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1I Clan [Finished] Empty I Clan [Finished] Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:39 pm



Symbol: I Clan [Finished] DOsIh8j

Clan: 医一族 (I Ichizoku)

Kekkei Genkai: Nori

Elements: Suiton (Secondary or Primary) Raiton (Secondary or Primary)

Specialization: Medical Ninjutsu (Must be Primary or Secondary)

Location: Scattered

Clan History: The 'I' Clan wasn't renown for anything and wasn't regarded as anything special. In fact, they were rarely involved in the Shinobi's affairs, yet the family had the innate ability to manipulate Chakra within themselves. Occasionally, as they were a nomadic people, certain villages would hire them for their expertise, which was medicine and healing.

Some point in time- history would place it somewhere during the second Shinobi World War-, the majority of the I Clan was entirely wiped out. Perhaps for the reason of "taking out what supports the enemy"; chances are it was a logical reason, but they were killed nonetheless.

Few survivors with the bloodline barely intact arise in history as the years went by, and though little attention has been payed to their origins, some have popped up attracting short-lived attention.

Kekkei Genkai Description: Rather nothing special, many clan members have used Jutsus for repair, and especially adhesive healing, or jutsus that can speed up healing without the use of much Chakra, in fact only needing an activation, and lacking a duration costs in these jutsus. The I Clan called it 糊 (Nori ~ Paste).

I Clan [Finished] ETMACUU

Combined with Suiton and Raiton, the element turns sticky, used well as a clean and sterile adhesive for open wounds.

Nori is an insulator, with additional Raiton from the original used to create the paste or glue, being ineffective. Raiton receives a -2 against Nori, as with enough electrical charge the adhesive can dissolve.

Nori receives a +1 against Suiton techniques, as the Suiton will simply increase the amount of Nori, seeing as how Nori is an adhesive based from a liquid state. However, if a suiton techique overpowers already produced "Nori", said Nori becomes completely ineffective and instantly dissipates, as the adhesive qualities are lost.

Nori recievs a -3 against Katon techniques, as it hardens the adhesive. However, Nori can possibly turn extremely hard. Although it is no longer malleable or manipulable by I Clansmen, when hardened, Nori is an adversely strong substance. The strength of the substance varies.

Nori is ineffective to Doton. Not really much relation between them at all...

Same as Doton, Nori doesn't do much with Futon. Not much happens.

Just as the strength of hardened Nori is variable, same is with the strength of the adhesive. It largely depends on the jutsu's specifications.

To explain, the Raiton flows through the Suiton, actively changing the charges of the atoms to consistently have an attractive charge to just about any substance, as well as multiplying the Gluons between the atoms to, not just stick the molecules together, but stick the substance to anything else. With this, Nori will even stick to objects without a charge, and on a molecular level no less.


  • Clansmen must take frail. It may not be counter-balanced.
  • If a clansmen takes Bukijutsu or Taijutsu, they must pick one or the other.


Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

Adhesive String:

Wound Glue:

Glue Emissions:

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