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1Clean the Library [D-Rank] Empty Clean the Library [D-Rank] Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:10 pm



Hamthrax wakes up early the morning he has to clean the library. He wakes up slowly not really wanting to clean the library but he knows he must do it. He enjoys the library very much for all its free knowledge and books he has borrowed. He has seen other Genin cleaning the library from time to time so he thinks it can't be to hard if most Genin have cleaned. He gets ready and heads off to the library.

Hamthrax walks up to the doors and quickly opens them and jumps through. He pauses for a secound taking in the great smell of books which he is fammiliar with. He then looks over to the desk with Aoi behind it looking as if she has been waiting for Hamthrax to arrive.

Hamthrax says, "Sorry if I kept you waiting, I wasn't to sure when I was supposed to arrive."

Aoi replies, "It's nothing, I am glad you could help me out Hamthrax. Now lets get started on cleaning this library. You dust the upper shelves and I will get the lower ones."

"I think I can do this all on my own but if you want to help you can," Hamthrax replies respectfully.

"I need some exercise so I'll help," Aoi says to Hamthrax.

Hamthrax grabs some diry rags and some kind of wood cleaner and tries to fiqure a way to get up to the top shelves. He suddenly comes up with the idea of climbing up to the top and clean the shelves on the way up there. At first he is having trouble cleaning and holding on to the shelve but he starts getting in a rythm. He wets a rag with the cleaner and wipes down the shelf above him. He realizes that it is getting easier and easier so he starts speeding up.

Of course, as Hamthrax speeds up he gets sloppy. About two hours into cleaning he tried to do a fancy hop to the next shelf but the shelf he jumped off of, falls. Hamthrax losing his balance tries to save himself by grabbing the shelf above but instead just brings it down on top of him. He realized that the whole entire book case is falling and somehow escapes any major harm. He yelps as the book case falls on him and the entire library is awakened with huge sound of the falling book case and books. After Hamthrax figures out how to escape from under the books. Luckily no one else was in that aisle so Hamthrax was the only one caught in his mess.

Hamthrax swears but gets to cleaning up what he had made. As he gets the book case up people arrive trying to fiqure out what had happened. Hamthrax explains, embarred, what had happened. A few of the croud laugh but, most just sigh and think that it was just one of Hamthrax's pranks to get attention. The crowd then leaves as Hamthrax starts to pick the books up and put them in the right order with the help of Aoi.

Four hours after Hamthrax's incident he is finally able to get back to his actual job cleaning the library. He then finishes cleaning the book cases two hours later this time being much more catious and calmly. Now that he has cleaned up his mess and the book cases, he now has to clean all the tables, desks, and bathrooms. He quickly knocks out the tables and desks by doing a quick couple of swipes and moving onto the next. Now he has been cleaning for ten hours and he still has to clean the bathrooms which he is not all to excited about. Hamthrax takes three hours to clean the bathroom and now he just feels terrible. Spent the whole entire day cleaning something that should have taken a lot less.

Hamthrax just walks out when he finished and goes home a little upset of how bad and ineffective he was at cleaning but at least he got it cleaned.

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