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1Hitman Families Empty Hitman Families Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:42 am


Hitman Families Hmfbanner

Greetings! This is a Hitman Family member here posting our advertisement in your forum. You are more than welcome to post in our Link Backs

Hitman Families is an alternate world where organized groups known as "Families" Run the world. Utilizing a structure similar of organized criminal groups like the Yakuza and the Mafia, the goal is to undermine the other families in the race for power. It is about a world where a group of people banded together to try to dominate the world. They failed, but they are still a feared force to be reckoned with. Hitman Families features adventure, romance, action, and just about anything that you wish to experiment with. You can join the families to try to help them to take conquest upon the world, or go alone, and make the biggest bang for your buck.

But all in all, it’s all about having fun and making friends.

(Click our button or the Banner to visit our site)

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Some Features
- Friendly Environment
- VERY Helpful Staffs and Members
- Events, Contests, Tourneys, etc.
- Semi-Technical system (not too specific and not too general)
- A variety of RPers: experienced and developing
- Constant development of plot and of the site.
- Extensive yet easy upgrading and progression of your characters.
- Much much more!

This is just a brief overview of our site. We offer more. Come visit Hitman Families and see what I mean.

Thank you very much
~ Hitman Families, Family ~

And remember, if anyone asks. Yenomrah sent you.

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