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1Missing pets. (D-rank) Empty Missing pets. (D-rank) Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:07 pm



"Cats? Are you serious? Why couldn't it be dogs? I like dogs, but cats are just annoying." Ptolemy silently cursed to himself as he walked up and down the back streets of Konoha village. The day was dark and dreary. Storm clouds covered the sky, and a few drops had already been falling at random for the last hour or so. The sun was soon to be setting on the horizon, and Ptolemy was beginning to question the true existence of his prey. He hand't seen hide or hair of anything even related to his target. With only a few hours to go, Ptolemy was worried that he might actually fail the mission.

It all had started much much earlier in the day. With a strong feeling of patriotism, and the feeling of an empty wallet, Ptolemy had come to the conclusion that he needed to participate in a mission for his village. After receiving his mission, Ptolemy could not help but feel a bit of regret. Not only did he have to track down five of Lady Kitaro's pets, But they were all cats. Ptolemy hated cats and anything else in the feline family. When asked why, he would tell you that all cats are obnoxious, annoying, smelly, and rude. Although he did not have much experience with cats, this was how he felt and nothing you said would change that.

As Ptolemy had searched through the village all day, he had found numerous stray dogs all over the place, but no cats. He had wasted a little bit of time when he ran into Gi Graeae, a fellow member of squad six, and had a lengthy conversation. Afterwards, he remembered that he had a book that was overdue at the library and quickly ran home to find it and turn it in. Now, with only a few hours left, Ptolemy felt the pressure and was starting to get serious.

Deciding that the best places to look would be the parks next to Lady Kitaro's home, Ptolemy mentally ran though the list and changed his course appropriately. After searching through every inch of the first park, He sped on his way through the streets to the next park on the list.

At last, Ptolemy found some luck as he peaked around some bushes in the new park and saw a brown and white colored kitten leap from some tall grass. Unfortunately, right behind the kitten came a growl which was followed by a large black dog. The dog chased the kitten across the park and then cornered it against the river. Wasting no time, Ptolemy dashed towards the animals. The dog was quickly closing in, It's hackles were raised and you could see its ribs from starvation, it was focused solely on the meal in front of it's eyes. Which is why it yelped in complete shock and terror when Ptolemy picked it up by the fur on it's neck and launched it into the river. As the dog swam to the opposite bank and shook off. Ptolemy picked up the frightened kitten and put it in the bag that he was wearing on his back.

It seemed that the first kitten broke the ice, because immediately after placing it in the bag, Ptolemy heard the sound of another frightened kitten just through the trees at the edge of the park. As quickly as he could, Ptolemy launched himself through the undergrowth and located the position that the noise was coming from. In the upper branches of the tallest tree, Ptolemy located a kitten desperately trying to balance on a weak limb.

Ptolemy knelt to one knee and gently dropped his pack to the ground so the first kitten would not get hurt. As he did this, there was a loud cracking noise from up in the tree and a loud shriek rang out from the kitten. Knowing what had happened, but looking anyway, Ptolemy saw the kitten falling past every other branch and straight for the ground. Focusing chakra in his feet, he launched himself into the air and caught the kitten before diving onto the ground and rolling into a sitting position. Feeling an uncomfortable stinging sensation on his chest, Ptolemy opened his eyes and found that the kitten had dug it's claws through his shirt and into his skin. Using both hands, he pried the animal from his shirt and gently inserted it into the bag as well.

The rest of the search went extremely smooth. Ptolemy found the other three cats play fighting with each other in a small meadow of flowers. After getting all of the kittens into the pack, he made his way back to Lady Kitaro's house and returned the kittens to their overjoyed master. With a quick goodbye, Ptolemy made his leave and reported his success.

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