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Despite the ninja path Kenzan had originally thought he would live out for the time being in Iwagakure, his mind had set him off to a new path that he had never expected to happen. From rocky mountains, and hard ass ground, he was moving to cool weather and growing life. Konoha, the place were eveyrthing was filled with life, he had a nice ring to it. Walking in a straight path that had led to the Iwagakure wall's, he looked back. Remembering the short times he had spent at Iwagakure, despite the different activities he would do in his spare time. He never ment to cause harm if ti had seemed like he did, but he never insisted on being too nice either. Then again, not everyone deserved to live, and the lucky ones live for special reasons. It is all part of the human chain of life. Slowly turning around, Hiyama smiled and waved his hand, as he walked nin his steady pace forward motion. It was as if he was saying good-bye to Iwagakure itself. Of course, he would surely miss the place, it is where he practically stayed for some part of his life. Neafrly at the gates of the holly mountain's he noticed the villagers peeking from different angles, watching Kenzan. He didn't mind as much as he would, he wanted to make today a happy day. He wouldn't try to harm someone as quickly as his ego would allow him too. He didn't want to be the person he was before. If he did and didn't control it, things could really go wrong. And, let's not forget his Jugo Bloodline, which could cause tons of trouble.

Now, exiting the gates, Kenzan said his last good bye to the mother of the mountains in his opinions, watching as the gigantic gates would close. Dust had been shifting in different areas near the gates, the ground would shake, and most of all, so dis his heart. It had felt like his heart broken as he inhaled the loud thunder sound of the gates that had closed. Now, he headed towards his new destination. Where he would start his new ninja path, towards who knew what. He kinda chuckled along the way. He never thought someone like himself, would do what he had planned for the future. Not minding what was in front of him, the ground suddenly felt...soft. Looking down below his feet, he was in shock. A green, full of life substance had been on the ground. Grass. It had been so long since he had every seen grass, barely recognizing its appearance. Maybe he was just over exaggerating, but he definitely knew what he was talkin bout. Kenzan had continue walking, encounternig trees, animals, mushrooms, something that is finally different then hard ground and rock. It was truly great, experiencing something new instead of the normal, this was 'living life'. Never from this point did Hiyama regret his decision. He never knew what he had been doing all fo his life from this point, but he didn't bother thinking about it.

Now, in this area he was filled with nature, near to the Konoha Gates. Kenzan would skip in joy, after his somewhat short walk, his legs had hurted. Most of all, he was hungry as hell. He never expected eh could be so hungry, but he was positive a bowl of ramen would help him regenerate. Besides, he wanted to really taste Konoha's ramen. But before he could think of the delicious flavors, he encountered the great Konoha Gates, worshiping its presence. Looking at the gaurds, he smiled and they smiled back happily. Letting in such a new-comer like Kenzan with ease, it truly made him happy. But Hiyama had to be really careful, he didn't want anyone to think he would cause harm. Especially he didn't want a bounty on his head. Silently he entered Konoha, embracing his new path.


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