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1Kuro Senkai RP Empty Kuro Senkai RP Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:33 am



Kuro Senkai RP Untitled-1-3
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Set on the same timeline as Naruto’s but set in an alternate dimension where you can control what happens.

~ Content:
Ambition, Passion, Determination, among but a few of the qualities we look for on the Kuro Senkai RolePlay (KSRP). KSRP is a relatively new RP based within the same timeline as the Naruto Manga/anime series though in an alternate universe. There has been a lot of time and preparation put into this forum but it is now finally open to join, staff members are active and will be more than glad to aid new members to the forum until the point that they know how everything works. Novice RPers as well as Advanced are all welcome as the content will be suitable for all.

~ Role-Play:
Be the next legend of the KSRP Universe by taking advantage of all the content customization available to you in assistance towards your overall goal. Once you join you will have the ability to create the strongest of all jutsu or simply upgrade weaker ones, produce powerful equipment and weapons as well as establish you own great organization. Take advantage of the stat system and watch as your character growers stronger and stronger from battles, missions and experiences in the KSRP world. Gain extra points from joining Plot or Event related mission and be part of the much larger picture. Although plot and event mission are the best ways of being part of plot effecting occurrences you will also be able to act freely as you wish, maybe decide to overthrow a village Kage though not recommended without powerful acquaintances.

~ Chapter One - "The Strongest" Shall Fall:
Many years ago the founder of the shinobi world disappeared mysteriously and unannounced, he was then later declared to have been defeated but a young ninja Enma, rumours circulated all around the ninja world about this young ninja possessing power equivalent and possibly even greater than that of the Bijuu that roamed the lands. He would apparently seek out the strongest warriors of their time and defeat them taking with him their bodies and sending a single note to their relative written within: “Devil” the English meaning of Enma’s name. The ninja was said to have lived alone in the mountains now known to be within the borderlands just outside of Kumogakure’s outskirts although this was many decades ago so the ninja is now thought to have dies many years ago. Still shinobi to this day train and fight hard for power most with the knowledge that they have a chance of being strong enough to rival even the Bijuu themselves.

Lately many travellers and even missing ninja have been spreading round rumours about sightings of the infamous Enma that supposedly defeated one of the greatest shinobi of the time with his bare hands. Several months ago a traveller, who was out exploring a new land that he presumed had yet to have been officially discovered, had reached a larger castle and was lead to believe that the fortress belonged to the great Enma himself after reading the kanji on the entrance which wrote “Devil”. The traveller returned to speak of what he had seen and where but when later examined the fortress had disappear though not with leaving a large crater where it once stood. It is said that the fortress and Enma reappear whenever he feel that there is a new challenge for him to face.
Based on KAIKU

~ Themes:
The forum Design and banners will change occasionally to keep a fresh new look on the forum, the current design being a dark, naruto based theme. Polls shall be held for new themes, contests allowing you to create your own and other contests that will keep a moderately to high enjoyment in the Out Of Character (OCC) aspects of the forum.

So come and check it out for yourself, JOIN and be part of a great legacy.


2Kuro Senkai RP Empty Re: Kuro Senkai RP Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:53 am


New Affiliation: Please post back your image onto our site if you wish to have your image up on the site and do not currently.

Kuro Senkai RP Untitled-1-4
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