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1Watch you head buddy (mission) (open) Empty Watch you head buddy (mission) (open) Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:27 am



The real war had begun, the puppet master seven bells had attacked the mist, and the initial attack had been staved off but the real battle was in the second battle this one would decide the outcome and the fates of the whole village, so dunki could not fuck this up he had to do his utmost and had to work with his teammates and help in the war effort as much as he could.

Dunki had been instructed as a genin to follow the behind the jounin spearhead assault and take on the weaker and the leftover puppets and masters, and although dunki thought that it was slightly demeaning to follow behind the jounin and the rest and take their scraps, this wasn't a matter of pride anymore this was to protect the village so whatever happened dunki had to accept as necessary.

His day had started normal thanks to the battle not being inside the village yet it seemed, but he had to get ready early and get going and see who he was partnered with, so he ate a raw fish when he awoke and put on his hoodie and black pants, and slung his bastard sword over his back and strapped on his cheap namehage mask that he got at the festival, and putting his hood up left the apartment and started his trek to the outer reaches of the village, hoping to make good time as not to be late.

He arrived at the gates sometime near 6 pm and took a seat near the wall, dunki looked up at the sky and wondered why seven bells wanted to kill everyone here, dunki didnt doubt that he had good reason the mist village pissed a lot of people of it seemed, he had already tried to leave once before and wasnt to kean on staying here now but the pay for this mission was good and the war was against almost everyone so he would probably defect afterwards, and finally leave this wretched place, maybe to go to iwagakure and find out the crime there.

It had started to rain, Oh wonderful now i get to sit here and wait for people in the rain the truth of it was it was almost always raining in the mist village and although dunki loved water, due to his shark like nature, rain made his clothes wet and everthing was always soggy, he would love to take a break from the rain and go somewhere dry like Iwa or Suna, these thoughts entertained Dunki throughout his wait for partners and took away some of the boredom of waiting and doing nothing.

Dunki took his Bastard Sword off of his back and looked at it , it was given to him by the genin of the name Reitou, the kid who had caught him and slit his throat while he had tired to defect and took him back, not uninjured but dunki would have loved to damage him more then he had, but he was bleeding out, and this kids way of saying sorry had been to buy him a new blade, though it was very nice compared to his old one but every time he looked at it he saw the kids smug face. Dunki wondered how long he would be waiting for his team members.
Word count 561



Abel had been informed rather then asked that she would be attacking several of the bells lesser forces. She swallowed as she read the orders. So she was to accompany others and hope to engage the weaker forces in battle. He green eyes looked up at the storm clouds as she nibbled her lip. She truly wished the air didn't feel so foreboding. Like it or not she was getting dragged into a fight. And she couldn't just call in sick. No she needed to do something here. At least her Odachi was a finer quality then most. Still with her smaller chakra pool and facing greater amounts of forces. She could feel a cold breeze as it stirred around her. Still she rose from her seat.Walking inside she put on some actual pants and a skirt over them. The pants would keep her warm. Next was her usual shirt with the fake breasts and finally it was time to pick a coat. She ruffled through her closet and grabbed her pirate coat with the shoulder pads and the frills around the neck. She smiled and took off the frills before tying in her head band. Then slipping into it. She was a pirate through and through. She even decided to wear the thigh high pirate boots with her pants tucked in. Ahh yes this was fashion. Next was the eye patch which went over her right eye. Her bangs pulled back and tucked under her favorite captains hat.

She was going to be prepared this time so she reached out to the top of her cupboard and grabbed her medical box which she tucked into one of her coat pockets. The medical box held bandages and sewing thread and needles and scalpels. All the things she might need to save a life. Or many. Next was her Odachi. "Come then Koibito. You know I hate it but we got blood to spill." Koibito was her name for her sword. It meant lover. She did have such an odd attachment to the huge sword. A B ranked weapon at that. Still she strapped it to her back so the hilt was over her left shoulder. The bamboo scabbard tight against her back. Lastly was the big black umbrella. It looked like storms outside after all and she did prefer to be kind of dry. She smiled as she twirled in front of the mirror before blowing it a kiss. She was just adorable.

Quickly she left the ship just before 6 pm and headed for the wall. It started raining before she even got there so the umbrella was pulled out which slowed her pace. But when she arrived after half an hour she was still fairly dry and smiling. One person seemed to be waiting there for her. Oh well he was holding a big ass sword so maybe.. Wait a tick. She knew that kid. Oh yeah she had stopped him from bleeding to death after the two genin had a pissing contest when he wanted to leave. She didn't really understand that plan of action much. If they guy just got to chunnin then he could ask to go train in a different country and get it out of his system. She grinned a little to herself as she thought of fish boy in Suna. All that dry air would make his skin and gills burn and itch. A fish not only out of water but tossed into the desert. He wondered if the guy would start to smell like rotting fish. Still that needed to be put aside for the moment. Instead she spoke as she neared.

"Well your neck looks better. You ready to go? By the sounds of it the battle has moved and we have our opening. You wanna take point kid?"




OOC~just letting you know im a chuunin they just hadnt changed the thingy yet :) (just in case i use B rank jutsu)
As he was sitting there waiting a person came into his view and started to walk toawards him,
"Well your neck looks better. You ready to go? By the sounds of it the battle has moved and we have our opening. You wanna take point kid?" The Women said to him, at least he thought she was a woman he couldn't really been sure but either way this seemed to be his partner and he found it funny that this was the woman that had healed him when Reitou had slit his throat his hand started to scratch at the scar that it had left him, whenever he thought of it it made it itch. Kid? i'm a Chuunin now, and wont get cut up for leaving anymore, haha, once again though thanks for healing me, yeah ill take point are you ready to go he said in a cheery voice, he had no grudge against her, she is the only reason that he is alive right now, Wait didnt you take my sword from me,? it was gone when i woke up His old shitty sword had been stolen from him when he had been defeated, but he had a new one now, much better then the older one he had.

He looked back at the Women, man, and called out Other then healing me, what other stuff can you do, like ninjutsu or taijutsu, just wondering for when we come in contact with some enemies and need to coordinate, i use this sword and ninjutsu, long range ninjutsu he said with a smile and a laugh as he started to continue on.
He decided that it was time to go after all and started at a light pace out to where the battlefield was, it would be a semi long walk or run to where the puppets had been fighting so if anyone else is going to come and help them they would have to find them on the road, he was not going to sit around and wait for someone for all this time he wanted to get going and get finished with this mission even if fighting puppets seemed quite fun he wanted to get going from the village as fast as possible, but he couldnt just leave his village mates to die here he would get them out of this ordeal and such then he would quietly take this leave, maybe start doing some crime it was much easier for the money.

Word count 431 (sorry for slightly small post itll be longer next time :) )

4Watch you head buddy (mission) (open) Empty Re: Watch you head buddy (mission) (open) Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:05 am



Abel paused as the kid spoke a little. He was certainly proud of his chunnin accomplishment. She raised a single eye brow as the green eye not hidden behind the eye patch observed the guy. She recalled the guys fighting style vaguely. Lots of water jutsu. But she assumed that was just because of his clan. After all the fish like skin was kind of a dead give away. She didn't see many of his clan around anymore. She was honestly surprised he didn't smell like a fish to long out of water. But then again it wasn't like they where mostly fish. Just some fish like qualities. So why had she expected to find something else when she smelled the air? She grinned at the joke in it all though. Maybe she should offer to buy him some fish sticks after wards. Still he made a reference to the medical jutsu she had used on him and then about his sword. She nibbled her lip and pretended to look up in thought. Truth was she had laid her grubby hands on it and sold it to help pay for her current sword. The fine made Odachi on her back. Much longer then a katana the blade alone was 91 cm.

"Mmmm Nope. Sorry. I was to busy stopping you from bleeding to notice it. Maybe it's still in the area? Have you looked? Oh but we don't have time now do we? Yup I am ready to go one hundred percent!"

Still he took off at an easy enough pace in the direction of their objective. He called back over his shoulder inquiring about her abilities and she blinked. She figured the sword on her back was obviously for more then just show. But still she sighed and continued to follow him while she caught up to speak normally so she wasn't hollering out her own abilities in case they where closer then she had thought. He pace kept up with his side by side pretty easily. Her umbrella tucked into her skirt's belt as she had to get wet not. The pitter patter of the rain on her hat kept it our of her eyes but she hated the rain. It ruined her perfect clothes and hair. Why did they have to fight on such a rainy day? Oh well. She figured it would help mr. Water based jutsu a ton. It was his natural element after all.

"I am a close range Kenjutsu specialist and a medic sub specialist. Nothing mid or long range. I suggest you keep the puppets off my back while I deal with the ground troops. No need to worry if I bleed either. As a Hinode my wounds passively heal so long as I am not fatally wounded I will come out of this just fine and after an hour not a scratch will show."

That was a very summed up version of the Hinode. She had seen some of the greater members of a clan stop themselves from even bleeding and heal gashes while fighting in under a minute. Still she had not reached that level of mastery so she would be a little more cautious. Intel had it that there would be puppets and swordsmen with their little Katana's. This was going to be fun. She would show them the superior range and power of an Odachi over a Katana. So long as her partner could keep those pesky puppeteers of her back. While needles and such would never kill her at their rank She needed to be able to fight multiple swordsmen. So avoiding getting hit while slashing and blocking was more then she cared to handle. Still her hand reached up over her shoulder and gripped the hilt of the huge sword. She could feel its ache and want to be used. It had never been meant for her laid back life style. It was there to be used as a weapon.

Mission word count 1304/2500



Just as he thought, a kenjutsu fighter and a medical ninja, that was good, Im a mid range ninjutsu fighter, i use shark jutsu but ill make sure not to hit you with it and ill keep them of you back for you his neck started to itch and he just wanted to start shooting out some sharks and killing some...destroying puppets. They kept at the pace they were at except now Dunki was watching for wooden contraptions that needed a killing, he called out to his partner Will they be coming up soon, if not we should hurry up and find em the troops need our help As he finished saying this he started hearing clicks and clacks in the woods, I just got what i asked for didnt i? Dunki then saw a wooden contraption which he guessed was a puppet, for he had never seen one before in his life. It looked human enough, though blue strings were attached to it that lead of into a bush. The puppet flew at him clicking and clacking madly, he drew hit sword and yelled Hey partner get the puppet i got the man with the strings he then jumped at the puppet feigning an attack  with his sword he parried the puppets blade and quickly jumped over it, then quickly doing hand signs he completed the handsigns for his Water Shark bullet, and fired it directly at the puppeteer that then answered with a fire ball jutsu, his shark devoured the ball of fire and slammed inself into the puppet master causing the puppet master to fly into a near by tree, with a broken clavicle and two broken arms and a few broken ribs though he was still alive, dunki called back do we need him alive or dead either way he grabbed the puppet master and slung him over his back and returned to his partner where he said, Do we? he tired too attack us alone haha he threw the puppet user to the ground, he was probably in extreme pain with broken bones and such covering his body and bleeding from multiple wounds, Dunki wanted to see what his partner would do to him, She had already showed him that she was a lier for he had seen her take the sword, now it was time to see if she was a killer or not, If not Dunki would slit his throat but it was useful for info on her afterall he then smiled waiting to see her response.
Chakra~ 200/220
Jutsu used:
Worcount~ 1450/2500



Abel was wondering about the inconsistency the boy was speaking of as they went. Originally he had assured her he was a long range ninjutsu fighter. Now he was claiming to be only mid range. Had he realized suddenly that he might be over estimating himself or was he just unaware he had made two conflicting statements? Perhaps he was both mid range and long range. She preferred the long range as typically puppets where highly long range types. Still she followed him for a bit until he started shouting. She could hardly believe it. This over confident jerk wad had just tossed out any chance they had of approaching silently and getting the upper hand. Wasn't a stealthy approach one of the things they taught in that academy of theirs? She shook her head wondering if she was meant to survive this man. After all it might be that the gods where angry with her and so they had paired her up with him. Still the responding clicking noises where enough to tell her they where discovered. So instead of engaging the puppet like he 'suggested' She paused to survey the area. Faintly she could smell the fires in the distance where the battle had raged. They where close now.

Still she watched as he evaded the puppet and fired off a jutsu at the bush the strings where leading from. The Katon that came out of it was hardly even a hindrance to the water jutsu he had used. She watched it smash into the bush and hit its target with enough effectiveness. Still she watched as he victoriously claimed his prize before her eyes went back to scanning the direction they where going. The noise they had just made would likely attract others. They where to close for all this laid back talking. The kind of over confident bull he was spewing was going to get them killed. He even brought the bleeding man over to her and sneered at her asking if they needed them dead or not. Still she gazed at him angrily. Her green gaze seemed to be looking down on him. Before she spoke quietly in a near dead calm voice. Her words so cold that he would know she felt no joy at the recent events he had managed to preform. Even if she was afraid of the dead rising and would not touch them after death or being haunted by them for killing them. It was her or them.

"What do you think fish head? You gonna haul them all back over your shoulder like that? This is war. And if he was alone and the intel we where given suggested a group of both puppeteers and swordsmen then likely he was just a scout. And now we are surrounded. Way to go sparky."

She pointed up as other enemies began to fly in through the trees around them armed with katana's and above them even more puppet masters began to take up position in the tree's. She glared at him with a sort of this is your fault look before she drew her sword. The long blade gleaming in the dim light as the rain fell around them. Already she was moving to the right. So far the enemy had managed to gather more forces to their left then the right. So she would begin to engage the weaker side in case they needed an escape route. She figured fish head could figure out his own battle tactic. So she slid over to the right and spun to clash down with the full weight of her sword on one of the men with a katana. The weight of it threw his block down and slammed the blade into his neck. Already he was bleeding as she grabbed his katana yanking it from the mans weakening grasp and raised it over her head to block a downward strike intended for her neck before throwing that back as well and sending a boot into her attackers chest sending him stumbling back before she charged and buried the borrowed Katana in his stomache.

Next was two more swords at the same time. She raised her arms and took both hits to her forearms where she knew they would only hit bone and no important muscles or tendons. before she rolled back with the two and planted her boots in their stomaches to throw them over her head as she rolled. Blood was running down her arms in a small trickle but she didn't mind as she followed through with the roll able to get onto her feet before the two could. Her blade slamming in one cut across both their backs. She was an expert swordsman and she loved to flaunt it. Still more where coming now so she had merely a moment to glance and see what her 'team mate' was doing. After all if he got himself killed then she would have to fight the puppets as well. She had killed four men already which made her a little sick inside but she was going to have to fight through it. If she started throwing up and letting her fear get her she would die here. And she was more afraid of her own death then the death of others. Still two more where rushing her that where late to the party on the right side and the other 6 on the left where approaching as well. She needed to separate them out and engage them individually.

So she moved back dodging in a backwards skip. Sure enough the fastest where arriving nearest her first. One of the two late comers was just faster then the other. However with this kind of back peddling tactic Abel would only be capable of maintaining any distance for a short period of time. After all one could not run backwards faster then people could run straight. Not for long any way. Still her advantage in this scenario was the range of her sword. Twice as long as a katana. She swung out and struck at the first with ease and cut open his front. He faltered and fell. Next was the man running with him. He dived over the corpse for a stab but fell short as Abel was still back peddling She swung her sword down this time cutting the man across the back of the neck. He fell too. But now the other six where almost upon her. She needed to improve her tactic. So she shifted to turn almost back the way they had all came. The sudden shift let her cut one with the edge of the tip of her sword across the neck as she passed. That left five. She kept going until she arrived at a tight cluster of tree's.

Here she moved into the cluster and out to the other side before turning to face them. A smile on her face as she had successfully fooled her enemy into a funneling point. As three came through She lunged forward. There they where all lined up. Her sword pierced three guts, One after the other in an instant. However she realized her mistake then. Only three had gone through. The other two where....... Behind her! They dived forward as one stabbed her thigh and the other she raised her right hand. Letting it impale her hand down to the guard she gripped the guard screaming in pain before her left hand gripped the hair of the man on her left who had stabbed her leg. Before jamming the blood covered katana down into the mans neck through his lungs. Finally she grabbed the katana in her thigh and yanked it out before Shoving it into the last swordmans heart. She let the bodies fall before slowly falling down on her ass panting. Sweat and blood beaded her face. Slowly in agonizing pain she pulled the Katana out of her hand and tossed it to the side. She was bleeding now but her clan ability would kick in soon. Still she gazed up into the tree's to see if the man had managed to keep up or if he was dead yet. Hopefully he kept up because she was in no mood to deal with any puppets he couldn't manage. That would be difficult in her current state.

2704/2500 Mission word count complete.



This girl was no killer...she wouldn't kill the man right away, he laughed inwardly, there was a difference between a killer and having the ablilty to kill a man, Dunki was a killer after the girl missed her chance to kill the man he snapped his neck to the right just as more men were coming from the trees this bunch was being taken care of by the girl and quite well at that she was slashing and stabbing like a pro he yelled to her I wont be beaten by you I will kill more then you Woooo! Dunki said throwing his sword in the air quite high as a group of puppets decided that dunki was a target also, While the sword was in mid air dunki weaved a bunch of hand signs and realised his Mini Shark missiles jutsu firing 4 sharks from his hands, dunki made them follow the puppet strings as 20 small fire balls flew outwards 2 aimed for each shark and a bunch aimed at him the sharks ripped through the small fire balls like putty due to them being D rank and the sharks being B rank equivalent.

Dunki jumped up two his sword and caught it in mid air as the fire balls aimed at him hit the tree he was on setting it ablaze, though the sharks flew into the bushes where the fire balls came from and Dunki heard screams from the bushes where his sharks made contact with the Ninjas throats ripping and tearing into flesh, which caused dunki to yell at the top of his lungs just as his partner looked over at him Like the wise man once said ''The Weak are meat And the strong Eat hahaha dunki then flew down at the now failing puppets and smashed its head with his bastard sword and crushed its head and sending it flying due to the weight and speed of the fall, he then landed near where the fire now was blazing, dunki looked around and heard the screams stop and he then released his jutsu as a Swordsman drooped down in front of him, wielding was seemed to be two Wakashis. The Man yelled and ran in with a two handed overhead chop to which dunki blocked with his bastard sword an at the same time drawing the sword his dad gave him the longsword, his prized sword, single edged and dangerous, he sliced across the mans chest with it and caused a deep laceration in his torso bleeding down his chest and making the man jump back and take a second, then a second man dropped down wielding a huge sword it must've been a Tachi it was bigger then his bastard sword but Dunki wasn't too scared he was actually excited Dunki yelled Come on kill me if you can bitches, this is now fun ahahaha dunki quickly dropped his sword into the log below him and strapped his good mask on the steel one and then grabbed his sword and got ready.

Both rushed him at the same time the big sword coming at his head while the dual wielding one sliced at his legs, Too easy! Dunki used his long sword to parry the tachi to the left and blocked the small swords with hi bastard sword dunki then jumped behind the tachi wielder using the left parry as an opening, dunki grabbed the man and bit hi throat out and spit it on the ground seeing the blood red liquid come out of the man and  soundless scream not escape his lips, he then turned to the other who was shaken from the show. Dunki smiled a blood red smile and said quietly No one messes with the shark and doesn't get...BIT he yelled the last part as he rushed the man swinging his swords in unison at the wound he made before causing it to deepen greatly and causing the man to drop his swords, dunki spun around and sliced at his arms then legs and then the face, covering him in many many wounds until he dropped wordlessly to the ground in a puddle of blood.

Dunki wasn't done yet though out of the wood four men jumped at him and surrounded him, each one was 4 m away they looked very self assured, Dunki would kill them fast, he dropped his swords and did the handsigns for two jutsus, first the water generation summoning 500 cubic meters of water and quickly using the water made for his rising slice jutsu creating four small tube jettisons, at this time the ninja were 1 m away and in mid slice all at his neck, dunki shot each of the jets into their faces the jets shooting clear through their faces and out the other end killing them all instantly, dunki then shot them through their backs and then through them with the jets at the latecomer who stood their with a puppet and a scared but brave look, the bodies hit the puppet and made it move back but didn't do any damage at all, Dunki then shot all four into the puppet making the puppet explode into splinters and causing the puppet users face to blank he made hand signs and shot a giant fire ball at dunki. Dunki used 3 of the jets to smack the ball and dissipate it and used the last on to pierce the heart of the man in front of him.

No more seemed to be coming at this time and the fighting done dunki looked down and saw that on his arms were 2nd degree burns, his jets didn't block the jutsu, he felt the slight stinging of the burns but through the adrenaline rush he didn't feel al of the pain yet, he yelled out to the healing ninja Ha I think they are all dead around here may you heal my arms they are burnt a wee bit he felt great he hadn't killed that many enemies in a long time and he relished the rest of the fighting this was actually quite fun...war wasn't what he was told it was it was the best feeling in the world, well for the winners at least Dunki concluded as he looked around at the corpses he himself had created blood everywhere and mangled puppet and bodies strewn about, he then looked down and saw the he himself was covered in blood not his own but covered, his mask was also pulled over his face due to the biting he had to due so dunki took it off and bent down and washed his face off in a puddle that his water generation created.
Word count 2603 mission completed (sorry of the lateness I had no computer yesterday)
Chakra~ 150/220
Jutsu used:

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