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1Getting started [Training/Open] Empty Getting started [Training/Open] Mon Nov 25, 2013 11:48 am

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

"Open your eyes child"
That voice, ever so enticing, seemingly dancing in Raishi's mind soothingly commanding him to open his eyes that he was so desperate to keep shut. He wasn't going to open them. Not this time.
"You know you want to.."
The voice spoke this time with a lot more persuasion to it, as cool as the evening's breeze, and all so soothing. Raishi almost opened his eyes, almost gave in to the command to open his eyes. He struggled dearly to keep them shut, because he knew that if he did open them, he would be able to see the monstrosities buried deep withing his sub-conscience; the demons that dwelled within him, that had haunted him all his life.
"Just open them already"
This time, the voice seemed to be begging now, and despite Raishi's strong determination not to open his eyes, he felt his eyes opening slowly - he was giving in. He struggled within himself, fighting the urge to open them, but the force that permitted his eyes to open up had more authority than he did over his own body. He was losing control.
"Yes, that's right, open them up honey"
Raishi began sweating, at least he thought he was, and that all too familiar feeling came over him; the feeling that he had been living in for the past 5 years, and he had suffered under all his life. Fear. It was a terrible thing, rendering Raishi so powerless that he could no longer control his own body. Fear swept him off his feet, and as he landed hard on the solid floor, he raised his head up, his eyes finally opening. There only a few inches away from his, was the most horrible face he had ever seen. A face that filled him with such horror, that he couldn't bare to look at, because of fear. It gave that slow,sinister smile that Raishi had cowered over for years, and then it was gone.

Raishi woke up suddenly, his body wet from sweat, and his heart beating a violent rhythm. He got up from his ever so comfortable, yet dangerous bed and got dressed slowly, trying to keep a clear mind. He knew what had just happened, but he didn't want to think about it. He didn't see the point in. He had had that same dream over and over again for several years, and he always opened his eyes, to see a ace that he was so terribly afraid off, but yet he could not remember what the face looked like, or why exactly he was so terrified of that particular face. He was constantly tortured by an unknown entity, that seemed to erase his memory of the terror, and continue to replay it over again. A cruel genjutsu.

Raishi smirked to himself as he got out of his home, wondering if that was how the famed Sharingan's genjutsu was like...
He jumped from rooftop to rooftop, with no particular aim or destination. The night's air was cool and soothing, helping to heal Raishi's mental wounds. As he landed on one more rooftop, facing the Tsuchi no Kuni wilderness, Raishi noticed for the very first time, a massive volcano in the distance. He knew it wasn't the Itami Mountain, because he had trained once on the mountain years ago, and it was't in that direction. The volcano seemed to call him, and so he headed towards the volcano, totally forgetting about the torment earlier that night.

As he neared the volcano, he noticed a single tunnel and followed it. At the end of the tunnel, he was in a chamber that seemed to be the core of the volcano. Raishi smiled to himself as he realised was a perfect place to train, and he knew just what he needed to learn, in fact he had several ideas he wanted to try out, but he would do one at a time, get stronger step by step.

He closed his eyes, channeling chakra into his hands. He had to channel equal amounts of chakra on both hands, so he needed to be very slow and patient because this was the first time he was trying it out. He was focused, channeling the chakra carefully and mentally weighing the amounts on each hand. Eventually, they were roughly of equal amount and Raishi took a deep breath as he continued on to the next phase. Transmutation.

This basically consisted of Raishi transmuting the already channeled chakra in his hands, into lava. Simple process.He began the process, by visualising lava in his hands, just as there was lava around him in the volcano. It took several moments, before Raishi could actually feel the temperature in his hands increase as the chakra changed into molten lava.
He stayed there for what seemed to be hours, trying to change the chakra, but nothing seemed to be happen. Nonetheless, Raishi was determined, his eyes closed, putting his all into it. The voice of his tormenter popped in his head, using that soothing voice to try and get him to open his eyes..

"I will not open my eyes!!!"

Raishi felt the molten substance in his hands, and smiled  to himself as his eyes opened. He was done with the hardest part of all.

The remaining phases were fairly simple; the molding of the lava into shuriken, and them so more channeling of chakra, this time Katon, to them, to give that explosive edge. After several moments, he threw the molten shuriken at the nearby chamber wall. He smiled to himself as he watched it explode on the wall. He was just getting started.

10% reduction Quick Learner SC
TRAINED 900/900:

2Getting started [Training/Open] Empty Re: Getting started [Training/Open] Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:05 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

Several hours later, Raishi opened his eyes, standing up from the warmth of the unnaturally comfortable rock, that he had laid on. He had spent all night training the jutsu to perfection, until he could perform it as fast as he could.

Brushing off the ash on his left shoulder, Raishi made for the exit, taking his time to appreciate the warmth that the volcano radiated before he went back to the cold, cruel world outside.


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