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1 A Super Soilder? sweet... Mission Empty A Super Soilder? sweet... Mission Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:18 am



: “Ninja, there are reports of a massive man walking this way, reports state his stature as 7’4” in height and more like a tank than a man. I think there’s more to this man who meets the eye, intercept him and stop him from causing any more devastation.” these were the words that dunki had been told after he went to the command center after his fight with the puppets and swordsmen, and now he was given a real good mission, he was told of a super soilder like man who needed death and to dunki that seemed easy enough, but he wondered who he would be with he with he was with, he kind of hoped that he was with another swordsmen, or woman that last girl he was with was a good swordsmen but not a killer he kind of wanted to fight a killer sometime soon or also with a killer, Dunki was one, he had murdered that leaf village ninja in cold blood and other things, and he was getting kind of tired of these nice ninja he wanted to team up with a cold blooded man like himself.

Though he had no time to Care about that at the moment, Dunki had arrived at the camp after his day trip to the village in the rain, in which he acquired new equipment, one of which was a set of green armor which painted blue to match his skin and a giant fuma shuriken which he really liked which he learned that armor takes a long time to put on, it took him around 10 minutes, after that though it was quick enough to put his mask on and strap his Bastard to his back and strap his longsword to his hip, Dunki was armed to the teeth now, all he needed was some kunai which could wait because his swords served his well enough.

Dunki looked in the mirror and thought that he looked pretty bad ass, almost worthy of a swordsman of the mist which he one day aspired to being one day, to follow the great kisame step for step, h had even used a quote by him before he killed the leaf ninja, he would follow him, even though he was long dead he would follow step by step. Dunki took out his long sword and looked at it admiring the edge of sharp steel and the one bladed side and the blunt off side, this damn giant man would have no chance against him and others, though he also hoped he wouldnt have to carry the team, Dunki left the dressing tent, and looked aound for his squad or whoever he was to be with, The weak...are meat and the the words rung through dunkis head the words of the shark would be his guide and no medical man would stop that. Dunki walked over where his group was and started to wait to leave.
Word count~ 507/3000

2 A Super Soilder? sweet... Mission Empty Re: A Super Soilder? sweet... Mission Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:14 pm



Wolfgang walked into the war camp, looking left and right, looking at the broken puppets and the wounded and the dead, loving the sight of war, and as it turned out Wolfgang was on the side that was winning at the moment, and the enemy was Seven Bells some puppet master and his minions, Wolfgang didnt care who he fought for as long as there was blood where he was sent and e would fight for this side, but if the other side looked better he would happily switch over, but at least now he was on the winning side so he was content.

He was late coming to the battles, he had been in the hospital from some sero kid that he fought, he had cut him up pretty bad, though he didnt care so much about it he was usually cut up due to being numb but the doctor said he had to stay in the hospital for 1 week which sucked but he couldnt do nothing about, he had ripped multiple tendons and was low on blood when he arrived so he couldnt force the doctor to let him go. His suit was torn and ripped also so it was worthless, it was thrown out so he was wearing only black pants and no shirt at this point, while he waited for his tunic to be made, so everyone looked at him funny because it was raining and probably cold...if he could feel it.

he was intrusted to meet a group of other kiri ninjas to fight a apparently giant man, they said he was around 7ft something which meant he was barely taller then Wolf though he was told that he was also massive, though Wolf was considered massive by most people so he wasnt to worried, he walked over to the changing tent and saw a armored up Hoshigaki getting ready in bright blue armor and a black steel mask, he was quite small to Wolf wondered what he was here for, he then noticed the weapons on him, a long and big sword hung on his back and a smaller one bladed longsword and a massive shuriken that was over top of the sword on his back, someone who need so many weapons was probably weak in jutsu, he was sad for who he was teamed with they would need to pull a lot of weight it seemed.

Though the man had left the tent so did Wolf he needed to meet up with his group and get ready for a slaughter, this giant of a man could probably be taken on by him alone with his summoning it would be child's play, but the mizukage had told him to stay in a group during missions, so it seemed he had no choice. Wolf arrived at the meeting site and saw the Shark man he had seen before waiting, Son of a bitch is he on the squad he called out to the Hoshigaki Hey you going on the mission to kill the giant man if so im with you, Sharky, im Wolfgang he said stretching his neck and looking down at this guy and waiting for a response

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