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1A cold night {Open/nokill} Empty A cold night {Open/nokill} Sat Feb 21, 2015 12:26 pm



Sero moved along through the woods as silent as smoke. His silver gaze watched the path in front of him as his boots crunched the ice covered path audibly every step. Steam emerged from between pale lips with each measured breath. Winter was in the air as the sun was rising. Truth was this wasn't more then a couple of hours worth of a walk for him from his home. Still his homes location hadn't been exactly the safest most secure place in the world. As he lived he was further from the people he protected then was safe for him. He knew it must be that way though for they were not like him. He knew the few who knew of him knew his monstrous side. Some select few tried hard to change him but his issue was .... he didn't know what he was supposed to feel about that. He read of sadness but that was something he had let fall from his soul long ago. He wondered now if when he scattered those parts of himself if he had become broken somehow. If his lack of compassion was what made him inhuman. His Anbu name was Mercy, but that reflected Ayakashi's hope for him. He didn't see any more of it then the irony there.

Still he had dressed in his usual thick, grey robes and tightened his sword belt around his waist as a hidden weapon. Thick black pants were worn under the robes with a single black mesh shirt. His ANBU gear left in a hidden compartment for the time being behind his other weapons. For now a single Wakizashi resided on the small of his back with the hilt jutting out to his right. He couldn't even leave his home anymore unarmed. He wasn't sure what that reflected of Kirigakure or of himself. He felt odd though. Usually he was stoic and cared not for being viewed as the dark creature that hunted the scum in the night. Now he was longing for something. Longing for...others perhaps. That was likely why he was out here. The mist almost reaching out to him and clinging to him. He felt some sort of bond to this mist. He had hidden within it while he gained strength. Many a times he had taken down a strong opponent using the mist as his shield. If anything it was as close to a parent as he had ever known. As sick as that very idea was he didn't mind it much.

Still he stepped out of the treeline just as the sun rose over the lake. The frozen mass of it was the source of the mist that hid the village. It was essentially where mother resided. Perhaps his mother really was here somewhere. Maybe his very connection to the mist was from her somehow. Still he stepped out of the woods. The moment he did though he was reminded of who he was. All the wildlife inhabiting the area suddenly fled as he emerged. His aura pulsing out like a wave of death. As soon as the wildlife sensed him they sensed only the monster he had become. Within seconds he was alone at the lake with not so much as a bird chirping. Sero let out an annoyed sigh as he didn't mean to cause that but he at the same time could not control it. Still he stepped out onto the ice without hesitation. His grey eyes observed for any signs of stress on the ice as his ears listened for any cracking. Hearing and seeing little of either he determined the ice was thick enough before his second step. Still he moved with the sounds of boots tapping a hard surface over to a fairly sizeable island near the center of the massive lake. Its massive expanse leading for an incredible distance. It took him a couple minutes just walking to reach the center.

Once there though Sero moved about the island. It was big enough to have a tree growing out of it as well as some grass. Quietly he broke some branches off the tree and collected them in a pile on the center of the island. He didn't feel the cold but he knew he needed to keep his body warm to prevent any risk of damage. Once he had collected a pile up to his waist of branches he stood in front of it. Lifting one hand he focused some of his katon chakra. Not enough to force out a jutsu but with direct contact to the branch with his hand it began to smolder under the elemental affinity to his chakra. After a minute a small flame came forth and began to spread. He reenacted the same process on several more locations until flames were starting to consume the pile. Satisfied Sero moved away from the fire as it roared to life far enough that he wouldn't get burned but close enough to benefit from the heat. It was there that he lowered down to a cross legged sitting position and let out a slow breath. His eyes watched the fire as it danced with more life in those brief instances then he had in his whole body. He wasn't sure why he was there really. He just knew that he needed something more. Quietly he began with his daily exercise. Sitting there he reached out and grabbed a rock. His mind began to run calculations as he measured the distance between him and the tree. Making the measurements for force used to angle of throw vs angle of target. After eyeballing it for a moment and redoing his calculations a couple dozen times in that minute he lifted the rock up and hurled it with the appropriate force for its weight at the angle as it flew and hit the tree rebounding off with an echoing bang it flew back at him. With his other hand he reached up and snatched it out of the air before it could smack him and repeated the process as fast as he could. Hitting the same spot again with another echoing bang and chipping off some wood. Once more it flew back at his face and he caught it with his opposing hand before repeating the process over and over again. Each time more wood being chipped off the tree and his calculations altering accordingly.


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