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Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto

A crisp ocean breeze swept over the pier gingerly brushing the thick dreadlocks from the side of the young man’s face that sat on the wooden deck with a handmade fishing rod that he had carved from a sapling last spring. In the distance seagulls could be heard squawking and calling out to one another, there was a particular seagull, with a large black spot on its white breast that had made a buoy its roost for the moment that Ken’ichi had affectionately named Ginji and watched it curiously without speaking.

Kaguya Ken’ichi was a large man, standing at six foot two inches and weighing one hundred seventy five pounds of muscles. His skin was dark and he had long dreadlocks that he had grown out since his mother died when he was ten years old, and twisted together himself. He hailed from the Kaguya clan and loved to fight, it was genetic, it was a part of him, and so that he would not be overcome by his urge for violence he meditated and fished to calm himself.

He had been out there since dawn catching and releasing the fish that he had caught in an attempt to attain inner peace. The previous day he had trained for hours, pushing his body past its limits in hopes he could find a solution to his illness that tainted his body. It was the same illness that killed his mother and drove his father into madness (though he was not entirely sure that the sickness had driven his father mad, it made sense for him to think this way) and he wanted to overcome this ultimate challenge in hopes that one day he can defeat the Mizukage in battle.
“You seem to be enjoying the peaceful day Ginji,” Ken’ichi said before he turned his attention back to the deep grey ocean in front of him. “It’s a little too peaceful for me.”

That was the point to get away for a while and meditate wasn’t it Ken’ichi? I should be training and getting stronger. I pushed myself too hard the other day and needed a day to recover that’s why I’m here….I should probably pay attention to the fish.

The seagull, Ginji turned its head to the side and squawked before it flew into the sky as graceless as Ken’ichi had ever seen a bird fly. There was a tug on the line and instinctually he pulled the rod back too hard and fast, snapping the wooden pole in two pieces, the fish that was on the side had swam away with its free meal.  He found it funny how he had come out to the shore to find peace and restore his calmness only to become more irritated not because of the fish but because of his own inability.

“Darn I hate when that happens,” Slowly the young man stood to stretch and stare out over the water as mist began to thicken. “I was getting bored anyway, I need to fight somebody I’m tired of sitting around and kicking rocks maybe I can find somebody back in the village that’ll spar with me.”

Last edited by Shishio Makoto on Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total



Dunki had been swimming in the water when he saw a hook come down and float around, he saw the fish he was swimming at go towards it in a blind idiocy, the fish didnt know that he would die o get caught he just thought that there was food, he was doomed to die it seemed not even knowing why it had happened, but then in a spur of action the fish bolted with the hood in mouth and snapped the rod, Ha how the tides turn Dunki went at the fish and caught it in his mouth and jumped out of the water with the fish and rod still in his mouth, and spit the fish into his hand looked at who was fishing and laughed ad handed him the half of a rod back, Spar? im free today as long as a shark man isnt too much for you he said as he smiled a red spiked smile.

Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto

There was a disturbance in the water, through the thick mist Ken’ichi was unable to see what was causing the noise or what was coming towards the pier. He took a step back, the wood under foot creaked weakly under his weight but from his extended time there he knew it would not break.  Only a moment passed before someone emerged from the water with the fish in his mouth. It was a medium sized catfish, nothing that could have easily broken the nod on its own accord, had it not been for the poor quality of the rod he would have had dinner.  The person spit the fish out on the deck and handed Ken’ichi back the broken rod, leaving the young Kaguya curious on who and what this man was.  They were the same height but the stranger looked thicker by a few pounds, his skin was a pale blue, his nose flat and almost unnoticeable. There were gills on the side of his neck and his cheekbones were high giving this young man the appearance of a shark. The shark man’s words rung through the mist and in and out of Ken’ichi’s ears as his blood began to boil over with excitement that never crossed his face. The stranger’s hand was still out stretched with the remains of the rod and it would stay there because there was no need for a broke piece of wood.

“Nothing’s too much for me,” Ken’ichi finally replied as he nodded his head towards the beach where he knew he could have a better chance. If this person’s appearance was purely cosmetic then he would have nothing to worry about, but Ken’ichi didn’t want to risk being caught out of his element. There was a chance that it wasn’t just a physical thing with this young man and it could be that he was a part of an advanced bloodline that had adapted and evolved for underwater battle.  “Let’s head to the beach that way we have more space to work.”

A chill ran down his spine at his own words he hoped that his opponent would not figure out what he had planned. A part of him was worried that he could be dragged into a ninjutsu battle or worse, a battle in the water. The other part however was fully confident that he could fight in any area and in any situation against anyone.  Ken’ichi took a step backwards while he watched the stranger all the way to the shore and never turning his back towards him to give the opposition a few shot.  When he was safely on the beach he tied his dreads into a ponytail with a thick rubber band he kept on his wrist and waited.



His oppoant didnt seem to want to take the broken rod back, so he stuck it in his mouth and bit it apart, and giggled while also saying, No rod can beat fishing with teeth, you should join me sometime its...a thrill he said as his new opponant decided that the beach was a better place to fight then here probably due to the water that was nearby, he was smart dunki commented, You think the water helps me? Haha you are a smart one arent you, by the way these gills actually work you know! he said as he flexed his gills of his shoulder, and laughed aloud, in an attempt to make slight friends with this person, he looked the same age as him and around the same height although a little skinnier, he wondered what kind of jutsu this man used he didnt seem like the weapon user, for he had no big weapons on him at the moment, he would soon find out though. He decided to follow this man to the beach and watched as he tied his hair back and got ready, dunki called out, No holding back ok? i wont so avoid that haha he said as he used his Hidden mist jutsu, and caused a mist to arrive in and cover the area around them completly blocking almost all vision for his enemy all though he was used to the mists, though it still made his vision very bad. Dunki drew his sword and threw it at the spot where his enemy was when he started the jutsu and ran right at the blade as it flew through the air, and once it got to his opponant, if he dodged it like he thought he would, dunki would fly in with a jumping bite to the forearm, using his sharp sharklike teeth to carve out the flesh of his arm.

Chakra 160
Jutsu used:

Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto

There was something off about this person he didn’t act like a normal human being or did he entirely look like one. To go along with his pale almost blue body, and gill his mouth was full of animal like canines and incisors. Ken’ichi saw how easily the man had snapped the rod with his teeth and again put that into his memory base to stay away from his mouth.  On the beach Ken’ichi let his opponent talk as much as he wanted, ignoring everything he said and only focused on the plan he had been devising from the moment he saw the fish man come from the water.  He was told that the gills were real but Ken’ichi completely doubted that the gills on his shoulder were completely functional; it would make him a monster.

I like the idea of fighting a monster, it would be better if he shut his trap for a few seconds though. Ken’ichi thought to himself as he finished tying his head back, he could hear the opponent calling out to him telling him not to hold back.

“Don’t worry man I won’t hold anything back.”
A thick mist started to appear almost out of nowhere, it was thicker than the natural mist of Kirigakure no Sato.  It was so thick that he could not see his hand in front of his or his unnamed opponent the only thing that Ken’ichi could think could cause such a thick mist was a jutsu.  With his guard raised and his mind whirling through the several different moves he could and possibly make. In the distance he could hear something cutting through the air, like something heavy with an edge being thrown. Ken’ichi moved to the right and used his kekei genkai Shikotsumyaku and manipulated and created bones to protrude from his forearm, shoulder, and back.  This was the first time that he had ever used his kekei genkai in battle and hoped that with the thick mist his opponent could not see the protrusion of bone from his body and wound himself. To his surprise his opponent had lunged towards him his jaws open baring down on his forearm where the bones from his Shikotsumyaku had been created.

Last edited by Shishio Makoto on Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total



~Ooc just add in if my bite hits or not XD sorry nitpicking

Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto

My bad man I edited the post I thought I had it in there but I was typing too quick.



Dunkis teeth met bone... not bone that was through flesh just dense thick bone, his teeth shattered at the force he tried to bite with, No I was an idiot he is a kaguya son of a bitch His teeth hurt like crazy and dunkis eyes were good enough at this point that he could see the bone he bit into it was now cracked and chipped, but not enough dunki made a quick hand signs, still biting on the arm to make sure that he didn't get away, he activated his newly learned water prison jutsu, knowing that he couldn't move away or make hand signs due to his locked up arm , he then conversed hi opponent in a water orb knowing that once inside the orb he wouldn't be able to move at all...or breath either, there would be no way for him to get out at this point, the only way he could've gotten out was if he had made a hand signs for a jutsu before hand dunki thought that this was done, but he would probably let him go and continue if he felt like it but he would choose later...

Chakra~ 195/220
Jutsu :
~ training Water prison 683 /1000
~training Water clone (in a little bit) 0/1000

Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto

What was wrong with this guy, his movements were all over the place and they didn’t seem well thought out at all or atleast that is the way it seemed to Ken’ichi. The mist that he had created seemed pointless unless he had some kind of way to know exactly where Ken’ichi was and the throwing of the sword was just as pointless if he was only guessing his location. Before the sword flew his way Ken’ichi slid to the right, his hands were still at his side waiting for the slightest sound of his opponent. In the back of his mind he knew there wasn’t much time before his body began to weaken on him but he would not call it quits so easily. To insure he would not be attacked from behind he created bones that were shaped like spikes from his back, and his forearm were like half circle, to guard from weapons cutting into his flesh.

When he moved to the side, Ken’ichi heard the crunching of his opponent’s feet charging towards his jaws open, out of reflex Ken’ichi raised his arm to protect him and to counter whatever attack was coming. However he was more than surprised when Dunki bit down on his forearm where the bone protruded.

Are you freaking serious this guy tried to bite me?

Before Dunki could start the handseals for his jutsu Ken’ichi turned his body towards his opponent forcefully and brought his elbow down on his head in an attempt to free himself from the shark man’s grip. With his opponent so close Ken’ichi knew there were several things he could do to this man to insure his victory even if it was just a sparring match.



Thankfully Dunkis jutsu only took two hand signs which for him took no time at, but on the other hand his opponent was trying to wrench his teeth out of his arm by bringing his arm down onto his head...where his mask was pulled up, dunki wore his mask on the top of his head while swimming so he could catch fish but for once that came in handy, dunki felt the force of the hit but the mask took any pain or damage it would cause him, letting him finish his water prison jutsu, causing the prison to engulf his opponent, due to the contact of teeth to bone. His opponent would be completely paralyzed due to his prison justu and the moment it finished engulfing him, he switched the contact, he moved his hand into the sphere and took his teeth off his arm and stretched his neck out while saying, Well seems i won one round ill let you go if you want to go another round haha so how about it another round? he said with a light smile and laugh he also wanted to try his water clone jutsu on this guy and wondered how he would fare against 6 of him all using shark bomb. He waited for the response...




The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Kamikira' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Thread Intervention' :
Swimming with Sharks [Sparring/ Dunk/ No Kill] Failur10



None of the targets in this thread are Sp Jounin or above. You are not allowed to invade Chuunin and lower rank.
This invade is invalid regardless of result. You may not try again in 3 days.

Shishio Makoto

Shishio Makoto

His body was heavy, his legs felt like cooked spaghetti noodles and his lungs had been set on fire everything around him had begun to slow down and blur. The illness that he had been born with had finally showed its ugly head and effected his body accordingly, the agony he felt was unlike anything he had felt up until this point and there was no way that he could continue this sparring match. His opponent had not outclassed him or outmatched him in any way it had been due to the way Ken’ichi had pushed his body the previous day which resulted ultimately with him being captured in a water prison. Had the pain in his lungs had not been so great there were several things he could have done to escape, he had let the enemy get too close without punishing him with his taijutsu and his bloodline trait. These were all mistakes that would haunt him when he thought back on this brief spar, and had it been an actual match he would not have survived, especially if he could not find a way to overcome the pain that was surging through his body.

Surrounded and engulfed by water Ken’ichi gripped his chest in pain, the bones he had created retracted and vanished from sight. He would remember the next time he fought this guy to break more of his teeth and get a few jutsu under his belt so that he would not lose the same way again. The question was muffled and almost inaudible from the water in his ears and the burning in his chest didn’t want to stop, all he could muster was a shake of his head in decline of a round two. He was took physically exhausted to continue.



Dunki had won the fight, using his Newly trained Water prison jutsu, catching his opponent in a sphere of water, he called out as his opponent seemed to go into extreme pain, though it couldn't be his jutsu due to the fact that he had only been in there a few seconds and couldnt be of loss of air, Woah buddy you cool, are you sick, he let go of his water prison jutsu and let his opponent fall out, Dunki caught him on the way down, and looked at him, it seemed that nothing was wrong, he must be a Kaguya they were diessed and this was the first time he saw it in person, it made dunki happy that he was in a healthy clan, though he was a shark that was better then this, he then helped his buddy up and said Next time come healthy ok? haha
1058/1000 for water prison (Trained)

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