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1Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:30 pm



Juyo hurried through the rocky terrain as he approached the city of Iwagakure no Sato. It had been a long road getting here and he never could get a moments rest. Just as he had made it out of Kumogakure no Sato had an ANBU operative spotted him. Ever since he was on the run, trying to evade ANBU was tough to even imagine, let alone try to pull off. He had managed to get near the city, but the prolonged movement without much rest had caused Juyo to be hungry. Halfway through his journey did he realize that there was a difference in his hunger than usual. It was the kind of hunger and craving he got whenever his father brought home someone from a mission for Juyo to eat the heart when he was young. In his clan, they survived on other people’s hearts to keep themselves from going feral. The last time Juyo had eaten a heart was much too long, and the craving had started to give him headaches. They were incessant, always pressing against his temples and making concentrating hard. It was a miracle he had survived this long with ANBU trailing him, though it was much more likely that whoever it was chasing him was more interested in where Juyo intended to run to. It definitely seemed that the ANBU was always somewhere behind Juyo, always within eyesight so it made it feel like he was playing with him. Juyo didn’t like the feeling.

Today, Juyo knew he needed to get a heart from someone and it had to be quick. Any longer and the ANBU would make mincemeat out of him while he was struggling to think past the headache. As he hurried to the village, Juyo noticed a long, white haired man walking by in shinobi attire with an Iwagakure hitai-ate. Not caring what strength the man may or may not have, Juyo grabbed two kunai out of his pocket and raced forward to stab at the man’s chest. All that he could think about was eating someone’s heart, and the unfortunate soul just happened to be the closest beating heart to Juyo.

2Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:00 am


The transmission had came through the lines relatively quickly, a runner had burst through the Tsuchikage's office with an urgent message for Kanetsu Kazu from the Raikage. The message itself spoke about the possibility of a rogue Kumogakure shinobi heading towards the Tsuchi no Kuni borders. The message itself wasn't entirely clear on anything specific regarding the missing nin, just that they were spotted headed in the general direction. In short the message was just a warning, and a friendly gesture of sorts, telling the Tsuchikage of a possible problem. No sooner after the message was read did Tsuchikage call forth the Anbu Captain and explained the situation to the man, asking for their opinion on the matter. What would they do? Without batting an eyelash the Anbu operative answer the questioned, by saying he would seen a couple of Anbu to patrol the border. And if asked who he would send, the man couldn't help but to smile from behind his mask, for there was a certain greenhorn who needed the experience. . .

Guanyin Nanashi could have cursed his superior out when he was told that he along with a few others, mainly recruits, were assigned to patrol the southeastern Tsuchi no Kuni borders, looking for anything suspicious. This was his first day as a recognized Anbu operative, decked out in the standard Anbu attired, a mask with the kanji for “void” obscured his facial features along with changed his voice to an unrecognizable one. A pair of overly large senbons, two feet in length, were hidden on his person but in an area that if need could be easily accessed with the smallest of moments. Moving across the open but rocky terrain, eyes scanning for anything out of the ordinary and just when he was about to move on he saw it!


From what he could tell, the man that was running towards him at an alarming pace, had taken out two kunai along the route and was currently aiming them for his chest. This couldn't do! Without missing a beat, raiton chakra flowed out of his body, filling the air around him with hundreds of 1 inch senbons. Bothersome by themselves these small little terrors could spell trouble for anyone who gets hit with great number of them, causing 1st degree burns upon contact. Often thought of as an offensive move Nanashi's Lightning Senbon Barrage is suited for defense as well, being able to block basic strike with relatively ease and shocking those who got to close. Which was the case for the man who attacked him, for no sooner had he entered a meter from the Anbu operative, bolts of electricity would course through his body delivering a pain shock.  

And it was this shock that Nanashi would use to his advantage, circling the opponent from the left, ten barbed senbons materialized in Nanashi's hand before being through at the man's back, five inches in length if connected theses senbons would penetrate an inch into the man's flesh, before burying an additional ½ inches and would cause immense pain. Nanashi patiently watched and waited for the man to make his next move, the Anbu operative already having an idea for his.

Jutsu Used:

Remaining Chakra: 225||250

3Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:17 am




'This is child's play, a man could do this in his sleep granted he had the ability to use his body...'

Binsu shadowed the shinobi's movements, keeping a close 10m distance between his target and he. Whether the man knew that Binsu was tracing his every movements was beyond him, but one thing the ANBU knew was that there was no way he was letting the guy out of his sight. The two made their way towards the Iwagakure no Sato village border, before reaching the village gates shortly after passing by the guards unstopped by any local authorities, something that troubled Binsu's thoughts a bit. 'Such low level security,' Binsu thought thought to himself as he followed the shinobi for another 30m into the village before coming to a stop to the sight of a long white haired male. The stranger was quick to fall victim to the unwitty defector's attacks, surprising both the man and Binsu himself. 'He'd openly attack someone from another nation the moment he left another?' the ANBU Captain thought to himself, sure he now had reason to kill the defector without his Kage's permission. "You've walked long enough and have proved yourself worthy of extermination. Prepare yourself now to take your punishment..." Binsu spoke aloud, stopping at the sight of a few hundred raiton needles flying towards the two shinobi from above. Reacting and not thinking, Binsu threaded together a few hand signs before slamming his palm onto the ground in front of him. A second later, two doton half-domes (together reaching a height of 10m together having a diameter of 10m) would emerge from the left and right sides of the defector and close shut over him, trapping the ninja within the now-formed doton dome. The target would've have less than a second to react to the technique, as Binsu performed it at high speeds given his experience using the element for many years.

If all went according to plan and the defector hadn't managed to avoid the trapping technique, the jutsu Binsu had used would've protected the shinobi from the barrage of raiton needles that spontaneously attacked the two from above, though Binsu need not worry for his own protection against the attack for his armor would've absorbed most if not all damage from the attack based on its estimated power level. 'Well, looks like the locals have finally noticed who this ninja is, but it's my responsibility to decide this man's fate before anyone else,' Binsu thought to himself, as he drew out his Static edge blade and scanned the area towards where the attack had came from. The ANBU soon found out that there was another ANBU operative nearby, possibly the same who had tried to attack the lone defector. Not meaning to cause any problems between he and the authoroties of Iwagakure no sato, Binsu spoke aloud through the muffled tone of his ANBU mask and said, "This man is wanted in my village for travelling without permission and essentially defecting. His fate should be decided by Kumogakure officials before Iwagakure's and as it stands, death seems a fitting punishment for the crimes i have witnessed him do thus far." Binsu knew the defector would've also been charged with attempted murder by Iwagakure officials, but should death be the man's fate by right it should be delivered by Kumogakure officials, though Binsu had no problem with going against the Iwagakure officials to follow his own village's laws.

Chakra 280/300:

4Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:04 am



Running forward with two kunai at the first person I saw turned out to be quite the folly, suddenly I ran into a wall of electricity, shocking me back in a stumble, my hands dropping the kunai at my feet due first degree burns form the electric shock. There was talking going on, but I couldn't make out what all was being said in the volts of electricity coursing through me. I struggled to keep my footing, barely noticing the white haired man had circled around me and begun a counter attack. As I tried to brace for the inevitable impact while jolts of electricity ran through my body. Suddenly the sun and all source of light vanished. Gaining back control of his body, Juyo noticed he was trapped inside an earthen dome. Listening closely, he heard a voice speak.

"This man is wanted in my village for travelling without permission and essentially defecting. His fate should be decided by Kumogakure officials before Iwagakure's and as it stands, death seems a fitting punishment for the crimes i have witnessed him do thus far."

Juyo cursed under his breath, so there really was an ANBU after him and now he had to fight two guys. Well, as long as he could get both their hearts, everything would be okay, although killing an ANBU was not the easiest thing in the world. It probably was the hardest. Not to mention the white haired guy was quite strong as well from just that brief encounter. Thinking back now, Juyo never saw the guy's face, it was almost as if--and then Juyo slammed his fist against the dome. He was another ANBU! How had he not noticed the ANBU mask before? Was his mind that lost in hunger to not be aware? Juyo breathed deeply, trying to calm himself. There was no point in struggling against this dome. He couldn't possibly reach the two ANBU, but that also meant that they couldn't reach him. Deciding quickly, Juyo got his hands together in a hand sign, ready to perform Transformation Technique as soon as the dome around him would begin to disperse. He planned to take form of the ground, making a slight rise or mound in the ground to supplement his body size. Neither of his opponents would have a perfect memory of the exact patch of ground that Juyo was trapped with, so he would use this to his advantage. Once the dome dispersed, he'd be in the form of a mound and they'd only be guessing as to where he could've gone. Then, Juyo could use that as a surprise to turn the tables on his opponents.

Possible use of Chakra:

5Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Tue Nov 19, 2013 2:06 pm


Nanashi didn't take noticed of the other Anbu, Kumogakure from what he could tell, till after the earth dome erected itself around the deranged man who had attacked him moments prior and received a shock to his system. Only two of the five senbons that he had thrown at the man during the erecting of the wall managed to make it inside, and hopefully made contact, though the lack of screaming indicated other wise. As for what happen to the other senbons? They embedded themselves into the doton wall, and at the exact moment it crumbled, going back to which is was once where. It was at that moment that Nanashi turned his attention to the man who was speaking.

"This man is wanted in my village for travelling without permission and essentially defecting. His fate should be decided by Kumogakure officials before Iwagakure's and as it stands, death seems a fitting punishment for the crimes i have witnessed him do thus far."
So the man who attacked him was from Kumogakure? Could he had been the one that Iwagakure was warn about in advance?

“Iwagakure had received word that there was a chance of a missing nin from Kumogakure heading this way. I take it the man who attacked me was him? If that the case than I see no reason in not allowing you to take him back to your officials. But I ask you this. What would stop him from escaping on the way back? Shouldn't you hold authority to deal the punishment on site and bring proof of the execution?” He inquired. Nanashi wasn't trying to start an argument between to the two, just wanted to clarify why the Kumogakure Anbu wouldn't just kill the man on site, nothing more, nothing less.

Speaking of that man. . .

Nanashi turned his attention towards the now crumbled dome and noticed that there lack a body. What where in the hell was the man's body? Shouldn't he been still within the dome? How in the hell did he escape? Did he use some doton technique? Nanashi's body became tense as he scanned the area for any signs of the man, though keeping in the general location of the dome, for some reason or another his senses were telling him that not everything appeared as it seems.

But yet he couldn't figure it out what. . .

6Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:50 pm




The dome crumbled to the effects of the ANBU's secretive technique, but as it crumbled it revealed that the target who once stood inside it had suddenly disappeared, or so it seemed. Before Binsu could make his attempt at finding the man, the other ANBU spoke up saying, “Iwagakure had received word that there was a chance of a missing nin from Kumogakure heading this way. I take it the man who attacked me was him? If that the case than I see no reason in not allowing you to take him back to your officials. But I ask you this. What would stop him from escaping on the way back? Shouldn't you hold authority to deal the punishment on site and bring proof of the execution?” Binsu hated the idea of killing people, he'd rather bring back live evidence than dead evidence, but he couldn't deny that the Iwagakure ANBU was right. Should the man try to escape, Binsu wouldn't have a strong enough jutsu to hold him down and keep him in captivity. He had left all of his trapping equipment back in Kumogakure thinking all he had to do was talk to the man and hopefully have him return to the village with minimal consequences, but that vision deteriorated. Now after seeing just how dangerous the man was, Binsu was left with no other choice but to execute him on site, though any way possible.

Quickly bringing his right hand index finger up to his mouth, Binsu activated his Byakugan for aproximately 4 seconds, before looking at the spot his target was supposed to be at before the dome crumbled down. The ANBU saw that the pathetic man had managed to somehow blend in with the ground as a lump of earth, possibly using the transformation jutsu as the disguise was far from perfect. After deactivating the Byakugan, Binsu drew out his Static Edge blade and said, "He's disguised as that lump of Earth on the ground." The ANBU then ran up to the boy at a moderately fast pace and once he had reached his location he'd quickly make an attempt at striking the spot the boy was hiding at with a downwards slash of his blade, knowing well of the consequences it would have on his target should the blade dig as deep as one centimeter into his skin.

Chakra = 270/300 *refer to my Jutsu List in my sig for the Byakugan jutsu (outdated version)*

7Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:40 pm


Guanyin Nanashi noted the sudden shift of air around the Kumogakure man, while not being able to see their facial expression because of the mask, he knew exactly what their decision was. Anbu, those who join the elite group were thought of as machines, monsters without conscious, tamed but savaged beasts that would lash out against anything or anyone who threatens their homes. They were both respect and feared by the general populace. What many didn't realize or maybe they did but never consciously thought bout it was that behind the porcelain masks wasn't an animal nor a beast, but a human. A living being with a conscious of their own. A living being who has emotions, who can cry, who can get angry, who can feel and nothing would be able to change that – not even the mask that they wore.

So you have decided. . .

A smirk couldn't help but to dance across his face at the thought of the man's . . . assumed decision. The sight of movement causes his head to lull in the direction of the Kumogakure shinobi, lone eye zoning on as his right hand moved his mouth, obscuring the Iwagakure nin from whatever the man was doing. Nanashi watched silently as the man looked in the direction of the crumbled down, more specifically a lump of dirt. His lone eye widen slightly as the Kumo's nin words cut through the otherwise quiet surrounding. . .

"He's disguised as that lump of Earth on the ground."

So that's where the man was? Nanashi couldn't help but to mentally curse at himself for overlooking such a mistake. If the situation was different such a minor mistake could have cost him his life, and Nanashi realized that he undoubtedly owed this Anbu member for collecting his mistakes. Such thoughts were put on hold as Nanashi watched impassively as a blade flash towards the spot where the boy was hiding.

Hunting for flesh . . .

8Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:14 am




The edge of the blade sunk deep into the flesh of the young victim, paralyzing the boy's body completely the moment Binsu retracted the blade away. It was the crippling effects of the Seiteki blade that earned the sword its name: upon digging as far deep as a centimeter into one's flesh, the blade could paralyze said target in little more than a second. The ANBU hadn't expected the boy to not respond to his attack, though couldn't say he was disappointed he hadn't, for it only made his job that much easier. Once the boy was paralyzed, Binsu would drag the boy's motionless body by the collar of its shirt up towards his face and examine the face of a walking dead person. 'I'm sorry it had to end this way,' Binsu thought to himself, feeling a small degree of sympathy for the soon-to-be-dead shinobi. A second later, a loud splatter of blood would cover the ANBU's right hand, the one he had his Seiteki sword in. It'd be later on revealed that the Jounin had forced his sword into the heart of his paralyzed friend, though the action severed the boy's heart and broke at least two of his ribs, but the damage dealt was enough to end the boy's life only a minute after Binsu rested boy's body on the ground before him. "Well, that takes care of that," Binsu would think aloud, before yielding his sword and directing his attention towards the Iwagankure ANBU. "For your cooperation feel free to take half of the man's fortune, which he brought with him here. I do appreciate your help and ask of you to thank your Kage for acting with us in dealing with this situation rather than acting against us, on the behalf of Kumogakure and the Reikage herself." Binsu would then search the boy's pockets for any loose change the boy had on him and after finding a sack full of ryo in one of the boy's pant pockets, he'd half the money and hand one half to the ANBU. The Jounin didn't care whether the man or woman would take the offering or not, but he knew he couldn't leave the man empty handed after essentially helping him capture and exterminate a missing ninja from his village. Once the man had taken the offering, Binsu would grab the dead boy's body and throw it over his left hand shoulder, before using the body flicker technique to leave the hidden rock village's walls before making his way back to Kumogakure.

- Exit Thread -

9Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Empty Re: Finalé [Binsu/Nanashi/Private] Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:27 pm



((OOC: I'm confirming this kill, as there seems to be no adequate explanation to their leaving written on the site, if there was, i would have had this thread voided and archived for continuing without the participant.

HOWEVER, if there is something I've missed, I'm open to being told otherwise, basically the only thing that can save Juyo, is a message after or near November 19th saying you're going to be away from an alt i don't know about.

No hard feelings, but, characters need to move on, with the thread limit and such~

If you were away and didn't post a message due to a sufficient reason, we can help you out with a new character, higher rank beginning etc~))

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