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1Combat of the Olympians![Mission] Empty Combat of the Olympians![Mission] Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:45 am




This was just going to be another mission, he told himself. Or at least he'd hoped it would be. But it would also be a way to show the superior strength of the Uchiha. Syekren, a young upstart chuunin from the village of Sunagakure no Sato had been assigned a mission recently, that was all but a fight. It would be him against the past champion of speed in one on one mortal combat. Ninjutsu was frowned upon, but could be used, and Taijutsu was greatly applauded. Syekren stared at himself in the mirror of his bathroom for a few minutes before deciding he should get dressed. He would not put the contact lenses he owned in, as if he used that Sharingan he wanted people to know who and what he was, making the Uchiha name more famous in his village. That way people might respect him.

Syekren left his bathroom, walking back to his bedroom wearing only loose boxer-shorts. He yawned as he walked, moving the dark blue, almost violet colored bangs out of his face, grabbing onto his roll of bandages that were left upon his dresser for his later use. The man began to wrap the bandages around his head, mainly around his forehead area, the top of his bangs reaching back far enough on his head when pulled straight back to be wrapped up and held down by the bandages, effectively keeping them from falling into his face during battle. He silently pulled on black shinobi tabi onto each his feet, first right, then left and pulled on his black shinobi tights as well. Grabbing the black netted shirt from his dresser, he pulled it on over his head, smiling at the mirror. On the back of his netted shirt was the uchiha symbol stitched into the small diamonds in the pattern of the fan and flame, with the white and red colors being as they should. The last step was putting on his black shinobi sandals and he was ready.

He uttered a small goodbye to his parents as he went to the front door, opening and stepping out of it to shut it once more. He then pushed his hands into the pockets of his shinobi tights, walking non-chalantly towards the current objective of the olympian sparring ring where the speedster champion was surely already awaiting his arrival. Needless to say, the Uchiha was excited to test his meddle against the speedster champion. It was rare to find someone who wasn't just focused on brute strength to win a battle and even rarer to find another like him who specialized in speedy attacks. The fight he was going to enter soon would definitely be one that he would be remembered for, and remember for the rest of his days. At least that was his hope as he neared the olympian arena.

And of the arena itself, the structure was gargantuan in size. It dwarfed all the buildings inside the hidden sand village save for the administration building itself. True it was large, but the best part about it was that it flew flags of the five great nations and a few flags that Syekren himself didn't recognize all that well. There  were clan symbol banners all around the roman colliseum shaped building, one of the banners being the symbol of the Uchiha clan, flying proud and true in the slight breeze that buffeted it. Without another moment to lose, Syekren made his way to the registration desk, the clerks of which pointed him to a door on the side of the arena for him to enter and await his fight.

It wasn't long before he and the champion were being announced to a crowd of cheering and excited fans. The announces himself spoke using a jutsu to augment the volume of his voice projecting it over the entire coliseum. "Ladies and Gentleman! We have a real treat for you today! The champion olympian speedster Nahiko Ogibara, against Sunagakure's very own Syekren Uchiha! What an exciting battle this should turn out to be! Without further adeu, fighters enter and come out striking!" With that the announcer retreated back to a small V.I.P box allowing him to observe the battle safely while both Syekren and his opponent entered the ring.

Nahiko Ogibara was a man of at least five feet and four inches in height. He seemed to be about Syekren's weight and build, making him the ideal fighter for a speed bout. This would definitely be something that the fans would be happy to have gotten out of bed for. And Syekren smirked, crouching down into a readied stance, waiting for his opponent to make a move. And soon he did. Nahiko charged the Uchiha man, striking high and low, with kicks to the head and knees, then pushing his foot to Syekren's stomach. But the angle Syekren got was a bit different. For someone supposed to be so fast, his speed was only average of maybe higher than genin but still lower than chuunin. Nothing to really be proud of to call oneself a champion of Speed. Ducking silently, the first strike missed and Syekren jumped up a bit, bringing his knees to his chest, before landing once more to dodge the second. As for the foot coming at his stomach he sighed and put his palm to the bottom of the foot, negating the attack.

It was his turn now. He quickly pushed the male back by his foot, his body blurring to the normal eye as he pushed forward to be behind the male as he fell. Syekren raised a knee to the man's spine and quickly  pulled his form around to the front of the male, landing two punches into his stomach, then one more to the man's face, forcing him into the sand upon the ground. Syekren walked away from his quietly to allow him a chance to get up and resume the fight that the fans were still cheering for. All of the fans were screaming out the Uchiha's name and he was getting pumped. Once the speed olympian stood up once more, he was off again, bringing his foot across the other man's jaw, knocking him back a bit. Before he could even land, syekren was in front of him once more, rapidly pushing his fists into the man's stomach, grabbing his arm after and pulling on it to throw him at a column. The olympian crashed into it, having cracks appear, as he fell to the ground face first and unconscious.

The uchiha sighed and exited the arena, going to turn in the mission, thoroughly disappointed.

WC: 1126/1000

Mission Complete, Exit Thread

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