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1Shinigami [Open] Empty Shinigami [Open] Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:28 pm




It had been a few months since Hao's death at the hands of the Hokage and his 'minions', as Hao would call them. It seemed that Konohagakure had moved on and forgotten about the threat that once reigned across the Shinobi World. Children playing happily as if he didn't even exist to begin with and the adults absentmindedly continuing on with their worthless lives, stuck on the same routine as always. A faint figure, almost seeming transparent, stood on top of the Hokage Mountains, on Takeshi's sculpture; the one that led to his downfall. From a distance, this figure would seem like an Astral Projection technique, but it's far from that; it's even something that doesn't exist in this world. The features of the man were just slightly visible; his long black hair and the clothes that he used to wear in his living days. The one thing, however, that took the most attention were his crimson eyes piercing through. It may seem like the eyes of a demon, but his Sharingan is what keeps him tied to this world. The thing that bears his hatred. Although powerless, his time on this world is without limits. "People of this world are as rotten as ever." He spoke to himself, keeping his gaze fixated on the village below. Scanning across the Hokage heads gave him the hint that Takeshi was no longer the leader of this village; as a new head had been added. What happened to him, he wondered. Dead? Retired? The one man that killed him has probably continued to lead his life according to what he sees fit, while Hao himself met a pathetic end.

A flashback crossed his mind, him battling the Hokage, as well as vaguely remembering other figures, but couldn't really figure out who they were. His anger towards the Hokage and Konohagakure clouded his mind to remember those individuals fighting along Takeshi's side. He clenched his fist in regret and grinded his teeth onto each other. He could've taken him, he thought, but it was already too late for him to do anything about it. He can't change the past, just the future. And the future that he has in mind is still the same as many months, even years ago. It couldn't happen if Konohagakure still stood its ground. It needs to be burned down. Something had to change; but how would he be a great influence in the world in his current state? His eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed, plotting once more.

2Shinigami [Open] Empty Re: Shinigami [Open] Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:59 pm

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth made his way slowly up the Hokage Mountain. It was a cloudy day that only allowed the occasional ray on sun to filter through, which would only last a mere few seconds before disappearing again. On days like this Seth liked to come up here and stare down on at his home hidden in the forest. To think about all the things that had happened and what will happen in the seclusion that he could only get up there. To look down on everything else making the people look so small put the world in a very interesting perspective.

Upon reaching the top Seth had the sudden feeling that he was not alone. The presence was unlike anything he had ever felt before. Shivers down his spine made Seth’s hair stand on end and the air itself seemed to be pushing down on him. Seth looked around trying to find were the presence was coming from and saw nothing. “Is there anyone here!?” he called out wondering if someone would even answer, or if the presence he felt was there at all.

3Shinigami [Open] Empty Re: Shinigami [Open] Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:55 pm




A voice was heard from behind him. The one who called out the presence that was roaming around seemed a little bit confused, but as well as a little bit frightened. It actually made Hao feel alive again; cracking a smile across his face, sensing the anxiety like he did from people in the past. Slowly but surely, he moved his feet in order to turn around to face the individual that had approached Hao on, what seemed, his instincts. He was meeting a person for the first time after his death, but wasn't thrilled at all. Death didn't make Hao any softer nor his mind weaker and still stood his ground, mainly because he couldn't even die anymore. His crimson Eternal Mangekyou were focused into the direction of the individual. With that smile still across his face, he responded in a terrifying tone. "Are you blind, mortal? I'm right here.". He raised both of his arms as an indication of his location, presenting himself as a higher being for the first time.

It was strange to exist in the world but not in a physical form. He couldn't harm anyone, but couldn't be harmed, either. It was a sort of peaceful vibe that hung around the environment, which would always be disrupted by Hao's presence if still alive. This not being the case, it annoyed Hao in the back of his mind that he couldn't do something about this miserable village below the Hokage Mountains. He didn't move an inch and his eyes kept staring the person deep into the eyes, as if he was looking into his very soul.

4Shinigami [Open] Empty Re: Shinigami [Open] Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:26 pm

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth stood in the utter silence for a mere moment feeling the pressure weigh down on him making it somewhat harder to breathe. Just when Seth had begun to hope that he had imagined the presence a voice out of no wear suddenly said “Are you blind, mortal? I'm right here." Then a dark figure with its arms outstretched, materialized before Seth, making him almost trip over himself in fear. Red eyes glowed and seemed to pierce Seth to his very core, as if it was not looking at Seth’s physical form but rather his very soul. The pressure in the air grew even heavier as it took a visible form almost causing Seth’s legs to buckle from under him.

Seth took a few second’s to gather himself together before he took a closer look at the figure. Seth could now see that the figure was at least in the form of a man, dark and imposing with eye’s as red as blood. His eye’s held anger in them that made Seth feel as if he was looking into the eyes of death itself. Taking a moment to make sure his voice did not come out as a mere squeak Seth spoke to the figure saying “What, and who are you?”

5Shinigami [Open] Empty Re: Shinigami [Open] Fri Nov 29, 2013 6:30 pm




The smirk on his face remained and a vibe filled with darkness was vibrating off the gaze of his crimson eyes. The wind, although blowing through the area, didn't crawl up Hao's skin, revealing that he's not a human. Not anymore, at least. He has passed through the valley of death and returned to see the fate of the world, with his own eyes. Still plotting, however, should there be any way to return himself to normal, with the odds being against him. Hao waited with introducing himself. He wanted to let the confusion and the shock sink into the individual's mind, giving him some time to recover himself, if necessary. After all; he didn't want to make his name go unheard, especially if he's facing someone right now that hasn't heard of him yet.

His arms lowered back to both of his sides, taking a few steps closer to the person in front of him. With every step that he took, which would normally make a sound, wasn't heard at all. It was as if he was just hovering above the ground and moving himself from one place to the other without even touching a single particle of dust, scattered across the faces of the Hokage. "If you don't know of my deeds, you're better off that way. Learning my true nature will be the thing that makes you stumble, unable to get back on your feet." He spoke, he wanted to make sure that each and every word that he dropped would get through to the individual, before continuing his introduction. "However, it's much more fun to see people struggle and try to keep their minds collected. The weak-minded will fall, the strong-minded will be able to get this world's fate into their hands." With the Konohagakure village still in the background, he tilted back his head; his way of indicating that he looks down upon the person in front of him, as well as Konohagakure itself. "Therefore, to see you struggle, I'll tell you my name. Keep it in mind, for you'll be hearing it again in the near future, I assure you." He waited for a little while, the smirk disappeared from his lips and tilted his head forwards, widening his eyes. "Uchiha Hao. The name was called out, birds flying out of the trees and swirling around the Konohagakure city, through the streets and every alleyway.

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