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The sand grounds were quiet and lonely at this time of day with slight wind gusts circulating around the area, kicking up tufts of sand. There was a lone chuunin male of the Sunagakure no Sato standing amidst the small sanded hills, looking at the training dummies he had set up. He had been gone a while, too long it seemed. For everyone who used to be weaker than he had suddenly become so much stronger. And what was he doing about it? Nothing. He had only just returned from a long vacation to find things too different for his liking so immediately he would begin to train. The male stood with his back straight, his tan sunagakure coat's sleeves fluttering in the wind. He silently shook his arms a bit, shouldering the coat, and letting it fall from his body. He had not worn his shirt underneath it, and instead all one would see on his upper body would be the Sunagakure hitai-ate tied around his right bicep. He undid the knot quietly, and let that fall to the ground as well.

The jacket had hit the ground, but before the hitai-ate could the male had jumped forth, his body pushed with immense speed towards his target: the first training dummy. He brought his right leg to cross and kick upon where a human's jaw would be, knocking the head from the first dummy, spinning his body to land facing the others. No he flipped his hair from his face quietly, showing his dark blue eyes. The male stood in the sun's rays, his peach-colored skin catching a bit of the light and showing slightly darker hues. His almost black hair shown the dark blue, almost violet colors thanks to the sun's rays. And upon his right bicep was the hidden sand's symbol, burned to his arm as a scar from his first battle with the sand-user Mizuto. He quietly stood, surveying his obstacle course.



The sand grounds were quiet and lonely just the way she liked it. A big smile on her face than side "quiet its good to have some time to ones self". she than hears a little boom of something being hit over the sand dunes next to her. she than walks to the top of the sand dune and sees a young man who looks to be working out. "Hmm who is that i don't recall seeing him in the village before" so she stay were she at to what he'll do next.



the slight wind gusts circulating around the area kicking up tufts of sand just like every other day. "hmm were is she at?" she was thinking to her self. she than puts a back pack down than use's one hand to move her hair out of her face. than she starts to walk for a bit more than sees some one on top of a sand dune "it must be big sister" as she run s to her sister. ones at the top she walks up to her sister "Hey big sister are you hungry i get lunch for us" as she opened the back pack. than see's some one what looks to be working out.



The male sighed, pushing his form forth and twisting once more to bring around his left leg as he reached another dummy, kicking with all his might. The dummy's support shattered to shards of wood as the dummy itself flew towards the girls upon the opposite dune. Syekren noted them and moved his body quickly, ducking underneath the flying dummy and pushing on leg up, the bottom of his foot contacting the midsection of the dummy, kicking it skyward. It was just a foot in front of the girls when he did this, barely in time to stop it from hitting them. He looked quietly at the girls, activating his one-tomoe sharingan. He waited patiently, as he could count the seconds, noting the height the dummy had reached in the air, while moving his body to two other wooden dummies. His foot came to kick the supports out from under them, shattering those as well, and he kicked them into the air, to match the height of the first, knocking into it and pushing it up into the air a bit more, while he made the tiger handseal.

He then inhaled quietly and quickly, filling his lungs and throat with the air, while allowing his chakra to mix with it. He then blew outwards, a large orb of roaring flames flying quickly up to meet the falling dummies just thirty meters above their heads, burning the wooded things to nothing but ash and soot. The ashes fell around them like a dirty snow, the flames evaporating completely after a minute or two. He exhaled softly, looking at the two with his one-tomoe eyes."Hello"




she sees the dummy coming towards her and her little sis she grab's Sammey and pull's her behind her. as she was about to kick the in coming dummy but at the last sic the young man jumped in front of them and kick the dummy to the sky. He then blew outwards, a large orb of roaring flames flying quickly up to the dummies just thirty meters above their heads, burning the things to nothing but ash and soot. The ashes fell around them like a dirty snow. she looks at the orb of flame burn the dummy her eye were so wined eyed. she than shack her head the tacks a defense position o if he attacks them she well be ready for it. than he look at them "Hello" he side Hello and who are you?"



"Hey big sister i make'd some rices ball's and someas she was about to side some thing els her sister pull her behind her. she than pokes her head form her big sisters side and sees the guys eye's "sharingan!?" her voice was unabel to come out all the way. than a fair ball coming form the guy she than closed her eyes win she open'ed her eye's agan a black snow falling form the sky. than the man side "Hello" not saying anything she just wanth back to hinding behind her big sister.



The male's eyes shifted between the girl hiding behind the first and then the one who had gotten into a defensive position. He simply shook his head, laughing softly. "My name is Syekren. And I am too much for you to handle, trust me." The man then de-activated his sharingan, walk to where his jacket and Hitai-ate were on the ground, picking them up. He silently attached his headband to the belt of his pants, pulling his jacket back on over his shoulders. He left his hands out of the sleeves, crossing his arms over his chest as he made his way back to the two females. "What might the two of you be doing out here by yourselves? I'd wager you didn't come out here to train as I did."



Her eye's are fallowing the man than he simply shook his head, laughing softly siding "My name is Syekren. And I am too much for you to handle, trust me." she than put her head down trying not to get mad. " OK don't let him get to go Ezra just keep cool" than she bits her leap than she lookd up as he was coming back "What might the two of you be doing out here by yourselves? I'd wager you didn't come out here to train as I did." than side "No i come here for the quietness and i'm Ezra and this is my little sister Sammey as she moved form in front of her sister.



as she heard the man side "My name is Syekren. And I am too much for you to handle, trust me." ones her heard that she looked at her big sister and hopes her don't gos off. As Syekren came back up he asked "What might the two of you be doing out here by yourselves? I'd wager you didn't come out here to train as I did." Ezra side "No i come here for the quietness and i'm Ezra and this is my little sister Sammey" than Ezra moved out of the way. Sammey that trys to hid behind her back pack hiding her face and being to shy to say anything.



The male silently looked the two over once more, the younger girl shyly trying to hide her face. He sighed a bit, moving his gaze to the sky. "Well it's quite nice to meet the both of you. I wonder, would either of you wish to do a few missions with me? I am trying to become stronger and it is always more fun to do so when you have others with you." A smile fluttered to the male's lips as he looked back to the two females. This was a genuine smile and he wholeheartedly meant every word he had said. Who knows? They could become good rivals if given enough time to train and catch up to the Uchiha Chuunin. If not, then he could always ditch them when he needed to, and move on to become stronger by himself. But that was always so boring and he felt good to have weaker acquaintances around him.



Syekren than asked "Well it's quite nice to meet the both of you. I wonder, would either of you wish to do a few missions with me? I am trying to become stronger and it is always more fun to do so when you have others with you." thinking about it "sure why not got nothing better to do here" as she looked at Sammey "what a bout you Sammey?"



Syekren asked "Well it's quite nice to meet the both of you. I wonder, would either of you wish to do a few missions with me? I am trying to become stronger and it is always more fun to do so when you have others with you." she looked at sister in a shy and soft voice "i can i'm going to be meeting my sensei any day now i'm sorry"



The male looked at the younger girl and shrugged a bit. "Quite alright." He then looked to Ezra and smiled once more."I think with just you and I the missions won't be too hard. That is if you think you can handle it?" He smirked a bit and chuckled. He didn't think much of these two as so far they seemed a bit weak. He really didn't see that changing anytime in the near future either.



*hmm something about this guy is evil this maybe fun* thinks in head. chucks what you think i can't handle a little work and i know you don't think too highly about me or my little sister now do Mr.Syekren?" as she gaves a 1/2 smile and having her hair cover her eyes.



seard she picks the bug down and says "nice meet you" she than truns to her sister and tells her "he a Uchiha we may kill you win he done whit you"



The male chuckled at the older one's response and her question."No, I really don't my dear. But then again I do enjoy surrounding myself with those who are weaker than me." His eyes trailed over to the younger girl, as she whispered something to her sister. He shook his head a bit, chuckling once more and giving the girl an evil smirk. "Secrets don't make friends you know. It isn't nice to whisper about someone when they're right here in front of you. Don't you think that's a bit rude, small child?"



as her little sister tell her he a uchiha she starts laughing "that sounds about right". she than picks up the back pack reach in to the pack and through a rice ball at the man than chucks you looked hungry and by the looks of the pack she make a lot of food" than pulls one out of herself and starts eating it.



as she was telling her sister what she need to side she heard a cold voice coming for the man "Secrets don't make friends you know. It isn't nice to whisper about someone when they're right here in front of you. Don't you think that's a bit rude, small child?". she than was paralyze whit fear unable to move her eye wined. than her big sister gives him some food to eat she than tinks "but how can she be so calm about this it maybe the last thing they ever do" all wile the feeling of two sword right on her back ready to kill her any sic.



The man quietly caught the riceball, smiling at the girls. He took a bite, turning away from them and walking away. "I'll let you know when I start the mission."He then jumped into the air, away from the sand dunes, onto a fence post. He continued to jump away from post to post, until he started hitting buidlings and continued on, until he was out of sight, going to get ready for the next mission he was sure to take.


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