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1A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:26 pm



A rather typical and routine day in Konohagakure, Rinshi had been stuck in a rut the past few days. Wake up as the sun slowly peaked over the horizon. Meditate on the rooftop in the Zen garden as well as perform his Yoga routines. After his physical and mental warm ups, he would proceed to the kitchen and prepare a fruit smoothie. The fruit used would depend on his craving at the time. After finishing off the smoothie, Rinshi would return upstairs to his bedroom and study on the different seals used in Fuuinjutsu. The seals he studied were from the basic, to the most advanced seals of the Art. Rinshi was still a beginner in the sealing art, but still strived to learn every bit he could. After practicing his inscriptions on parchment paper for 3 hours, it would be mid morning. Rinshi would randomly decide on what else to do for the rest of the day, which was the harder part. Most of his friends he had were busy, some on missions and some handling their own life problems.

Today, that exact routine was followed. Meditation and Yoga on the rooftop, followed by his fruit smoothie, and ending with his sealing studies. Sprawled out on his bed, in his silk lavender pajama bottoms. Rinshi had not a clue what to do with his spare time. Though it had been quite sometime since he took on a mission. Maybe this could break the cycle, and also help him make some new friends. Athough for the past month his mind was constantly was caught in a trance. The kunoichi Chisaki Senju would be the cause of this. Remarkable combat skills, as well as healing abilities, not to mention she was quite the looker. Rinshi thought of her as sheer perfection, but what if she didn't share the same thoughts about him.

Rinshi decided he would take a stroll through the village, get some fresh air it was pretty nice around this time of year. Looking through his wardrobe, he purchased new spring attire and it was the perfect day to wear it. His attire today would consist of a lavender coloured silk dress shirt half buttoned, black tailor made to fit pants, and his favorite pair of Original Retro Jordan 9s, with the words letters RH engraved rather than the number 23.

Dressed and ready to leave his humble abode, Rinshi proceeded out his door, and down the street towards the direction of the Administrative Building. Hopefully I can get a good assignment...

2A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:17 pm



Chisaki Senju was finally home, the place where her heart and mind would always be no matter where she went. The war had been troublesome for every village, but it was almost over now. Chisaki had gone home a few days earlier than the others to ensure the Leaf was fine. The village was fairly empty of some of the people she actually knew, which was fine she guessed.

Chisaki had been sleeping late into the day, recuperating from the war. Her eyes rolled open about mid-morning. Her house was calm and quiet, a real change from the war camp she had been in. Standing, she stretched her body and padded quietly over to the window. She opened the shutters, and looked outside. The Senju compound had always been a peaceful place, no matter how you looked at it. The place was full of birdsong, the quiet chatter of the Senju, and the general sounds of nature. Chisaki smiled at this, before her thoughts turned back to the war. Not the grim parts, no, the happy parts. The amount of people she had helped was one thing for sure, however now her attention lay with the people she had met on the campaign, one in particular had be circling her mind... Rinshi. Unsure why, Chisaki felt a slight frown crease her brow. The uncertainty and mix of emotions she felt towards him were... Strange, emotions she rarely felt. Shaking her head, Chisaki headed back inside. Sitting before her vanity, she brushed her hair straight until it fanned out behind her, like an inky black river. She washed her face, before walking over to her wardrobe. Currently, she was wearing a white shift covered in floral patterns that came down to half way up her thigh. It was silk, and hung loosely off her skin, comfortable. She slipped carefully out of it, letting it fall to the fall in a heap at her feet. Shivering from the cold air, Chisaki quickly picked out what to wear, which turned out to be something like her usual attire in some ways. She wore a pair of black mini skirt, a black vest top, cut so as to show some cleavage yet not fully reveal herself, with her medical overcoat as per usual. Instead of her usual boots she put on a pair of sandals at the door, and looked at her reflection. It was functional, yet not her combat gear by any means.

Outside, Chisaki headed into her garden. There, several exotic flowers were growing, each one she cared for. Smiling, she bent down to water the plants, briefly admiring the beauty of the flowers, before heading out of the Senju compound. In the village, she visited several different stores, before rounding a corner, the wind picking up, causing her hair to billow out behind her as she rounded the corner, smiling to herself, hands clasped in front of her.

3A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:00 pm



Rinshi walked amongst the crowd of people who moved aimlessly through the streets. Rinshi could see children playing hide and seek, one child lifted up the lid of a garbage can and jumped in. Rinshi smiled at the wonders of youth, how much he had grown over the years. Rinshi was now shaping his path to greatness, and he was living the "good" life in his eyes. Rinshi stopped inside the general store for a few things he put in an order for a few days ago. Well they have the needles i was looking for, but no wire...

Exiting the store Rinshi, continued down the street towards the Administrative Building. Akane a boy he had known for quite awhile, almost 5 years approached him and joined him. "Hey ya Rinshi! Where ya heading, going on a mission? When are you gonna take me on a mission with you? Rin-- Rinshi facepalmed Akane abruptly forcing him to the ground. Why do you ask so many questions!?! Akane stood up brushing himself off and joined him on his walk. "So the Chunnin Exams are coming up soon. You think I gotta shot?"

Rinshi pondered the thought for awhile, he could not really answer the question seeing how he did not participate in the exams. "It depends how intense your training has been. If you have been training hard and you believe in yourself, then I think you can go all the way." Akane's face lit up in excitement and anxiety. Rinshi remenbered how he use to be the spoiled brat, who ran about pulling pranks on people. Rinshi was proud of how mature Akane had become, he was a work in progress but that would sort itself out. "Im gonma go train harder now! See ya later Rinshi!" Akane scurried off in the other direction.

Rinshi still taking his time walking, before he mad an abrupt stop. Rinshi could not believe his eyes, hesitating he still spoke aloud. "Chi...Chisaki!" Rinshi wanted to be sure he was acknowleding the right person. It would be rather embarassing if it was not the person he thought it was.

4A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:42 pm



Chisaki rounded the corner, her usual white smile still adorning her face. The market street had always been a fascinating place for Chisaki, even as a child. The bright and exotic stalls each of them held wonders that she could always behold. Many of the shopkeepers smiled and greeted her as an old friend, and she replied in kind, her eyes shining along with her smile. Each of the stalls she explored in turn, not really out to buy anything, but admiring the hand-crafted wares, and other fascinating things. Then, she heard her name, being called at her from down the street. At first, she wasn't sure if it had been her, but then she turned, a small frown creasing her brow. In the crowd, she found the slightly stunned face of a certain Rinshi. Her frown was quickly erased, replaced with a warm smile that in this light, appeared to make her face shine. However, she felt those emotions again. Uncertainty coupled with a form of... longing. The conflicted emotions did not stop her approaching him, however.

"Rinshi, hi there, it has been so long since I have seen you! How have you been?" Her words came out in her usual calm tone, that she always had, but excitement and other happy emotions made her voice sound general pleasing to the ear. She studied Rinshi, taking him in. His clothes, and him as a person. He seemed calm, if somewhat nervous. Chisaki smiled kindly as per usual, and clasped her hands behind her back. Her eyes shining. It was wonderful to be back in the Leaf. Her hometown. It would be far greater when all the other shinobi returned from the war. SO far, she hadn't exactly done anything productive with her time, but she didn't mind. Most of her time had been spent in the gardens around the Senju compound. She looked into the mans eyes, smiling still. Her emotions right now were unclear for him, but she thought, maybe, with a little time, something could be created, possibly.

5A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:37 pm



OOC: This post was extremely half assed im sorry

"AHEM!" Rinshi found himself with a nervous cough and a slight blush around his cheeks. Though of course there was no surprise Rinshi felt this way, he secretly thought about her everyday since there mission together in Kiri. Attempting to pull himself together and turn his lip quivering into actual speech, Rinshi collected himself. Noticing her put her hands behind her back, they both made eye contact. Chisaki's big beautiful eyes almost sent Rinshi into a trance. "I've been good know just strolling through the village. long have you been back?"

6A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:18 pm



Chisaki smiled brightly at him. She always found it cute whenever he stuttered his words, it was something he often did around her. However, Chisaki had always managed to compose herself before speaking. Her emotions were still bubbling in her head, making her slightly nervous strangely, but composing herself came quickly enough. Chisaki looked up, to see two birds, both of them doves, soar high above them, next to each other. Two feathers fell off the birds, and they landed close by to the two of them. A coincidence? Perhaps, but, she still smiled at the sight of it. She looked back down when Rinshi asked her a question, smiling at him. So, he was doing similar things to what she had been doing, walking through the village and enjoying a wonderful day. The weather was perfect. Chisaki spoke in her usual cheerful tone "I've only been back a few days, so I haven't really been doing very much, but is really wonderful to see you again"

Around them, the villagers poured around them. They were both in the middle of the street, so naturally the tide of people went around them, like two rocks in a river. Chisaki didn't mind much, she never really did honestly. Her thoughts circled back around to Rinshi again. What was it about him? She was one of the most eligible baccalaureates in the village, but why had her thoughts fixated on him somewhat. Maybe her answer would be revealed, later on.

7A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:18 pm



Rinshi rummaged through his own mind as if it were a maze, searching for the exit. That exit being the courage to stop making this situation awkward. Rinshi noticed Chisaki's eyes divert upwards, she had observe to doves passing over our heads. Rinshi saw two white feathers float down from above, and knew that they were having a moment. The herds of people generously detoured around the two shinobi the middle of the street. This is it...

Somehow, Rinshi was able to become calm and collect his thoughts. Before he knew it, he had already spoken before thinking it through. "So Chisaki, I was wondering...if your not busy maybe we could get a bite to eat?" Almost instantly anxiety kicked in to full gear. Rinshi's heart started beating faster at his own question. Mind racing he asked himself, Did I...Did I just ask her out on a date...

Though there was nothing wrong, and maybe he was overeacting. Rinshi did second guess himself, but would have to hope for the best in her response. After all whats the worst that could happen...right?

8A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:19 pm



To shock Chisaki, it often took a lot. She generally wasn't frightened by loud noises or insects, but this situation right her had taken her aback. Rinshi... Was asking her out on her date. She blushed, another thing it was rare to pull out of Chisaki. Perhaps this really was a sign off something? She thought so, and Rinshi had been the one who had opened up the door to any form of love between the two off them. Calming herself, Chisaki spoke to him, with a small smile on her face, while containing a lot of emotions all at once. "Um... Sure! Meet me at the fancy restaurant in the north of the village at twilight, you can't miss it, okay?" She rushed off before he could even reply, he would have to shout after her. Chisaki's quick and hurried footsteps carried her off. In a daze, her feet carried her straight back home, without a second thought. Opening the door, she slid inside and closed the door, sinking to the floor, smiling with her eyes twinkling. This was it, maybe, just maybe, there was something here. Chisaki's jubilation could only be met by her nerves. Sighing, she stood up. Two hours, that was how long she had to get ready for an extremely fancy restaurant, and, look beautiful. That was a sign right? The amount of time she was willing to invest into one man, and that man was Rinshi.

Heading upstairs, Chisaki quickly flung herself into the bathroom, her head spinning ever so slightly. She showered, getting a hold of herself and her emotions. It wouldn't do her any good to be full off nerves, right? She stepped out of the shower, smelling of jasmine and other scents that complimented her well. Choosing what to wear was harder. She stood before her oddly vast collection of clothes, nothing but a robe wrapped around her. Frowning, she looked through all the clothes she had before finally picking something simple. A jade silk dress, revealing most of her back to her hips, and cut perfectly down the middle, as to conceal and show all at the same time. The dress stopped at her knees. A pair of mating shoes went with the whole thing, along with a set of jade stone earrings. For a shinobi, Chisaki really did have an extensive clothes collection. Her hair all came down one side of her head, tumbling in an onyx mess to the right of her. Smiling at her reflection, she finished the whole thing by putting on a ring on her little finger, with a small owl insignia, a family heirloom.

Heading out, she attracted the gaze of pretty much every man in the village, making her blush slightly. She arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was fancy, the reason for her dressing up, and had an overall friendly feel to it. By the restaurant, a river was found, with trees all around. Chisaki headed inside, and was immediately seated by a waiter, she knew why. She told him she was waiting on a Rinshi, he nodded and said he would lead him to her. She sat. The small booth was private, perfect. A purple flower and a blue one sat in a vase on the table, with the lanterns nearby lightning up the booth. Chisaki smiled, looking to the flowers, waiting on him, would he show up?

9A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:34 pm



Rinshi was not shot down, which in his book was a good thinh. "Wait! Chi...saki..." Chisaki had already darted off in the other direction, after she technically said yes to there date. Well isn't this peachy...A date with a beautiful woman...and i don't know where... It was convenient that there date was at a restaurant up north, but there were tons of restaurants in the northern part of the village. Rinshi sighed and made his way home, after thinking to himself. Twilight...I gotta say that girl is something else...

After his return home, Rinshi needed to find a more suitable attire for this date. Rinshi went to the back of his closet, where he kept all of his formal clothing. The first thing he noticed was a red bow tie, unable to really remember where it came from. Hmmm I can make this work... Rinshi pulled a white dress shirt and red vest out of his closet. Along with a pair of penny loafers and black suede pants. Rinshi laid his clothes on the bed before he entered the bathroom.

After about an hour he spent in the bathroom, Rinshi was coated with the scent of mint and vanilla. A scent he thought was delightful. Fully dressed he took a look in the mirror. "Hmph. Well I just hope no one mistakes me for the bartender." Rinshi chuckled a bit before he exited his home.

After crossing over into the Northern part of Konoha, Rinshi was a bit surprised. The restaurant was decorated with trees and a river. Rinshi caught the eye of many women, but that was normal. Rinshi assumed this was recently built as he moved i closer. The doorman pulled open the doors and as he stepped inside, Rinshi immediately was subdued by the Restaurants friendly aura. Rinshi was greeted by the concierge, with a rather awkward smile. "Uhmm I'm suppose to be meeting someone. I'm not sure if she is here already. My name is Rinshi." The man guided him to an area within the restaurant. The area was lowly lit by lanterns, and a few booths here and there. As the two approached the table, Chisaki was there waiting for him. Wearing jade stone earings, a jade dress most likely silk. The dress complimented her figure rather nicely, and a fair amount of exposure. Rinshi sat down as the waiter placed two menus on their table, offering them drinks. "Water will be fine for me. Chisaki I must say you look beautiful tonight." Rinshi was delighted, and really wouldn't want to be anywhere else than right here with her.

10A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:22 pm



Chisaki continued to wait, enjoy the time she had to collect her thoughts. While thinking, she absentmindedly twisted the owl shaped ring on her finger. She suddenly realized how vague she had been with her directions, and that despite Rinshi trying to get here, he might get lost... She sighed at her own lack of judgement, the Lord of all Owls would surely criticize her. She smiled fondly at the memories of her training in the forest with the Lord. He was kind, but wise and fearsome in battle at the same time. And he had imparted two gifts to her, the Sagely Arts, and true wisdom. Chisaki's eyes had never felt more open, so she hoped he might bless her with some wisdom right now. Looking up, the waiter had returned to the table, asking if she would like a beverage. Smiling, she nodded and said "Water, please sir" He blushed slightly and rushed off. Honestly, she hated it when people did her favors based on how she looked, it was somewhat annoying and unnecessary... Less than a minuet later, he returned and placed her water on the table, along with two menus before going to the door again. Chisaki began to read through the menus, scanning all the wonderful looking food. Deciding final on a form of Tonkatsu, she waited.

When she moved the menu down she saw him. Rinshi Hyuga. She blushed ever so slighty, but quickly calmed down. He was looking wonderful, and when he sat down she smiled at him, her teeth flashing. "Water will be fine for me. Chisaki I must say you look beautiful tonight." She spoke back to him, her eyes shining "You look very handsome tonight too, Rinshi" She smiled when the waiter came back. She placed her order and then waited for Rinshi to state his order. Honestly? He looked gorgeous, but Chisaki hid her emotions fairly well for once.

11A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:11 am



Rinshi hadn't thought about his order, everything on the menu sounded weird. Even Tontaru, Chisaki's order sounded weird. Rinshi surveyed the menu atleast a dozen times, until he spotted a dish he was accustomed to. "Ahem...I'll have the vegetable stuffed dumplings and rice." The waitor took the menus along with his artificial smile to the kitchen. Rinshi admitted that his smile was beginning to send shivers dowm Rinshi's smile. "Looks like someone takes their job a little to seriously. Rinshi chuckled at his own accusation, but sometimes he did forget he was a shinob. The most demanding job their was with the responsibility of protecting their country and its citizens. Rinshi as a teenager, always thought things were to be done perfectly and with order. Where he learned such teachings is still a mystery, but after being trained by the former Hokage, and witnessing his Sensei's death while on the brink of his own. Rinshi shook that memory from his mind, he was on a date after all and it would be rude not to have a decent conversation.

The waiter came back to their booth, with two wine glasses and two other glasses filled with water. A second waiter came from the back with a bottle of red wine, possibly vintage. Something felt strange as the two placed the glasses and bottle on the table. Rinshi watched the waiters turn their backs and go back to the kitchen. One of the waiters had a thread hanging from neck, this left questions. Rinshi attempted to block everything out as he focused on Chisaki. "Soooo Chisaki, what do you like doing." Rinshi knew that was a pretty cliche question, but it was a way to break the ice.

12A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:22 pm



Chisaki didn't move much, other than occasionally shifting the way she was sat. However, she was comfortable and relatively content at that current moment. The world seemed happy, and is seemed as though they were the only two who honestly mattered at that point in time, Rinshi and Chisaki. The Senju knew her emotions well enough to know when they were ringing out for affection, for Rinshi's affection. She sighed ever so slightly, not out of boredom, but of confusion. One part of her wanted to act, the other was holding her back. When the waiter returned Chisaki smiled at them, as they both casually placed down a bottle of vintage wine and two glasses. Something felt... Off, about the wine mainly. Chisaki was puzzled, curious as to why the waiters had gone stone-faced. Then she realized that neither of them were the waiters from before... That was odd as well, so odd in fact, that Chisaki raised an eyebrow at the back of their heads briefly.

But she snapped her attention back to reality. This was their night, and there simple was not time for doubts and concerns, she would just go on ahead, and enjoy the time they were sharing. Seeing Rinshi out of his normal shinobi clothing was strange, she did honestly think he looked handsome, and she had already voiced as much. When he spoke, he had her attention "Soooo Chisaki, what do you like doing." Chisaki smiled slightly when he brought the conversation back to a regular one, something two shinobi rarely shared with one another. She replied, when he finished speaking "Well, I enjoy reading a lot, and spending as much time as I can outdoors. What about you?"

13A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:41 pm



Rinshi didn't think of himself as the outdoors type, but he did get out in the wilderness every now and then. "I sometimes do a little reading here and there. I do like substituting for my old Academy Instructor." Rinshi hoped he didn't sound like he was obsessed with his work. Chisaki really was beautiful, nothing could disrupt this perfect moment. It felt as if they were the only ones in this world. "Honestly Chisaki, since the first day I seen you I was mesmerized by your beauty. I will admit that i have deep feelings for you, and I hope we flourish as Lovers." Rinshi thought he sounded weirded, his words sounded like they time traveled from Shakespearean times. AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!

Rinshi was alarmed and reached with his right for the knife on the table. Rinshi was sure Chisaki heard the loud shreik and would assist him in the response. The lights began flickering and then stopped the entire restaurant was pitch black, aside from the dim lanterns in their area. "Where is Rinshi Hyuga!?!?!" Rinshi knew that voice, it sounded like Zaku, he shut down his smuggling operation a few months back. Seemed like he wanted revenge, to confirm his inference he activated his byakugan. The byakugan allowed him to see farther around 20 meters, and through solid objects. Rinshi was right, it was Zaku and it looked as if he brought his entire gang.

So much for a perfect night... Rinshi sighed as he deactivated his Byakugan. As usual trouble found Rinshi, then again Rinshi always did meddle in criminal affairs. Two figures similar in stature bursted through the double doors. [color=purple][b]"Okay...Go time!"

14A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:52 pm



Chisaki continued to sit, smiling casually at Rinshi. She was much more at ease now, relaxed and fairly calm. She listened when he spoke, the same smiling face donned at all times "I sometimes do a little reading here and there. I do like substituting for my old Academy Instructor." So, he enjoyed teaching? That was interesting about him. Chisaki had never had the chance to teach before, so she may look into that. She remembered her old teacher rather fondly. She was an all-rounded nice person. Chisaki sighed ever so slightly, not a sigh of boredom, but one off contentedness. Again, she listened as Rinshi spoke, her ears and mind inquisitive "Honestly Chisaki, since the first day I saw you I was mesmerized by your beauty. I will admit that I have deep feelings for you, and I hope we flourish as lovers." Chisaki was taken aback for a moment. This was all so straight forward. Did she truly want this?... She asked herself this over and over....

Her thoughts, however, were interrupted. A wail, high pitched in tone, could be heard close by. Rinshi quickly clutched at a dinner knife, but that honestly wouldn't be much good. The lights flickered off, saving the lanterns that were manually lit. A voice called out, deep, and full off anger. "Where is Rinshi Hyuga!?!?!" Well, it turned out Rinshi had a colorful selection off friends. Chisaki stood up. Her jade dress and heels, plus jewelry all illuminated in the lantern light. "Shall we continue this later, handsome?" She walked off, in the general direction off the shout. Outside the restaurant, she found a whole swarm off people, a gang she guessed. Sighing slightly, she spoke in a mildly annoyed tone "You morons interrupted my date night" They all look extremely confused. What was she, a mere woman, doing in front of them. One of them, the leader she guessed, approached her and asked her some nonsense about Rinshi. Well, she was annoyed now. Flipping backwards, arms outstretched, she landed upon the roof of the restaurant, much to the utter bewilderment off the gang. Forming several hand signs, the river nearby began to churn. One of them said "Wait, is she a shinobi?" Another shouted "I know her, she's Chisaki Senju, the Divine Owl Sage!" Well, at least they knew who was about to pummel them into the ground. Beside her, the great Water Bullet Dragon had taken shape, surging up with Chisaki's annoyance. Chisaki swept her hands, and the dragon went too work.


Grand total for the thread: 2741

Last edited by Chisaki on Sat May 24, 2014 8:18 am; edited 1 time in total

15A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Empty Re: A Day to Remember [No Kill/Chisaki] Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:25 pm



Rinshi snickered slightly at Chisaki's sassy remark calling him handsome, she slipped passed the two grunts as if she was a simple civilian.  "Tsy there he is, lets get him!"  The two grunts simultaneously performed handsigns, at the same time.  They both breathed deeply and exclaimed, "GREAT FIREBALL JUTSU!!!"  Rinshi's eyes widened as the inferno ball hurdled its way at him.  Rinshi threw himself to the side tumbling under a table, he had no weapons with him at the moment and found himself in quite a pickle.  Rinshi got a bright idea, he formed the bird hand seal in his hand as he inhaled deeply.  Flipping the table over he felt his lungs expand as he initiated his attack, [color=purple]"Fuuton: Kazejuugan!!!"/color]  Rinshi aimed the air bullet at the outside grunt hip, knocking him into the other as they were sent flying across the room.

Rinshi burst through the double doors it looked as if Zaku brought an entire army.  Rinshi also noticed that they were looking up at something as if they were terrified.  Rinshi looked up and it was Chisaki using her favorite technique, Water Dragon Bullet.  Rinshi overheard before he made it outside that they referred to her as the Great Owl Sage.  Rinshi had know idea she knew Senjutsu.  Rinshi watched as she sent her dragon at Zaku's grunts who all were crushed by its physical power.  Not paying attentino Zaku had already charged at Rinshi with his giant hammer.

Word Count: 2037

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