1 Pesky Jeroba (D rnak Missoin) Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:19 am
Kikisu was instructed to get rid of mice...mice they were telling a ninja to get rid of a mouse it was ridiculous but at least there was pay in it for him, and he guessed there was a a very small target for a mouse which would mean that he could practice his Kunai launcher technique, though he only had three and there was reported 10 mice or jeroba, whatever they wanted to call them, Kikisu just called them mice, it didnt matter to much they would all be dead or gone soon enough now that kikisu was ordered to get rid of them.
Kikisu started on his way to the food stores where they were reported to be at, to start his search for their nest, thankfully he wasnt alone on the search he had tabok with ihm, his other puppets were still soaking in oil to help them streghthen themsleves, so all he had was his own Tabok, though Tabok was thus far his only puppet with hidden mechinisms, his new puppets were more attack based then surprised based, which suited him better then the sneaky ones, like tabok, who at the moment was on his back...now to find that nest.
Kikisu started on his way to the food stores where they were reported to be at, to start his search for their nest, thankfully he wasnt alone on the search he had tabok with ihm, his other puppets were still soaking in oil to help them streghthen themsleves, so all he had was his own Tabok, though Tabok was thus far his only puppet with hidden mechinisms, his new puppets were more attack based then surprised based, which suited him better then the sneaky ones, like tabok, who at the moment was on his back...now to find that nest.