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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

It was a warm and sunny day, the sand blowing through the air. Crabs and shellfish moving around through the sand. Ren sitting peacefully on a rock near the water as the waves come up the shoreline, splashing his feet as he looks down a bit sad and lonely.

" I wish i could visit my friend, but he just had to go on some stupid training with his sister". A bit upset he throws a small shell into the ocean as he sighs.Wind blowing through his hair as he looks around his eyes filling with water, making it seem as if he is about to cry.

He takes a deep breathe and slowly begins to hum a tune. Moving his head from side to side as he playfully swings his feet back and forth.

"Yuzu, yuzu, lift up your head, never surrender until you are dead"
"Yuzu, Yuzu, play all day long, you can always enjoy a song"
"Playfully in dreams passed by, silently you hide and cry"
"No one knows how hard you try, Yuzu,Yuzu, Yuzu no mai"

Hums a bit for a while as a few children stop to listen to his song.

"Yuzu,Yuzu, Yuzu Ren, raised to be better than them"
"You do not need them when, you sing your song as the holy anthem"
"Playfully you play on your own"
"Silently crying all alone"
"Under the moon and under the sun"
"Oh so soon we will all have fun"

The children smile before being dragged away by their parents. He continues to sit there as the sun begins to set. He starts to hum one more time, not noticing if anyone is there.

"Yuzu no, Yuzu no, Yuzu no mai"
"Under the moon, as i say goodbye"
"Yuzu-nana, a boy amongst men"
"You are my moon, Yu....zu....Ren"

He takes a sigh having sung his lullaby. Yawning slightly would anyone even come to see him here. All alone as the sun disappears, did anyone listen. Did anyone care, these were the thoughts he had as he sat there.

"Does anyone care about me?"



There was a quietness to the day that had the young man unsettled. He was restless, eager to do something -anything would do- but found he was at a loss to do anything but train. It was getting later. The air cooling as the sun was long past it's peak in the sky and started it's easy decent on the other side. How long had he been out here walking now? Minutes? Hours? He could have sworn it was still early in the afternoon when he had set off in search of a quiet, deserted place to practice his coordination with the Eizo. Rinao raised a slender hand to rub at his dark eyes, wiping away the dazed feeling that aimlessly wandering for so long had seemed to give him. Where was he even at now? With a sigh, he let his hand drop to the bark of a nearby tree as he glanced around.

Distantly, there was the sounds of water and...something else. Talking? No, it was higher, more musical. Singing? Who the hell was singing out here? His mouth quirked down at the corner as he moved forward quietly. Following the sound of what he presumed to be a child's voice, sounding almost sad. He didn't want to let it get to him too much, but something about the tone tugged at him. Damn his apparent weakness to sweet sounds. By the time he had breached the clearing, sweeping his gaze across the shore, Rinao was fully irritated and ready to chew out whoever was making the racket that drew him from his search. What he hadn't expected was to find a little boy, and hear him say those sad words out loud.

The young man pursed his lips slightly, brushing pieces of his dark bangs back from his face as he moved quietly closer. His arms crossed over his chest. He was NOT going to be the sympathetic guy today, but maybe he could convince the kid to go home. It wasn't really safe out here after dark. His chin was slightly tilted up, a small gesture that looked almost proudly arrogant, as he stepped up close and nudged the boy with his foot urgently like he was afraid to touch him. Mostly, he was just afraid to get closer least the words actually start to mean something to him. "You should go home, kid." For all of his height and age, Rinao's voice wasn't very deep. It was almost soft, low, but it kept up with his effeminate features just fine to not instantly break the illusion. "I'm sure there's someone who cares you're out here alone. At night. In the dark." He pushed emphasis on the last word, hoping to make it stick that he shouldn't be out here. Neither should Rinao either, for that matter.

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Sitting peacefully he slightly shivered as he felt what might have been someone's foot.
As he turned his head a slight panic in his eyes for half a second before he realised, if he was going to be killed he would have been dead already. Regaining his composure as he stared at the strangely feminine man who then began to speak to him.

The strange man told him in a soft voice to go home. He was a bit annoyed then heard the man also say, "... there's someone who cares...". He did not pick up on the rest of what was said then looked down. " It is okay if you care about me, but you not going to here me say that someone does " He looks to the side as he throws a rock managing to hit another rock.

"I am okay in the dark, we have moonlight and some nice shellfish and you might want to be careful of the crabs". A few larger crabs start moving towards Rinao, indicating the reason the boy was still sitting on the rock instead of getting off it. He then pointed to the other end at some shoes while the crabs closed in even further on Rinao.

"Can you fetch those for me please". He asked very politely and calmly as if expecting to be helped regardless of who this person was. The boy did not even introduce himself but he was slightly happy on the inside to not be alone out here. He kept his expecting look as he stared at Rinao who had the gaze of the child, and the slow approach and near contact of the sand crabs about to pinch him.

Was this strange man he met a friend? Was he just some stranger wanting to get rid of him so he can sit on this nice rock? Or was he a shinobi after information? All these thoughts raced through Ren's mind as he struggled to figure out the man.



It hadn't been his intention at first to imply he honestly did care what happened to the boy, but hearing the way the kid said it made him wonder if he should just let him believe it and keep his mouth shut . Yeah, let's go with keeping quiet about that. With a slight huff of a sigh through his nose in frustration, he watched the boy throw a rock. The sharp click of it hitting another rock managed to sound louder than it had any right to be, and he winced slightly. Maybe he was being a little paranoid, but he didn't even know this kid either. For all he knew he could be talking to the world's youngest serial killer. That thought didn't do much to make him more comfortable with the fact he was out here himself right now. It would probably be smart to take his own advice and head back to the village soon.

Rinao wasn't feeling very reassured by the boy's reassurances, that was for sure. Okay in the dark...what did that even really mean? His mouth pulled down at the corner in a deeper frown. With the warning he had looked down, and sure enough angry sand crabs were slowly making their way toward him. Clacking their claws in irritation with a look he deemed highly malicious in their beady black eyes. Lovely. He liked animals, and nature as a while honestly, but not when it wanted to terrorize him. The young man nudged one hard enough to send it a few feet back before it could close it's claws on his shoe. All the others were still a little farther away. He needed to move, or they would start tearing up his nice sandals.

Shoes? His midnight colored eyes flickered to them, and with a sigh he decided he might as well help him out. Though he wondered why he was humoring him to begin with. It might have been because he both needed a break from his wandering, and wanted the refreshing change of some sort of conversation. He usually just kept to himself unless he had a reason to speak up. Rolling his eyes, he hopped lazily over the thickened group of crabs and simply started picking through them. His pony tail swinging back and forth as he went, balancing his weight forward until he came close enough to snatch up the shoes. He was halfway back when one of the crabs managed to pinch his ankle and he yelped a little indignantly. Leaping up on to a much smaller rock that at least got him out of reach of the crabs. With an irritated expression, he offered the shoes up. "Don't you dare laugh." He warned.

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Ren did not laugh or smile he just took his shoes from the man. As he slowly put them on he looked at the man then said. " You a really weird guy and it my first time seeing you"
He paused for a moment. "You can call me Yuzu, that's my clan"

After the brief pause he began tying his shoe laces as he got his shoes on nicely the socks seeming to be inside already. The sand crabs began to run away as the tide was picking up slowly. The water seeming to have just risen before either of them noticed. As he did not even wait for the man to reply he got off from the rock then stood next to him. "You really tall" With that the boy indicated by moving his chin up to the side indicating to follow.

Ren began to jog slightly along the shore not looking back expecting the man to follow. He was not scared of the man and did not feel in danger.
The sand crabs left, the tide came in, the man who may or may not still be behind him. It was unclear what was happening but he thought he made a friend.
He thought that maybe he was meant to meet this man, or maybe he is just a perverted stalker. Either way he wanted the company and did not want to spend the night alone again.



The little boy took his shoes with out so much as a smile, which happened to peeve him a bit. All that trouble and he couldn't even spare a simple sign of appreciation? Not so much as a mumbled thank you. What an ungrateful little brat he was. Honestly, that should have been the point where he turned and left the kid to his own devices. Instead he stood there and watched him put on his shoes. Not so much hovering as just...being there. His dark eyes flicking across the water and back the way he had come a few times while he waited. For what? Words when they finally came, but they were not the ones he wanted to hear of gratitude. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember ever seeing him before either. Then again he hadn't been a part of this village for very long, so this fact wasn't a very surprising one. He kept that to himself however.

"Call you by your clan?" That seemed a little like it took individuality away to him. Rinao himself had never put much stock in to his clan's name. It defined one of his abilities, and that was all he cared about. That was the only good his clan had ever done in his book. He couldn't say he enjoyed being called weird by this pipsqueak, and it made him aggravated enough at first to not even bother to give his own name. Then Yuzu was getting off the rock, and spared a moment to say that Rinao was tall. Well, gee, yeah. That was a bit obvious compared to this tiny kid, but he was by no means that tall. Mostly he just looked that way because of how slender he was. The boy suddenly starting jogging away after having indicated for him to follow. With a frustrated huff of air through his nose, he decided he might as well.

At least the boy was moving along now. With his long strides, he easily caught up to the kid and adjusted his pace along side him. "What are you doing out here anyway? Not really the best place to build sand castles."

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

As he looked back listening to the tall guys important question. "I am out here because there is nothing to do in the village". He stops and stands turning to him. "Do you know if there are any inns out here, i can not walk all the way home from here, and it is really dark we should not be out here late at night". This reply might have been the last thing he wanted to hear, but it was what popped in the Ren's mind at the time.

Ren waited for the man to answer him as he was nervous, not because it was late or because it was dark but because he was sleepy and this place might not be safe. Fidgeting with his feet somewhat like most kids his age. He did not know what else to do. He remembered how he had to collect minerals a few days before on a mission. The rats that loved the dark and wanted to eat him, and now it was dark and he had nothing more than the moonlight for vision. Would this stranger even really help him, he wonders if he was a being rude again. Unsure of himself he kept telling himself he did nothing wrong. The wind blew through his hair as he shivered in the cold and sneezed slightly. His eyes looked slightly watery from the affects of needing some sleep. He looked on the vurge of yawning as the waves could be heard splashing as the tide was coming in.

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Not realising that Rinao had not followed him as he looked back he realised he was now all alone.
He wondered if he would ever see the strange thin man again. As he walked off a bit lost as the cold air blew accross him he was met by a few bandits who spoke cruelly to him.

"Hey, kid what you doing out late by yourself, didn't your mommy ever tell you not to stay up passed your bed time". A woman bandit behind him said. "Kid just give us all your money" as she then grinned "and all your clothes then we will be on our way".

Annoyed and realising why the thin guy told him it was late, he got annoyed by the three bandits and performed the hidden mist technique as the bandits got confused. "Where did the brat go!", "Get him i heard him over there!!" . "Hey, that's my leg" while they were confused he went and performed his water clone technique and as they all three followed the noise the clones carefully hit the two guys between the legs and the woman they beat up as Ren went out of range the mist cleared and the water clones fell apart.

The bandits were beaten and laying there unconscious as Ren went home.
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