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1Hitman Reborn RP Empty Hitman Reborn RP Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:54 pm

7 Flame

Hitman Reborn RP NRa1

In a century where humans have flourished and technology is far greater than anything or any time problems still reoccur. While it may not seem like it to the general population. Secrets wars, fights, and mysterious secrets are yet to be resolved in the underground world of the Mafia. A place where even the most innocent face can lead to the funeral of many. The word of Mafias have decreased in the last few years but they still exist. They wield great power, not only in weapons, but of the seven flames and closely tied with the secrets of the arcobaleno.

Families of mafias rose quickly. Making their way to the top. Where blood relations were not considered. Rare to find freelance mafias the families quickly recruited and fought. In this world, having close ties were the means of survival. But it isn't rare to see faces of the freelance nowadays. And with the help of the CEDEF, the times of crisis in the family can be well resolved and have great power as the external relations to familes.

Many wield the seven flames of the Sky. Cloud, Mist, Lightning, Sun, Storm, Rain and Sky. These flame users can enhance there skills and fighting by mastery their flames and using them. Each flame, unique in its own to its special user.

Now come and join and find your Dying Will

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