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The battle raged outside like none would believe. Men throwing themselves at each other. Standing on a nearby branch of a large tree overlooking the cold battlefield Tsuyo stood spinning his cane. He was wearing his special made suit and a Fedora on top his head. His brown contacts in to hide his true nature. He watched the battle like a play being spread out before him. In his gloved hands he played with an ornately carved cane with a blue rose made of glass on top. He was wearing no symbol of any village but still he stood there with no concern of being spotted. He had arrived just that morning and had seen the state of things. He took one hand off the cane to reach into his inner vest pocket. Strapped next to it was his dagger which he fingered idly. He had never needed a weapon before but if the battle turned.... He ignored that thought for now as he reached passed the dagger and grabbed a smoke out of the metal case he kept with him. Putting the case back he popped the smoke into his lips. Then out of his coat pocket he pulled out a silver lighter. Flicking it open he lit the cigarette and flicked it closed again before pocketing it. His dark suited attire was incredibly out of place. Still he watched as the battle surged forward. One person in particular catching his eye as she made her way up towards a window. She certainly was a spry young lady. Still she was leaving the battle and pursuing a target. The Beauty of his curiosity could not be less subtle as his eye brows rose. Still he grinned and moved from the branch in a swirl of leaves. One moment he had been standing there and the next not.

See some one actually pinged his curiosity like a little nagging voice. But as she was the only one to breach in so far. Likely there would be a battle of two powerhouses. After all he had heard of the Bells power so far. He really just wanted to see how this would turn out. So he would make sure no one intervened with the spry young lady. Aside from that really high window it looked by his experience with the more high end buildings like a wing room. Typically those only had one entrance. He smiled as he moved through the darkness moving around the battle. Still he was quick and no one was expecting some one of his caliber to be here. As he moved he scanned the building. There was a thin passage leading into the room. One of those suspended hallways with windows along the side. From the look of it was the only way in or out. Still he did a quick circle of the building Aya was in before confirming it was the only door he saw. Still he needed to do something flashy. Being the guard to the door was no fun if no one took you seriously. He smiled as a plan formed in his head while he moved.

Coming across two guards below that where nervous looking men he tilted his head as he approached. He was quickly making up the distance between them and himself and they hadn't noticed him yet. Even as fast as he was moving each moment seemed agonizingly slow as he waited for one of them to turn and notice him. As he was less then a second from reaching them one of them turned their head but with less then a second to react it was too late. With a cut off yelp of surprise the man suddenly had his neck grabbed and so did his partner. But Tsuyo wouldn't slow for something like that. No he would use these two. Jumping up into the air with the two men he planted his boots into the chest of the one who had spotted him and used him as a mid air jumping plant form. Rising even higher as he sent his first victim screaming down into the ground with a loud crash. The second one nearly made it to the bridge with him but just to be safe Tsuyo Spun and planted a foot into the mans face with a bloody squishy sound and launched himself the rest of the way. His own version of double jumping really.

Still his coat flashed behind him as he came crashing through the window his brown eyes looking down the hall as he landed in front of the door he intended to defend. Whoever he saw in the hall he would smile to as he rose from a crouch picking up his hat that had fallen off during the theatrics of the break in. Dusting it off as he looked at those who probably intended to kill him. Speaking cheerfully as he put his hat back on and looked outside at the two men he had just murdered. His cane left down there by the two. As if he had signed his work.

"Well that's one way to knock then isn't it? Some one remind me to collect my cane from those poor fellows afterwards. Wait what am I saying. If you come near this door your dead any way. How can your remind me when your dead? Silly me."

He grinned as he positioned himself in front of the door and tightened his gloves. After all no one ever took these threats seriously. If they did then he wouldn't of killed so many people. But again he didn't dress like a ninja so how dangerous could one man be? He figured that was the thought process on it any way. Oh look he doesn't have a giant weapon or he isn't flinging out fire like a man born dragon he must be harmless. He really had to stop and wonder about the quality of bad guy he was used to fighting. It got old sometimes.





"Well now. What do we have here?
And here I thought, I had already tried the most delectable men in this village.
Looks like I was wrong"


The blonde haired female sauntered around the corner, her sapphire blue eyes addressing him with half peaked curiosity.
The man in front of her was not from this land, that much was clear. The casually, smart way that he dressed, his polite, yet dangerous demeanor, not to mention the lack of headband that the village shinobi usually possessed. He was a mystery that she hoped to solve while her Master did away with the weak Mizukage just beyond that flimsy wooden door.
She had hoped to figure him out before the man she worshiped stepped through that door with the blood of the weaker, on his hands with the sound of his Bell, trembling the air.

With a sultry smile lifting the edges of her rose painted lips, Mizuru took another step closer towards the male, the heels of her boots echoing clicks down the bare empty hallway. Passing by the only other soldier in the room who vacated as soon as she passed him. He knew what was going to happen. He knew the moment he saw her fingers curl around the shimmering hilt of her first blade Sever, her other hand combing through the tresses of her sunkissed hair. It was no longer safe within these walls when the Mistress of Bells had her eyes on her next play thing. Yes....that was what he was now. Mystery or no, this stranger was the next victim of her sadistic pleasures.

Pleasures....were hard to come by in times of war.

Stopping just short of the male, Mizuru drew her sword and held it down, almost casually by her side. Tip down, harmless. Helpless.
Of course her guard was up. The lieutenant of seven Bells would not be so foolish. It was just, simply not the time to strike. she waited to see what this stranger would do and see what was going to happen. Watching and learning like a cat stalking their prey in those tension tight moments before they pounced. She would wait.....
And then Mizuru would pounce.

"So...tell me. Who are you? Why would you want to protect this place? You're not from around here.
I know of a better place....where you can be more....comfortable"

Mizuru would give him one chance to take the easier road. The pleasurable road with her and the winning side.
And so she continued to wait with those alluring eyes and seductive smile. Hoping that he would not pick the walk way painted in red.



The guard much to his disappointment did not choose to approach or attack him. He had to wonder if perhaps the Mizukage was getting in a little too far over her head. After all they had enough faith in the master that there was no urgency to assist him. Still it was because of such things like assumptions that wars where lost. Still she had her own guardian angel for the time being. Even if he was no virgin dove and he had burned his wings to dust. Still he was here with a purpose. Some would of assumed he would join the Seven bells since the stories echoed much the same. But he had rules. And he never broke those rules. And they had the moment they started this fight. He honestly worried about how this war would effect his plans. For he needed the world to not fear him. At least not for what he was. A missing nin of a very high caliber. Still he tightened his tie as he watched the guard. It was then that a voice rang out down the hall. Well if nothing else some one would at least give him some conversation. He smiled a very sultry smile and stepped forward. Standing in the middle of the hall in a power stance. His hands folded behind him and his feet spread shoulder width. Standing tall as he waited.

"Well now. What do we have here? And here I thought, I had already tried the most delectable men in this village. Looks like I was wrong"

Well that statement made him grin a little. After all he did find himself to be one hell of a looker. Still as she rounded the corner his eye brows would raise. A blonde woman with blue eyes and a bit of a sway to her step that spoke lengths of a sexual nature. Normally he would of found her appealing enough to offer a date but she decided to pull out a rather ugly tool. A sword to be exact. Such things where like a stiff limb to him. Even held to the side like that his brown eyes where drawn to look at it. But not in fear. His expression looked at best to be mildly annoyed. If nothing else she seemed confident in it though. Likely she thought that drawing a weapon right off the bat would give her the upper hand. After all Tsuyo appeared to be unarmed. That was ignoring the dagger tucked into his inner coat pocket and the fact that the suit he was wearing was actually some fairly decent armor. Still he smiled to her his eyes twinkling with mischief. Letting her speak once more.

"So...tell me. Who are you? Why would you want to protect this place? You're not from around here. I know of a better place....where you can be more....comfortable"

He smirked at that and shook his head. So she wanted to offer him comfort while holding a weapon? She was so new to this negotiating thing. After all if you wanted to entice why intimidate? He even rolled his eyes as his right hand came from behind his back to reach up and grab his hat and cross it over his chest placed palm inwards over his heart as he preformed a fairly formal bow. His eyes never breaking contact with her as his silky smooth voice filled the hall. He had not failed to notice one of her own mean leaving as she arrived so likely she was dangerous. Importantly so. Still what fun was there in life if you didn't push an armed woman's buttons? His very eyes seemed to mock her as he spoke.

"If I wanted to be more comfortable I wouldn't of left my manor. You may call me Mr. Kajiya little girl. As for my business being here? I personally think this architecture is too rich and beautiful for children throwing a tantrum. Did some one steal your candy little one?"

He smirked as he stood tall holding his hat in his hand watching her. He wanted her to attack him. He wanted to test this supposedly feared strength for himself.





"If I wanted to be more comfortable I wouldn't of left my manor. You may call me Mr. Kajiya little girl. As for my business being here? I personally think this architecture is too rich and beautiful for children throwing a tantrum. Did some one steal your candy little one?"



A light laugh, like a summer bell in Autumn, rang out through the hushed area, scattering echoes across the walls.
Even though he only gave her a name, the blonde female learned much in those fleeting moments which held their initial encounter. The way he dressed, the way he spoke; it was clear to her experienced eyes that this individual was intelligent, educated and properly wealthy. Not only that, he struck her as someone who had to work hard for what he had. Determination was a dangerous quality.
Confident to the point of arrogance, proud definitely. Mizuru could tell that the would have much difficulty accepting the fact that he had stepped way out of his league when deciding to refuse her more than generous offer to do something more productive than watch a door...
But he was set in his ways and there was no moving him.
It didn't matter. She had already satisfied herself for the night. Besides....she had a job to do.

Make sure he didn't go through that door when his precious Mizukage screamed for help as her Master carved away the last of her life.

"Well...aren't you adorable" Mizuru had said once the laugh had quietened the room to silence once more.
  "I'm flattered that you think I still look so young after these years. But a little girl? Sanosuke  would beg to differ. He was smart, clever...
He was rewarded for making the right choice"

An almost devilish smile tinged her cheeks a deeper shade of pink as she remembered her last night's activities. The fun and games that took her from the battle field. The hours of playing with danger.
It had been the perfect reward for all she had done the day before. 
Slaughtering the clan heads like a glorified butcher. It was all for the chaos she had created in her Masters name.
  "Such a shame. I would have had fun seeing what's under that....restrictive clothing"


A slight tilt of the head. A flick of the wrist. What weight she had, shifting ever so slightly to her right leg. The smile on her rose painted lips grew as she glanced over his form with alluring sapphire blue eyes.
Then....she pounced. Like a cat preying on a mouse, Mizuru was in front of him with the speed that could equal a Sanin, her blade coming up from her side to slash at his chest. But her motions didn't stop there. As soon as her blade had finished the swipe, whether it made contact or not, she twisted her grip and swung across and down for his shoulder. He couldn't fight back if he had no arms....and no heart.

Her fun was only just beginning.



Tsuyo smiled as the woman talked. The longer they spoke the longer he could make her wonder what his true intentions happened to be. After all he wasn't a simple enough man to just be here for a pay day. He had plenty of money and power. No the fact of things was he just as who he was and those who answered to him stood on a cliffs edge. So far he had one ally. But one could not stop the wave that came to crush them. Instead he was here to insure that part of that wave would instead become another ally. Hence why he had saved the Daimyo upon arriving. And that had just been a slaughter. Really he pictured the enemy of Kiri losing at this rate. These bells where starting to get stretched thin and Kiri had reinforcements from at least two sources now. Thanks to the Daimyo and the Kumo shinobi he had seen. Still he hoped he didn't come across to many faces. They would simply falter his plans. Still the woman laughed and then spoke. Her words sounded kind of self serving and to be honest he was already getting tired of her voice. She was but a small part of his master plan after all. Pawns shouldn't argue. Still he listened to her every word.

"Well...aren't you adorable" He frowned at that with his left eye brow raised. Adorable? He had never really considered himself to be some sort of fluffy kitten or a happy little puppy. Thats how he classified adorable. Still she was hardly done speaking. He figured she liked to hear herself talk much like he liked his own voice. "I'm flattered that you think I still look so young after these years. But a little girl? Sanosuke would beg to differ. He was smart, clever...
He was rewarded for making the right choice. Such a shame. I would have had fun seeing what's under that....restrictive clothing"
At that he paused as he listened. Either she had just named a spy working with her or she took her work to bed with her. Any attraction he had to the woman simply vanished as he tried to hide a smile. Before he burst out laughing and finally his silver tongued words rang out. Filled with mirth.

"I get it now! Your the group whore! Hence the pirate wench costume. Ol' bells got a fetish for pirates?"

And then movement happened. She was crossing the distance. He actually felt relieved. He had almost missed the shift in stance as she had moved while he spoke eyeing him up and down as if a butcher trying to decide how to cut into a chunk of meat. Still as she rushed him it became clear that she intended to cleave him from waist to shoulder. The hall way was fairly narrow but with it being three people wide he did have a small amount of maneuverability. First he waited till the sword was swung to take a step back and lean back.His watches second hand ticked The sword cutting through his scarf from how close it was. It was then that he made his move. Taking the hat in his hand and throwing it at her face. In that same instant chakra surged into his legs. In the time it would take for the hat to fall from her vision he moved with X rank speed for a single sliding step to her side with the sword arm raised. He couldn't let the opportunity escape him after all. No he needed to end it in one blow. Perhaps he would kill her but this was just a chance he would have to take.

in that half a second between him standing in front of her and him to her side she would feel it. The killing intent rushing off of him as he draw his arm back. His brown eyes focusing on the ribs where he would hit. At SS rank speed his hand surged forward aiming at the cluster of nerves around the ribs. The second hand on his watch ticked. Marking that his movements had taken one whole second. But his hand already surged forward. But he leaned forward into it to. Aiming to crush her nerve clusters and slam her into the side of the bridge. Even if he missed he would follow through and the stone and glass would burst out like an explosive where he made impact with the side either with his bare hand or with her body. If he hit. He was fast and strong to boot. The suit was apparently not as restrictive as she thought. Still he grinned at her if she didn't escape. It meant her ribs where likely broken and the nerves crushed. If she had escaped the blow then he would rise to a full stance and look at his scarf.

"A pity. I liked this scarf."


chakra 325/350:



And then everything changed.


It was like a switch had flicked. Or a button pressed. Something had shifted in her demeanor and caused the female's smile to drop from her coral pink painted lips, the sapphire in her eyes dulling.... darkening to the tepid colour of a stormy ocean. He had crossed the line. But how?
It wasn't the quirks in his expression, portraying the obvious dislike of the woman that bothered her so much. Nor was it the utter lack of interest in what she was saying....or offering.
His comments on her hyper sexuality and clothing choices was something she dealt with every other day. The soldiers would whisper their snide little comments behind her back, thinking they could get away with it.
What did bother Mizuru. What caused her playful demanor to fall apart was the comment he made after. The bitterly jealous swipe towards her beloved Master. The only one she had fully given herself to.

"You know what. You are the child here" Mizuru started to say, her voice as cold as it was venomous. Like silk dipped in poison
"I was being nice. Courteous even. Offering you a chance to walk away with a few minor scratches....a few  tiny cuts. I even offered to show you a good time, which is something most others would beg on their knees for. And yet you continued to throw it back in my face because you don't like my choice of weapon? My choice in clothing?
You act all polite and charming but really you are just a bitter old man who has let their power and money go straight to your ego inflated head. At least my Master, is man enough to say what he means and does what he feels is right. He doesn't get his rocks off by insulting others based on first appearances and bringing them down like you.
are nothing but an arrogant....selfish....greedy....little boy

And I will not have you speak to my Master like that."

She had barely taken a breath past her final word when she exploded in to her attack, swiping at him. Attacking....only to narrowly miss the male by inches. Slicing through the loose bit of material that hung casually about his time he would not be so lucky.
No sooner had her blade finished the first of it's swing, he was moving...and fast. Cowardly throwing his hat as a weak distraction, was side stepping her easily to maneuver himself to her side and attempting to get in to her blind spot. He was close.
But not close enough. In the half second that it took for that self righteous male to channel his chakra, Mizuru saw what he was doing....and she acted. As his fingers came for her ribs, her hand went up to a half handsign....and she was gone.

And in her place, was the soldier who was hiding like a scared child around the corner. The attack didn't bother him.
Mizuru was mad. It was over for both of them.

The blonde stepped around the corner and this time, her laugh was different. It was cold. Unfeeling. A distorted school girl giggle that would be heard throughout the entirety of the hall.
And then she moved....and this time, her motions were erratic. Harder to predict. Harder to read.....

Harder to stop.

Step one. Inale.
She threw her sword up to wedge it in to the ceiling while simultaneously drawing the other from her side. This blade...was completely invisible thanks to it's mirrored edge and flawless design. A force of nature in it's own rights. He would literally not see it coming.
Step two. Exhale.
Her now free hand started to form in to a new hand sign, one that she had not used since she had developed it. It was flawless. Perfect. Before her foot landed against the wooden ground of the narrow hallway, Mizuru had suddenly multiplied. Three kunoichi. Six blades. And there was no where for him to run. There was no side stepping around this time.....not this time.
Step three. Annihilate.
Oh no, she wasn't done. While the two doppelgangers came at him with each of their blades, Mizuru flicked her wrist, activating a second Jutsu. One which covered her blade in raiton chakra that crackled through the sound of her manic laughter.

The first attack would shoot for his gut. A direct bolt of lightning moving fast enough to cause serious damage. Maybe not kill....but it was designed to hurt. To punish.
The second attack however. Her twins and the powerful blade in each of their hands coming straight for his either side....and his chest; was meant to make sure he never spoke bad about the only one worthy of her loyalty and adoration.

Will do Chakra counts when I wake up:



He watched as her demeanor changed. So she was not entirely inhuman. She had buttons that could be pushed as well as anyone else. And if there was a button to be pushed then there was rage to be found. He could utilize that. Rage made for mistakes. But more then that rage made for a faster paced combat. And when it came to speed he was usually one to come out on top. Still her voice rang out as she spoke. Hatred spitting from her like venom as she shifted position. So she thought that she would scare him with words? He defiantly smirked as he listened to her speak. Monologue even.

"You know what. You are the child here. I was being nice. Courteous even. Offering you a chance to walk away with a few minor scratches....a few  tiny cuts. I even offered to show you a good time, which is something most others would beg on their knees for. And yet you continued to throw it back in my face because you don't like my choice of weapon? My choice in clothing? You act all polite and charming but really you are just a bitter old man who has let their power and money go straight to your ego inflated head. At least my Master, is man enough to say what he means and does what he feels is right. He doesn't get his rocks off by insulting others based on first appearances and bringing them down like you.You are nothing but an arrogant....selfish....greedy....little boy And I will not have you speak to my Master like that."

Still when she came at him she felt slow. Like she was hardly trying to kill him. All that rage and such a simple attack. Still he followed up with his plan step by step. The hat, the side step, all of it seemed to be going so well and then poof. It was like she had predicted the amount of damage he had intended for her. He grinned a little at the fact that she had chosen to dodge. I made him wonder if perhaps it had been a last resort. Still through the cloud his hands collided with a body and the full damage of the blow and the follow through sent the body smashing through the side of the bridge. Then falling to his doom. As Tsuyo rose he looked down and spotted the destroyed body of the guard from earlier. Perhaps with such a move she was simply testing his ability. How much damage he was capable of. Still from that single blow he listened as the bridge moaned out with the sound of stressed construct. Damage had been done to the infrastructure. Good. If nothing else he could use that. Still he wanted his opponent to get caught in it. His gaze turned down the hall as the giggle began. Was she really giggling? Seriously? Man that was unattractive. Sociopathic tendencies did have a tendency to turn him off though. Still he spoke in response.

"At least I don't intend to murder an entire nation because some one didn't say thank you. Seriously. Some one steal his muffins as a kid?"

He snorted out as the woman progressed forward. Already he was activating his chakra. Around him chakra seemed to flow about visibl. This was unique to Tsuyo as his chakra was always visible when in use. Around him it vaguely looked like the outline of a reddish brown dragon. Still the chakra surged all over his body and he seemed to get slightly bigger. His muscles expanding as he let out a breath. The cold air making the steam of his breath come out like thin smoke. He grinned as he finished the jutsu immense strength. Now she was coming at him. He eyes here hands as they seemed to be holding something but nothing at the same time. Interesting. Still two more of her popped up and now she filled the hall. Still the positioning was good. He raised a hand and indicated for her to come at him. He had a plan after all. As if the Mastermind of the Aoi Bara was fighting with no plan? Unthinkable.

As he dopplegangers rushed him he took on step forward and with immense strength slammed his foot down onto the already unstable bride suspended so high. Cracks formed around his foot and spread the length of the bridge. But still she was coming and preparing a jutsu. He understood she intended to attack him from three directions at once each with difficult to dodge attacks. The Raiton charge in the air was a sign enough of that. Man he hated Raiton. Both his natural born elements just happened to be weak to it. Still he didn't consider it his loss. Just that he would capture all three in his trap. Extending out his hands The dragon became entirely visible. It was like one could hear its roar and feel it's presence. It was a sign that the jutsu he was about to use was intense. It's power designed to negate life and structure itself. Letting out a breath Tsuyo spun just before all the attacks reached him. From his spin burst forth chakra like a bubble from him. With any luck The two Dopplegangers would be thrown hard enough to kill a person Either way the attacks and the lightning bolt would be deflected. But this was just the beginning. The bridge shook and began to crumble. It's support torn away by the immense chakra burst.

As the spin ended Tsuyo jumped back down the hall and Smirked once more. His hand reached the door and he slipped inside Leaving the Bridge to collapse behind him. And anyone still in the bridge to be buried under the rubble. Now he would see how Ayakashi was faring. Hopefully at the very least still alive.

word count 3528/3500 ~Exit thread~

Since last post not bothering with chakra cost:

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