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1About that trash... [Rank D mission] Empty About that trash... [Rank D mission] Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:31 pm

Daisuke Niidashi

Daisuke Niidashi

"Well, this doesn't look to bad for a mission. At least I get to swim for a little bit." Daisuke Nii took the paper and folded in his pocket. His first mission as a ninja was to clean up trash. Not the most exciting thing that could happen, but as a Genin, nothing super dangerous, or exciting would come his way. He looked at the clothing he had now and decided to change into swimming trunks before he went. Maybe he could find his goggles while he was at it. At first glance, there might not have been anything exciting about collecting trash. Daisuke was brought to the thought of exploring under water as he got trash though, so that kept his spirits high. He opened the door to his house when he got there. Instead of the normal greeting from his parents, he found a note on the fridge. Daisuke. I'm sorry I had to go suddenly, but they needed my help at the hospital. Your father is teaching at the academy and should be home at about 6:00. I'll be home as soon as I can. There is some snacks in the fridge if you get hungry. Have a nice day dear!" Daisuke put the note on the table ans smiled. His mom was a rather good medical ninja, and his father not a bad teacher. He went to his room after grabbing some sushi on a plate. He set the plate on his side of the room and started to search his dresser for a pair of swimming shorts. The room that he spent time in a lot was different from a normal room. One one side, there was blue and green painted on the walls, and as a bed layout. There was a light orange box filled with multiple toys and gadgets of sorts. The other side was black and red. Suited for the Dashi side of Daisuke. It had a red throw carpet in front of a nice fluffy chair. That chair sat next to a nice assortment of books. Once in while, the books would end up falling on the near by piano, which Dashi rarely played. He grabbed the shorts he found and then the goggles followed suit. He soon was out the door and running down the streets. The time it would take to get to the lake was very short. So short that Daisuke got there with in a few minutes.

Daisuke quickly found a tree to hide behind and switched his normal clothing out for his swimming trunks. He was about to jump into the water from the shore, but then he looked a little more closely at the tree that he had changed behind. It was large enough that some branches were over the water. He smiled and he quickly scaled up the tree reaching the top in no time. He then took a leap and cannon balled into the water. As he landed a huge splash of water was left in his wake. He came back to the surface to get a bit of air. He looked around at the amount of trash on the surface, and thankfully it wasn't a lot. He started swimming towards all the trash and collected it as he swam. When his hands got full, he started putting it by the tree. As he got the last amount on the surface, he rummaged through his clothes and found his goggles. He snapped them on his head, and then regretted it a second later. "Not... the smartest..." He moved the goggles and rubbed his eyes. He then put them back on (much more carefully this time) and went back into the water. Gathering a deep breath, he went under the surface of the water to start collecting all the trash at the bottom. He was able to collect about four pieces of trash before he had to resurface for breath. He tossed the junk into the pile, and then dived again. The more he dived and got more junk out, the more he made it into a game to see how long he could hold his breath. During one trip, he was able to get 9 pieces of trash before coming back up. After about an hour or so of diving and resurfacing, he had finally got all the trash out of the lake. He got out of the water and grabbed his towel. He dried himself off and then put back on his normal clothes. It felt good to be back on land. Daisuke enjoyed swimming, but not for a super long period. Today was right on the border of enjoyment. He grabbed the bag he had gotten from his house and put all the garbage into the bag. He then set off for a dumpster in town. By now, it was about 5:00 in the evening, so he was greeted back with the warm sunset that covered the village like a blanket. He found an alley way and with the thud from the trash hitting the bottom, he was done with the mission. All he needed to do was find the person who assigned it. After that, he felt like the next step was to enjoy relaxing in his room.

Mission link in here:

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