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1Guard Duty [Mission/C-rank] Empty Guard Duty [Mission/C-rank] Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:42 am



The summons went out, the shinobi selected for guard duty that night had been alerted, and unfortunately, Maigo had been selected as one, receiving his summons and information and told to meet at the gate at 18:00 for another wonderful 12 hour shift on guard duty. Maigo went to eat dinner before guard duty, he knew it would be a long and boring night ahead of him, once he finished Maigo would head home and grab his ninja tools and pack a bag with a few of his books to read, that would give him something to do during the long hours of nothing happening and no one entering the village. With his stuff prepared he headed out towards the main gate, he would start the night at the gate checking papers and assigning whether or not new entrances to the village would need to head to the administration building and be registered or if they were even allowed to enter the village at all. The sun beginning to dawn on a rather warm and humid day, Maigo checked in at the desk and set his stuff down, there seemed to be an influx of people entering the village just before dinner time, and it made sense, there were usually several people that would show up throughout the day. Although none of these were interesting, mostly non-shinobi citizens going to travel and stopping in the village for the night or here to visit, the shinobi on guard as well as Maigo and the others taking over worked quickly to get them sorted out and on their way. The previous guards then went and ran their rounds one last time before heading off and reported an all clear to the new shift.

Maigo's night had only just began and already he was tired of being there, with no effort wanting to be put in, it was rather just unlucky for him to get stuck on guard duty on this night. Taking a seat back at the desk under the few lanterns there, lighting up the direct area around there, it had only been an hour or so as the sun finally set and tones of black and blue would fill the night sky, only a few stars visible through the clouds. That would really complete the night, a nice shower to come and fall on them as he tried to wait out the clock on tonight's mission. Continuing his reading as the light slowly faded and became limited to only the lanterns for the trio of ninja that were still at the gate, Maigo and another decided to volunteer and go check the perimeters. As he closed his book and put it up he followed the other shinobi out the gate, he headed down the perimeter of the gate to the left and Maigo to the right, it was dark so he stayed fairly close to the trail and stayed on point, not swaying very far off in either direction. Once he cleared it he began to head back, arriving back just after the other shinobi, it seemed everything was all clear and thus, nothing happened again as Maigo returned back to the desk under the lantern. Continuing to read while the other two talked, occasionally including Maigo in the conversation when a dispute would arise or a difference of opinions, it would distract Maigo until they got too far off in which case he would return to his solitude.

Many hours had passed and it was now the dead of night, many runs through the perimeter had been made and several people entering the village had been helped through, kind of random for so late at night but no matter, that's why there were ninja on guard duty. Another trip around had to be made, and this time Maigo would get stuck alone at the desk, didn't matter though, they would be back in a few minutes if nothing was going on and so they headed off and Maigo sat there feet on the desk and staring at the night sky. Not long after they left though, some growling could be heard at the edge of a treeline and two rather large wolves would exit from the forest. They began approaching the gate to the village, and it was perfect that Maigo was left alone to deal with them himself. Standing up and centering himself in the center of the road, he drew his sword and activated his sharingan and began to follow the movements of the wolves. The pair entered the light of the moonlight, and Maigo followed them, he would most likely have to put them down swiftly before they break into the village.

Their growls could be heard as they lowered their heads to the ground and began to stare down Maigo, who drew his shuriken from his pouch and prepared them in his hand, picking out one of the wolves, he lowered his stance into a ready with his shuriken in his right and katana in his left hand. One wolf charged straight towards him and he lowered his body tossing the shuriken at it's head, hitting it with all three shuriken right into the throat, it was as he ducked that he saw his two comrades come back and clear out the other one. Each of them stabbing it from the side, Maigo turned his attention back towards the other wolf who was limpering around and scratching at it's throat, with a quick slash he ended it's life and deactivated his sharingan. The other two ninja dragged the wolves off to the woods and buried the bodies, well at least the night hadn't been completely boring, and he even got to play with his sharingan a little more.

With that out of the way, the rest of the night continued on rather quietly, no one else came in until morning hit and a few people exited. Nothing too much as the new squad came to relieve them and let them run the perimeter one more time before going to report in and complete their mission.

[1030 words]
[Mission Complete]
[Exit Thread]

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