutsu had little effect on the genin and the Hattori was curious as to why. The pain would have put many people to the ground, at least some sort of indicator of pain, but Genbu was handily this pain impressively well. There must have been an underestimation of his rank, or his endurance was beyond that of a genin. Still, a chunin would have felt the pain and given a convincing wincing pain of face. Genbu on the other hand, showed very little reaction and in fact showed symptoms of masochism. Seito did not oppose of this, but the curious shinobi wanted to know how and why this was the case for the shinobi. The same smirking confident smile cemented on Seito watched as the confused shinobi tried to analyze the situation. Genbu's hand reached behind his back, searching for blood or a point of entry.

It was obvious to Seito that Genbu was slowly understanding and realizing the situation here. Genjutsu has always been a scary afterthought for many shinobi. While most do not encounter this style of fighting on the battlefield, most are glad they do not. The defense to genjutsu is quite obvious but actually applying defensive applications is rather difficult. The first step is to realize one is in a genjutsu, which often takes some time leaving the opening for one to capitalize on. However, shinobi are exceptional beings with many different reactions to pain. With his plainly painted face Genbu noted, "You are certainly crafty Seito. I will admit that. Have faith in your training was your genjutsu trigger wasn't it? Quite clever, "Seito's eyes opened with surprise. How was he clever enough to understand the trigger. Seito was certainly impressed and had clearly underestimated this man. His logical reasoning and nuanced understanding of genjutsu surpassed many fellow Kirigakure. Seito saw some potential in this shinobi, he wondered who Genbu really was, his background, training and his character. "Well, I will admit that you are indeed, the clever one." Seito said as he chuckled while applauding Genbu for his mental capacities. "It certainly does take a special one to have been able to deduce the situation." Perhaps, there was a space for Genbu in Kirigakure's Intelligence Division. After all, Seito was expecting a promotion soon and there will be an entry genin position that would be vacant. However, this was too early to decide. The competition surely would tough, but Genbu surely would be competitive.

"You do know your way around a genjutsu. But, one assessment of understanding genjutsu is being able to perceive what is real and what is not. One has to be confident of the genjutsu because if not, then one may waste precious chakra attempting to break a genjutsu that is not applied or, one may perceive ninjutsu to be genjutsu and face real physical effects." His tips were to help Genbu further understand genjutsu but this was not the primary cause. Seito wanted to primarily use with Genbu's mind. After this, it would make sense for Seito to perform ninjutsu to attempt to trick him or he his may be apart of his bluff. "I know how you react to pain, but how do you react to fear?" Not only will this training improve Genbu's ability to determine and analyze genjutsu but it would also serve as a medium for both Seito and him to understand his true character and nature. That same smirk stayed on his face as his hands performed several more handseals. However, with this, Seito was prepared for anything. This jutsu brought the fear out of people and drive them to do crazy things. Seito had his kai at the ready, but also had his tanto prepared if he was going to have to defend attacks. The genin was curious as to see who this man truly was.

'Do not worry Genbu, this is only an illusion...'

[705 WC]
[130 CP]



Genbu's eyes were fixed upon Seito's, trying to keep his composure as the pain pulsed throughout his body, both agonizing and enduring. The slight movement to make his deduction had amplified the pain seemingly tenfold. Just as Genbu's composure was about to break, he watched as Seito's eyes widened as his explanition reached Seito's ears. By Seito's reation, Genbu knew he was right about the genjutsu. He had made quite the gamble, as the pain was becoming quite unbearable.  He tried to keep his face as stoic as possible, he could not let Seito know how close he was to having broken him. Genbu knew pain, he relished in it, but this was something even he could not withstand for much longer. He continued to stare into Seito's eyes, realizing Seito was probably toying with him at this point.

"Well, I will admit that you are indeed, the clever one." Seito said  with a slow applause. It seemed overly confident, but at this point, he probably did have the upper hand. "It certainly does take a special one to have been able to deduce the situation," Seito said as he continued to speak. "You do know your way around a genjutsu. But, one's assessment of understanding genjutsu is being able to perceive what is real and what is not", Seito proclaimed. Genbu knew Seito wasn't done with him. He knew he had to save his kai as Seito would proabably try to get him in another genjutsu. He knew Setio must have more tricks up his sleeve. This time he would be more prepared for his trickey, or at least as prepared as one could be with the pain like Genbu was feeling.  "One has to be confident of the genjutsu because if not, then one may waste precious chakra attempting to break a genjutsu that is not applied or, one may perceive ninjutsu to be genjutsu and face real physical effects," Seito said smugly. Seito spoke out again,  "I know how you react to pain, but how do you react to fear?" as his smile turned into a smug smirk. Genbu knew something was coming. His training partner had given him a warning of what was to come. "Is he going to try another genjutsu or ninjutsu this time?" Genbu thought to himself. "Either way, I will figure this out"

Seito moved his hands and began to form several hand seals. "This is it," Genbu thought to himself. As Seito completed his seals, the grass around the two men began to rip from the ground violently, swirling through the air. Blades of grass continued to swirl around Genbu with violent force, causing him to lose focus on Seito. His feet remained planted firm, but he was forced to shield his eyes from the grass and dirt being flung around about him. The debris was so bad it forced him to temporarily close his eyes, to avoid being blinded by the sharp blades of grass or rocks flying about. As the storm subsided, what he saw before him truly rattled him to his core. The tree was gone. The patch of grass was bare. A body was strewn in front of him, with a man he did not recognize standing behind the body.

Genbu stood frozen at the sight before him. He wanted to move, but he couldn't. The pain had over taken him. His body would not listen to him. It had betrayed him when he needed it most. The sight before him was one he could never fathom. It was Lady Mizukage's body strewn about the ground before him, beaten to death, lying in a pool of her own blood. A mysterious shinobi in a mask stood behind her staring at him with glowing red eyes. The shinbi lifted his hands, pointed at Genbu, and spoke haunting words. "She trusted you!You were supposed to protect her! You failed her! You do not deserve the title of Shinobi! YOU ARE A FAILURE!" proclaimed the mysterious shinobi. The sheer trauma of what he was experiencing caused his legs to give out from underneath him. He fell to his hands and knees, preparing for what was to come. "How could this happen!?" he thought to himself. "Maybe I am a failure," he pondered sadly. "Maybe I'm really not worth of being called a shinobi. What kind of weak shinobi lets his Kage die on his watch!?" he thought. Genbu pulled out a kunai from underneath his cloak, with the intention of having at least some honor in this moment. He didn't have a tanto at the time so he figured his trusted kunai would have to do. He sat himself upright and faced the mysterious figure before him. He thought about the finality of what he was about to do.

His life flashed before him. He remembered growing up, he remembered the experiments. He remembered getting his headband. He remembered the good times he had with his friends. He remembered training under the tree with Seito; then all his memories turned blank. Nothing. He didn't remember anything. He couldn't remember how he had gotten to this point. "How did Lady Mizukage die? Who killed her? Why didn't they just kill me too?" he asked himself. At that moment it hit him, he must be under another genjutsu. Quite a good genjutsu at that. "Damn that Seito, he got me again," he thought to himself angrily. He figured since he was still under the jutsu, he would at least toy with Seito for putting him under yet another of his god damn jutsu. Genbu looked the mysterious figure in the eyes solemly and spoke.  "You're right. I do not deserve to live. I have failed as a shinobi." Genbu closed his eyes. He lifted the kunai with both hands above his head and plunged it towards his abdomen. He stopped just short of making contact. "Kai", spoke Genbu softly. He opened his eyes to the sight of Seito, tanto drawn, staring back at him. The pain was gone. The gruesome sight was no more. He was free.  

WC: 1033
CP: 70/110

Genjutsu Kai:



This genjutsu activated much quicker than the last, this one was nearly instantaneous and this one was certainly much more effective. It was funny to Seito because he noted how anxious Genbu with the moments following down to this moment. The illusionist could have safely assumed that Genbu had no idea what he was getting himself into and how all this happened just by simply walking up to a simple tree on top of a simple hill. Seito usually always took his genjutsu was a grain of salt, sometimes as simple pranks since 'no harm, no foul' but with this genjutsu, anything could happen. Seito knew how fear effected the mind and body, especially as a genjutsu user where one's technique often revolved around some sort of fear. With his body at the ready, Seito watched as his genjutsu would slowly reveal the character of the shinobi and how he truly reacted to fear.

Seito got no pleasure by watching Genbu tremble and shake in fear. One thing that always crossed Seito's mind was, what were they watching? What were they perceiving? While Seito would not have known now, he would certainly hope to find out. His blank face observed the boy, ensuring that he would not hurt himself or those around him. There have been times when this genjutsu had been applied and has caused shinobi to turn into some berserk mode where the shinobi will literally fight their own fears. While Seito praised this action for their courage, he also did not enjoy subduing unpredictable blind shinobi, especially those empowered by fear, rage and courage. Within seconds, Seito could see how the shinobi was reacting to the fear, to whatever he was watching. There was no blame coming from the Hattori because many shinobi act this way and it may be too much to ask for someone to fight against their single most fear. Even Seito has hard times with this genjutsu. Not to say that this genjutsu has a low wash out rate but it often has a high failure rate...which is not always a bad thing.

His eyebrow rose greatly as he watched Genbu pull out a kunai. He wondered if he was preparing to fight something. With this, Seito with his tanto in hand got into a stance; a stance that would able him agile mobility. His eyes opened widely as he realized what was about to happen. Genbu was about to kill himself. Even with his top tier speed, reaction time and reflexes, he surely would be incapable of reaching the genin in time. If only he was not so far away. Seito hastily charged forward but only made it a few steps before the kunai was only one inch before his abdomen. Seito would have gotten into big trouble for this. A blink of the eye and the genjutsu was dispelled. Seito felt his genjutsu dispelled but it was not by him, nor was it from the wound because the wound never occurred. No blood, no reaction to pain...which was regular for Genbu. A chuckle came out of the boy as he realized that he was the one who was tricked. "You have a nice humor about you kid." Seito said as if he was much older and wiser than Genbu. "I hope you have learned somethings today, hopefully a lot. I have learned a considerable amount of information today." Seito looked Genbu in the eyes, he was not only free from the genjutsu but he was also free from Seito's curse. "There is no need to seek me out for I will be seeing you soon Genbu...Only if you become stronger." He said with his encouraging smile as he sheathed his tanto back onto his back. With this, he swiftly disappeared from Genbu. With Seito's top speed and reaction time, it would certainly be difficult for Genbu to even respond let know where he went.

[660 WC]
[120 CP]
[Total 2450 WC]

Reaction Time
C-0 > C-3 1875 WC & 370 Ryo
Speed C-0 > C-1 575 WC & 100 Ryo


Last edited by Seito on Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total



Genbu kept his gaze on Seito to see his reaction. Genbu was slightly annoyed Seito had gotten him again, but he hoped his little trick would return the favor of annoyance. "You have a nice humor about you kid." Seito said seemingly both annoyed and slightly arrogant. "Looks like I did mess with him, if only a little," Genbu thought to himself. Seito spoke once more, "I hope you have learned somethings today, hopefully a lot. I have learned a considerable amount of information today. There is no need to seek me out for I will be seeing you soon Genbu...Only if you become stronger." As the final word left his lips, his disappeared in an instant with some form of a transportation technique.

Genbu knew he had to become stronger. He had to be better. He couldn't let anyone play him like Seito just had. He was exhausted but he knew his day wasn't over. He still had to make it back home, back the way he had come. "Well, i suppose I'll have to be stronger to make it home alive," he thought to himself. He picked himself up from the spot he was kneeling at and made his way back into the swap. He knew the large beast was out there, hopefully not hungry anymore. As he slumped through the swamp, tired and hungry, he heard a sound he certainly did not want to hear again. The large beast was still sitting in the spot he had seen it before. It was still gnawing on the body of the other beast it had killed earlier. Genbu knew he had to get past the beast to get home, and it wouldn't be easy. He prepared himself a plan to get past the beast unscathed. From their previous encounter, he knew the beast hunted with sight, so if he could blind it temporarily, he could get by with minimal effort. Minimal effort was the optimal path this time. He didn't have much energy to spare on frivolous encounters. He figured he could use another stick to bait the beast, and send it in the wrong direction long enough to slip by.

Genbu prepared himself to carry out his plan. He had a stick large enough to keep the beast occupied, or at least he hoped it would. He tossed the stick to his right and prepared to move to his left on his way to freedom. The beast didn't even flinch.

"Well shit...."

WC: 421
CP: 70/110



He figured maybe since the beast didn't flinch at the stick, he could just tip toe by the beast and it wouldn't notice him. Genbu began to creep slowly towards his freedom. As he moved closer to the beast, it turned towards him. It seemed as though he acknowledged he was there this time. Genbu thought to himself, "Maybe if I just sprint past he won't be able to catch me." Genbu readied himself, and broke out into a sprint as fast as he could. The beast shuffled and tried to attack Genbu as he sprinted by. It snapped its might jaws at Genbu but he had moved out of its range. The beast, most likely full from his meal didn't give chase. Genbu let out a sigh of relief as he continued to sprint through the swamp. He knew he was home free. As he exited the training grounds, he thought back about the events of his day. He was certainly more skilled now than when he entered, that was for sure. He knew he had to be stronger before his next encounter with Seito. Genbu wanted to be better than Seito, he couldn't let him have the upper hand the next time they would meet. He knew Seito would come for him again, and this time he would make sure he was ready.

Genbu walked slowly on his way home. He was exhausted. This had been quite the day. His mind had bind toyed with, his body had been thoroughly exercised , and his will was tested. Overall it was a good day of training. When he finally arrived home, he collapsed on the floor. "I'll just nap here a bit and make dinner when i get up," he thought to himself.

"What a day.........."

WC: 302
TWC: 4607

~Exit Thread~


Speed: E-> D-1 (1075 Words)
Strength: E -> D (750 Words)
Endurance: E -> D (750 Words)
Perception: E -> D-1 (1075 Words)
Reaction Time: E ->D (750 Words)

Remaining: 4607-1075-750-750-1075-750 = 207 Words

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