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26Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:35 pm



Kami knew on instinct that his options were thin. If he died today then this would be this would be this third time dying. He looked at his hand and saw the blood dripping. He was unintentionally breathing heavily and feeling weak from the blood loss he had caused. He saw how Sebasu was coming toward him as his life flashed before his short dark life. He saw Naota's eyes and could almost feel the murderous intent. He coughed slightly as the ominous feeling that his time on this earth would sound fade possibly. He could barely remain awake from the weakening of his body from his insane biting of his hand. "Damn It why now!" He got angry which made the blood flow slightly quicker to his hand. His coughing had become more frequent as he smirked a little as he became more pale. "It appears I am coming to join you Mother and Father." He then began to put more pressure on his bleeding hand causing himself more pain and yet a slight case of laughing out of possible insanity. He fell to one knee as he grunted in pain and began to get more angry with himself. "This is such crap I should be better than this trash!" His calm mind state was gone and his instincts were the only thing keeping him from passing out just yet. He was slowly beginning to breath harder as he was getting more and more stressed out over his situation. He glanced over at the Hokage. "Great now it's officially getting worse for me." He could feel himself slipping out of consciousness as he looked down at the ground in hate. He felt a rush of regret and sadness wash over him like it was a wave of water. "So much stuff I have yet do to do." "I let my parents down and I failed to reach my goals." He coughed louder and gripped his own throat tightly as it hurt him to cough like that. He could hear a storm coming toward the area the fight was going on. "I will now show my sadness!" "I will enjoy this storm before I go to where ever I will go!" He screamed in anger and hate. As he struggled to stand up to await the pain he was about to receive. A cold feeling struck him like it was his dead parents guiding him and taking him away to place they were. "Mother, Father is that you?" He then felt the cold feeling disappear as he knew exactly where he was standing was where his parents were buried by him a couple days after their death. "Was that feeling just the feeling of death coming over a little bit quicker or a ghost?" He coughed again as his 'savage' brain began to wonder and he had forgotten he was in a fight for his life for a few short moments. His clenched his fist tightly as he punched himself in the head making him fall deeper in the risk of passing out. His body and mind were stressing out badly as himself began to think he was going insane from this. The sound of the storm began to come quicker towards where they were and he was feeling relaxed and had officially began to accept his painful fate. He looked up at the sky and saw how stormy it looked and he fell to his knees harder this time. "Stupid body why must it hurt so much?" His own feeling of pain caused him to feel more relaxed and yet his confidence in himself didn't drop once. " I am an Uchiha we are better then most!" He shouted in angry confidence at all three of them. He then struggled to stand up once more as his began to accept his unknown fate after this. He clapped his hands and wiped off the dirt from his pants. He spun his body around too stretch his muscles once more before seeing how stormy it truly was. As if symbolic to the storm inside his mind. He stared at his bloody and bit it once more tasting the blood on his tongue. He then spat the blood out on the ground smirking at all three of them. "My fate maybe unknown to me but I will not allow myself to fail my parents!" He clenched his fist and raised it to the sky as his father would when he would declare anything powerful and moving. "I will get my Sharingan or I will take my own life!" As the pain in his hand began to feel strong and yet it did not scare him where he was going. He is a proud Uchiha and the one that secretly at night missed his parents. He shook off the sadness and only allowed his confidence and typical angry to be shown. He only could his stronger angry thoughts and his hate was feeling stronger too. As he lowered his fist and kept it clenched and made the blood from his other hand drip on it. "This pain is what I have been made to exist on!" "This blood is what I was made to feel time and time again!" He stared at his hands and saw the paleness and licked the blood like he used to when he was younger. He had officially lost his mind possibly. He laughed insanely at his own pain. As he pointed Sebasu with his bleeding hand. And collapsed again to both knees. His breathing was still hard but it hurt as his stress was hurting his stomach. "Why did I come unarmed like a amateur?" He groaned and slammed his hand that wasn't bleeding on the ground in anger. He struggled to get up and tried to block Sebasu's move to lessen the blow so it did not sent him to the morgue. "Once I am hit I will probably be no good." "If I get my sharingan and manage to stay awake I may just pass right out."

WC: 1011

27Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:20 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

The Inuzuka merely watched, comfortable in his relative safety. Yes; he could (should) step in and save the poor deluded child; buuuut... well, he didn't like him. Not to mention he hated the very idea of beings like this Uchiha freak show. It would be fairly easy to just let Naota and Sebasu have their way; tempting too. Oh well; he did things he'd come to regret all the time; but in the end... this wouldn't likely be one. Not with Naota out for the punk's blood like he was. Well, to try and out speed a Hyuuga or to let it hit and just take him out of the second attack that would be coming fairly soon... Eh, what the hell; he had boosts, and he was naturally the fastest person here. Inuzuka for the win.

Blah, let it hit. The trigger was instant really, no hand seals needed. One of his personal favorites, Quickstep. So long as he kept moving, even a little, the jutsu would act as a boost to his movement speed. Not a huge boost mind you, the jutsu lacked the power of say, VoidStep; but it was plenty when taken in conjunction with the boost of Four Legs Technique. A skating motion more then actual run; he'd found long ago the movements normally only suited to ice-skaters was perfect for this jutsu; less chance of accidentally breaking the jutsu by breaking the cushion of chakra; as he had once or twice (a minute) when developing it. He'd allowed a hesitation of sorts; the half a second enough for Sebasu to make contact with the boy; while making sure Kenta himself wouldn't take any of the hits by mistake.

Skate in, grab and arm, and YANK! Easy enough; the boy was flying when the grab was made; Kenta's Taijutsu training kicking in to readjust the momentum. Swing him around, fling him back and away; trigger Wind Release: Stream for a boost, and GONE! Stream was simple enough; inhale deeply compress it with Wind Chakra, and exhale a powerful burst of air. It was normally used to change direction mid-air; but it could be used for a small knock back effect on the ground. Given all he had to do was angle his feet and he'd slide right over the ground; the effect was enhanced and sent them a good 40 feet away. Time, yay.

His arm twisted and flexed, grip releasing for a split second to change from a hold to a throw. This allowed the blonde to fling the Uchiha upwards, releasing him to the winds as he adjusted his footing again; breaking the Quickstep in order to skid to a stop. His knees bent to absorb the impact of the momentum cancel, channeling it into jumping power. This was used, along with an eye for angles and good aim, to leap into the air after the flying body; grabbing it once more before catching a passing branch; swinging around it like a monkey would and landing. The Uchiha was then pinned to the trunk of the massive oak they now occupied, clawed hand of the Inuzuka holding his throat. “You, if you even think about struggling...” Finger's curled inwards some, dragging the razor sharp claws against the pale skin of the young Uchiha; shifting them to press into the area just above the jugular veins. A lethal threat, if they where pierced, Kami wouldn't live long enough to make it to the hospital. “I would rather they kill you; save's me the trouble. However, that would look bad on this inquiry. There's going to be enough of a headache sorting out Sebasu-sama's sudden return... I don't need nor care to deal with your clan going apeshit retard because a Hyuuga killed one. Nor Naota becoming a clan killer when I was there to stop him. It's bad enough they call him my dog. I'd prefer not to give your moronic family a reason to hate me more then for my clan's ties to your ancient enemies. Stay still; and you might just live, Kami Uchiha. How long; now that it up to you; for after you leave here; alive or dead; I will have nothing more to do with you. You receive no protections of this village again. Be glad I do not label you a traitor here and now. Naota has... special ways of dealing with traitors.”


28Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:32 am



One of his best techniques thrown at the boy. He was flying straight towards him, apparently with no challenge from the wires. This was going to be a piece of cake. That was his only though as the world blurred around him in his rush to finally end this kid's insanity and chatter. His hand thrust out from his stance, ready to strike the kid.. when all of a sudden.. There was a blur in front of him, and the kid was gone.

Though it was a blur of speed compared to how slow everything else was moving in front of him, there was no mistaking that the general color scheme of the speed-blob was Kenta. And he had taken the boy right out of the way of his attack. That wasn't exactly nice of him, and it didn't make Sebasu too happy. He was under the impression the order was to attack, not just stare menacingly all day like the Hokage was doing.

Despite the fact that they were dealing with a petty criminal, Kami was definitely insane. He was harming others and himself, robbing innocent citizens with the abilities he had been granted by the village, killing small animals, and chattering on about how he was going to destroy the village when he got stronger for what reason? Something about his parents, as far as Sebasu could tell, but he really couldn't care. It was the Hokage's duty to protect the village, yet he had just pulled the criminal right out of the attack.

The Byakugan immediately told him Kenta and Kami's location. He saw them fly off into the air, and then away behind him, despite the split moment they passed his blind spot, he quickly spinned around and glared at the Hokage, his eyes pure daggers. He shouted out to the young man who had taken his spot, right after listening to the part where he would 'No longer receive any help from the village.' So the Hokage was basically making him a missing nin? His shout echoed out in the Inuzuka's direction. "Yo! What the hell?! You yanked him away and tied him up just to call him a missing-nin? You're a dick! Now he has to die anyway!"

29Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:35 pm



Give in to me..

Sounds like a good idea.

In a flash, the male darted from behind the former Hokage, the chakra covering his body igniting into flames as he sped past. His shirt fell from his body, crumbling to ashes as it was burned off. Each step ignited the ground beneath him as he raced forward, kunai gripped in his right hand.

A leap forward, his body rotated, bringing his feet up to his chest to absorb impact as he landed upon the the tree that held Kenta and Kami. The wood creaked and cracked, struggling to remain upright under the force that slammed into it. “Give him to me~!” Flames spewed from his mouth as he spoke, his feet slamming into the trunk to take him upwards towards the duo in the tree.

“Give me his fucking eyes!”


Last edited by Naota on Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Chakra costs)

30Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:57 pm



Kami was falling slightly more unconscious. His adrenaline was slightly kicking in. He looked down at the commotion and was nearly smirking. His neck began to bleed like his hand. His eyes showed hate and yet excitement. Thinking that he had finally lost his mind. Do to the pain he was in. He knew he was going to have more scars now on his body. He could hear the storm drawing closer to where they were. His eyes became cold again as he began to feel hunger hit him almost as hard as he was hit. He struggled to speak some words. "The storm is getting closer and we are at a tree." While his eyes returned to the Hokage "Yet is appears the other Uchiha might be fighting the Hyuga." He laughed like a semi insane nearly villainous man. "What is motivations when you came here?" He then remembered the other Hyuga was the Hokage. "Why is he here?" The pain was making his brain work differently then it usually would.

WC: 172

31Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:07 pm

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Of course someone was gunna bitch; they always did. Well, at least the Hyuuga had a point, versus most who just complain to hear themselves talk. The young Kage had methods to his madness; and a plan for this. Mostly, Kenta had a slight soft spot and preferred giving the chance for reform before outright murder. However... that didn't stop him from being the so called dick; and vengeful at that. "Hyuuga-sama; allow me this... you'll have your kill. But not just yet. Call this... an experiment. I'd like to see the depths of this child's determination..."

Code translated: "I'm going to fuck his world up, let him go, and watch him wither and die."

Kenta's attention returned to the Uchiha who's neck was turning red from blood and the pressure of Kenta's hand. "You... you are nothing but a little worm. A tool to be used. That was the gift your parents left you. You think you're special? You think you're better? No, not even close. You're just another little victim that let himself be used until there was nothing left, then thrown to the winds. Your parents where murdered by some stranger? I watch my uncle murder mine, then nearly kill me. You decided to let your insanity consume you? Fine, your weakness, your choice. But no more will it affect this village."
His free hand was enough, the force of a clawed swipe enough to cut the metal of his head band and banish him forever. "You will leave. You will run. I give you 1 hour to run as far and as fast as possible. No one will assault you until then. Take your weapons, take whatever you treasure. Run, Kami Uchiha. Run like you value your life."

The same claw was brought to the boy's face now; a single clawed finger extended. He paused said digit so that it hovered a scant inch from the boy's right eye. "However... Right here. Right now. I will take the pound of flesh you owe me... by my clan's ancient laws (still binding, rarely use, but oh so sweet), you have lost a challenge. Therefore..."

The smell of burning clothing, the roar of the winds... his attention was caught. So, Naota had finally lost his mind. Surprising it took so long; he always went a little wonky around his relatives. Another reason the Inuzuka hated most Uchiha. He rather preferred the normal insanity of his bodyguard over this. “You'll have his eyes, but on my terms.” Using this jutsu the way he was about to wasn't recommended; it really did require two hands to properly control. But hell; at this range... who needed control? He just needed water, and lots of it. Water Release: Water Trumpet. Easy enough, exhale large amount of pressurized water through a special hand sign. The sign itself was nothing special; fingers used to make a O shape, through which the water was channeled; allowing for the control needed. One hand made it extremely difficult to control, normally. It also destroyed the normal range of the jutsu. This itself was fine. Hell, a good back blast of water would feel nice right about now. Feet planted on the branch as he inhaled; hand around Kami's neck yanking forward and slamming his skull back against the trunk before Kenta unleashed the torrent of water from his mouth. Instead of a controlled stream that would have been directed neatly like a fire hose's blast, this was more an outward explosion; only barely more so forward then outward. Gallons upon gallons into the near tons of water exploded towards the Uchiha; sending the equivalent of a heavy rain back towards Kenta and Kami, and a light drizzle as far as Sebasu. This would at the least put the fires out; at best knock him clear from the tree and possibly unconscious. Kenta neither knew, nor cared.

Now then, back to business.

He didn't care if Kami closed his eyes; it wouldn't matter. He was far stronger, and if the boy tried to fight; Kenta would kill him right the and there. His hand twisted, moving from his mouth and towards the young Uchiha, angling so the the claw point faced upward, digit curling so that it was almost like a scoop. The scream would be music, he knew this; singing to the feral beast in his own soul. He hated that he took pleasure in the pained screams of others... but oh, it was allowed here. After all this Uchiha did... so very justifiable. Claw met flesh just below the lip of the eyelid; slicing through it like a hot knife through butter when enough pressure was added. Blood gushed, optic fluid flowed; he didn't care. Worm deeper, slip the claw behind; pressure evenly applied. Don't destroy the optic ball itself... just pop it out, slice the nerve; dig out the back so that the socket would be supremely useless forever more...


Supremely destructive: mentally, emotionally, physically.


The ball hung useless now, covered in blood. Oh, he knew that if he popped it back in, and the saw a medic; he'd recover. Nope. Finger curled upward in the socket, wiggling and feeling around until... Ah, there it was. A second digit was added, cupping the optic and tugging forward. Pop the nerve... tug it harder.... he could see the nerve stretch...



The ball of jelly was flung away, in the general direction of the elder Uchiha; let him start his collection with that. The hand around Kami's neck released, backing away to give him room to collapse. "Enjoy that, you little shit. Now run. Run if you want to live. Or, beg. Beg to die like a tool; and I'd allow it. My associates would highly enjoy it. Your choice."

The Inuzuka leaped from the tree branch to the ground; knees bending to take the impact before walking off. He passed the others, not giving much notice to them. "Remember... one hour. Naota... pass the word along, would you? I need a shower... to much stupid floating around. Hyuuga-sama... if you wish, come to the office later. We should talk." And he was gone, a flash of speed via VoidStep; here one second, gone before you could blink.



32Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:47 pm




The water did indeed knock him out of the tree, but the firestorm would not be quelled so easily. The moment the water came into contact with him, the steam began to rise off his body, filling the air with a white covering and a loud hissing sound. Said hissing sound would drown out Kenta's words; it was either that, or Naota actively ignored him. Naota would drop to the ground by Sebasu, those red eyes watching carefully for his next moment to strike... and it came. Kenta dropped Kami out of the tree...

"This ends here!"

With Kenta gone and Kami in a freefall, Naota would dart back to the base of the tree and run back up it, using it as a springboard to to launch himself at the falling Genin. Those red eyes watched the child, waiting for the barest twitch of muscule to denote Kami's next move.. if Naota would allow it. The elder Uchiha was out for blood, and would not be sated until Kami's was shed. Planting a foot to launch himself, the male twisted in the air, aiming a kick to the child's chin. Given that Kami was falling downward, and Naota was going up, the force of the two connecting would possibly break Kami's neck, if not outright knock him into unconciousness. But that would not be all. No, this was only the begining of the child's pain. If the initial kick connected, Kami's body would be forced back into the air, higher than he had been when Kenta held him. To keep himself from falling, Naota would stab the tree with the kunai he held and rotate around it bring himself back up. Using it as a launchpad, he would leap higher into the air after Kami.

"The world ends with you, Kami!"

By this time, if Kami was still unconcious, Naota would rotate in the air and strike Kami at the height of his arc, unleasing upon him a vicious barrage of kicks that would drive the child higher.....


33Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:47 am



Kami body was bleeding worse this time. The chances for escape were getting thinner then wire. Deep within his skull he began wonder in the best way he can think if his path was truly right. He fought the tears from the pain and the sadness he was holding in for his whole life. Until he finally learned humility and knew what he had did was wrong. He wished that he could redeem himself but it seemed hopeless in this village. Maybe if he was taken to stand and abandoned at the judgement. So he could semi start a new and he would not bother coming back to the leaf yet until he was stronger. Revenge was the farthest thing from his mind. Even blinded he still had hope in is insane little mind. As cold his murderous actions were he was trying to feed the village for the young.

34Evil or Justice (open) - Page 2 Empty Re: Evil or Justice (open) Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:04 pm



No salvation...

"No forgiveness..."

With the barrage of kicks connecting with the genin's torso, he would no doubt be broken and bleeding inside. Without proper medical attention soon, he would most likely die from the internal injuries. But Naota was not going to leave his death up to chance. Leaving something up to chance was too much of a risk. What was that old saying? 'Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong?' Hell no.

He will not leave this place alive.

"You want to be a demon? I will show you a fucking Demon!"

Chakra would begin leaking from the the male's body once more, and as the genin plummeted back to the earth, it would be ignited, once more covering Naota in an inferno. The apex of the jounin's rage for the child ould fuel the fires, driving them to heat up from the passive red and yellow to a bright, beautiful blue. This would be it. Then end of a problem before it got too out of hand. Naota would end this, and prevent another Sasuke from rising within the clan. This whole affair would end right here, right now.

Finish Him~!

"Welcome to Painville!"

Reaching out, the male would attempt to grab the falling Genin by his throat. If he was sucessfull, it would be the end for the child. He would swing Kami, hand still gripping him, down into the ground with enough force to crater the earth for several feet in each direction. Fists aflame would be drawn back, and pummeled into the child's face and chest, aiming to crush them, to grind them into the dust of the earth, the flames burning away the traces of him. Bits of blood would splash about, burning to nothing as they met the roaring inferno that was was Naota. As the body of the genin was reduced to ashes, the male would calmn slowly, mind returning to his much beloved normal level of Insanity.

The Curse was satisfied. It would remain dormant for a while longer, until another Uchiha happened to come about. But for now, Naota was done. Picking himself up, he would dust Kami's ashes off of his pants, and begin to walk off. After a few steps, he paused, turning a red eye to look back at the crater.

"Flawless fucking victory."

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